Supreme Demon

Chapter 3415: The bottom of the pot is really dark!

The old tree is in a hurry, and the void becomes a phantom! Dong Yi was galloping, he did not gallop in the void, but galloped among the ancient trees.

His momentum is very low and not fast, just like an ancient tiger galloping in the mountains and forests, and sometimes stops to take a look at the mountain scenery and let the mountain wind face the Buddha.

He is not like a martial artist who is decisively fighting against the world, but more like a wanderer watching the mountains.


If you look closely, you can find that his eyes are shining, and he is extremely concerned about the small changes in the surroundings. If there is a slight disturbance, he will lift his head and make a defensive posture in a concealed manner.

of course.

If you don't take a closer look, Dong Yi seems to be sensitive to the surroundings, his nostalgia for the beauty of the world, and the expression of the wanderer's demeanor vividly.

Although he is watching the mountains, reading the beauty of the world, walking in the garden, and seeing with the naked eye, his speed is not fast, but in just one hour, he travels thousands of miles, and his direction is also a problem.

Generally speaking, if you want to appreciate the beauty of Wandao, you need to go deep into it and appreciate the spirit of the mountain, but Dongyi's direction is not the secret soil of Wandao, but galloping in the direction of the exit.

In fact, he is very fast, but his wandering posture makes it easy for people to ignore his speed.

Along the way, Dong Yi had encountered more than a dozen people, but Dong Yi used the Disguise Technique, and there were not many people who could recognize him.


Judging from Dong Yi's performance, he is a casual cultivator, galloping in the Mysterious Land with a traveling mentality, which is even less impressive.

He came from the depths of Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth and was evacuating. Judging from the dust on his clothes, Dong Yi is not far from the exit of Secret Earth. It is estimated that he can cross the Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth and step out of Ten Thousand Ways in one day. Secret soil.

His eyes burned and he took a deep breath to relax his tired body and tight spirit. He took a pill to revive his physical strength and strengthen his spirit.

This place has long been far away from the depths of Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth, even if the storm fell, it is estimated that it would be difficult to get his clothes wet.

"I hope you can come back alive!"

"You are the heroes of the forces!"

Dong Yi's eyes are reddish. He can imagine the situation that those characters are facing at the moment, but he can only watch it. If the treasure is not brought back to the power as soon as possible, the efforts of those characters will be nothing. .


Everyone in the forces will remember them.

When his physical strength, energy and spirit were fully recovered, Dong Yi took a deep breath and moved forward slowly. When he arrived here, he was still not rushed, because he knew that at the exit of the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways, there was a strong possibility of a powerful weapon. Xiu sits in town.


While strolling in the courtyard and enjoying the flowers and mountains, several characters flew from afar and fell in front of Dong Yi.

Dong Yi's eyes were faintly cold, his body was tight, and he slightly raised his head to look at those people.

Those are three characters.

The head was a young man, Qi Yuxuan. Although he was only the **** emperor of Guandao, he was very arrogant, as if he wanted to look down on sentient beings. There were two others beside him, both of whom were the **** emperors of the micro domain.

This caused Dong Yi's eyes to flash, and his tight heart eased.

Even if these three characters want to deal with him, I am afraid they are not enough.

of course.

A bird on the shoulder of the leader caught his attention. The bird was the same as its owner, with invincible eyes and very arrogant, with a sharp beak like a sharp knife.

The bird is three feet tall, standing on the shoulders of its owner, and its height exceeds that of the owner.

For some reason, when Dong Yi saw this bird again, he thought of another bird.

It was a **** bird with no character and virtue.

Dong Yi hated the bird so badly. If he can see each other again in this life, Dong Yi must devour it, because that bird made Dong Yi miserable.

It was the stain of his life, and it was painful every time he thought of it.

Dong Yi wanted to stay away from here, so he didn't want to come into contact with anyone.

However, the three of them seemed to recognize Dong Yi and stopped flying over.

"Hey, Brother Dong is really you?"

The leader shouted in surprise: "I found you before, but your appearance is different. If it weren't for Xiao Hui's reminder, we almost missed it."

"You got the wrong person!"

Dong Yi's eyes suddenly sharpened, emitting a brilliant cold light. He didn't expect that someone could see through his disguise skills.

"Brother Dong, don't you want to lie to us."

The leader did not let Dong Yi off, and said with a smile: "Your disguise technique is indeed extraordinary. We can't see through it, but Xiao Hui can tell from your breath."

"..." Dong Yi raised his head and looked at the bird, which is another **** creature.

His impeccable disguise skills can't hide under this **** biological smell.

"Who are you?"

Dong Yi made a defensive stance in a vague manner. These people were of unknown origin. What he was most worried about was that these three people screamed and made troubles out of the Mystic Land.

"Brother Dong, you are a noble man, how forgetful you are."

The headed young man smiled and said, "We have seen it in the Yuyue Festival. How many more have we talked to you?"

"Brother Dong, do you remember us?"

The young man was full of admiration, respected Dong Yi, and mentioned the jade moon event for hundreds of years.

"Jade Moon Festival?"

Dong Yi was taken aback for a moment, he naturally remembered the event, but he couldn't remember these people anymore.

"Ahem, we were only supreme at that time. It was very exciting to have a few words with Brother Dong. Brother Dong doesn't remember us, but we remember Brother Dong."

The headed young man smiled and said, "At that time, we insisted on calling Brother Dong as Senior Dong, but you humorously said that this is calling you old, let us call Brother Dong instead."

Dong Yi tried to meditate, vaguely as if there was such a thing.

"Oh, I really want to be impressed."

Dong Yi smiled and said, "What are you doing?"

"We have just entered the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways, and we are going to explore it."

The headed young man smiled and said, "But before we entered, we met Brother Dong. Of course, this is all due to Xiao Hui."

Xiao Hui raised his head triumphantly, quite arrogant.

"..." Dong Yi smiled, but wanted to choke that Xiao Hui alive.

"Brother Dong, we are very grateful to you. If you hadn't looked at you differently at the beginning, we wouldn't have achieved what we are today."

The leader said solemnly, "Although there is no restaurant here, we still have to invite Brother Dong to drink a few pots of wine."

"A trivial matter, what are you talking about?"

"Drinking again?"

Dong Yi waved his hand and said, "You are going to explore the secret land, and I want to enjoy the flowers and the moon, don't drink this wine, right?"

"But..." "What?"

Dong Yi couldn't help but sink when seeing the three of them embarrassed, but still asked with a smile.

"In fact, let's not hide the truth from Brother Dong, we came in a hurry, and we know very little about the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways, and the brothers and sisters of the Zongmen have already gone deep. Therefore, we want to ask Brother Dong to tell us about the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways."

They were embarrassed, afraid that Dong Yi would refuse.

"Haha, that's it!"

Dong Yi smiled, his heart relaxed slightly.

But he still felt that it was inappropriate to drink at this time.

"It is reported that there has been a turmoil in Ten Thousand Ways Secret Land in the past two days, and the entrances and exits are somewhat martial law."

The headed young man's face sank slightly and said, "We are coming in at this time, and we are really a little uneasy. I would like to ask Brother Dong for advice."

Dong Yi's expression remained unchanged, but his heart sank.

The two people of "Martial Law" made his heart tense.

Obviously, people have been eyeing the five major forces, and guessed their intentions, set up a situation at the entrance and exit, if you don't know the situation, I'm afraid they will just throw in the net.

In Dongyi's situation, it is best to leave Ten Thousand Ways Secret Land as soon as possible, but if there is a powerful martial artist at that exit, it will be different.

This wine is really going to be drunk.

"Okay, then sit down and have a drink, and I will tell you about this mysterious earth!"

Dong Yi smiled and agreed.

He wanted to know from the mouths of these three people about the export situation, and whether the three people had been cross-examined, and even used Yi Rongshu, whether it was feasible to go out with the appearance of these three people.

This is a good meal.

Although Dong Yi tried his best to stay awake, the three of them tried to persuade them to drink, and after a short while, they were drunk.

The bird was standing quietly on the shoulder of "Xu Can", but after he was so hilarious, he didn't even have any image. Knowing Dong Yi as a brother, it flew down and stood on Dong Yi's shoulder.

Dong Yi was very resistant. Since that incident, he has been very sensitive to birds and is very unwilling to be brothers with birds.


Had it not been for the color of this bird to be different from that of the bird, the claws were different from the bird, the body was different from the bird, and the bird was everywhere different from the bird, it was estimated that Dong Yi would choke the bird alive.


After the bird drank it, its image and temperament were somewhat the same as that of the bird, the same arrogance, and the same without wine.

He explained the Myriad Secret Earth in detail for the three of them, and the three of them also gave the answer he wanted. There are indeed five heavenly **** emperors at the exit. Unless the five major forces have equal figures, it is just like breaking through. Reach the sky.

After drinking halfway through the tour, Dong Yi, Xu Can and the others had already cherished each other. For some reason, this feeling reminded him of the bird and the **** characters.

Perhaps it was the alcohol that stimulated Dong Yi, causing him to slowly talk about those guys who have no morality.

"They are nothing, they don't talk about martial arts at all, and they have black mouths behind their backs..." Dong Yi murmured, almost crying: "It's still good for you. You will be walking in the mysterious land in the future. Don't talk to the unfamiliar Wuxiu, let alone get too deep, always beware and vigilant..." "If you can, go straight to the black mouth and knock them out first."

"How to get black mouth and dry turn?"

The bird's eyes widened and asked for advice humbly.

"Just take advantage of the situation and slap a sap on his back."

Dong Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"Is... so?"

A voice sounded, with a familiar emphasis, sounded behind Dong Yi.

Dong Yi was in a daze at first, like hearing hallucinations after drunk, but the more he thought about it, the more unpleasant he became. How could the sound of that evil bird sound at this time?

He couldn't help but look back. It was a completely subconscious action, but what he saw was a deep black bottom of the pot, which was so dark.

"The bottom of the pot is so dark!"

This was Dong Yi's last sentence before he passed out.


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