Chapter 303 Blood Stasis Cleaning

“Oh, strange, Yun Bufan, what about them?” Wang Heng, who didn’t care much about Yun Bufan and the others, wanted to see where Yun Bufan and the others were, but his fairy knowledge was discovered and suddenly found out. The traces of Yun Bufan and the others are not surprising!

“Brother Wang, Yun Bufan, aren’t they going to find the treasure house entrance?” Dong Haitao also flew out in the distance. He didn’t find Yun Bufan’s face a little dignified. After all, Liu Family is also the Big Mac family of the East Comet. His Dong Family is at most the Level 2 family. Compared with the Liu Family, the Liu Family’s treasure house is a treasure for his Dong Family!

“I said earlier, don’t underestimate Yun Bufan!” Wang Heng suddenly smiled, then shook the head: “We found hundreds of people together and found nothing, and the four of them even found the entrance to the treasure house, see Come, this Liu Family baby should be earned by him!”

“Unfortunately, the treasure house of Liu Family!” Dong Haitao looked a pity: “If you have this Liu Family treasure house, then my Dong Family will have enough strength to replace the Liu Family in the status of East Comet. Now there is no treasure house, I am afraid. Heng Family, Lu Family, they will not be reconciled!”

“hahaha, Dong brother don’t have to worry, you Dong Family and my Wang Family are relatives. What’s the matter, will my Wang Family stand by? I mean Wang Family, you are the new giant family of East Comet, your Dong Family is new. First class family!” At this moment, Wang Heng can be described as domineering, and Liu Family is eliminated. His Wang Family is in the East Star, no one can compete!

“Brother Wang said, I am relieved!” Dong Haitao’s face was a joy, and then Wang Libo looked over at the side. At this time, Wang Libo was looking gentle and a green-clothed woman talking about something, that green -clothed woman Also looked at Wang Libo with a happy face, the two are very close!

Dong Haitao couldn’t help but sigh: “If it’s not sharp, I’m afraid that Dong Family is still the second-class family who always worry about others killing the family!”

At this moment, Dong Family does not need to be afraid of being destroyed. There is no reason for him. It is only the shelter of Wang Family. In the whole East Comet, there is really no one dare to resist!

“weng! ” “hong long long !” The entire Liu Family suddenly trembled, and a dazzling black light rose into the sky in the rocky forest. Wang Heng suddenly became shocked: “Where, Yun Bufan really found the treasure house, In the fake mountain forest, go!”

In the treasure house, the black light of the left eye of the god of death flashed, and a black ray of light shrouded the entire treasure house, and a layer of black fog continued to emerge from it, “weng!” Wang Pin Immortal Artifact The momentum broke out, and after the white bead merged into the left eye of the god of death, the dark Relic beads suddenly became the king of Immortal Artifact!

“Hey, chi!” The black light of the left eye of the god of death slammed, and the momentum continued to climb. It turned out to be directly moving towards the Immortal Artifact. Finally, after a while, the black light of the left eye of the god of death slowly dissipated. Black light 璀璨 eyes appear in front of everyone!

This eye is full of endless darkness and deepness, just like the invisible light, people are shocked, He Lin’s trembling hands take over the left eye of the god of death, and then put it in front of Yun Bufan, face It’s full of sadness!

Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then smiled shook the head: “He Lin, the left eye of this god of death, you can integrate it yourself! You can know to give it to me, I am very happy, you have been possessed Gylor’s body. And the soul, you can say that you are now a wizard, the left eye of this god of death, the formidable power you play is also stronger!”

“What? Give it to me?” He Lin stared at Yun Bufan, but this can be a baby of Paragon Divine Artifact, and it is also the most top-level sacred instrument of the wizarding family. Just give it to yourself?

He Lin’s eyes suddenly became wet. If you just handed the left eye of the god of death to Yun Bufan because of the prohibition of the soul, then he is really sincere: “Young Master, the left eye of the god of death, you are in the eye. Can increase your strength, or use it!”

“hong long long!” Yun Bufan’s eyes blinked, and the eyes of the wind and thunder appeared. He Lin looked at the thunderbolt and the gust of wind that suddenly appeared in Yun Bufan’s eyes, and then the complexion greatly changed. These eyes actually made him The soul can’t help but tremble!

“Is it visible? My eyes of the wind and thunder are probably not worse than the eyes of your god of death, so you should quickly integrate into your left eye!” Yun Bufan shook the head !

He Lin stopped, and then looked at Yun Bufan complexly, deep took a deep breath: “Young Master, thank you!”

He Lin sits cross-legged, the left eye of the god of death is suspended in front of him, and the black light of He Lin flashes, and the left eye of the god of death flies into his left eye. Slowly, the left eye of the god of death is fully integrated. In the left eye of He Lin, He Lin’s face suddenly black light, and a burst of black fog appeared, and He Lin’s face became a bit painful!

“Yun Xiaoyou, I didn’t expect it, I was really picked up by you. It seems that we are a few hundred people who are really not as good as you!” A loud laughter sounded, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao appeared in front of the treasure house!

When seeing He Lin, who was carrying black fog, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were the complexion changed, the smell of Wangm Immortal Artifact. They knew that He Lin was in the fusion of the Immortal Artifact, so that He Lin’s hand With Death God’s Scythe and the left eye of the god of death, Immortal Artifact!

“haha, Wang Lao, Dong Lao, you are not slow, the most precious Immortal Artifact in this treasure trove has also been obtained by us, but these things, I have no use for it, the so-called sees have a share, these things Give you two!” Yun Bufan blinked and smiled opened the mouth and said!

“This?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other and then hesitated a little. After all, this is the treasure house that the other party first found. Yun Bufan laughed: “Wang Lao, Dong Lao, don’t forget, we are now our own people, your strength. Stronger, the grip on the Millenium Peak will be stronger!”

Wang Heng and Dong Haitao glimpsed, then nodded: “So, happy thanks to Yun Xiaoyou, Yun Xiaoyou rest assured, we will definitely help you destroy Millenium Peak!”

Yun Bufan squinted, nodded: “Two, how to distribute, you decide, let me wake up, we will leave immediately, Dong Family takes over the territory of Liu Family, and must manage East Star in the shortest possible time. A piece of iron plate!”

“Good!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao had no nonsense. The two men turned directly toward the entire treasure house. The latter two were nodded. The same thing was included in the storage ring. The little Wei on the side was puzzled: Out of the ordinary, can we not use these things in the future?”

“We only know, now we take these things, but there is no place to use them, it is better to give them, as I said, now against Millenium Peak, they have to rely on their people, we have no foundation at all, wait for the next Millenium Peak, do you think that the treasure house of Millenium Peak is worse than this Liu Family?”

Yun Bufan passed a glimmer of light and laughed at the sound transmission. Little Wei’s body was shocked. I watched Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan’s plot against it, and even counted directly into Millenium Peak? Discard the small interests in front of you, and focus on the big interests of the future?

Yun Bufan grinning at Little Wei, Little Wei shook the head: “You can get worse and worse!”

Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head. In less than a quarter of an hour, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao all divided the whole treasure house. They looked at Yun Bufan 讪讪laughed. At this moment, He Lin suddenly black light. Strobe!

“weng!” He Lin suddenly opened his eyes, his left eye suddenly turned a bit, dark, deep, making Wang Heng and Dong Haitao a loss of consciousness, then both of them at the same time, this, what is this look?

“hu!” He Lin slowly exhaled, slowly stood up, Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “Successful?”

He Lin excited nodded: “en! Successful!”

Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other and both of them had a shock that could not be concealed. Yun Bufan said with a smile: “Well, Wang Lao, Dong Lao, let’s go, this East Comet is the most familiar, some of them. Family and Liu Family or Millenium Peak are close, you should know that these families can’t stay!”

“These families, hey, I have been holding them for a long time!” Dong Haitao’s eyes flashed coldly. His Dong Family was originally a Level 2 family, but there are many Level 2 families in East Comet. Liu Family can’t have anything good with his Dong Family!

“The first one, Lu Family!” Dong Haitao’s eyes flashed coldly, and Wang Heng and two people shook out of the treasure house, Yun Bufan also said with a smile: “Go, let’s take a look!”

East Comet, Lu Family House, Lu Family As the East Xing Xing’s Level 2 family, it can be said to be small and powerful, but today, the entire Lu Family is flesh and blood, one of whom is angry. Ruan said: “Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, you two old fellow, are you not afraid of Liu Family and Millenium Peak?”

“haha! Fear? Liu Family is gone, what are we afraid of? As for Millenium Peak, etc., this group of henchman is extinguished. I see where Millenium Peak can come to the East Comet!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao can ignore Lu. The roar of Family. Let go of the big kill!

“bang!” The entire Lu Family suddenly became a ruin, and Dong Haitao’s eyes flashed in the cold: “The second, Hengjia!”

In just one day, the four or five Level 2 Level 3 families of the East Comet were jointly destroyed by Wang Family and Dong Family. Dong Family became the new hegemon of the East Comet in one day, occupying the original place of Liu Family. Even expanding, and Wang Family together become the two hegemons of the East Star!

The bloody cleaning of this day, the whole East Star is full of people’s hearts, everyone knows that Wang Family and Dong Family have joined forces to destroy the Liu Family, destroy the Millenium Peak Elder group, and face the Millenium Peak, some The family who didn’t hold the Millenium Peak and Liu Family thighs couldn’t help but feel lucky!

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