Chapter 502, Adult Scabbard Demon

“hong long long!” on the market, Secret Realm 2nd floor, the endless shore, the whole source of weak water suddenly trembled, the weak water is boiling, just passed the time tunnel and the others are 怔怔Look at this scene!

They had just passed through the tunnel of time, and when they were preparing to cross the endless, the weak water of the entire ocean suddenly boiled, and even the entire 2nd floor rang a roar!

“Not good!” The road dust suddenly complexion greatly changed, and Ye Hongchen and Meng Lianxin looked at him at the same time. At this time, Peng Wang and the four people also shuttled from behind, Peng Wang looked at this scene, not to be surprised. Exhaled: “The source of weak water, the source of weak water was found!”

“The source of weak water?” Yu Wang, Ye Hongchen, Meng Lianxin, Jin Yan and Qingdi, and the others are all shocked, only the road dust is gloomy and a face, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said : “This There are countless entrances to the 2nd floor, but the most central entrance is the source of the weak water!”

“In this endless ocean, there are a lot of array eyes hidden, and when you find the main array eye, you can reach the source of weak water. You must know the importance of this weak water source. You can see the weak water riot now. It must have been that someone got the source of the weak water, and only Yun Bufan came before us to come to Secret Realm!”

In the eyes of the dust, the light flashed, and the cold light flashed away. I watched everyone say coldy: “You, we all seem to have to work together. Otherwise, the source of this weak water can become the bag of Yun Bufan. Things, when the source of weak water, diluted to cultivate his own hands, then you can think about the consequences!”

“The source of weak water!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes are also a flash of cold light, a dream of a lonely heart said: “Peng Wang, the source of this weak water, the role of the fairy beast is much bigger than people, now, you should be sincere Have you teamed up with us?”

“Let’s go, how do you get this 3rd-layer?” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed: “Yun Bufan, it is estimated that 3rd-layer has been reached, we must chase it down, otherwise, once he reaches 4th-layer, 5th- If you have a layer, then we can’t get anything!”

“Reassure, this 3rd-layer endless slaughter, is not so good in the past, the danger is that any one of us may be killed, this Yun Bufan wants to pass so fast, almost impossible!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes flashed , slowly open!

“Let’s go! Let’s hurry down and get ready!” The dusty faint opening, the rays of light flashed, and the power of a fire red broke out from him, turning into a huge symbol, and the dust was shouted. In a low voice : “Fire, check the way!”

“hu!” The huge fire symbol slammed directly into the weak water sea, “bang!” “Chī!” Just a sound of a bang, this fire symbol was extinguished by the weak water in an instant, the road dusted eyes: “find Got an array eye, go, and enter 3rd-layer together!”

“bang!” The dust of the road waved, and an energy flew down. A sound blew, and a pile of wooden poles appeared in the weak water ocean. Looking at these gaze, the road dusted with the slightest hesitation stepped on the wood. On the pile, the rapid advance, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin also followed, the Five Emperors and Peng Wang and the others were a slow step!

“weng!” A burst of gray rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan and the others appeared in a dark space, looking at the dark space of this incomparable gigantic, Yun Bufan looked at all around and then slowly said: “This Is 3rd-layer endless slaughter?”

At this moment, everyone who can come out of Immortal Mansion is outside. After all, starting from this 3rd-layer, I am looking for treasure. The more people, the better, and the treasure, the natural thing. Who is it, can you still find someone else to help you find?

“Everyone is careful, I feel a little bit wrong, this 3rd-layer, it should not be that simple!” Yun Bufan’s voice passed over, but it echoed in this dark space!

Everyone is alert, Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Everyone distracts, everything is careful, if you encounter an accident, immediately yell, what kind of ban is also encountered, in this 3rd-layer, there should be something treasure But treasure, whoever gets it first, as for the entrance to 4th-layer, I hope everyone can look for it!”

“Good!” The drunk and ruthless and the others are nodded, and then spread around all around, Yun Bufan’s spirit has been in a state of tension, which is the secret Realm 3rd-layer, even dare to say that it is an endless slaughter, that absolutely It won’t be calm!

“weng!” suddenly, a burst of black rays of light lit up in the space, everyone was surprised, then looked up and saw that their heads appeared a piece of black rays of light, looking at the top of the head The transparent black stone, drunk and ruthless, the others are not exclaimed: “black glazed stone?”

“black glazed stone?” Yun Bufan stunned, drunk and ruthlessly sounded: “That is a kind of god stone, practicing dark cultivation technique, not only can extract the purest dark power inside, but also improve the speed of cultivation. And this black glazed stone is the material for refining the dark Divine Artifact, but unfortunately, we are not Deity, we can’t take the power inside!”

“Deity?” Yun Bufan glimpsed, and then looked at He Lin’s direction. He Lin, who was still looking for the West, had already sat down on his knees. The body flickered and the black rays of light flashed. The black thread gathered from the black glazed stone towards him!

Drunk and ruthless also saw this scene, could not help but look at the color: “He, he can absorb the energy of black glazed stone? Who is he?”

Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Forget it, everyone is still looking for it. It is estimated that it is only cheaper for him!”

“Be careful!” The drunken shouted suddenly, the white light slammed, Yun Bufan was surprised, the wind and thunder wings appeared behind, the roar sounded, Yun Bufan slammed out to the left, and just the moment he smashed out A black blade glow squats from behind him, colliding with a drunken sword!

“hong long long !” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of violent explosions, black light and white light burst into the ray of the light, Yun Bufan saw, is the scabbard demon, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but shouted loudly: “Join him together and kill him!”

“weng!” bursts of black that rays of light flash, this scabbard demon seems to be not afraid of Yun Bufan and the others, countless sharp knives are cold light flashing, black blade glow constantly pouring black mist, Yun Bufan and The attacks of the others have been banging for a moment!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of sound continued to blow up, the scabbard demon was suddenly blown out, but drunk and ruthlessly shouted again: “behind you, be careful!”

“hu!” “hu!” The battle experience of the people is not rich. When they hear the ruthless reminder, everyone is flying towards the side, and the four blade glows are also flashing, drunk and ruthless white long Sword rolled up a sword flower, white sword flower suddenly swept over these blade glow!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” bursts of explosions continued to pass, drunk and ruthless silhouette bursting, and the other four scabbard demons are also drunk and ruthless, this sword retreat, four scabbard devils At the same time, the evil is fiercely staring at the drunk and ruthless, and the eyes are flashing with the killing intent!

“bang!” Suddenly, a louder blast sounded, and Yun Bufan suddenly flew out. In front of him, a scabbard demon more than twice as tall as the ordinary scabbard demon appeared in his position. Looking at the flying Yun Bufan, this scabbard demon shouted: “Death!”

“The adult scabbard demon, drunk and ruthless, and the others have also been mentioned by Bluetooth. The juvenile scabbard demon is just like the ones in front of them. The height is only about one meter. The adult scabbard demon has two to three. The height of the meter is high, and his attack is much stronger than the young scabbard demon!”

The attack on Yun Bufan is the scabbard demon in adulthood. Yun Bufan was attacked suddenly. If nothing was prepared, he was attacked by this adult scabbard demon. See this adult scabbard demon. When I rushed over, Yun Bufan suddenly became complicated, and the purple rays of light broke out. The dark green ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant also hovered over the head!

Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, and the ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant exudes a dark green rays of light, twenty-four times attack bonus, twelve times the defense bonus, and looks at the coming adult scabbard Demon, Yun Bufan also whispered coldly shouted: “Overlord Sword!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of rays of light, Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword, turned into a huge sword shadow, fiercely smashed toward the scabbard demon, with the ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant’s twenty-four times attack bonus, Yun Bufan is completely sure, this sword can definitely make this scabbard demons undead and seriously injured!

“Bang!” The numerous black swords of the scabbard demon and the Divine Sword of Yun Bufan suddenly slammed together, and a burst of horrible explosions continued, black rays of light and colorful rays of light suddenly dissipated. Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword was shocked back by the other party’s black knife!

Yun Bufan grabbed Divine Sword, the silhouette of the scabbard demon was also retreating rapidly, watching Yun Bufan’s eyes full of vigilance, the scabbard demon whispered: “Human, your strength is very good, but Just want to beat me Akas in this way, it is absolutely impossible!”

Yun Bufan glimpsed: “Akas?”

He did not expect that this scabbard demon had a name, Yun Bufan could not help but smile: “Akas, your strength is also very good, but you want to kill me, but it is absolutely impossible, hand over your treasure, We can not bother you!”

“courting death!” Akas’s eyes flashed in glare, and countless black knives spun up: “It seems, don’t give you some lessons, you really have to be strong!”

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