Chapter 506, encountering Xiong Wang again

“weng!” “weng!” The diamond axe golden light slammed, a horrible momentum broke out from above, the golden light spread throughout the dark space, and the breath of the Imperial Immortal Artifact erupted from it, the diamond axe, After absorbing this golden iron piece, I suddenly entered the realm of Immortal Artifact!

“hong long long!” The originally standing Yun Bufan suddenly slammed into the ray of light, and the power of the body broke out. The powerful space of the powerful earthquake shook loudly, and everyone’s eyes were amazing. Come over, my eyes are full of shock!

A group of energy is constantly pouring into Yun Bufan within the body, Yun Bufan’s momentum is climbing, drunk and ruthless can not help but whispered: “Good mysterious cultivation technique, this, Immortal Artifact advanced, his strength is actually Following the breakthrough, this is a sign of breaking through to the fourth-level Emperor!”

“I have never heard such a cultivation technique, it’s too horrible!” Sword Nobility also praised the shook the head, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo all looked at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan, but the dragon Race’s offering. The stronger Yun Bufan, the better for the Dragon Race!

“weng!” golden light flashed, and the gold arm War God was integrated into the diamond axe. “hu!” The diamond axe turned into a light and swept directly toward Yun Bufan, and disappeared instantly on Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan The golden light on the body suddenly flashed!

“bang!” The powerful momentum suddenly broke out. The fourth-level Emperor, Yun Bufan slowly opened his eyes, unemotional in his eyes, feeling the power of with the body, Yun Bufan’s mouth slightly hangs a curve, he knows, The power of the golden iron, the diamond axe has not been fully absorbed, and when it is completely absorbed, it can enter the Divine Artifact!

“Out of the ordinary brother, congratulations to reach the fourth level of Emperor!” drunk and ruthless laughed, came over from the side, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo also laughed: “Dedication, you breakthrough, but it is too simple, let We envy!”

“Your cultivation technique, it’s really weird! You are a monster!” Sword no life laughs shook the head, Yun Bufan glances around, then said with a smile: “Look at everyone’s appearance, you should all get some benefits. Ah, have you found an exit?”

“It’s just strange here. This space doesn’t seem to be exported at all. We are looking for exit while looking for treasure. The key is that there seems to be no place to go out. The original road is gone, so you can only rely on your eyes. “Lunk and ruthlessly watching Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s eyes of the wind and thunder, in their eyes is a wonderful baby!

Yun Bufan shook the head, but helpless smile: “It seems that my eyes, it is useful to break these magic array!”

“hu!” The eyes of the wind and thunder appeared, and the Force of Wind and Thunder burst out. Yun Bufan’s eyes glanced at the black space. The sound of the thunder was heard. After a while, Yun Bufan took back the eyes of the wind and thunder, with a faint smile on his face: “Found it!”

“This exit, right here, here is a big door, it is a blast!” Yun Bufan laughed, a black crystal block in the mountain wall banged, “bang!” The black crystal block suddenly exploded, appeared A deep black hole!

“En? Is it the gateway to another secret room?” drunk and ruthlessly, at this time, a lot of black fog came from the black hole, and He Linyong, who was sitting cross-legged in the distance!

“This?” The drunkenness and the others are all shocked. The dark fog is not an ordinary force, but it contains extremely strong corrosiveness, that is, they do not dare to absorb, internal organs will be corroded by this force. Into the powder!

However, after this large black mist was absorbed by He Lin, the black rays of light on He Lin was even more dazzling and more stunned. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “He should wake up right away, it seems that The biggest benefit here is He Lin!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” black rays of light slammed into the air. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, a black beam suddenly burst out of He Lin, rising from the sky, He Lin slowly stood. Up, my face is full of joy!

“Young Master!” He Lin flew over with a surprise, Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “This trip to Secret Realm is no longer a loss, let’s go, let’s see where this channel leads!”

In a dark space, a huge roaring sound rang out, a strong silhouette fluttering back and forth in the black space, and in front of it, there are three adult scabbard demons!

“Bastard, you are a group of low-sword scabbard demons, dare to attack me, you are really courting death!” The angry roaring sounds, this sturdy silhouette also exudes a strong black fog, huge palms with strong The black rays of light, shot directly toward one of the scabbard devils!

“peng!” “Chī!” A palm penetrated one of the adult scabbard demons, grabbed the black bead and put it directly into the mouth, and it sounded “ka-cha!” “ka-cha!” This black bead was actually chewed and swallowed by him!

“hu!” rays of light flashed, revealing his awkward face, turned out to be one of the four kings of the demon king, Xiong Wang looked at the other two adult scabbard demons grinning: “Alright, let you This humble body will strengthen my strength and swallow it!”

“roar!” The roar of the bear, the huge snoring sounded the whole dark space, the head of the bear king suddenly became bigger, a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl appeared in the air, directly toward the two adult knives The scabbard demon swallowed it. What is strange is that these two adult scabbard devils did not resist at all, and they kept shaking!

“ka!” “ka!” The black knife that has been immersed in weak water for many years is the best tonic in the mouth of the bear king. The king can swallow the food with keen interest pleasure!

The blushing tongue licked his lips, and the bear king suddenly turned around. The fierce eyes fixed on the dark place. The bear king coldly opened the mouth and said: “Who? After watching it, it’s time to come out. ?”

“tsk tsk, Xiong Wang, I did not expect that you still have this ability. This sword of the scabbard demon, I am afraid that Peng Wang does not dare to swallow it? It seems that the strength of your Xiong Wang is still to be confirmed!” A faint voice sounded, and in a white robe, the white-haired Yun Bufan took the lead and walked out of the darkness!

The black channel is indeed leading to another black space. Unfortunately, this black space turned out to be the treasure spot that Xiong Wang found. It was also a surprise for Xiong Wang to see Yun Bufan, then said solemnly: “Yun Bufan, you Sure enough, still in 3rd-layer !”

“How? Xiong Wang, do you want to deal with so many people with your own strength?” Yun Bufan sneered, and a hegemonic momentum came to life: “Xiong, tell me, the Three Emperors, Where is the cold light and Tu Xingsun, I can spare you a life!”

“Rao me a life?” Xiong Wang stunned, and then laughed heartily up: “hahaha, Yun Bufan, you really have courage, but you are not afraid of the wind and flashed your tongue? Rao me a life? Good, to you The power around me, I have to deal with you, it is almost impossible, but you want to kill me, is it possible?”

“Why, you have to try?” Yun Bufan’s eyes in the killing intent flash, bear king stopped, pupils shrank, and then looked straight at Yun Bufan, took a deep breath: “Yun Bufan, you should understand, yours The enemy, not us, but the Three Emperors, the cold light and Tu Xingsun, I am right?”

“Frankly, Peng Wang, I, and Yu Wang, originally looking for you, but also for cooperation, now just met, why don’t we talk about cooperation, how?” Xiong Wang’s eyes are full of sincerity, Yun Bufan sneer, Watching Xiong Wang shake his head and laugh: “Xiong Wang, this trick of cheating a little child is not used. Are you a fool?”

“I can swear with my soul!” Xiong Wang looked at Yun Bufan solemnly, Yun Bufan was a glimpse, Xiong Wang said solemnly: “Yun Bufan, you should know, what is the purpose of the Three Emperors to the Secret Realm?”

“God World’s Gate?” Yun Bufan’s heart moved and blurted out. Xiong Wang was heavily nodded: “Yes, God World’s door, but do you think that God World’s door will be in this 3rd-layer? I tell you, God. If the door of World really exists, it will only be on the last layer, which is 6th floor !”

“The Three Emperors definitely have the control to the 4th-layer, or even the 5th-layer. You also saw that the Secret Realm, the next level, the better the treasure, the more, but the 3rd-layer Channel, do you know how many scabbard demons are surrounded?”

Yun Bufan suddenly complexion changed, Xiong Wang slowly exhaled: “Hundreds of adult scabbard demon, thousands of young scabbard demon, surrounded by the entire channel, is you, are you sure of 4th-layer?”

“How is it possible?” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but look at it. The eyes of Xiong Wang’s eyes flashed: “Nothing is impossible, Yun Bufan, knowing that so many scabbards are surrounded, but the goal of the Three Emperors is the door of God World. You said, how do they get this 4th-layer!”

“You mean, they definitely have the 4th-layer method, so deliberately open you up?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, at this time, he already believed in the words of Xiong Wang, after all, the soul of Xiong Wang, not at All special fluctuations, this is what He Lin told him!

Bear King coldly snorted and said: “If you don’t open us, how dare they go down, Peng Wang has been following them secretly, so I and Yu Wang are looking for you, Yun Bufan, my demon world can swear with the soul, with Your cooperation is absolutely true and will not be fooled again!”

“Cooperation?” Yun Bufan blinked in the eye, then slightly contemplative, looking straight at the bear king said solemnly: “I want to know, what are your plans?”

Xiong Wang suddenly smiled: “It’s very simple, enter 6th floor with them, otherwise, fight for the fish dies or the net splits, I think our team, the Three Emperors will definitely scruple!”

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