The 512th chapter of the weird big snoring

“Bang!” The huge fist, all of a sudden toward He Lin, He Lin was once again flung out, the devil king eyes emerged a strong killing intent, looking straight at He Lin: “Death God’s Scythe, the life of the Terminator Today, let me end your life!”

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of black light, the demon king is surrounded by strong black rays of light, Mo Qilin exclaimed: “Demon Demon Transformation body, is evil Demon Transformation body, fast, stop it Can’t let it change, otherwise its strength can increase by at least three times!”

“Demon Demon Transformation?” Yun Bufan stunned, his colorful rays of light slammed and attacked the demon king directly. He Lin was also a black light slam, and Death God’s Scythe turned into a dramatic blade glow. Sweeped directly in the past!

The demon king looked at Yun Bufan and He Lin, and then he smiled long: “Demon Demon Transformation, can you stop it? Great devil, give me a transformation, demon only, devil fangs, devil The blade, the devil wing, will show me!”

“hu!” The black fog is filled with cold light. This demon king has turned into a black creature completely, black armor, black wing, black fangs all show up, on his hands, I have Two black short black blades, faint cold light!

“Divine Artifact, both Divine Artifact?” Yun Bufan shocked the demon king. The demon king, the wing, the armor and the two short blades in the hand are all Divine Artifact, even his mouth. The demon fangs in it, maybe Divine Artifact!

“bang!” “bang!” A knife slammed toward He Lin, and blocked it with Yun Bufan. The demon king behind the evil Demon Transformation turned into a burly middle-aged man, “hong long long!” The sound rang, the black light collided with He Lin’s black rays of light, He Lin suddenly bleeds, and Yun Bufan also had a strong hard touch with the demon Wang Lai!

“bang!” In a powerful explosion, Yun Bufan’s body was also furiously flicked out, his face pale, looking straight at the demon king, his eyes flashed: “Mo Qilin, deal with him, and Is there any other way?”

“Scabbard demon, impervious to sword or spear, what do you want? If you attack his weakness, your strength will reach the point where you can smash it with a single blow. Otherwise, there is no way. Can only attack it!”

“Bastard! This scabbard demon, it is so terrible, then in God World, why is it only the lowest level of existence!” Yun Bufan angered and snorted, Mo Qilin is eyes shined: “restraint, restraint, Yun Bufan, let He Lin deals with Death God’s Scythe, and the scabbard demon has a low status in God World because he is restrained!”

“Where you have cultivated the power of darkness, and you have the dark attribute Immortal Artifact, even the Imperial Immortal Artifact, there is tremendous restraint on this scabbard demon, so the scabbard demon is the lowest in God World. Creatures, whether it’s our Oriental God World or the Lord’s Western God World.”

Mo Qilin shouted in a low voice, then smashed an adult scabbard demon, but the sound was literally passed to Yun Bufan’s ear. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and He Lin whispered: ” He Lin, this scabbard demon, I will deal with it, you remember to look for his weakness at any time, be sure to do one hit and kill!”

“Good!” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan, whispered, Yun Bufan nodded, looked at the demon king, his colorful rays of light flashing, the diamond axe, the green wood needle, the water emperor, the fireball and the soil Aegis appeared in an instant, Yun Bufan whispered coldly shouted: “Five Elements Big Sources of the Five Elements!”

“weng!” “weng!” The five major Immortal Artifacts formed a huge five-color aura, which flew directly toward the demon king. The devil’s eyes flashed a trace of fear: “Five Elements Big Source Method Hey?”

“The devil attacked!” The demon king whispered, and the two short blades in his hand exude a dark ray of light, directly stabbing the Yun Bufan’s five-color halo!

“hong long long!” burst into a burst of sound, Yun Bufan’s five-color halo burst into blast, and Yun Bufan’s eyes were cold: “War God’s close-knit!”

“hu!” The wing of the wind thunder shook, and the demon king was just a few steps back from the Five Elements aura. Yun Bufan flashed and appeared behind it, and then the fists of the colorful rays of light slammed over. The power of terror!

First, the Five Elements method, then the True Martial War Scripture’s War God close-up method. In the end, this attack is obviously a colorful Divine Dragon 攻击 attack method, Three Great Paragons, fully displayed in the hands of Yun Bufan. !

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!” With the fists of colorful rays of light hitting the demon king, the devil’s eyes suddenly flashed a painful expression, Yun Bufan eyes cold and severe, one punch and one punch The silhouette is constantly flashing around the demon king, and the demon king can’t even see where he is!

“War God eight punches!” Yun Bufan whispered, eight fists, eight fists flashing golden rays of light, bombing the demon king, the attacking skills of True Martial War Scripture, the attack power of the colorful Divine Dragon With a horrible power, fiercely smashed down!

“weng!” “weng!” Eight huge fists flashed, one after the other, with colorful rays of light, and finally merged into an incomparable gigantic colorful fist, fiercely toward the devil king strikes over!

Devil king pupils shrank, black light flashing, whispering, a layer of black rays of light flashing, “ka!” “ka!” black blade, surrounded by the demon king!

“bang!” “bang!” Eight loud blasts rang loudly, and the demon king was smashed back by the War God eight fists. The demon king Yang Tian roared, Yun Bufan laughed heartily said: “Call It’s loud again, that’s no use, Five Elements Overlord!”

“weng!” rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan appeared again on the left side of the demon king, slammed down with a colorful ray of light, strong tyrant Dao Aura, killing intent in the demon king’s eyes, in the hands The two black short blades were connected together and turned into a semi-circular scimitar!

Demon king shouted in a deep voice : “Devil’s Kiss!”

“weng!” The soft black rays of light, with the semicircular machete swept toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan felt like a gentle breath, which made his fierce attack slow down. !

“Dead!” Demon King with a sly smile, fiercely roaring, black scimitar cut directly to Yun Bufan’s throat, Yun Bufan’s eyes are somewhat blurred, and behind Yun Bufan, the road is straight Looking at this scene, the face is light, there is no intention to help!

“Daozizi, it seems that you still have no sincerity to cooperate!” A faint voice sounded, Yun Bufan did not know when it appeared next to the dusty face, and the face of the dusty face suddenly appeared as a horror, because he Found that he is next to a Yun Bufan, and opposite the Devil King, there is also a Yun Bufan, two Yun Bufan are exactly the same!

“This?” Daozi found that the two Yun Bufans were not only the same length, but even the breath was not bad. In the Yun Yun, the Yun Yun fan said: “You know when you look at it!”

“weng! ” black scimitar collided with Yun Bufan opposite Devil King, “clang!” A burst of dark green rays of light flashed, and the attacked Yun Bufan suddenly turned into a dark green rays of light. Mirror, magic mirror!

“weng! “dark green rays of light flashed, the magic mirror flew directly in the direction of Yun Bufan, the face of the dust looked complexly at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan faint opened the mouth and said: “Dust It seems that you are more likely to die here than to enter 4th-layer!”

The road dust did not change, and looked at Yun Bufan calmly: “You are dead, we may not be able to enter 4th-layer, you are not dead, we may not be able to go in, Yun Bufan, if you change me, will you save me? ”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan simply and surely looked at the dust, the start of the dust, Yun Bufan said with a sneer: “Because I am a man, the man must be said to be a must, saying that if you cooperate with you, you will not be harmed. You, and you won’t, because, you are not a man!”

Yun Bufan left and left, but the dust was squatting in the place, then his face turned red and his anger roared: “Yun Bufan, you are not a man!”

“You are not a man!” “You are not a man!” Yun Bufan The disdainful smirk has been screaming in the dusty mind, and the face is ugly, “roar!” The demon king suddenly roared, countless knives. The scabbard demon came to them!

Even the adult scabbard demon who kept the hole in the cave came over. Yun Bufan and the others suddenly turned pale with fright. Looking at the madness in the eyes of the demon king, Yun Bufan understood that the demon king was afraid of being angered by himself. Really crazy!

“roar!” “roar!” each and everyone The scabbard demon keeps coming over them, and Yun Bufan suddenly shouted: “Fast, gather together!”

“weng!” “weng!” Mo Qilin, Jin Lie and the others each and everyone immediately got out of the fight and came over to Yun Bufan. The road was dusty, Ye Hongchen, dreaming, Jinyan and Qingdi. After the others, they also swept in the direction of Yun Bufan!

“Not good, these scabbard demons, too much, let’s not enter 4th-layer, even their encirclement, it is estimated that they will not break out!” Yun Bufan found that himself and the others have been scabbard demon 3- Layer, outside 3-Layer’s encirclement, the densely packed scabbard demon, at least seven or eight hundred!

Together with the adult scabbard demon with the strength of the Emperor, Yun Bufan and the others suddenly fell into the position of nine deaths and still alive!

“roar!” “hong long long!” Just when Yun Bufan and the others were ready to break through, a huge bang suddenly sounded, and the roar, the entire 3rd-layer, and even Yun Bufan and the others Feel the tremor of the entire property Secret Realm!

With a big bang, you can make the Secret Realm tremble. What is this snoring?

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