Chapter 517, the requirements of the Qing Emperor

“This is 5th-layer?” Yun Bufan looked at the empty space, only the white rays of light floating space, could not help but slightly stunned, this floating white rays of light, even gives a familiar feeling, let people In the memories of meditation, you can’t extricate yourself!

Yun Bufan shook the head, a bit of a tongue, with a hint of sorrow in the eyes, this 5th-layer, even unconsciously with a horrible attack that confuses others’ minds: “If this is 5th-layer, then this 5th-layer Where is treasure? Is it in these white rays of light?”

“weng!” The Teleportation Formation rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan stopped, and suddenly shocked: “Not good, this dust they chased down, are they not afraid of the danger of this 5th-layer?”

When the roar sounded, Yun Bufan gnawed his teeth and smashed directly toward the white rays of light in front. He had no choice but to take the risk and hoped that the attacking power of this white rays of light would not be too strong!

“weng!” The Dragon Goddess appeared on the body, the Dragon Jade Pendant also suspended above the head, the dark green rays of light flashed, 12 times the defense bonus, and Yun Bufan directly broke into the white rays of light. in!

“No, this white rays of light, no attack power?” Yun Bufan broke into the white rays of light and found that the white rays of light did not cause any harm to him, and the handle was released, suddenly it was weird. Is this 5th-layer the safest layer?

“He is there!” A loud drink suddenly sounded, the road dust pointed to Yun Bufan who fled, and then said coldy: “Yun Bufan, do you still want to run? Unless you find the entrance of 6th floor, I see where you go. Run, hey, this 5th-layer, it seems that you don’t need your help!”

“Chasing!” Peng Wang looked at the dust, shook the head, when is this, and so much nonsense, “hu!” golden rays of light flashed away, Peng Wang to Yun as fast as possible Bufan’s direction flew in the past!

“No, this rays of light, there is a problem!” It didn’t take long before I flew in. Peng Wang felt something wrong. There was a trace of confusion in the eyes of the dust: “I feel, how do I feel that my lifespan seems to disappear quickly? ,This?”

“Time is countercurrent, bastard, this is the time of the countercurrent! In this one of the breath, the outside is a year!” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed in the eyes, then exclaimed: “Go, go to the original place, otherwise, Here we can let our lifespan run out!”

“hu!” “hu!” The dust and the others also felt a great misconduct. Following Peng Wang, they continued to fly back, but Yun Bufan among the white rays of light suddenly confused: “This They have the hell is happening? How come back?”

“Peng Wang, what is the time of the tide?” At the entrance of the 5th-layer, the road dust looked gloomy at Peng Wang. Peng Wang took a deep breath: “You didn’t feel it? In that white light, our Lifespan is consuming at a terrible rate?”

“Listen to you to say this, I also found out, in the inside, our lifespan seems to consume extremely terrible!” Ye Hongchen looked up and surprised to open the door, the king behind Peng Wang is also nodded: “Yes, I also felt lifespan The speed of passing is very fast, maybe you are not paying attention!”

“This is the time of the tide!” Peng Wang deeply exhaled: “When rumors are in the ancient Immortal world, some powerful people can control the passage of time, and this method of time and backward flow, even only in the legend! ”

“Times are counter-current. Once you show it, you can let time flow back. One breath is one year, even a horrible one. One breath is ten years!” Peng Wang took a deep breath: “The white light is definitely some of the time. Great array, and the space in the white light seems to be endless and can’t find the end!”

“Don’t forget, we can see where Yun Bufan is, but once you get inside, you can hardly see it. The more you go inside, the more ugly it is. If I guess well, go on. We will even be trapped in this white rays of light, and then lifespan runs out and die!”

Peng Wang looked straight at Yun Bufan’s direction, and then sighed: “If I think well, then Yun Bufan has lost in this time, I am afraid that I will die inside!”

“Dead inside?” The dusty glimpse, then the face was full of gloom: “Peng Wang, according to accord to what you said, we have no chance to enter the 6th floor?”

“Unless you know the existence of the hole in advance, and then rush at the fastest speed, as long as you don’t get lost in this white rays of light, you can go to the 6th floor. Otherwise, once you get lost in the white rays of Among the light, the possibility of our survival is less than 10%!”

Peng Wang’s face is dignified, one word and one mouth open, and the king and the bear king behind him are all with low heads. I don’t know what I am thinking. Ye Hongchen and the dream are also ugly. When I got to 5th-layer, it was bad. I didn’t expect to be stuck at the last minute!

“Qingdi, what are you doing?” At this time, Peng Wang suddenly discovered that the Qing emperor had to walk in toward the group of white rays of light, and could not help but shouted!

The Qing emperor glanced at him faintly, and then calmly said: “Look at the entrance to 6th floor and Yun Bufan, or else what do you think I am going to do?”

“Looking for the entrance of 6th floor and Yun Bufan?” Peng Wang stunned, then his face was gloomy, watching the Qing Emperor quietly opened the mouth and said: “You are aware of the dangers of the Qing Emperor? You go in, It may never come out, and, what are you looking for for Yun Bufan?”

“Dangerous?” Qingdi smiled lightly, shook the head: “Is the ancient gods dangerous? Is it dangerous than the drug here? How can it be? As far as I am looking for Yun Bufan, it is natural to have me, and Peng. Wang, you have nothing to do?”

Peng Wangpupils shrank, Qingdi faintly smiled, stepped directly into the white light step, the white rays of light flashed, the Qing emperor disappeared directly, the cold light flashed in the eyes of Peng Wang, watching the direction of Peng Wang disappearing, killing Intent skyrocketing!

“hu!” cyan ray Mang flashes away, the silhouette of the Qing Emperor disappears instantly, and the dust on the side is staring at Peng Wang: “Peng Wang, this Qing Emperor, is there any way to follow him? Maybe he really has Ways to find the entrance to 6th floor and Yun Bufan !”

“Follow him?” Peng Wang blinked and looked at the white light faint with a smile: “Dao Chenzi, if there is any way, I have already passed, you have no way, can I have any way? ?”

“What do we do now?” The dusty eyes flashed and looked straight at Peng Wang. In the eyes of Peng Wang, the light flashed: “There are only two choices, one is to gamble, and the other is to rest in place. After being sent out ten years later, choose which one, you can see you!”

“Peng Wang, how do you decide?” Daozi’s eyes flashed, watching Peng Wang, Peng Wang’s eyes flashed, faint said with a smile: “I? I naturally, gamble, my body is a fairy Beast, lifespan is already several times yours. What reason can I not find the entrance to 6th floor?”

“Oh?” The dusty eyes flashed, and the eyes were filled with a faint smile: “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Since Peng Wang knows this time, I think there should be any way to crack it? After all, courting death is true. No one will do it!”

“Daozizi, don’t you believe me?” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed in the eye, and looked straight at the dust. The dust was not coldly smiled: “Believe? Peng Wang, are you laughing? Give me now. Say trust? This is 5th-layer !”

“Oh? Road dust, then what do you want?” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed, the road dust faintly smiled: “I didn’t think about it, it’s very simple, just follow Peng Wang, where Peng Wang goes, we also go Where to go!”

“Daozizi, do you think that you can keep up with me at your speed?” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed with a cold smile, and the dusty dust laughed: “Following you, but following the king and the bear king, that is still Yes, Peng Wang, I think you know, you should know a little about King and Bear King?”

“The road dust, you really have two sons!” Peng Wang’s eyes flashed coldly, and then coldly snorted and said: “Go!”

Among the white rays of light, Yun Bufan also flashed a sparkling white light. He couldn’t feel the passing of any time, only felt a strong call, the strong call, getting closer and closer, Yun Bufan felt it, it might be a call from 6th floor!

“weng! ” white rays of light slamming, the mysterious white jade bottle with the body floated from Yun Bufan, suspended above the head of Yun Bufan, flying straight forward, Yun Bufan was surprised, followed by This mysterious white jade bottle, slowly walked forward!

“What’s in the 6th floor? Why is there such a strong call?” Yun Bufan felt that the strong call was getting closer and closer, and his face became more and more surprised!

“hu!” Suddenly, a silhouette was stopped in front of him, Yun Bufan complexion changed, and he hurriedly took back the mysterious white jade bottle, and looked straight at the incoming voice: “Qingdi?”

“Yun Bufan?” Qingdi smilely smiled: “I knew that you are definitely not affected by this white rays of light. I guess it’s true!”

“You came to stop me?” Yun Bufan’s face was dignified, and the feelings of the Qing emperor were very mysterious. It was more mysterious than other glare, Tu Xingsun and the others. He was also free from this time. The impact is enough to see that his is not simple!

“Block you? No, I just can’t find the entrance!” Qingdi smiled and shook the head, looking straight at Yun Bufan: “I know you can find the entrance, take me into the 6th floor, you direction, I There is no interest in what you are looking for, I just want to know if there is a God World door!”

“Why should I believe in you?” Yun Bufan looked straight at the Qing Emperor!

“You have no choice!” Qingdi smiled lightly, watching Yun Bufan slowly open, Yun Bufan suddenly complex changed slightly, eyes sharp!

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