The fifth hundred fifty-seventh chapter

“Black Bear King, is it too good for you to play this idea? If your treasure is good, I can’t help but get the benefits of the big day. Just look at it and help you block the enemy. Your thoughts are too ridiculous!”

Yun Bufan chuckled and his eyes flickered. He didn’t know what the black bear king was playing, but he was not a fool. He made a soul vow, just to see the so-called treasure, it was all harmless and difficult. You can fly to God World without a glance!

“Oh? What do you want? You should know, I can’t let you leave, otherwise you will go out and preach, then I am very dangerous here!” The Black Bear King looked at Yun Bufan calmly, it seems to have long been It is expected that Yun Bufan will not agree with the general!

“I want to help you block the enemy, it is not impossible, but you have to give me at least some benefits? For example, your so-called treasure, I have to share a piece, how?” Yun Bufan eyes glanced, smiling Black Bear King!

In the eyes of the black bear, the brilliance of the brilliance flashed directly toward Yun Bufan, and then the voice was opened and the mouth and said: “Kid, do you know what my treasure is? Even if you want to share a piece of cake, you are pushing me. Killing you?”

“Do you kill me?” Yun Bufan laughed heartily up: “Black Bear King, are you too tall to see yourself? Yes, if it is one-on-one, we are not your opponent, even if you join hands, it is estimated that it is difficult in your hands. How long will it last, and even be broken by you, but if we want to escape, do you think you are intercepted?”

Black bear king suddenly black light flashing, killing intent flashing, staring at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan is a calm face, it seems that I can’t feel the killing intent of the black bear king, staring at Yun Bufan for ten breath times, black bear The king suddenly laughed: “hahaha, good boy, really bold!”

“How? Black Bear King, if you promise, then I can send a soul vow to help you block the enemy. If you don’t agree, then I can only leave!” Yun Bufan did not move, looked calmly. The black bear king, slowly said!

Black Bear King’s eyes: “You want to share a piece of cake, it is not impossible, but, kid, with your strength, I am afraid that it is not qualified enough? To say something ugly, I will greet you now, there will be a number Ten poisonous beasts of the Xiandi level came and surrounded you, are you believing or not?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the black bear Wang screamed: “You don’t forget, here is my site, but I can promise you, if the treasure is shaped, how much I need, then the rest will be given You, if you don’t feel relieved, I can also send a soul vow!”

“en? It seems that this treasure should be a baby that is conducive to cultivation!” Yun Bufan secretly thought about it, watching the black bear king suddenly loudly shouted: “Well, if so, then we will send a soul vow!”

Yun Bufan first sent a soul vow, but the black bear king was secretly sneer: “hmph, Yun Bufan, wait for you to help me fight back the waste, then watch me absorb the thing, you will find That thing, you can’t absorb it at all, you can’t take it away, even all of you, you have to fall here!”

Yun Bufan may not know that this black bear king has already pressed against them in the plot, but Yun Bufan also has his own calculations. After the soul vows, Yun Bufan looks at the black bear king with a smile: “Black Bear King, it’s up to you. !”

The black bear king seems to be unhappy and snoring, but the flash of joy in his eyes is still captured by Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan is even more confused. What does the black bear king want to do?

The black bear king also made a soul vow in front of Yun Bufan, and then looked at Yun Bufan with dissatisfaction: “The kid, should you believe this Majesty’s sincerity? Hey, the soul vows, this is the first time this seat sends. Soul vows!”

Yun Bufan is deliberately smiling and laughing: “hahaha, black bear king, can you blame me, isn’t this a better cooperation? Black Bear King, can you take me to see your treasure?” ”

“Laughter, laugh, wait until the time, you laugh, Yun Bufan, 哼hmph!” The black bear king heart killing intent stunned, but his face is unwilling to look like: “This king’s treasure, can It’s also inadvertently obtained, but I didn’t expect it to be cheaper, hmph! ”

When the black bear turned around, he was about to walk inside the Black Forest. Yun Bufan reached out and took Little Wei. The blue light flashed and temporarily put Little Wei into the Immortal Mansion. “hu!” “hu!” “hu!” Just as they were preparing to follow, the three silhouettes fell in front of them, and the evil fiercely stared at the Yun Bufan trio!

“Who are you? How can you break into here?” One of the faces, a man with a green snake on his head, looked fiercely at Yun Bufan, and asked coldly!

“You three wastes, don’t roll it for me!” Yun Bufan hasn’t spoken yet, and the sound of the black bear’s fury has been passed away. The three silent scenes suddenly burst into flames, and the black bear watched them three roars. Road: “Give me a roll, if someone else comes in, you will wait to serve as a food!”

“Yes!” “Yes!” The three men quickly respected nodded and then left at a faster speed. Yun Bufan knew that this was the helper of the black bear king’s summon, which is his men, but now he does not need it. Dealing with Yun Bufan, they naturally let them go!

“Black Bear King, your three men, is not simple!” Yun Bufan followed the black bear king, said with a smile, the three people, each of which is a six-level Peak, and also very poisonous, Nature is not easy!

The black bear king is stunned: “With their strength, barely can be placed at the end of the top ten of my hand, the strength is too weak, not worth mentioning!”

Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head, but did not say much, but followed the black bear king to the forest outside a black tree, the thick black fog makes people can not see the scene inside, but here is the power of Darkness It is the favorite place of He Lin!

“hu!”took a deep breath, the big black fog was drilled from He Lin’s nostrils, and He Lin’s face suddenly burst into black air. The black light on his body continued to flicker, his face changed indefinitely. After a while, he recovered and remained untouchable. Marvel: “The strange black mist, in the dark fog, there is even poison!”

“hahaha, kid, the fog and energy here, I don’t dare to absorb it. Your kid even dare to absorb it and eat it?” The black bear king was laughed heartily on the side, Yun Bufan knows, He Lin just affirmed Eat a big loss!

He Lin stunned, did not speak, Yun Bufan said to the black bear king with a smile: “Black Bear King, you let us look at the treasure, will not be this black fog? Or take us to see it!”

“Well, if it is not because I lead the way, if your kid is here, it is absolutely impossible to find the treasure!” The black bear king stepped directly into this dark forest, and the black light flashed up, Yun Bufan And the others follow closely from behind !

“Kid, tight, and lost in this, but very troublesome, it is almost all poisonous things around, although the poison does not die, but it is still possible for you to seriously hurt!” The black bear Wang’s low voice Come over, his pace can not help but some faster!

Yun Bufan turned to the back of the body and the arrogant voice opened the mouth and said: “Attention, keep up!”

He Lin and Aoguang are nodded, Yun Bufan is also behind the black bear, surrounded by black fog, Yun Bufan and the others have held their breath. After a quarter of an hour, the black bear stopped. Down, here, it looks like it looks like a small valley!

Black bear king exhaled: “Well, every time I go here, I feel that I am struggling. I have to avoid the poisons. I have to hold my breath and even watch the surroundings. It is tiring!”

“Is it here?” Yun Bufan stunned and glanced around. After five minutes, he couldn’t help but ask: “Black bear, treasure? How I watched for five minutes, and I don’t see the treasure here. Look like?”

“treasure? There!” On the top of a black wall in the faraway of the Black Bear, Yu Bufan turned and he saw it. It was a light ball, a black light ball, in this canyon, and a play. Around the poison swamp, even in this depth, there is a black mist pouring into the treasure, and the rays of light of this treasure are even more incomparable!

“How? Kid, this treasure, can you recognize?” Seeing Yun Bufan looked over, the black bear’s low voice passed over, but there was a hint of excitement in the voice!

Yun Bufan slowly looked up, this dark ball of light, in addition to the strong breath, magnificent, he really can’t see any other famous, especially the dark ball of light, he always felt that there seems to be a special kind of Power, what is he can’t say!

“Weird, weird!” Yun Bufan shook his head again and again, and then looked at the black bear king indifferently said: “Black Bear King, this thing can be power of Darkness, seems to be useful to you? The deal between us seems to be very Inequality, getting this stuff is not good for me!”

“Kid, that’s because you don’t understand the value of this treasure!” The black bear Wang stunned and looked at the black light ball. His eyes were full of enthusiasm: “If you know his value, I am afraid I will get it desperately, if it is not once. Growing up, either absorbed all, or turned into smoke, do you think I will be cheaper?”

“Is it cheaper?” Yun Bufan is even more puzzled. He He is a strange face, his body is shaking, watching the black light ball tremble: “Wan poison beads, it is really a poisonous bead, this world, How could it still be this?”

“Wan poison beads, what is this?” Yun Bufan stared blankly at He Lin, He Lin just whispered, no answer!

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