The fifth hundred and ninety-three chapters of the god iron

Four 1 billion, can already be said to be a high price, this god stone is undoubtedly very important for the Qing Emperor, but four 1 billion, he can not get it, three 1.5 billion, has been his accumulated savings for so many years!

“No. 3 VIP room?” Qingdi’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and he looked straight up at the VIP room. The killing intent in his eyes flashed away. In his heart, if he could, he really wanted to do whatever he could. The third VIP room was destroyed, and then the stone was robbed, but he knew that this was impossible!

“Liu Chongguang, direct bid 5 billion!” The black robe messenger’s face seems to be dripping out of water. He thought that a piece of god stone only should be taken by 3 billion. After all, people who have a fairy stone will leave Xianshi. In the end, auction your own Divine Artifact, and this is just the first divine object, this second divine object is definitely better than this first!

However, he lost his strategy. What he didn’t expect was that the VIP room No. 3 went straight to the four 1 billion horror high price. Four 1 billion, if you don’t show the momentum that you are determined to win, you will definitely be taken away by the other side. In the words, the alliance lord did not complete the matter, but I did not have a good fruit to eat!

“5 billion!” Liu Chongguang’s eyes are red, as if gnashing teeth shouted out the price. In the No. 3 VIP room, Yun Bufan suddenly smiled. He Lin also shouted at the side, and Yun Bufan waved his hand: “Enough, this is his limit!”

He Lin’s slight glimpse, but also stopped, 5 billion, this price is out, everyone is quiet, under the auction stage, the Qing emperor looked at the VIP room on the 16th, and his eyes flashed a glimpse of the light: The VIP room on the 16th should not be the owner of the spiritual treasure and the three emperors. In that case, you can start!”

Qingdi, has already played the idea of ​​murdering to seize the treasures, and after a quarter of an hour, no one continues to increase the price, which makes the black robe messenger and Liu Chongguang secretly relaxed, on the auction platform, excited Ma Erda One knock, 5 billion Xianshi, this god stone was taken by the VIP room at the price of 5 billion Xianshi!

“The first finale treasure has been auctioned out. Let’s take a look at the second finale treasure. Everyone, this is an ancient divine object. As for putting it in the second place, it is because we agree that This treasure is even more precious than the stone!”

“hu!” Ma Er said while talking, while pulling the long cloth, a piece of golden iron appeared on the tray, and the eyes of the two eyes flashed, watching the golden iron on the tray laughed: “I believe everyone also wants to know what this ancient divine object is a divine object. Below, I will simply talk to you!”

“This piece of god iron is not only hard, but also soft and flexible. It contains a powerful power. There is only one magical effect of this god iron, that is, refining Divine Artifact!” Ma’s eyes are filled with hot rays of light. Watching this piece of God iron excited: “As long as any Immortal Artifact, once integrated into this god iron, it will instantly become Divine Artifact!”

“I believe that the Immortal Artifact in your hands is the most powerful weapon for you. If you are strong, you have to change your Divine Artifact or Immortal Artifact. You have to find your own hand. Is this difficult? So, This god iron has become a must-have treasure!”

In the eyes of Ma 2, the brilliance of the brilliance: “Nothing wrong, just put this piece of god iron into your weapons, then your weapons, whether it is the low-level Immortal Artifact or the Imperial Immortal Artifact, can be advanced in a flash. Divine Artifact’s point, real ascending to the skies with a single leap !”

“Hua!” Everyone is a sigh of relief. If the god stone brings shock to everyone, this god iron brings shock and incomparable shock to everyone. This kind of god iron is simply more than a god stone. Even more coveted!

A magic weapon called a hand, it is very rare, especially for Divine Artifact, which can be said to be less and less, so this god iron, in the eyes of everyone, has undoubtedly become the most fragrant incense!

“The starting price of this god iron is, 2 billion Xianshi, there is no limit to each price increase!” Ma Erlang shouted, unlike the first god stone, the starting price of this god iron is 2 billion, which shows that this The value of the god iron is indeed precious in the spiritual treasure cabinet than the god stone!

However, the starting price of 2profit also caused everyone to fall into silence. Yun Bufan looked at it with a smile, not at all. He knew that after the planning of the ninth lord, there are now some other lords. Put on his idea of ​​this god iron!

Silenced for about a quarter of an hour, finally, the VIP room No. 6 was the first to endure. In the VIP room No. 6, there was a slow voice: “Two 1.1 billion!”

Adding only 100 million celestial stones, it is like a fire line, triggering a bidding craze, each and everyone’s price is constantly ringing, and in just a few moments, the price of this god iron has been raised to the point of thirty 150 million!

At this price, there are not a few people who have quit, and there are very few people vying for this god. It is weird that several VIP rooms that have not been shot before have actually shot at the same time. And the asking price is not low!

“Four 1 billion!” The low voice suddenly sounded, and the green emperor with red bloodshot eyes looked straight at the iron on the auction floor. There was a madness and raging killing intent in the eyes, and the god stone could not get it. Be sure to get it!

Four 1 billion, this price can be said to be very high, most of them are already stalking, if there are people who can compete with the Qing Emperor, it is undoubtedly a few VIP rooms!

“45 Billion!” The No. 6 VIP room suddenly sounded a calm voice. The Qing Dynasty’s killing intent flashed and the eyes stared red. However, another faint sound sounded: “5 billion!”

“5 billion!” is filled with the killing intent of the Qingdi. He is not a fool. Naturally, he feels that something is wrong. How can a piece of Shentie compete to such a degree? Finally, is there still a finale treasure? The last treasure is the real Supreme Treasure?

“Five 1.5 billion!” The 12th VIP room, the low voice came out, the Qing emperor stunned, what the hell is going on?

“en? No!” The 16th VIP room, the black robe messenger also felt that something was wrong. Looking at the crowds, the black robe messenger muttered: “How do you feel that something is wrong? How can you bid for this god iron? Although the god iron is a bit useful, can you still not shoot so deadly? You know, our last one is the real Divine Artifact!”

“The messenger, if they are so eccentric, does it mean that we don’t want our Divine Artifact? In this case, will our Divine Artifact not slap?” Liu Chongguang also looked anxious, such competition should be their last A Divine Artifact finale is right, how can it appear on a piece of god iron!

“There is definitely something wrong with this!” The black robe whispered in the eyes of the messenger, and Liu Chongguang glimpsed a little, black robe messenger coldly snorted and said: “A piece of god iron, how could there be such fierce competition, behind this Certainly someone is pushing for help!”

“Six 1.3 billion!” Six 1.3 billion, this price, let the black robe messenger stare at the auction platform, killing intent in the eyes, or what is wrong with his Divine Artifact, or someone secretly ghosts, otherwise, a piece How can God Iron be so contested!

“hahaha, the main star of the cloud, come, come, have a drink, it is a time to celebrate, hahaha, turned over several times, these people, really, are desperately fighting for your god!” In the middle, the ninth lord was excited and laughed, and the more the auction, the more the details of the auction of Divine Artifact on his own!

“They only know that the last finale treasure is Divine Artifact, and it is not surprising that it is Divine Artifact. It is not surprising that if it is me, I will choose to compete with God Iron. After all, I got the god iron, and I got it. A Divine Artifact, they are not bad!” Yun Bufan drank, slightly smiled!

“The main star of Yunxing, why don’t you use it yourself? Why do you use it for auction?” I looked at Yun Bufan in a puzzled way. Seeing Yun Bufan is not like a person who lacks Xianshi. Why then Such a god iron is taken out for auction?

“hehe, to the big brother, you know only one, I don’t know the second!” Yun Bufan hehe smiled and looked at the crowd and asked: “You, you said, what is the most important thing about this Divine Artifact?”

“That is also used to say that nature is the soul, that is, the soul of Divine Artifact!” He Lin replied, Yun Bufan laughed: “This is right, although I can make Immortal Artifact promote Divine Artifact, However, the inside of the god iron will also swallow the soul of Immortal Artifact of Immortal Artifact, so you understand?”

“Young Master, you mean, although this god iron can promote Immortal Artifact, but once promoted, the promoted Divine Artifact will no longer be promoted to a higher level Divine Artifact?” He Lin eyes shined: “so to speak This god iron, in Immortal World can indeed be regarded as Supreme Treasure, if it is to God World, it is equal to scrap iron?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan’s eyes glimpse, nodded: “This god iron, although it can promote Immortal Artifact to Divine Artifact, but only the lowest Divine Artifact, and the advanced Divine Artifact will never enter. Step to mid-grade Divine Artifact, even top grade Divine Artifact, because this is Divine Artifact without the soul of Divine Artifact!”

“It turns out!” The ninth lord, Bai Xiaosheng and always come to heaven, it is no wonder that Yun Bufan will take this god iron out of the auction, so to speak, this god iron is still a chicken rib for Yun Bufan!

“70 billion!” At this time, a low voice suddenly sounded, and Yun Bufan and the others all looked at the past. When seeing the bidder, Yun Bufan was not startedled!

“Yang Zhengtian, how could it be him?” He Lin, the ninth lord, has always been shocked by Tian Tian and Bai Xiaosheng!

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