Chapter 602 title battle

Within the Elder Pavilion, the seven Great Elders, the nine great hall owners all gathered together, and even the six VIPs such as Yun Bufan and Leng Guang also appeared in the Elder Pavilion. Seven Great Elders looked at each other, Great Elder nodded Step out!

“Everyone, I am calling you now, because Hong Liudian has put forward a suggestion. His suggestion is to advance the quota battle. After all, the ancient gods are also opening soon. The sooner this battle is set, the sooner it is set. The better, so I will call you all and listen to what you mean!”

Great Elder slowly nodded, slowly opening, the side of the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord suddenly said: “This time, our spiritual treasure cabinet has six VIPs, but there are only two gods, so enter the VIP of the spiritual treasure cabinet, That is two, as for which of you, then look at your respective strengths!”

Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord slowly exhaled, watching Yun Bufan six people said with a smile: “The ancient gods, is an extremely dangerous place, the stronger the strength, the greater the chance of surviving inside, so these two gods, Nature is also the strongest of the six of you, which is the so-called quota battle!”

“Well, the rules are the same as before, draw lots and set opponents. Are there any problems with your six? If there are no problems, we can fight for the quota immediately, and the underground platform is ready, just look at your own!” Great Elder laughs Going up, watching Yun Bufan and the others smile and ask!

Yun Bufan is naturally shook the head, and by his side, the cold light is also a shook the head. As for the other four VIPs, they also shook their heads again and again. They started to advance in advance, but they already knew it. The four of them also know a secret that only Yun Bufan does not know, that is, the cold-light opponent must be Yun Bufan!

In this case, the cold light also guarantees that the other party will be killed or injured. In this case, even if the cold light occupies a quota, then they still have another quota to compete for, so this advance is more than harm!

“Well, since there are no problems, then draw lots!” Great Elder slowly nodded, then the ray of light flashed, and the dark green stick appeared in the hands of Great Elder, watching Yun Bufan six, Great Elder Lightened opened the mouth and said: “Okay, let’s get started, draw lots!”

“What? Start now?” It was Hong Liu, and he was a little overwhelmed. He didn’t even think that he would be so fast. He hadn’t done any small moves yet, so he drew lots, so in case of cold light. Not Yun Bufan, then he was not a bad guy, but offended the other four lords?

“Great Elder, draw lots now, is this too fast?” Hong Liu looked at Great Elder and smiled and walked out. Great Elder glanced at him, brows frowned: “Hong Liu, the proposed quota is ahead of schedule. You, now you are too fast, what do you want to do?”

“Yeah, Hong Liu, what do you want to do? Since it started in advance, how troublesome is it to draw a lot of things? One person takes one, what is what is drawn, is it difficult to discuss how to draw?” Nine Heavens I knew that Hong Liu had missed the speed of the Great Elder. He couldn’t help but grin, walked up, smiled and opened his mouth!

Hong Six’s face was gloomy, and Great Elder looked at Yun Bufan. The six people slowly said: “Draw it, write three numbers, draw the same, it is the opponent, the rules should be clear, in my place, you decide by lot. The opponent is completely random!”

“Okay, then I will take the first one!” Yun Bufan hehe smiled, went up, and took a bamboo tube, followed by cold light and four other VIPs. Seeing this scene, Hong Liu could not help but smile, while the other four The famous lord glared at him!

This is a random decision on the opponent. If the VIPs and glare of the four halls are right, there is no victory at all, and the depth of Yun Bufan, they don’t know, if they wait for a while, they have a chance. Arrange it, but now, it’s ahead of the flood, and Great Elder draws it again. How to arrange it!

“Take God’s will!” Hong Liu closed his eyes and his heart was bitter. Yun Bufan opened the bamboo tube and wrote a big “three” character. Yun Bufan looked stunned. It seems that the other five bamboo tubes are “three.” “Word, which one of the opponents is him!

“Well, since the draw has been exhausted, start in the order, draw two people in a word, stand up!” Great Elder nodded, then shouted in a deep voice!

“hu!” “hu!” Two silhouettes from the six of them, Yun Bufan looked, turned out to be the VIP of the fourth treasure hall and the VIP of the sixth treasure hall, it seems that the cold light is not the second or the third. And it is very likely to be an opponent with yourself!

Yun Bufan’s cold eyes flashed, and his heart sneered: “Cold light, I must pray that I am the same as you, not just you, I also pray that you are like me. Otherwise, this battle will be meaningless. It!”

“Fortunately, there are still opportunities!” Hong Liu looked at the two of them, the heart was slightly relaxed, the two VIPs that Great Elder looked at, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “Well, since it is a quota battle, then Take advantage of your respective capabilities to grab this place, go to the ring and start fighting!”

“hu!” “hu!” The two VIPs are with the slightest hesitation, flying directly toward the platform, between the ray of light, a sabre and a sword have appeared in their hands, one with a knife, one person With the sword, these two people have the power of Level 9 Junior Emperor!

“Please!” The two men at the same time, the ray of light flashed up, one is the power of the wind, and the other is the power of fire, the strength of the two is equal, and the hands are all Immortal Artifact This battle seems to be even matched!

“hu!” The wind whistling, the azure long knife squatted directly, the other’s fire red long sword is like a fire snake, even with a huge flame danced up, “bang!” “bang!” bursts of bombing The sound of the sound continued to burst, and the first collision between the two people turned out to be all-out!

Yun Bufan’s eyes stunned, and this number of battles was too much, so that they had to do so much, so they had to do their best, just take the two VIPs, unless they are fighting for you, otherwise they will not be able to win or lose. But if you fight a bone suffer, even if this wins, there are still people who will challenge them!

Therefore, this number of battles is not only stronger than the other side, but also must be absolutely suppressed. If they are like them, even matched, there is no good plan, both suffer, then neither of them will get a quota. chance!

“This brother, the strength of our two is also very similar. If you try your best, I believe you should know the result. Therefore, I have a proposal. We both have a chance to win and lose. See how?” The VIP of the Fourth Treasure Hall looked straight at the VIP of the Sixth Hall and screamed!

“Sure enough, the two people choose this kind of decisive battle, but it is also a good way to win the game with strongest move. Even if it is injured, it can be quickly recovered without consuming too much power and affecting its own strength. Also dropped to the lowest!”

Hearing the way they chose to fight, Yun Bufan and the others were not secretly nodded. In this battle, the two of them were even matched, and such a choice is undoubtedly the most beneficial to both sides!

“Well, just to my liking!” The VIP of the Sixth Hall promised, and there was a burst of flames on his body. On the explosive power, he cultivated the power of fire. He was completely afraid of the wind of the other side. How could he possibly Fear!

“hu!” azure screaming, fire red flames soaring, both of them are looking straight at each other, a knife, a sword, slamming toward the other side at the same time, the violent momentum makes the whole ring tremble, everyone Staring at this collision, just now, their conversation, Yun Bufan and the others are all heard!

“bang!” world-shaking collision, the whole platform trembled, the wind and the flame suddenly collided together, everyone raised their eyes, “hu!” A silhouette, fiercely fell from the ring , “bang!” fell directly on the ground, splashing a burst of smoke!

Everyone stared and looked at it. It turned out to be the sixth treasure hall. The level 9 of the sword, the strongest power of fire, and the collision of the force of the wind, actually lost!

But Yun Bufan and the others can see clearly, this is the gap in the level of cultivation technique. Although the level of cultivation technique of the sixth treasure hall is not low, it is worse than the VIP of the fourth treasure hall. And the VIP of the Fourth Treasure Hall, his way of cohesive strength is also very special, therefore, the VIP of the Sixth Hall is lost!

“pu!” above the ring, the VIP spurt blood of the fourth treasure hall sprinkled out, although the other side, but the other side’s sword qi also made him feel uncomfortable, seriously injured, especially the flame of the body, like Like fire poison, he burned his whole person very red!

“I must practice immediately and expel the power of these fires. Otherwise, when the three battles are over, I will have no time to cultivate!” The VIP of the Fourth Treasure Hall immediately fell down and then sat down, the result was already obvious. But now!

“Okay, the first battle, the fourth treasure hall wins!” Great Elder flew above the ring, nodded, and then shouted in a deep voice: “Well, below, two people who extracted the two characters, fight on the ring!”

“hu!” “hu!” Great Elder bell barely fell, the two silhouettes have already smashed directly over the platform, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. These two men turned out to be the VIPs and eighth of the fifth treasure hall. The VIP of the treasure hall, the so to speak, the cold light and the ones that I have drawn, are the same “three”!

Yun Bufan looked at the cold light, and at this time, the gaze of the cold light also looked at him, looking at each other!

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