Chapter 610, Sandstorm

“weng!” rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan appeared directly on the endless desert, all around looked at it, the huge fairy sensation rushed out, but not at all found the silhouette of Hong Liu and the cold light, is it this? Two people, have already started running?

Yun Bufan has a cold expression in the fundus, the Nine Towers Desert, he must completely kill the cold light here, otherwise, this time into the ancient gods, who knows if there will be something cold, it will be more difficult to deal with!

“weng!” rays of light flashed, He Lin drilled out of the Teleportation Formation, and after seeing Yun Bufan, he glimpsed: “Young Master, that Hong 6 and cold light, there is no sneak attack?”

“hmph, they have already ran!” Yun Bufan coldly snorted, the sound was cold, after a few moments, Nine Heavens, Bai Xiaosheng and the past days appeared one after another, Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan shook the head: “They are sure It’s going to the ninth tower, let’s go, let’s go, in the opening of the ancient gods, the sooner we enter the ancient gods, the better!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan and the others followed Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens warned repeated: “You are careful, there are so many beasts in the desert of the Nine Towers, and in this desert, their strength does not fall. Ascend, and our strength will be suppressed, so under the circumstance, these fairy beasts are hard to get rid of!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Under the desert, a strange sound rang, Nine Heavens’s face dignified: “The gerbils, this is a special kind of rodent beast, they rely on swallowing sand to survive, cultivation, is a kind The beast of the power of the earth, however, the gerbils will generally not attack the volley, so as long as we don’t fall, there is nothing!”

“hu!” “hu!” “hu!” Suddenly, a few loud whistling sounds rang, Yun Bufan and the others turned and saw a large piece of sand-shaped axe screaming directly toward them!

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of rays of light, He Lin, both Tiantian and Bai Xiaosheng shot at the same time, this large piece of sand axe suddenly dissipated, however, followed by a sand axe roaring, Nine Heavens Complexion slightly changed : “It’s a desert wolf, the cloud star master, you go to kill the desert wolf over there, I kill this side!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan saw, on the other side of the desert, there were more than a dozen black wolves with red scarves. These black wolves were shaped into human figures, all of them were wolf heads. This should be the desert wolf that Nine Heavens said. I don’t know how strong!

“weng!” “weng!” Tu Divine Sword instantly appeared on the right hand, and the dragon god armor was also worn on the body for a moment. Before you know the strength of this desert wolf, Yun Bufan didn’t want to take risks!

“Chī!” “Chī!” There were three desert wolves smashed into a sword, and the rest of the desert wolf suddenly roared, and the sand axe screamed again. Yun Bufan wondered: “This Desert wolf attack method, is this only?”

“hong long long!” The wind and thunder wings vibrate, Yun Bufan turned into a residual image, directly behind them, a sword waved, this desert wolf was suddenly smashed, Yun Bufan stunned, this so-called desert wolf, also Too weak?

However, when Yun Bufan saw Nine Heavens fighting other desert wolves, he couldn’t beat the desert wolf by stared wide-eyed, Nine Heavens’s Immortal Artifact. After a blow, the sand on them was just falling. Falling a piece, but not at all turned into a crush, naturally it is not dead!

“This is, what happened?” Yun Bufan remembered that killing the desert wolf was like cutting tofu. How did it get to Nine Heavens, it was so hard!

“No, it’s Divine Sword!” Yun Bufan looked at Divine Sword in his hand, and his eyes flashed: “Divine Sword is Divine Artifact, and the refining materials are definitely God World’s top, maybe even heaven and earth. The Supreme Treasure was born, so the sharpness of Divine Sword is not the resistance of the Desert Wolf!”

“I still want to help Nine Heavens, otherwise, this is simply a delay!” Yun Bufan shook the head, the roaring sound, the wind and thunder wings vibrate, toward He Lin and the others indifferently said: “You don’t have to shoot You are completely wasting your time!”

“weng! ””Chī! ” “Chī! ” A piece of purple rays of light flashed, a path of purple sword qi directly attacked the desert wolves, “Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! “Sword qi directly penetrated the desert wolf’s chest, but only scattered a piece of sand!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Sure enough, if you don’t use Divine Sword, you can’t completely destroy this desert wolf!”

“weng!” Tu Divine Sword, “bang!” The desert wolf is like a tofu, directly smashed into a crush, which makes Nine Heavens completely stunned, “Chī!” “Chī!” “Chī!” A sword is crossed, and the desert wolves in front of Nine Heavens are all smashed!

Nine Heavens suddenly smiled and looked at the Divine Sword in the hands of Yun Bufan. She flashed a bit of envy, shook the head: “Let’s go, let’s move on, you have this Divine Artifact, I think we will not meet this time.” Too much trouble!”

“Is it? It is the first sand tower. There are nine sand towers like the whole nine tower desert. We just arrived at the first sand tower, and there are eight behind!” Nine Heavens pointed to the front The tall tower that the sand piled up, said openly!

“Weird, if you follow this route, then the cold light and Hongliu can’t be met in the middle of danger. We can’t even see his shadow!” Yun Bufan looked at the front except the sand, simply There is no silhouette, you must know the location of the second Shata in the eyes of his wind and thunder!

“Not necessarily!” Nine Heavens shook the head, slowly opening: “This route, more than this, there should be many, and they may directly cross the sand barrier instead of flying, so that the speed will be faster! ”

“Then why don’t we cross the sand barrier directly?” Yun Bufan looked at Nine Heavens, and he was puzzled. Since there is a shortcut, why should he go so far?

“The sand barrier is there!” Nine Heavens pointed to a sand wall next to it and said: “That is the sand barrier. However, this wind barrier has a characteristic that no matter how high you fly, it will rise. How high is to block you, so you have to go through the sand barrier, only to go over!”

Yun Bufan glimpsed, then wondered: “Then we will go over. The speed of our flight is not slow, but it is always slower than the shuttle sand barrier?”

“It’s not that simple!” Nine Heavens shook the head: “In the sand barrier, it is a terrible sand. Inside, you are lucky, you may not touch any fairy. If you are not lucky, you may encounter fairy beasts.” Population, even a powerful horror fairy!”

“And, this sand barrier, you go from here, wear it over there, maybe it is not the way we have to go, we must also shuttle the sand barrier, in that case, although it has shortened a lot of distance, but it is very dangerous!” Nine Heavens has a dignified face and speaks quietly!

Yun Bufan slightly paused, Nine Heavens suddenly sighed: “When the last time came, the Taoist Road dust had also traveled through the sand barrier, but when he came back from the sand barrier, it was seriously injured!”

“Since then, very few people will shuttle through the sand barrier, unless there is anything unspeakable, such as the ancient gods immediately opened, he just arrived at the front of the sand tower, when time is too late, will choose to take the risk. Directly shuttle the sand barrier!”

Yun Bufan has a slight glimpse, even the dust has been seriously injured? That sand barrier should not be so good, Yun Bufan slowly nodded: “That glare and Hong Liu, how can they shuttle the sand barrier? Even if I worry about killing them, can this sand barrier be more dangerous?”

“This, I don’t know!” Nine Heavens smiled slightly, shook the head: “Cold light and Hong Liu, I am sure, if there is nothing special, they will definitely not enter the sand barrier, but they even have their front The shadows are invisible, that is to say, they are not in front of us, and they are definitely entering the sand barrier!”

“So, there must be something unspeakable between the two of them. Otherwise, they will never enter the sand barrier!” Nine Heavens is very sure, because he is too clear about the character of Hong Liu and cold light, if not forced, they are absolutely Not so risky!

“Unspeakable?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then bowed his head and meditated: “Unless, what kind of treasure they are looking for, and this treasure is very important, otherwise they don’t have to take risks, but I can’t think of it. They have any reason to enter the sand barrier!”

“treasure?” Nine Heavens eyes shined, then nodded and said: “Yes, yes, it is said that the cold light got an ancient treasure map at the time of Immortal World. The location of the treasure map was said to be nine. In the middle of the tower, however, the cold light suddenly said that the treasure map was lost. Now I want to come, it must have been his strength!”

“Young Master, then do we want to enter the sand barrier too? It is definitely not an ordinary treasure that can make cold light and Hong Liu such a wool!” He Lin eyes shined, he immediately got the spirit when he heard the treasure!

Bai Xiaosheng and always smiled and nodded: “With our strength, if there is any treasure, you can take it from them!”

“hu!” “hong long long!” Nine Heavens hasn’t spoken yet, his face has changed, he is terrified, his face is full of expression, Yun Bufan and the others are not seen by the place where the sound is coming. A gust of wind whistling, the wind and sand swept!

“Wind and sandstorm, how could it be a sandstorm, finished, these are finished!” Nine Heavens’ face was full of desperate expression, looking at the horrible sands that swept through, the eyes filled with horror, desperate muttering!

Yun Bufan and the others are also complexion greatly changed, because the power of this sandstorm is too strong!

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