Chapter 616

“Is there a King of Earth Dragon?” Nine Heavens suddenly startedled and then shocked: “How do you know?”

“The breath, the breath of the fairy sacred beast, is there, it must be hiding under the ground!” He Lin pointed to an open space in the center, where it was surrounded by the densely packed sand Earth Dragon, but only It’s a bit strange to leave a piece of open space!

“hu 哧!” As if he had confirmed the words of He Lin, a huge sand Earth Dragon suddenly emerged in the open space. This Earth Dragon is more than three times larger than the other sand Earth Dragon. Nine Heavens is not swallowed. Saliva and said, stunned muttered: “Sand Earth Dragon King, there is Sand Earth Dragon King!”

“Nine Heavens, the Lord, is just one more King of Earth Dragon, don’t you have to be so nervous?” The side of Bai Xiaosheng is so unclear that he looks at Nine Heavens, a sand Earth Dragon, which is just the Emperor level. He is sure to repel this sand Earth Dragon King!

“Not the same!” Nine Heavens smiled at shook the head: “The real horror of Sand Dragon King is that it can command Sand Earth Dragon. These sands are Dragon Dragon. Without the command of Sand Dragon King, we can break through. Going out, but with the command of King Earth Dragon, we are even more dangerous!”

“The King of Earth Dragon, its wisdom is no worse than human beings. Once we command these sands Earth Dragon to deal with us, then we are likely to escape, to be attacked as targets, and we will be exhausted sooner or later!” Nine Heavens looked at the bottom of the Earth Dragon Dragon and the Earth Dragon, with a smile!

“If that’s the case, then we have to kill all of these sand Earth Dragons.” It’s always a carefree opening, Nine Heavens bitter with a bitter smile: “Kill it clean? Their backstabs are doomed to us.” Assault, once we move, their backstab will shoot us with the slightest hesitation!”

“What should I do? Do you sit still and wait?” The sky blinked and looked straight at Nine Heavens. Nine Heavens suddenly smiled: “I have no other way. We are here, except for the Cloud Star. Others simply don’t have the backstab of this Earth Dragon!”

“No, we have a way!” Yun Bufan suddenly smiled, and then a burst of blue light flashed up, a silhouette emerged out of thin air, directly holding Yun Bufan’s arm, a look of joy: “out of the ordinary !”

Little Wei, this sudden appearance is Little Wei, He Linyi, and then respectfully said: “Less Mistress!”

Little Wei smiled nodded, Yun Bufan smiled too, Little Wei, retreat, and Xian sighed, Yun Bufan suddenly looked shocked and didn’t dare to set the channel: “Only Wei, you, your strength? How could it increase? fast?”

“I have completely integrated Zulong’s ancestral blood essence and chemistry dragon 哦. After that, it is my life Divine Artifact. Where am I, where is the dragon pool, so my strength will be direct At Level 9, Emperor’s Peak, you can enter the 10th Emperor immediately!” Little Wei sweetly smiled, finally a trace of satisfaction!

In the poisonous swamp, after she was seriously injured and comatose, she had a decision to retreat. Although she felt good with Yun Bufan, her strength was too weak, not only could she help, but she often dragged her legs. Little Wei doesn’t like this very much. She wants to help Yun Bufan, but to help Yun Bufan, only lead Dragon Race to glory!

Yun Bufan is a tribute to Dragon Race, but Little Wei knows that although Dragon Race’s offering is very high, it can’t command all Dragon Race masters to do things for him, but Little Wei can, because she is the Dragon King. !

Of course, as a premise, Little Wei must improve his strength. Seeing that Jin Lie has reached the level of Level 9, Little Wei has completely fallen into a retreat. In the horror time flow of the mysterious white jade bottle, Little Wei In one fell swoop, all the dragons’ blood essences and dragons were merged, and they were upgraded to the level of Level 9.

“You just said, you have a way to get these sands Earth to retreat. What is the solution?” Looking at the satisfaction of Little Wei, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but sigh with her heart. It’s been a long time with Little Wei, what does Little Wei think? He is very clear!

“You forgot, sand Earth’s within the body, but there is a part of the thin Dragon Race bloodline!” Little Wei squints, then said with a smile: “Before, my Dragon Race is not strong enough, so it must It’s hidden, but now it’s no longer necessary, because I’m Dragon Race, I’m fully self-protecting!”

“roar!” Little Wei slammed into the bottom of the Earth Dragon, and the King Earth Dragon suddenly looked up and looked at Little Wei’s direction, his eyes filled with fear. Little Wei’s red light flashed toward him. Sand Earth Dragon screamed twice, and a terrifying dragon spread out!

Bloodline pressure, the real bloodline pressure, Yun Bufan can feel that Little Wei within the body’s bloodline is not much worse than the ancestral dragon, then the Earth Dragon King screams, his eyes show a pitiful expression Little Wei screamed twice again, and the eyes of the Earth Dragon King reappeared in joy!

“roar!” “roar!” Sand Earth Dragon around the Earth Dragon dynasty yelled, “Chī!” “Chī!” It’s weird that the surrounding Earth Dragon, all of them went down to the ground. One by one, and then all disappeared, as if it has never appeared before!

“Well, Shah Earth Dragon King and Sand Earth Dragon, have been lurking, out of the ordinary, we are going where!” The crowd was stunned, Little Wei smiled softly, holding Yun Bufan’s arm, a gentle face !

“You are, Dragon Race?” Nine Heavens suddenly pointed to Little Wei in horror and asked with a trembling voice!

“Dragon Race?” Bai Xiaosheng, has always been shocked to see Little Wei, Dragon Race, has always existed in the legendary race, almost their generation, no one has ever seen, the legend of Dragon Race has been circulated all the time. Come down!

“Yes, I am Dragon Race!” Little Wei squinted at Nine Heavens, then astonished: “God World, you have a God World’s worm, tsk tsk, this poison, a total of There are a hundred kinds of Poison Insect condensed, almost no medicine can solve, unless it is a specific antidote!”

“It’s Dragon Race!” Nine Heavens fiercely trembled, then heard Little Wei’s words, could not help but shock: “Baidu poison, this is a hundred insects? Girl, in addition to the specific antidote, there is really no way to solve ?”

Yun Bufan also looked at Little Wei: “Only, if there is any other detoxification method, you will tell the Lord!”

Nine Heavens gratefully glanced at Yun Bufan, Little Wei was slightly addicted, then shook the head: “This poison, it’s hard, because it’s God World’s 100 kinds of Poison Insect, there is almost no in the fairy world, except for the specific In addition to antidote, there is only one way to detoxify!”

“What method?” Nine Heavens seems to have caught a life-saving straw. It is hard to say whether there is antidote in the cold light. Even if it is, it is estimated that it cannot be obtained. Therefore, the detoxification method that Little Wei said has become his only hope!

“Out of the ordinary, isn’t your Aoki Shinji a point of reaching Divine Artifact? It not only has great vitality, but also powerful detoxification ability, as long as he is open to happiness, let you control Aoki’s needle to drive him out. Within the body of the toxin, and then a large exchange of blood, basically can unlock this worm!”

Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan and smiled slowly. Yun Bufan and Nine Heavens were all a glimpse of the open heart. It was like giving his life to Yun Bufan. If Yun Bufan wants to take the opportunity to kill him. , almost effortless!

“Cloud Star Lord, I believe in you!” Yun Bufan was still on the verge of a sudden, Nine Heavens suddenly opened his mouth and looked straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slightly paused, and looked at Nine Heavens deeply and found him in his eyes. Full of firmness, but still a little hesitation!

“It’s easy to get rid of drugs, but this is a big change, how do you change?” Yun Bufan looked at Little Wei, frowns asked!

“Change blood, this is very simple, as long as the poison with his with the body is clear, and then look at his blood, which part of the residual toxins, the part of the blood is completely forced out, too much blood loss However, there will be no major problems. It will be good to cultivate a few hours. Besides, I still have the dragon pool water, which can help him to fill the blood!”

Little Wei smiles shook the head, Yun Bufan toward Nine Heavens nodded: “Dalian, rest assured, I will try my best to help you push the poison out!”

“Good!” Nine Heavens bit his teeth, sitting cross-legged, his body of light flashed, then said solemnly: “The star star, come on, it will trouble you, my Nine Heavens owe you a life!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s green light flashed, Aoki’s needle appeared directly, Nine Heavens was deeply exhaled, and then the whole body relaxed. Yun Bufan’s fairy control controlled Aoki’s needle and directly penetrated Nine Heavens’ eyebrows!

Perhaps instinctively, the soul of Nine Heavens just wanted to resist, but he was forced to suppress it by himself. Yun Bufan was relaxed, controlled by Aoki, and walked around Nine Heavens’ internal organs and seven-eight pulse!

“Really strong, this Nine Heavens is sure that the poisoning time is not short, these poisons, in his with the body, almost all over the body, how much effort it takes!” Yun Bufan secretly sighed, this Nine Heavens’ within the body, almost full of poison!

Yun Bufan controls Aoki’s needle, first cleaned from his five internal organs to six hexagrams, and then his limbs, seven muscles and eight veins, almost all parts of the body have been cleaned up, and finally there is no clear Poison Blood hit the wrist and sealed it!

When I did all this, Yun Bufan was sweating, Aoki’s needle flew back, Nine Heavens slowly opened his eyes and felt the intimate and smooth within the body. His face could not help but show ecstasy. Expression !

“Lord, I pushed the poison to your right hand wrist, below, change blood, after the blood transfusion, this poison should be completely removed!” Yun Bufan pale, smile and open!

“Thank you!” Looking at Yun Bufan’s pale cheeks and tired eyes, Nine Heavens was moved!

“The Lord is polite, let’s get started!”

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