Chapter 653

“This cold light, but also bachelor, even shrink all the forces, all this cold light star came, it seems that our every move, are in his sight!” Yang Zhengtian looked at cold light star that densely packed The silhouette of the chill and the chilling atmosphere, can not help but whisper!

“That Hong Liu, not dead in the ancient gods, is his luck, he will definitely tell the cold light of our actions, the news of the spiritual treasure cabinet is always the most accurate, now look at Nine Heavens, can he do it, I let him do “Yun Bufan eyes flashed in the eyes, looking at the cold light star, the corners of the mouth slightly tilted!

“I still don’t know what you want Nine Heavens to do. Once Nine Heavens has done it, we will save a lot of effort in attacking the cold light star?” Yang Zhengtian stopped by, and looked at Yun Bufan, his eyes flashed!

“Less a lot of effort?” Yun Bufan shook his head and said: “That’s not to be, but if Nine Heavens did, it’s definitely great for us to help in the future. I just want him to go to the Elder Pavilion and win the first lord. The location is just that the divine object obtained from the ancient gods should have a great chance!”

“It seems that you are really ready to showdown to the Three Emperors. The appearance of Dragon Race is bound to be incompatible as fire and water with the Three Emperors. If you can control the spiritual treasure, it will definitely be the biggest boost in the future. The Emperor does not dare to move you easily, and once the time has passed, the Dragon Race has grown up. The whole fairy and the demon are both boundless, and I am afraid that no force will be your opponent!”

Yang Zhengtian looked straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slightly smiled, did not say anything, this is indeed one of his plans, there is a mysterious white jade bottle, he is fully capable of doing so, Dragon Race needs too much growth Time, but in your own Immortal Mansion, you can save more time!

“That chills, come out!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, in the sky above the cold light star, standing in the cold light, behind the cold light, at least hundreds of Imperial Capital exudes a chill, looking straight at Yun Bufan and Yang Zheng day!

Yun Bufan and Yang Zhengtian looked at each other, slightly smiled, and then floated up. Yun Bufan looked at the cold and lightly opened the mouth and said: “Cold light, you didn’t expect to have such a day?”

“Yun Bufan!” staring at Yun Bufan with a cold light, the killing intent flashed in the eyes: “I really didn’t think that a cockroach in that year would grow to this point in such a short period of time. You really did not expect it.” !”

“Now, for me, you have become the ant ant!” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, shook the head: “The world is really wonderful, can it be said that it is the reversal of the wheel of fortune?”

“Yun Bufan, I want to destroy my cold light star, I am afraid that you are not qualified enough!” A ten-level fairy emperor behind the cold light looked at Yun Bufan coldly, this is the only ten-level emperor under the cold light, Elder The Great Elder of the temple can also be regarded as the master of the cold light!

“Enough is enough, I have tried before I know, cold light, are you ready?” Yun Bufan also flashed the killing intent in his eyes. This battle is related to his future, so he can’t afford to lose, lose, wait for himself. It may be death, win, then he will be able to stand in Immortal World in the future!

“Prepare? Do you still need to prepare? After killing, see who is still alive!” In the cold eyes, the killing intent is also skyrocketing, Yun Bufan laughed: “Give me a kill!”

“hu!” “weng!” bursts of rays of light, Yun Bufan’s number of hundred people suddenly rushed toward each other, behind Yun Bufan, including Yang Zhengtian, one hundred and thirty-six The emperor was suspended behind him, and the cold light, behind him, was suspended by a hundred emperors, not much more!

Yang Zhengtian brows frowned, looking at the other side of the army, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “My Lieyang Legion was blocked, it seems that the cold light is the same as I thought, his twenty-two Legion leader also participated Miscellaneous, you see that our Emperor also has thirty-two more opponents. Would you like to take another thirty-two emperors into the battlefield?”

“No, that is the battle of the hunting thousand people, even if there are more Xiandi, it is not very useful, mainly to solve the cold light, Yang Zhengtian, you and the cold light have some gaps, and my injury has not healed, so To deal with the cold light, only two of us have joined forces!” Yun Bufan looked at Yang Zhengtian and slowly opened his mouth!

“Join?” Yang Zhengtian sneaked a little, then nodded, and the killing intent in the eyes skyrocketed: “Join hands together, as long as you can kill him!”

“Well, do it!” Yun Bufan Shen shouted in a low voice, and the 132 sects behind him also greeted the enchanting 100 celestial emperors. In the cold eyes, the killing intent skyrocketed and the golden light exploded. Flashing up: “Join hands? Then I will see how much you can!”

“bang!” The golden light flashed on the cold light, and the golden wing behind it broke out with unprecedented horror speed. Yun Bufan is nothing, there is wind and thunder wings, his speed is not worse than cold light, but Yang Zhengtian It’s a bit of a hassle. What he is good at is not speed!

“Yang Zhengtian, make full effort, your god should not only be this formidable power?” Yun Bufan found that Yang Zhengtian not at all with full force, as if preparing to accumulate a cold blow, but Yun Bufan is I know that the cold light is now completely desperate, and it has exploded by 200%. If it is not full, it is likely to be injured!

“Good!” Yang Zhengtian bite his teeth and drink low. The azure flame suddenly rises and rises, watching the cold light, slamming, slashing, holding the flame of the sky, and slamming down to the cold light!

The power of fire, originally a strong cultivation technique, this knife, absolutely condensed the full strength of Yang Zhengtian, cold light is also a shock, and then coldly smiled, even prepared to directly fight with Yang Zhengtian!

“bang!” A horrible bombing sounded, and the red and blue rays of light continued to skyrocket, “peng!” “peng!” Yang Zhengtian and the cold light retreated at the same time, but the two men attacked the other side at the same time. Yun Bufan stopped, then smiled: “It’s really two madmen!”

Yang Zhengtian’s madness is notorious in Immortal World, but at this moment, under the pressure of desperate situation, the cautious cold light has become extremely crazy, Yun Bufan secretly shook the head, but the eyes are fine A flash, the wind and the thunder’s wings vibrate, and the one hundred emperors who rushed toward each other suddenly rushed over!

“bang!” “Chī!” A seven-level Emperor, directly smashed into pieces by Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan turned into a path of afterimage, another seven-level fairy, eight-level fairy, six-level fairy Emperor, Yun Bufan selected, there are some powerful emperors!

With his strength, plus the wings of the wind and thunder, it is almost a spike, and even the speed of killing is very fast. The cold light can’t help but see this scene: “Yun Bufan, do you think you will kill the weak Emperor?”

“hu!” Cold light and a sword forced to retreat to Yang Zhengtian, turned into a golden afterimage, directly rushed toward the Xian Bufan side of the Emperor, a sword, one moment, is a large group of immortals died in the cold light of the sword under!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, coldly snorted, the wind and thigh’s wings vibrate, flew directly toward the cold light, and the cold light eyes are also killing intent, soaring: “Good!”

“hong long long!” Yun Bufan’s nine colorful ray of light flashed, Tu Divine Sword with colorful rays of light, powerful momentum suddenly smashed toward the cold light, cold light coldly snorted, body golden light skyrocketing, The same sword greeted us!

“hmph!” groaned, Yun Bufan suddenly retreats, “bang!” golden light and nine colorful rays of light blow up at the same time, cold light can not help but back up dozens of steps, Yun Bufan mouth has a long bloodshot: “Bastard If it weren’t for the black iron steel bear, how could this cold light be my opponent!”

Today’s Yun Bufan can still be seriously injured, the injury is not at all recovered, and behind the cold light, suddenly a rising flame, cold light, the golden long sword in his hand rolled up dozens of sword flowers, directly facing the sun This powerful sword of the sky crashed into the past!

“bang!” “bang!” bursts of violent bombing sounds, Yang Zhengtian and the cold light passed by, “Chī!” “Chī!” a sabre and a sword, all crossed the chest Blood flowers suddenly spattered from the chest of both of them!

“hmph!” “hmph!” Cold light and Yang Zhengtian were both groaned, both of them were mouth spurt blood, and Yang Zhengtian looked at Yun Bufan and said: “Fast, his within the body was beaten by me.” Fire God Flame, this time is the time when the strength is greatly reduced, now, kill him!”

Yun Bufan stopped, then nodded, Yang Zhengtian coughed on the side, in his wounds, there was a ray of white light of the rays of light, constantly eroding his flesh and blood, Yang Zhengtian quickly sat down on his knees, body There was a burst of fire red rays of light!

“Cold light, die!” Yun Bufan with a terrifying power, whistling directly toward the cold light, the nine colorful ray of light on his body, “weng!” “weng!” Dragon Jade Pendant and Dragon God At the same time, twenty-four times attack bonus, twelve times defense bonus, the king of the road!

“Desperate the world!” Yun Bufan whispered, and a horrible hegemonic momentum broke out from him. A sword, a terrifying matchless sword glow, went straight to the cold light!

In the cold light, the brilliance of the light flashed, and the golden light flashed, and at this moment, a silhouette suddenly slammed from the side, and slammed the cold light, and greeted the sword of Yun Bufan!

The cold light was directly hit and flew out, but when I saw this silhouette, the cold light suddenly burst into awkwardness: “No, Master!”

The whole person, the master of cold light, is also the only one of the ten-level emperors around the cold light. The cold light grows from small to large, and can have today’s achievements. It can be said that he relies entirely on his master. At this moment, his master is actually trying to save him. Meet the Yun Bufan sword!

Moreover, his Master, who has been seriously injured, can definitely be said to be dead under this sword!

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