Chapter 661, Killing Order

“Yun brother, let’s go and see, this Zheng Yunfeng brows tightly, it seems that it is too bad, what should be difficult!” The war whispered, Yun Bufan also nodded, look at Zheng Yunfeng just like that, Obviously it is to borrow alcohol to eliminate it!

“Two Young Masters, please!” When Yun Bufan and the war madness entered the Jianhuang Building, they discovered how huge the Jianhuang Building was. They couldn’t help but marvel at it. Yun Bufan’s eyes swept and found Zheng Yunfeng. Sitting in a window position, Yun Bufan pointed to a table next to Zheng Yunfeng, calmly said: “Let’s sit down!”

“That?” The waiter glimpsed a little, and Yun Bufan and the war madness have gone straight. The waiter secretly smiled: “I hope that the madman doesn’t do it. Look at the two Young Masters. It is not like an ordinary. Person, if you really do, then you are in trouble!”

“Two Young Masters, don’t know what you want?” The waiter looked at Yun Bufan and the war madness had sat down, and it was not good to ask the other party to get up.

Yun Bufan smiled nodded, opened the mouth and said: “What good wine and good food, although you, remember, to be delicious, don’t give me a special expensive and bad taste!”

“Yes! Young Master, the wine will arrive soon!” The waiter was overjoyed and retired!

At this time, Zheng Yunfeng seems to have heard the conversation of Yun Bufan and the others, frowned and looked over to Yun Bufan. When seeing Yun Bufan and the war madness, Zheng Yunfeng suddenly stayed and stared blankly. Yun Bufan, then complexion greatly changed, hurriedly to Yun Bufan sound transmission: “Yun Bufan, how dare you come here, hurry to leave!”

After a while, the wine was brought up, Yun Bufan slowly poured a glass of wine, Zheng Yunfeng sound transmission said with a smile : “Zheng Yunfeng, I did not expect to meet you here, we are looking for a place Have a chat?”

“I have a private room here, the second floor on the third floor!” Zheng Yunfeng said, and hurriedly walked upstairs to the private room, the waiter was relaxed, but when you saw Yun Bufan and the war madness also went upstairs. When I walked, the waiter gave a slight glimpse: “Is there any VIP of the two Young Masters here?”

The upstairs private rooms are generally reserved for VIPs for a long time. They will pack a private room. Whenever they come, this room belongs to them. Therefore, there is a private room in Jianhuang Building, which is not only powerful, but also The background must also be very powerful!

“It is said that the private room of the Jianhuang Building can only be owned by some VIPs with deep background. Zheng Yunfeng, it seems that you have a good life at Immortal World!” Yun Bufan and the war madman just walked into the private room and laughed at Zheng Yunfeng. Said the opening!

The two of them are not afraid of Zheng Yunfeng’s framement. Their current strength is that they are unable to leave them when the three emperors are all there. Although the swordsman is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, if Yun Bufan and the war mad are to escape, There should be no big problem, even if the other party has to deal with them, the war madness is that Demi-God can also feel it at any time!

“Yun Bufan, war mad, how did you both come here? Don’t you know that the Three Emperors have issued a killing order for your Heaven Destroying?” Zheng Yunfeng See Yun Bufan and the war mad face, not help Said anxiously!

“Scrapping orders?” Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “Zheng Yunfeng, it seems that you know a lot? No hurry, slowly talk to me, what is this killing order, and, you know Quite a lot, it seems that your position in this swordsmanship should not be low!”

“This is not a big thanks to you!” Zheng Yunfeng suddenly smiled, Yun Bufan was stunned, staring at Zheng Yunfeng, Zheng Yunfeng whispered: “You remember when you were in the Culture World for that Long Discisele Yi Shuihan collected by Xu sword immortal?”

“Yi Shuihan?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, nodded, Zheng Yunfeng slightly exhaled: “He also really genius genius. A flying up to reach the strength of the fairy, and Long Xu sword immortal Long Xu sword and Dragonvoid Sword Art, even Killing Jin Xian directly, and where he is flying is just one hundred levels of 2 controlled by Swordsman!”

“So, he is very lucky!” Zheng Yunfeng shook his head and smiled: “As soon as he ascended, he was taken by an influential figure of the Sword Emperor. After knowing that he was a descendant of Long Xu sword immortal, the Sword Emperor personally collected it. He is a disciple, but I know that the Sword Emperor is definitely the Dragonvoid Sword Art of Yi Shuihan!”

“But Yi Shuihan directly agreed, and handed Dragonvoid Sword Art to Ye Hongchen, which also made Yi Shuihan reach a very high position in the position of Sword Emperor. It became the only direct disciple of Sword Emperor Ye Hongchen and became the whole sword. Royal Star’s Young Master!” Zheng Yunfeng is slightly exhaled, his eyes are full of sorrow!

“This Yi Shuihan not only contributed to Dragonvoid Sword Art, but also launched the power of the sword emperor to find me, forced me to surrender the ancient god, even my Divine Artifact gave Ye Hongchen, which is why My status is so special!” Zheng Yunfeng could not help but close his eyes and face pain!

“Yi Shuihan!” Yun Bufan is also killing intent in the eyes: “I didn’t expect that the poor guy of Culture World, now it’s so heart-warming, Zheng Yunfeng, since you don’t want to stay here, you know me. Heaven Destroying, why not go to me?”

Zheng Yunfeng suddenly smiled: “Yun Bufan, don’t you know? My Spiritcloud Peak has a few hundred years of development, and there are many sword immortals that fly up to Immortal World. Now, all of them are controlled by Yi Shuihan, even my Spiritcloud Peak sect founder. It reached the level of the tenth Emperor, but still had to listen to the orders of Yi Shuihan, because he was the soul of Ye Hongchen!”

“Controlling our sect founder is equivalent to controlling all the mental immortal of Spiritcloud Peak. Do you think we dare to run?” Zheng Yunfeng looked at Yun Bufan, his face bitter!

“What?” Yun Bufan suddenly became shocked, then bowed his head and meditated. After a while, Yun Bufan suddenly looked up and looked straight at Zheng Yunfeng: “Zheng Yunfeng, I asked you, Ye Hongchen is only controlling sect founder. If the soul mark of sect founder is solved, are all Spiritcloud Peak’s fragments willing to leave?”

“Resolved the soul mark of sect founder?” Zheng Yunfeng slightly glimpsed, that is Ye Hongchen, the soul imprint of the sword emperor Ye Hongchen, Ye Hongchen is a ten-level emperor, how can his soul imprint be solved?

“You don’t care about that many, just answer me if it is still!” Yun Bufan looked at Zheng Yunfeng and said quietly!

“Yun Bufan, do you know how much we are wrong here? Here, we are like the dog of Yi Shuihan, not just me, it is my Spiritcloud Peak owner, I have long wanted to leave this, if not because of Founder We have already escaped!” Zheng Yunfeng’s voice is a little excited and emotionally high!

Yun Bufan is slightly exhaled, nodded: “That’s good, sect founder. The soul imprint, I have a solution. The biggest problem now is how to bring you together. In this case, I can also be included in my Immortal Mansion. Quick escape!”

“It’s simple!” Zheng Yunfeng suddenly rejoiced, watching Yun Bufan wonder: “Yun Bufan, do you really have a way to solve the soul mark of sect founder?”

“Trust me!” Yun Bufan is heavily nodded, and He Lin is around. With the knowledge of He Linna Deity, you can definitely remove the soul mark completely, and Yun Bufan has absolute certainty!

“Good!” Zheng Yunfeng blinked in the eyes: “I understand you, you are a person who is not sure if you dare not say this. Founder has wanted to commit suicide several times, but when he thinks that if he commits suicide, he will definitely hurt us. I have been swallowing for so many years, if this is not successful, then everyone will die together!”

“Well, I will ask you first. Since you know my Heaven Destroying, you should also know that I have captured the cold light star. The 20,000 people who escaped from the cold light star were accepted by the sword star. Now, why is this? I think, Ye Hongchen should not be a fool, come to be the first bird?”

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the eye. He thought at first that the meeting of the two thousand people would be a dust, but now it is Ye Hongchen. He can’t figure out any mystery in any case!

“I know this!” Zheng Yunfeng took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed: “This is related to the killing order. You may not know that after the Three Emperors came out from the ancient gods, they issued three to you. The emperor killed the order, and it was because of this killing order that Yi Shuihan took the 20,000 people!”

“Yi Shuihan?” Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed: “You mean, Yi Shuihan, not Ye Hongchen, who accepted the 20,000 people?”

“Nature is not!” Zheng Yunfeng shook the head: “Ye Hongchen is not so stupid. These are all done by Yi Shuihan with Ye Hongchen. The 20,000 people are still in the star field controlled by my Spiritcloud Peak. It’s all because That killing order!”

“The killing order?” The war madness on the side is also a curiosity. Yun Bufan also asks: “Zheng Yunfeng, what is the three emperor killing order?”

“A command to kill you, jointly issued by the Three Emperors!” Zheng Yunfeng said: “The Three Emperors ordered that anyone who can kill you, as long as it is a three-magnate force, then he is definitely the next The successor of the three emperors, and the three emperors will do their best to train him, enhance his strength, and let him become the hegemon of the righteous!”

“And this killing order was issued by the Three Emperors against the entire Immortal World. Therefore, it is impossible to have a fake. This is why Yi Shuihan wants to conquer the 20,000 people. Because of his ambition, he has to do it. A sword king, even the only emperor of the entire Immortal World!”

Zheng Yunfeng smiles shook the head : “Yun Bufan, you may not know, today’s Yi Shuihan and at the time of Culture World, it’s exactly two things, people’s minds, it will become!”

“People are going to become!” Yun Bufan whispered, then muttered: “The heart of the people, it will change, but no matter how he changes, he rises because of me, and it is bound to fall for me!”

Yun Bufan eyes killing intent flashing!

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