Chapter 664 was smashed

“What? Disappeared? All gone? One did not stay?” In a huge palace, Yi Shuihan, an azure robes, looked coldly at a spy in front of him, then angrily shouted: ” Waste, let you see the individual, you can’t see it, what’s the use for you?”

“Master, forgiveness, mainly because of Yunling, they are too cunning. They have been gathering all the time. Every time there are many people, just this time, this time, there are a lot of people. We thought they were just gathering, but who knows? As we passed through their homes, we found that all the Spirits of the Spiritcloud Peak had already gone to the ground!”

The spit’s face continued to drip with heavy sweat, and then he hurriedly said: “And Master, we are not only gone, but even all the things in the room are taken away. Under this, I feel that this is definitely not A party is so simple, come and report to the owner!”

“You are doing very well!” Yi Shuihan was slightly exhaled, watching the spy said solemnmnly: “They left through the interstellar Teleportation Formation?”

“Yes, Master!” The spy replied with respect and respect, and Yi Shuihan had disappeared directly into the great hall. At this time, the spy was soft and the cold sweat dripped onto the ground, and the heart was secretly glad. : “Fortunately, I have escaped this robbery, and ten years can live!”

As spies, the message they delivered was almost a year-to-day change. Today is the last day. This spy is very happy, because Yi Shuihan didn’t kill him. This is the last day of his year of sending intelligence!

“I can finally leave this demon!” The spy also turned and left, feeling very happy!

“You said that Yunling took the disciple directly from you? Going to the Sword Emperor?” Yi Shuihan looked at the guards of the two guards of the Teleportation Formation and couldn’t help but speak!

“Yes, less Master, that Yunling leads a large group of people, just less than an hour from us!” One of the two guards, respectfully said!

“Not less than one hour?” Yi Shuihan frowned, and then he opened the mouth and said: “Send me to Swordsman, and, you, take my token and go to mobilize Three Great Elders. Legion, let them all, immediately, immediately rushed to Swordsman Star, did you hear it?”

“Yes! Young Master!” Another guard was cold and sweaty. He took the token directly with both hands and fled quickly. Yi Shuihan looked at the guard in front of him, and his eyes flashed coldly. gloomily said: “You waste, people carry one How many people go to the Swordsman Star, is it just a party?”

“More than a thousand people, that is, Jianhuanglou gave him a package. He couldn’t get together. Do you think he wrapped the sword down the tower? You are an idiot, immediately open the interstellar Teleportation Formation to the star of the sword star. In the house, wait for me to come back and pick you up!” Yi Shuihan looked at the guard coldly, his voice was cold!

The guard hurriedly opened the interstellar Teleportation Formation, and a group of people from Yi Shuihan went straight into the Teleportation Formation and disappeared. The guard was directly soft on the ground: “Well, I was remembered by this demon, I hope not to kill me!”

In the Star of the Sword, in the Star House, the rays of light flashed, and Yi Shuihan and the others appeared in the yard. The Star of the Sword Emperor’s Star was the General of the Three Generals of the Sword Emperor. This person’s strength should have ten levels of Emperor, and there is a life-summon beast, one-horned Tianma Wang!

General Pegasus’s unicorn Tianma is different from the poisonous swamp, but horn of silver, and is good at thunderbolt and strength of Space. It is a rare alien, Yi Shuihan and the others. The general already knew it, and smiled and walked over: “It’s cold, how come you have time to come to me?”

“General Pegasus, that Yunling, rebellious, I hope that General Pegasus will immediately take people to encircle!” Yi Shuihan, in a word, directly open, but let the Pegasus general slightly glimpse, “brows frowned:” Water cold, you mean Yunling? He defected? He was planted with the soul of the sword, and dare to rebel?”

“Just before an hour, he led more than a thousand people at the bottom of the hand, all left, and now in the Jianhuang Building of the Sword Emperor, but the spy of the Sword Emperor’s House returns, only see a dozen people in Yunling, the other more than a thousand People are currently whereabouts unknown, General Pegasus, do you say they are going to betrayed?” Yi Shuihan looked straight at General Pegasus and screamed!

“Bold!” General Pegasus suddenly furious: “This Yunling, the Sword Emperor is not thin to him, he even blatantly betrayed the Sword Emperor, really courting death, Jianhuanglou is, water cold, you rest assured, I immediately let Everyone surrounded the Jianhuang Building and killed them all!”

“General Pegasus, this time, I also want to go with the generals, I don’t know what the generals are doing?” Yi Shuihan blinked and looked straight at General Pegasus!

General Pegasus glimpsed, then laughed heartily: “Well, then let’s go together, come, everyone in the government, and surround me with the Sword Emperor, fast!”

“Yes!” A silhouette suddenly flashed away. General Pegasus said with a big smile: “Water cold, let’s go, let’s go first, my people will soon follow!”

“Out of the ordinary, let’s go! I guess, Yi Shuihan is already arranging people to deal with us!” In the Jianhuang Building, after Yunling was removed from the soul mark, full of energy, toward Yun Bufan said with a smile!

“They have come, even surrounded by the Sword Emperor!” The war madness suddenly opened with a smile, Yun Bufan is also nodded: “This Yi Shuihan is really smart, so I can arrange people so soon, but unfortunately Yes, these people are afraid that they will not be able to stay with us!”

“Out of the ordinary, don’t care, Yi Shuihan is surrounded by Three Great Elders guard Legion, each Legion has 10,000 people, and the strength of this Three Great Elders, all of them are ten-level Emperor, very difficult to deal with! “Yuanling on the side is quiet and open, and his face is dignified!”

“Oh? Three Great Elders guard Legion? Three ten-level emperors?” Yun Bufan is also very surprised: “This Ye Hongchen really looks very good for Yi Shuihan, too, Ye Hongchen is also flying God World, it is estimated to be true. I want to collect a discipline, Yi Shuihan is Sword Spirit Physique, and practicing swords is hundreds of times faster than ordinary people. It is really good!”

“Out of the ordinary, you don’t seem to worry at all? You know, the 10,000 Legion, the lowest is Profound Immortal, which is one hundred cents, ten cents, plus one Legion long ten Xiandi, it can be said that it is very horrible!” Yunling saw Yun Bufan’s confident expression, could not help but be more curious!

Yun Bufan laughed: “Yunling Founder, you said this, I don’t even worry about it. Let’s go, let’s go out and see, this Yi Shuihan has made such a big battle. It seems that I really want to kill me. I haven’t seen you for so many years, I want to see what he is like!”

“Go!” Yun Bufan laughed, and went out with the war madness. Yunling hesitated to look at Zheng Yunfeng, and then they all followed. At this time, there was no one in Jianhuanglou, all of them. Was cleared out, because the Pegasus General is in this position is extremely high!

“The speed is very fast!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, and then walked down the stairs together with the war madness. At this time, a team of people came in from the door of Jianhuang Building, leading the Pegasus General and Yi Shuihan!

Yun Bufan is facing Yi Shuihan slightly smiled, Yi Shuihan is pupils shrank, and the eyes are flashing. Yun Bufan walks directly to the table before them, then sits down and laughs. “Yi Shuihan, I didn’t expect us. See you again, it will be in this situation!”

Yun Bufan took a sip of wine and poured a sip. The war madness on the side was taking care of himself. Yunling and the others who had just come downstairs came to Yun Bufan. They sat two or three. Table, loudly shouted: “The waiter, give us a good wine, fast!”

“Be bold!” The Pegasus general on the side couldn’t help but praise. Yi Shuihan’s eyes were staring at the horror of Yun Bufan and Yun Bufan. He was the clearest. At the time of Culture World, Yun Bufan definitely did not. I will do something unsure, in Immortal World, it must be!

“Yun Bufan!” At this time, Yi Shuihan also looked at Yun Bufan and glanced at Yun Bufan, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “Why, why are you coming here? You are hiding in Heaven Destroying, not Very safe?”

“I am here, isn’t it right for you?” Yun Bufan fainted Yi Shuihan and then slowly fell: “Three Emperors killing orders, you don’t want to be the next Sword Emperor? Kill I am, even if you complete the task, your new Master will be very happy!”

Yi Shuihan trembled, and then looked at the Yunling, Yunling was just a smile, Yi Shuihan said to the cold of the Yunling: “Yunling, you dare to betray my Master, you have forgotten, you are being planted With the soul mark, as long as I give my Master a message, you will soul destroyed!”

“Yes? Many thanks for your concern, but you can try to give a message to the Sword Emperor to see if it will be destroyed!” Yunling smiled and looked at Yi Shuihan, faintly open!

“What?” Yi Shuihan complexion changed: “Do you have already removed the soul mark of the Master? It is impossible, Master is a ten-level fairy powerhouse, how can you get rid of it, unless it is Deity, it can’t be removed at all. !”

“There is nothing impossible. If you don’t believe it, you can let the Sword Emperor try it and you won’t know it!” Yunling smiled lightly. Yi Shuihan saw him like this and knew that Yunling said it must be Really, but the soul mark, but the tenth-level Emperor’s Sword Emperor planted, ah, to be removed, absolutely not Deity!

“Oh, the people you have to wait for are already here, I think, you can do it!” Yun Bufan, who was on the side, suddenly stood up with a smile, and he sensed that three tiered emperors, 30,000, Three Great Elders Guard Legion, it’s here!

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