The 168th chapter of the fall of General Pegasus

“This sword glow, this sword, good, can be so integrated, wonderful, wonderful!” Yun Bufan suddenly watching the eyes shined, although Yunling spontaneous combustion soul and lifespan, certainly have an impact on their own strength, but Yun Bufan believes that as long as you are among your own Immortal Mansion, Yunling can recover as quickly as possible!

“This sword, so scary!” In Ye Hongchen side Yi Shuihan also stared wide-eyed, whispered, Ye Hongchen was a gloomy face, staring at the sword: “Yunling, a Yunling, in Under my eyes, he has such a terrible strength, and I don’t know!”

“This, impossible!” General Pegasus saw this sword, his eyes filled with expressions that he could not believe. He couldn’t believe it. This so scary sword would have come from Yunling!

“bang!” The horrible sword glow, one hundred and eight words qi, and the silver white unicorn of General Pegasus slammed together, the whole silver white unicorn sharply rays of light skyrocketing, silver rays of light Flashing, tearing the surrounding space, the space crack suddenly swallowed up part of Yunling’s sword qi!

Sparkling in a deep voice: “Give me a burst!”

“hong long long!” is close to the 40 road sword qi, and suddenly the bombing exploded. The whole silver white unicorn was suddenly blown out. The killing intent of Yunling’s eyes flashed: “General Pegasus, die!”

“Chī!” The remaining sword glow, which is close to thirty words qi, is directly smashed toward General Pegasus. General Pegasus desperately closes his eyes. At this moment, no one can To save him, Ye Hongchen does not work!

“No, General Pegasus must not fall here!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes were full of anger, and he was going to fly toward General Pegasus. This time, it was replaced by Yun Bufan, and Ye Hongchen stopped. Yun Bufan coldly said with a smile : “Ye Hongchen, you can try it out, I promise, I will definitely kill you!”

Ye Hongchen, complexion slightly changed, then looked straight at Yun Bufan, killing intent flashing, “weng!” “Hey!” A scream suddenly sounded, silver white rays of light flashed, the one-horned horse king appeared directly In front of General Pegasus, he looked at the General Pegasus and then rushed to the 30-word sword qi in Yunling.

“Silver Horn!” Looking at the silk nostalgia in the eyes of Ma Wang, the Pegasus General suddenly felt awkward for a while, and could not help but scream out loudly, but the Silver Horse White Horse King has already rushed to more than 30 swords in Yunling. past!

“Bang!” The huge silver-horned horse king suddenly exploded, and the more than 30 swords qi were directly blown up and crushed, and Yunling was directly blown up with blood, and the Pegasus general suddenly sighed: “Silver Horn No, silver corner!”

“Chī!” General Pegasus succumbed to pain, and the painful tears continued to flow. In the face of that blow, General Pegasus had no way at all, and his life, summon, beast, silver horse, was to save him. Directly to solve the problem of Yunling with self-destruction, the silver horn horse king, directly soul destroyed!

“Ah! Silver Horn, why, why are you so stupid!” General Pegasus snarled in pain, how many years, when the silver horn or the strength of the fairy, when he was Profound Immortal strength, but he glanced at it I took a fancy to the silver horn, liked this strange beast, and formed a life contract with it, becoming his lifelong summon beast!

Innumerable years, they fought together, experienced Life and Death together, and grew up in battle. Their feelings are as close as brother. Today, General Pegasus has reached the level of Xiandi, and the silver horn has reached the sixth level. At the level of the emperor, when the silver horn enters the tenth-level Emperor, it will fly to God World together. Who knows, at this time, the silver horn has fallen!

“bang!” “ka!” The sky suddenly burst into a downpour, and everyone looked at the scene silently, tragic, leaving only the painful roar of General Pegasus: “Silver Horn!”

General Pegasus, this has for many years, he has even forgotten his name, everyone called him Pegasus General, because his union with the silver horn is an invincible general, never failed, but only Once, this time the failure, let the one-horn lost its life!

“Sorry, we are all enemies!” Yunling slowly stood up and looked at General Pegasus. There was also a trace of compassion and sympathy in his eyes: “General Pegasus, at the time we started fighting, was destined It’s not that you die, that is, I die, so death is just a normal thing!”

General Pegasus suddenly looked up, staring at Yunling with red eyes, then roared angrily: “Ah! Yunling, I want you to die, I want you to die!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” A huge flame suddenly ignited on the head of General Pegasus. The eyes of General Pegasus were filled with crazy colors, burning all lifespan and soul, in exchange for the triple strength of the Peak period, General Pegasus , Life and Death have been left out!

“What?” Yunling looked at General Pegasus. What he didn’t expect was that General Pegasus had killed all lifespan and soul in order to kill him. General Pegasus was crazy roar: “Yunling, let us together Let’s die, go to the unicorn to accompany the funeral, Huangquan Road, it will be lonely, die together!”

“Chī!” General Pegasus directly stroked voiid, appeared in front of Yunling, and took a palm directly. Yunling suddenly turned pale and his body exploded. However, this palm is Shadow Chase. Slowly photographed at the top of Yunling!

Strength, the strength of General Pegasus suddenly surged three times before, now Yunling has no grasp of resistance, the eyes of General Pegasus is full of madness: “Yunling, die, die together, kill you, I It will also be soul destroyed, let’s die together!”

“bang!” Suddenly, a huge claw shadow was directly photographed on the palm of General Pegasus. A burst of bombing continued to sound, Yunling was directly attacked by the aftermath of the explosion, and the mouth spurt blood came out. But not at all the worry of life!

“pu!” is a red silhouette directly blown up, mouth spit blood, this silhouette, it is Little Wei, when she saw Yunling life is dangerous, she condensed all her power, directly on the The horrible one of General Pegasus!

Looking at Little Wei who vomited blood, General Pegasus did not know that she was dead or alive, but there was no expression of joy in her eyes, but she was full of disappointment and even despair: “Why? Why can’t he kill him, why?” I am not willing, I am not willing!”

“Chī!” General Pegasus’s body is a little bit of starlight, drifting in the wind, burning all lifespan and soul, only one blow, after a blow, he will soul destroyed, this is also the most extreme desperate way!

“Wei Wei!” Yun Bufan is complexion changed, flew directly toward Little Wei, and Yunling flew over, apologetically watching Little Wei: “Sorry, if it’s not because I want to save me, you won’t injured!”

Little Wei a mouthful of blood, coughing out, said with a smile: “Since all of you have decided to stand on the same line as out of the ordinary, it is naturally your own person. Seeing that you are in danger, how can I not shoot? !”

“Wei Wei, are you okay?” Yun Bufan looked nervously at Little Wei, and Little Wei touched Yun Bufan’s face with a smile: “Nothing, but fortunately I merged the purple jade piece and made my physical strength soar. 30 %, otherwise, I may really want to seriously hurt the coma!”

“I will send you back to Immortal Mansion and have a good rest!” Yun Bufan suddenly screamed, his body flashed blue, Little Wei was directly taken into the Immortal Mansion, and Yun Bufan whispered to Yunling: “Yunling Founder, Call Zheng Yunfeng, they are the time to leave!”

“Good!” Yunling gently nodded, and then one by one toward Zheng Yunfeng their sound transmission commanded, Yun Bufan’s eyes looked at Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo, slightly nodded, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo also nodded!

Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed, blue’s Immortal Mansion flew directly toward Jin Lie and the others, “weng!” Blu-ray skyrocketing, Jin Lie, Shui Yuanbo and the others and three hundred giant dragons disappeared at the same time at Yun Bufan Among the Immortal Mansion!

“Yun Bufan, is he going to escape?” Ye Hongchen looked at the scene coldly, not at all. The meaning of Yi Shuihan was not to be stopped: “Master, why don’t you stop him? He must be Escape!”

“Block? Can you stop?” Ye Hongchen said coldly, slowly sighing: “It seems that he has already told me that the dust and the dream are lonely. Otherwise, he can’t think of the upper hand. Run away!”

Yi Shuihan suddenly paused. He didn’t think that Ye Hongchen had already informed the Emperor and Martial Sovereign. Now, there is only the battle between the war mad and the Three Great Elders, and because it is isolated by the War God field, so who is Can’t see how the battle is inside!

Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into the ray of light, the gust of wind and the Force of Thunder radiated, and the eyes of the wind and thunder appeared. Ye Hongchen in the distance was complexion changed: “Good eyes, that pair of eyes, so Weird, this has obviously been isolated by the field, is it his eyes, can you see the battle situation in the field?”

“Master, this is his eye of the wind and thunder, you can see everything in the world, he should check the battle situation in this field!” Yi Shuihan on the side explained to Ye Hongchen!

“Looking at everything in the world?” Ye Hongchen looked shocked and then looked at the War God field in midair: “I don’t know how the battle in this field is, Three Great Elders is just the beginning of the tenth Emperor!”

Force of Wind and Thunder surging, Yun Bufan’s rays of light slammed, the eyes of the wind and thunder were completely revealed, and they looked directly at the War God field. The secret was secretly thought: “I don’t know if the war mad can stop it.” Three Great Elders !”

The rays of light flashed, and the scene in the War God field suddenly appeared in front of Yun Bufan!

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