Chapter 682, the Lord of the Devil

“I fell in your hands?” Mo Qilin looked at the demon Lord faintly and said slowly: “Don’t you find out, I let this kid set up a seal heavens enchantment? If not to kill you, why should I? Arrange this seal heavens enchantment!”

“Kill me?” The Lord of the Devil stopped, and then haha ​​laughed wildly: “hahaha, okay, a good Mo Qilin, it really is a mad saying, kill me? Just rely on you? Then I have to see, how are you? Kill me!”

“So, look at it!” Mo Qilin blinked in the killing intent, “roar!” A huge roar rang, Mo Qilin suddenly became the body, the huge body suddenly floated, the horrible momentum It broke out in a flash!

“hmph, even if you are Mo Qilin, today, you will die!” The devil’s Lord coldly snorted, Trident constantly spins up, the devil’s Lord is cold and shouted: “Mo Qilin, I possessive armored rhinoceros, and the innate talent of the armored rhinoceros Divine Ability I have never used it. Today, you will learn about my first innate talent Divine Ability!”

“weng!” Trident black light skyrocketed, the devil’s master whispered coldly shouted: “innate talent Divine Ability’s crazy calf!”

“moo!” A crazy roar suddenly sounded, and a huge rhinoceros suddenly appeared in front of the demon Lord. This huge rhino was immediately integrated into the Trident, and Trident suddenly became soaring, an incomparable gigantic Black stunned and stunned!

“Well come!” Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed in the cold, and the nine rays of light flashed, nine kinds of power constantly poured into the clouds, Xiangyun suddenly flashed the colorful rays of light, “hu!” Trident has flowed over!

“Innate talent Divine Ability’s ink jade wall!” Mo Qilin whispered, countless ink green rays of light flashed, in front of Mo Qilin, suddenly there was a burst of dark green crystal wall, ink green crystal wall Let it completely resist it!

“en? Mo Qilin’s innate talent Divine Ability?” The eyes of the devil’s eyes ray of light, watching the whistling nine clouds, the eyes of the demon’s eyes flashing coldly: “Do you want to be hard with me? Well, I will Hard to resist you, I have to see if your innate talent Divine Ability can block my attack!”

“Bang!” The huge Trident shadow fiercely on the wall of Mo Qilin’s ink jade, the entire wall of the jade crystal suddenly trembled, one after another, the green crystals were shattered, Mo Qilin complexion greatly Changed, groaned, constantly fading!

“What? Mo Qilin was injured?” Yun Bufan and the others were startled, and at this time, Mo Qilin’s voice rang in Yun Bufan’s mind: “Kid, get ready, wait for him to take my blow, You immediately give me a shot and try your best!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan’s body was shocked, and then the sound transmission opened the mouth and said: “He Lin, ice rain, ready, when Mo Qilin’s attack hit the devil’s Lord, we Just try your best, don’t keep your hands!”

“Good!” “Yes!” Ice Rain and Mo Qilin at the same time, Yun Bufan’s gaze directly looked at the demon Lord, the momentum of the body constantly looming, the power condensed to the apex!

At this moment, there is a smile on the face of the devil’s face: “Mo Qilin, sure enough, her innate talent Divine Ability can’t resist my attack, how to say, she is only Demi-God, and I , is the real god-level strength, the gap in strength, can not make up!”

“She can strike with this rhinoceros armor!” The eyes of the demon Lord are filled with cold smiles, watching the colorful clouds that fly from the sky, the devil’s master with a hint of contempt, disdain sneering !

“bang!” Just under the gaze of everyone, the nine-colored Xiangyun directly slammed into the rhinoceros armor of the demon Lord. The horrible explosions continued to sound, and the devil’s master was not able to retreat. !

“Sure enough!” The Lord of the Devil felt the enormous power, but not at all hurt him, his face could not help but smile. However, in less than a moment, the smile on his face instantly solidified on his face. The face suddenly changed!

“This is, Soul Attack, bastard, she is hiding such a huge Soul Attack!” The face of the demon Lord suddenly changed, and he became an armored rhinoceros. He could not help but anger!

“Start!” Without Mo Qilin’s opening, Yun Bufan, the ice rain and He Lin have all rushed toward the Lord of the Devil. The Lord of the Devil suddenly looked up and watched the Yun Bufan three people roaring: “Give me a roll. You, too, want to fall into the rocks?”

“Unequalled Tyrant!” Yun Bufan screamed, his colorful rays of light skyrocketed, a powerful hegemonic momentum continued to rise, the overlord’s way, the horrible overbearing force poured into the Divine Sword The other eight magic weapons also appeared instantly, and all the fuse into the Divine Sword!

Dragon Jade Pendant exudes dark green’s rays of light, suspended above Yun Bufan’s head, twenty-four times attack bonus, Yun Bufan’s sword, absolutely has done its best, the power of this sword is the devil’s master I felt a horror!

“This kid, how can this kid’s combat power be so horrible? This is the strength of Demi-God. This sword is at least the strength of dozens of Demi-God. Yes, it is the ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant. Asshole, this pressure, turned out to be the pressure of Zulong, bastard!”

The devil’s lord roared in the bottom of his heart. Mo Qilin’s Soul Attack directly suppressed his soul, so even if Mo Qilin is only Demi-God strength, then Soul Attack is Mo Qilin’s innate talent Divine Ability, in absolute suppression and Mo Qilin. Innate talent Divine Ability In the case of cooperation, it is the Lord of the Devil, and he was also injured when he was caught off guard!

“The sorcerer’s death god vortex 斩!” He Lin is also whispered coldly shouted, the left eye of the god of death is constantly spinning, the black rays of light rises and is directly integrated into Death God’s Scythe, and Death God’s Scythe suddenly becomes A black small vortex, go directly to the devil’s chairman!

“Bastard, the mysterious technique of the wizarding family, also Soul Attack, they, bastard!” The Lord of the Devil has been completely angered, and Yun Bufan and He Lin’s attack, not only the timing is the most accurate, even a Soul Attack, a Powerful attack, this is exactly what he needs to watch out for now!

Although there is a rhinoceros armor, but because of Mo Qilin’s attack, his rhinoceros armor can not play all the defense, it is difficult to get under the attack of Yun Bufan without hurting, and his soul is even more serious, this is Under the defensive power, but also to defend the soul, the Lord of the Devil also felt violent!

“Dark blue blow!” The cold voice of the ice rain also sounded, and the blue beads of Heavenly God Artifact also spiraled up, with a burst of blue rays of light, screaming directly toward the Lord of the Devil, Heavenly God Artifact’s horror, the devil’s Lord is also the pupils shrank!

“Heavenly God Artifact!” killing intent in the eyes of the devil, Heavenly God Artifact, if it was before, he is absolutely dismissive, even how much is there, but now, is the devil’s Lord Trident, also Did not reach the point of Heavenly God Artifact!

“hong long long!” Yun Bufan’s speed is the fastest of them, so his attack is also the fastest to reach the head of the devil’s head, a sword slams down, the devil’s master bites his teeth, the body of the rhinoceros The battlefield’s rays of light skyrocketed and the momentum broke out!

“Bang!” A sword slammed down, and a burst of horrible bombing continued to sound. The demonic master suddenly changed greatly: “This sword attack is so horrible!”

“Chī!” “Chī!” The Lord of the Devil found that there was a trace of crack in the rhinoceros armor on his body. The eyes of the demon Lord were filled with incredulous expression: “This, my armor, has appeared.” Crack, his sword, I am hurt?”

“Chī!” A blood spurted directly from the crack of the armor. The armored rhinoceros had a deep visible bone scar, and the devil’s master screamed in pain. At this time, He Lin’s knife was equally awkward. It’s down!

“No, this knife can only be hard!” The demon Lord whispered, Trident fiercely rushed over Helin’s blade glow, “bang!” “weng!” paint black rays of light skyrocketed, Ho Linton’s complexion changed, becoming pale, “pu!” mouth spurt blood out, He Lin’s body instantly flew out!

“The strength of horror, the devil’s master, even if it is injured, can’t stop him from hitting!” He Lin’s eyes were full of shock. In the face of Yun Bufan’s blow, the devil’s owner chose positive hard resistance. In the face of He Lin’s attack, he chose to hit hard!

“hu!” The devil’s heart is slightly exhaled: “Fortunately, fortunately his strength is not strong, and the trick of death is not at all. The research is thorough, blocked, although paid a price, but it is expected within!”

“xiu!” A burst of blue light flashed, a blue bead screamed directly toward the Lord of the Devil, the demonic master complex changed, and then whispered: “Heavenly God Artifact, give me 砸, oh, oh!”

The devil’s lord roared, and the hands of Trident fiercely rushed toward the ice rain of Heavenly God Artifact. “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The sound of bombing continued to rise, the blue beads of Heavenly God Artifact Even at the end of Trident, not at all was smashed!

“What?” The demon Lord looked at the scene with horror. She, she didn’t even have a shock, the ice was coldly snorted, and her face was white: “Give me a burst!”

“bang!” Heavenly God Artifact A sudden blue flash, a horrible explosion of bombing, Trident was directly blown out!

“pu!” The devil’s master suddenly a mouthful of blood could not help but spurt out, everyone was shocked to see the ice rain, no one thought that the fighting power of the ice rain is so terrible!

“I, I was injured? I, I was injured?” The demon Lord looked at his abdomen unbelievably, there was a fist-sized hole, and blood was constantly flowing!

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