Sixty-ninty-seventh chapter

Yun Bufan’s blue Immortal Mansion, which is quietly suspended in the air, flashes blue rays of light. In the Immortal Mansion, there is a burst of cold air, which is the breath of ice. In the blue Immortal Mansion, there is a beautiful silhouette suspended in the blue long skirt.

At this time, the snow is quietly suspended in the Immortal Mansion, closing the eyes, the blue rays of light are constantly flashing, and there is a shocking atmosphere in the snow, Yun Bufan heart startled: “Immortal Mansion, My Immortal Mansion is in harmony with the soul of Chiaki Snow!”

“This, it should be the so-called cold star method, tsk tsk, as a ten-level fairy, can have such a method, it is really good, then the cold star, should be fine-tuned!” Mo Qilin is also shaking his head and admiring It looks a little unexpected!

Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled: “It’s really, it’s not yours, it’s not yours. Forget it, I got the ancient gods of the gods, I have been unable to sacrifice. Now the strength reaches Demi-God Peak, it should be able to sacrifice!” ”

“Weng!” blue Immortal Mansion Blu-ray skyrocketing, a burst of powerful power fluctuations emerged from it, Yun Bufan suddenly shocked: “This, this is the strength of Demi-God Peak, the strength of Qianqiu Xue, how could it be embarrassing So fast?”

“Since she got the purple jade, she stepped into the realm of the emperor, her strength is constantly breaking through, even my speed, there is no horror from her!” The war madness shook the head, Whispering!

“Out of the ordinary, the magic of the pure jade is really very powerful. After I absorbed the purple jade, if it wasn’t because I was Dragon Race, especially the blood jade dragon, then I have already stepped into Demi-God. Peak, this purple jade piece is very weird, but it is also very powerful!” Little Wei, who was on the side, looked dignified and said!

“purple jade?” Yun Bufan whispered, and at this moment, the entire blue Immortal Mansion flashed in abrupt blue light. After a while, the blue Immortal Mansion disappeared, and the snow fell slowly, then opened his eyes. The eyes are full of confused expression!

“This, what happened?” Qian Qiuqi looked around all around and found that everyone was staring at her, could not help but glimpse, madly rushed forward, said with a bitter smile: “Autumn snow, you feel yourself Is there any change? That Immortal Mansion?”

“Immortal Mansion?” Qianqiuqiu glimpsed a little, then his eyes closed, his body flashed blue, and then he was surprised: “Why is this? This Immortal Mansion, Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion is controlled by me?”

“This should be the method left by your Master Cold Star. This Immortal Mansion should belong to you. Now it can be regarded as the original owner!” Yun Bufan smiled and opened his mouth, and a slight apology in the eyes of the snow, she was Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion has a lot of benefits, but now he has won his Immortal Mansion, how Qianqiu snow is going to go!

“Yun Bufan, this Immortal Mansion?” Qian Qiu Xue looked at Yun Bufan and wanted to say something. Yun Bufan just smiled and waved his hand: “Qian Qiu Xue, this is yours, I am just returning to the original owner. And, and I have a shrine, Immortal Mansion, you are more suitable!”

“Thank you!” Qian Qiuqi whispered openly, his eyes filled with grateful colors, Yun Bufan shook the head, looked around, and then smiled opened the mouth and said: “Everyone, now my Immortal Mansion is taken away by the snow, The white jade bottle can’t accommodate so many people, so I hope everyone will wait a little longer, wait for me to worship the shrine, and let everyone go in and practice!”

“The main star of Yunxing, I am bothering you!” “The main star of Yunxing, you can control your own sacrifice!” “No hurry, we are not in a hurry, the main star of Yunxing is coming slowly!” A good-hearted laughter rang. They are really not in a hurry, and next to Yun Bufan, the benefits are too much!

Yun Bufan smiled nodded, then sat down on the knees, a storage ring in her hand pointed to the rays of light, a shrine with five colors of rays of light floated directly from Yun Bufan within the body, and Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes. : “Shenfu, Shenfu, Deity’s mansion, not a god king, but can’t refine the shrine!”

“Today, my Yun Bufan will use the strength of Demi-God Peak to honour your shrine. I don’t believe it, I can’t sacrifice it!” Yun Bufan’s eyes are full of firm colors, and his rays of light are shining. The power of the stock overbearing is constantly pouring into the shrine, and the ray of light flashes in the shrine!

“Shenfu, give me penetration!” Yun Bufan controlled the power of the overlord, madly poured into the five-color temple, the entire five-color temple suddenly floated up, bursts of light bursting up!

“This sacred house, the huge Divine Formation, with my current strength, can only penetrate a small part of the Divine Formation. To control the entire shrine, you must control the Divine Formation of the entire shrine, with my current strength, I am afraid that it is difficult to fully penetrate!” Yun Bufan secretly thought about it!

“There is no way, except for the full penetration, there is no other way!” Yun Bufan secretly gritted his teeth, his colorful rays of light skyrocketed, and the powerful domineering suddenly pressed around, everyone around him The bottom of my heart is fiercely!

“This, the strength of the cloud star master?” “His strength has reached such a terrible degree!” “Really strong!” Everyone is full of fear, just the momentum of Yun Bufan, They have already made them feel aloud!

“bang!” The momentum exploded, and Yun Bufan suddenly opened his eyes and whispered: “Give me control, control, penetration, and continue to infiltrate!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The whole five-color shrine is constantly shining with colorful rays of light. The momentum of Yun Bufan suddenly rises and rises. In the fearful eyes of everyone, Yun Bufan is anxious. Incomparable: “Not good, still not enough, not far enough!”

“Additional increase, then increase, bastard, still one third, my strength, has been exhausted, can not control this whole shrine!” Yun Bufan is full of disappointment, the strength of Demi-God Peak is not enough It seems that it is only when we reach the level of God that we have the opportunity to control this shrine!

“Kid, your method is wrong. This is the shrine made by the main soul of Five Elements. Although it is not the god of the gods, it is also considered the god of the gods, the Five Elements, the greatest features. It is the power of Five Element, the power of Five Element is complete, only to control this shrine, and your way of overlord, although powerful, but still can not be convinced with brute force!”

Just when Yun Bufan was about to give up, a faint voice suddenly sounded in his mind. Yun Bufan’s heart was shocked. He sacrificed the gods, but blocked the power of all outside souls. The power of the soul can sneak into the sea of ​​consciousness quietly. If the other party is good at Soul Attack, then it is not dangerous!

“It’s a little Five Elements!” Yun Bufan stopped in the heart, and then I thought, this is the sound of the little Five Elements, the sound of the little Five Elements, the deep exhaled of Yun Bufan, the nine rays of light on the body slowly dimmed Down, everyone is secretly sighed: “He, failed!”

“bang!” Just as the nine ray of light dimmed, everyone thought that Yun Bufan failed, a burst of colorful rays of light suddenly rushed from him, directly emitting a powerful and powerful horror, power of Five Element momentum!

“This? He, he has not failed, well, a good Yun Bufan, this is the purest power of Five Element!” Sword no life to see this scene, the eyes can not help but flash the incredible expression, shocked!

“There is no failure, such a huge power of Five Element, which is enshrined, what cultivation technique is enshrined in his cultivation!” Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo looked at each other. Both of them were filled with shocking colors and looked at each other. Shocked!

“Good boy, it turned out to be the god of the Five Elements, but how can the Five Elements of the Five Elements be in Immortal World, and this breath should not be like the god of the Five Elements, this shrine too Weak some!” Mo Qilin looked at this scene, secretly confused, shook the head!

“Success, no failure!” “No failure, he will succeed!” “There is no failure!” A loud argument continued to sound, they all looked at Yun Bufan straight, not only Yun Bufan conquered Shenfu The process is also their hope!

Once Yun Bufan has sacrificed the Shenfu, it can be integrated into the white jade bottle. When he stays in Yun Bufan’s shrine, the speed of cultivation can be dozens of times, so they also hope Yun. Bufan can succeed!

“bang!” Yun Bufan’s huge fairy and power of Five Element poured into the shrine, instantly controlling part of the Divine Formation, power of Five element like a hot knife through butter, directly controlling each and everyone Divine Formation, Yun Bufan could not help but secretly sighed: “It seems that strength is important, but the most important thing is to do things!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” A burst of strange sounds, Yun Bufan suddenly looked at the past: “That is, one of the six great arrays of the shrine, it is an indestructible stone, Fire Attribute ore!”

“Continue, the next base, and sure enough, this is the blue sea stone. These six great array bases should be arranged according to the five attributes of the power of Five Element. The base should be five, one of which not only acts. The base, also acts as an array eye, I really don’t know what attribute will be the treasure!”

Yun Bufan saw that the first base was Fire Attribute stone pillar and the second one was Water Attribute stone pillar. He believed that the following three great array bases should be made up of gold, wood and earth minerals. It should also be a stone pillar!

Five stone pillars stood in the five corners of Shenfu, which set off the entire shrine. After Yun Bufan took control of the other three bases, he swept directly toward the central great array of the shrine. Yun Bufan’s secretly secret thought : “The last base, it can be said that it is an array eye, I don’t know what it will be!”

“This is the stone of space?” Yun Bufan shouted when he saw the last silver white stone.

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