The first thousand three hundred and ninety-seven chapters of the ancient troll body possession

“Is there a mistake?” Yun Bufan is also looking straight at the Taiko Troll. If you are from the perspective of the Taiko Troll, the Taiko Troll is not wrong, and his beloved woman is killed, if it is Yun Bufan himself. If you do, he will definitely kill his enemies at all costs!

Is the practice of Lord God World wrong? In Yun Bufan’s opinion, God Lord is not wrong. In Yun Bufan’s opinion, God God’s Lord and Taiko Troll may be a kind of person, all for their beloved woman, so I want to come in Yun Bufan. They are not wrong!

If, on the other hand, it is his own, if Little Wei suffers from betrayal and murder, Yun Bufan knows that his behavior is definitely less benevolent than God World’s Lord, provided that he has the same kind of possession as him. strength!

“Yun Bufan!” The Taiko Troll stared straight at Yun Bufan and then sat with a smile: “Do you think I am wrong? You and I have no grudges, why do you want Gang Lord? Why do you want to help him? I am out, I will not shoot you, will not be shot to your loved ones, what effect can you have on you?”

“Yun Bufan!” Two sets of black flames suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Taikoo trolls: “Help me, help me out of trouble, as long as you help me out of trouble, I can promise you all the requirements, I can absolutely guarantee that even if I enslaved the whole God World, your friends, your loved ones, I will never deal with them!”

“Between you and me, there is no grudge, and you are not obliged to stop the Gang Lord from being born, isn’t it?” The Taikoo trolls blinked, and the words were opened and the mouth and said: “Even, I can let You become the Master of Angel and Devil, what do you think?”

The words of the Taiko Troll are undoubtedly full of temptations. As he said, Yun Bufan and Taikoo Trolls have no grudges. There is no need to stop the birth of the Taiko Trolls. The birth of the Taiko Trolls, seals, and Yun Bufan. There is no big difference at all!

“The Taiko Troll!” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, watching the Taiko Troll whispered open the mouth and said: “Your words are undoubtedly very tempting, as you said, me and you not at all what grievances, you Whether it’s a birth or a seal, it doesn’t really matter to me!”

The eyes of the Taikoi troll suddenly flashed a hint of concealment, but Yun Bufan suddenly looked up and looked at the Taikoi trolls faintly opened the mouth and said: “You may be right, but you ignore one thing. You destroyed too many people at the beginning, and I owe too many people!”

“You killed, and my World Extinguishing Sword Art is a cultivation technique. You made the original become the present, and I have too many things from the beginning, this is me. I owe them!” Yun Bufan looked at the Taiko Troll faint opened the mouth and said!

“I owe them, I have to pay back, and their enemies are you, the ancient trolls, just this, I can’t let you go out, I have to seal you completely!” Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into the air Flashing, staring straight at the Taiko Troll, a word of silence!

The Taikoo trolls suddenly burst into a strong black mist, and the black mist continued to pervade. A powerful horrible momentum suddenly erupted from the Taikoo trolls. The Taikoi troll looked at Yun Bufan and whispered: Yun Bufan, I really don’t want you to be an enemy of me. If we join hands, then we can share God World!”

“Unfortunately, your choice made me very disappointed!” The ancient troll shook the head, the black light of the body suddenly rose, and a layer of black fog directly shrouded the little Five Elements, the face of Little Five Elements Suddenly surrounded by a group of black fog, the face suddenly showed a painful color!

“The Taiko Troll, you don’t kill Yun Bufan, what are you doing?” Little Five Elements snarled in a low voice, and the Taiko Troll snarled: “Waste, I thought I had my help, as long as I didn’t meet the pole, you You should be able to cope with creating them, and in your capacity, you can also help me break the seal!”

“But you, a Peak, there is this Majesty’s help, but you can’t even deal with Yun Monarch’s Yun Bufan. What is the use of this waste for you?” The Tale Troll sounds cold, black rays of light spread. Up!

“The Taiko Troll, don’t forget the agreement between the two of us. If you do this, are you not afraid of Heart Demon regeneration?” Little Five Elements snarled, and the Tale Troll suddenly said with a big smile : “Heart Demon ?hahaha, what is Heart Demon? I tell you, I am the devil, the only demon!”

“You are too stupid!” The ancient troll was coldly smiled, and the black light suddenly became thicker. In the eyes of Little Five Elements, a burst of colorful rays of light appeared. Little Five Elements looked at the Taiko Troll: “The Taiko Troll, you Don’t forget, I am the innate Five Elements Spirit Body. Do you want to use the power of the soul to control me?”

“Innate Gift Elements Spirit Body, yes, I can’t control it, but you shouldn’t be greedy, you shouldn’t learn my cultivation technique!” The Taiko Troll faintly opened, the face of Little Five Elements suddenly changed, watching the Taiko Troll Shen Opened the mouth and said : “You did your hands and feet in the cultivation technique?”

“You shouldn’t be greedy!” The Taiko Troll shot the head of Little Five Elements: “My cultivation technique, my strength, not so easy to borrow, every time you borrow, my strength can hurt you. Points, even control your body!”

“You borrow my strength again and again. I can say that your body and the strength of your with the body are well known. How do you resist me?” The tyrannical color appeared for the first time in the eyes of the ancient trolls. His flawless face looks so weird!

“The Taiko Troll!” Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed, the Taikoi troll turned suddenly, looked at Yun Bufan, and suddenly smiled: “Yun Bufan, do you want to stop me? But you can’t stop me!”

“The bones of the trolls!” The Taiko troll whispered, a roar, a black body bone suddenly emerged, this black body bone appeared directly in front of the Taikoic troll, five meters tall, all over Black ray of black rays of light!

“weng!” “weng!” black light keeps flashing and the black fog fills. The black troll bone suddenly emerges with layers of black rays of light. The power of the troll’s bones also has endless dark power!

“He really wants to use the little Five Elements to get out of trouble!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the cold, the colorful rays of light flashed, and Yun Bufan’s body suddenly broke out with a strong hegemony!

“The way of the overlord!” Yun Bufan whispered, his body bursts of nine rays of light continually flashing, the king of the road, a hegemonic momentum suddenly broke out, Yun Bufan directly hit the troll The bones slammed down!

“hong long long!” The roaring sound continued to sound, the overlord’s way, the overbearing power instantly emerged, the troll’s bone slowly turned, watching Yun Bufan’s colorful rays of light flashing punch, troll The bone is also a fist fiercely smashed down!

The nine rays of light and the black rays of light are constantly flashing, the nine-color rays of light and the black light are rising at the same time, the roaring sounds constantly, Yun Bufan only feels a powerful force, a horror The power, an irresistible force, passed over the fist of the troll bone!

“peng!” A collision, Yun Bufan’s body was suddenly shaken off ten meters, Yun Bufan was shocked to see the troll bone, the ancient troll whispered: “Yun Bufan, the troll bone But I am with the arm of the body, the power inside the bone is definitely not what you can break!”

“The Taiko Troll!” At this moment, the angry scream of Little Five Elements suddenly sounded: “Do you know what is the most special of the innate Five Elements Spirit Body? If you still try to control me with your soul power, I I can guarantee that you and I will definitely suffer a suffer!”

“Oh? Is it? Then I really want to see how you can suffer from my bones suffer!” The Taiko Trolls simply ignored the threat of Little Five Elements, and the black rays of light became even more smashed. The power of darkness is also becoming stronger!

“The Taiko Troll, this is what you forced me!” Little Five Elements snarled in anger, he could feel it, this power of Darkness is constantly strengthening, if you don’t resist again, there is absolutely no chance, you will die!

“Five Elements Essence imprint, give it to me now!” On the face of Little Five Elements, the five-color rays of light are constantly skyrocketing, and the five different colors of the imprints are swept away from the Little Elements within the body, the Five Elements imprint, this is Five Elements Space’s Five Elements inheritance imprint!

“Five Elements inheritance imprint!” Little Five Elements whispered, the five-color imprint suddenly emerged, five different Hongmeng space inheritance imprint, the face of the Taikoo troll was a weird smile: “Wait, you are Put this Five Elements inheritance imprint on it yourself!”

“What?” The little Five Elements suddenly shocked and looked at the Taiko Trolls in shock. The Taiko Trolls faintly opened the mouth and said: “They are the inheritance of Hongmeng space, with the power of Hongmeng space, they are in you. Within the body, I can’t physically possession you!”

“Your best protector is torn off by yourself, so your resistance is of no use!” The Taiko Troll smiled and the whole person instantly broke into the inside of the little Five Elements!

The little Five Elements body fiercely trembled, the black fog of the body began to rise wildly, and the little Five Elements looked directly at the direction of Yun Bufan, and suddenly there was a colorful divine light: “Yun Bufan, Five Elements Space Imprint, Big Five Elements Ring and Yin and Yang Five Elements, I will give it to you, help me revenge and help me revenge!”

The little Five Elements screamed wildly, the Five Elements space’s Five Elements inheritance imprint, the Big Five Elements ring and the yin and yang Five Elements rushed directly toward the direction of Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in a flash of light. The direction is coming over!

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