The power of the first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters

“Yangchen!” Yun Bufan looked at the burning world, then deep exhaled, whispered, a burst of rays of light flashed, rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan’s dark green Shenfu slowly floated out, In the dark green shrine, the rays of light flash, and a golden rays of light suddenly emerge!

“Master!” golden rays of light dissipated, a handsome young man suddenly appeared, this handsome young man with a touch of golden rays of light, this golden silhouette is the gold of the prince, that is, the beginning of the shrine The corpse will be!

“Yangchen, how are you recovering?” Yun Bufan looked at the director’s eyes flashing, whispered and asked, shaking hands with the minister, the powerful force filled out, watching Yun Bufan heavily nodded: “Old master’s After Shenfu has a master, I am recovering from it several times more than before!”

“I don’t know if the master asked the minister to come out this time. What is the command?” The minister looked at Yun Bufan with a puzzled look. After Yun Bufan got the shrine, he never bothered him to recover. He didn’t let him out, but now he let him out too. Obviously what is the major event!

Yun Bufan watched the ministers exhaled, then looked at the burning world, and opened the mouth and said to the singer: “Will the minister, with your strength, plus the three of us can stop him? He is the Peak of the Holy Strength!”

“Peak sacred!” The body of the prince was shocked. Peak sage, when his old master was also the Peak sage, he knew the horror of the Peak, and he looked at the burning of the head. Opened the mouth and said: “Master, it’s hard, I’m afraid it won’t be his opponent!”

“Not his opponent?” Yun Bufan stopped, then deep exhaled: “If you don’t fight with him, then the four of us will join forces to stop him and prevent him from going one step. Can you do this?”

“Just stop him?” The minister blinked, looked at the arrogant and silver moon, and then slightly indulged: “Master, Peak’s strength is too horrible, and he has unlocked three seals, we really want Is it right with him? In that case, if he breaks out with all his strength, we will not die or be seriously injured if we accidentally!”

“But we have to stop him!” Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled, then watched the whisperer open the mouth and said: “Where the minister, no matter what the price, we must stop him, how long it will drag him! ”

“But I am afraid that I can’t hold it for a moment!” The whisper whispered, and then looked at Yun Bufan heavily nodded: “Since the owner has ordered it, then I will try it for a while, how long it will take, see him comprehensively How strong is the outbreak!”

“Then let’s try it out!” Yun Bufan is nodded to the lord, and the bursts of rays of light are rising. Yun Bufan is nodded to Silver Moon and Aoguang, and Yinyue and Aoguang are also rays of Light flashes!

“weng!” The body of Chen will appear a piece of golden glow. Under the golden gloom, the whole person will be turned into a golden iron man surrounded by golden iron pieces.

“Dragon Soul, when I advanced to Five Elements Divine Artifact, you not only did not stop me, but helped me, I don’t know what you really want to do, but at least you never hurt me, my Yun Bufan didn’t want to owe Other people’s feelings, you have to rescue the Taikoo trolls, then I will return you this person!”

Yun Bufan is deeply exhaled: “You taught me, anyway, as long as it is not a critical moment, you must keep your trump card. You should also know that this is not my whole trump card, but today, as long as you can The combination of the four of us, that is your ability, I will not have a new trump card!”

“You guys join hands?” The eyes of the burning world flashed, watching Yun Bufan’s eyes burst into flames, then slowly opened the mouth and said: “I know, there is another person under your hand, that is the original The demon god created by the Taikoic troll, the real demon god He Lin!”

“I have to admit that you really don’t have a trump card, but Yun Bufan, do you think I have done my best? You should also know that I also did not do my best!” The world looked at Yun Bufan slightly smiled, purple light Also flashing!

“In order to let you die, I will let you take a look at the real horror of the Peak of the Holy!” The world’s purple rays of light suddenly rise and rise, in the hands of the burning world, the Purple Dragon Ball suddenly Keep spinning up!

“weng! ” “weng! ”purple rays of light flashing, the purple dragon ball slams, and the purple rays of light suddenly flash, burning the world and looking at Yun Bufan faintly opened the mouth and said: “Maybe you still forget I am not a Peak Saint, I am a half-step Paragon!”

“Yun Bufan, you can reach my half-step Paragon one day and soon, maybe even become a new Paragon, because we have one thing in common!” The purple light flashed in the eyes of the burning world, watching Yun Bufan whisper A smile: “Perhaps you never know what this is!”

“Break for me! Let’s go!” A wave of purple rays of light rushed into the purple dragon ball, and a horrible momentum broke out on the purple dragon ball. The powerful power burst instantly. In the eyes of the burning world, there is a burst of purple halo!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” “purple Dragon Ball continues to rush to the Yun Bufan. The four roaring explosions, the Yun Bufan are also magnificent, in front of Yun Bufan. The nine Divine Artifact suddenly became the nine barriers, and it resisted the attack of the Purple Dragon Ball!

No matter how Dragon Balls strikes, Yun Bufan’s body is not retreating, but a mouthful of blood is constantly squirting from Yun Bufan’s mouth. Every striker of this Dragon Ball can be clipped with a terrible impact!

The eyes of the burning world flashed, and then his eyes turned toward the silver moon, and the arrogant and the ministers looked at it. It was in such a moment of time that the power of the martial arts, arrogance, silver moon and the ministers had already rushed toward him, burning the world low. Sing a drink: “Give me back!”

“weng! ”purple light flashes, the dragon ball rushes to the arrogance in a moment, arrogance is the easiest one of them. After all, the dragon ball has a suppressing effect on arrogance, so the burning world One chose arrogant to attack!

The arrogant look at the flying dragon ball, the eyes are also azure light slam, cyan ray stunned, arrogant cold shouted in a low voice, a burst of azure light slamming, arrogant hand holding azure long stick, cyan Ray dizzy constantly, the azure power madly poured into the azure long stick!

Aoguang deep exhaled, looking at this purple dragon ball, a roar, a stick to the purple dragon ball fiercely smashed down, the momentum is terrible, the huge azure stick shadow is even scary!

“bang!” A stick slammed into the purple dragon ball, and a roaring explosion suddenly rang. The whole dragon ball suddenly trembled, the purple glow filled, the purple light flashed, and the azure light of the azure long stick changed. More awkward!

“en? It’s not bad!” The eyes of the burning world flashed, and a wave of purple’s power suddenly merged into the purple dragon ball. The purple dragon ball flashed, a roar sounded, and the proud body was suddenly bombed. Fly out!

At the same time, the silver moon’s star Baohe has already pressed down on the top of the burning world, burning the world and whispering, a path of purple mist filled up, burning the world and whispering: “Shuanglong body, Zilong now !”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The two purple giant dragons hovered up and surrounded by the burning world. The Star Baohe suddenly fell down and collided with the two Purple Divine Dragons hovering around the world. A loud roar suddenly rang out!

“bang!” “bang!” The star Baohe crashed down, and the two purple Divine Dragons suddenly trembled. The Purple Divine Dragon rays of light flashed, and the Star Baohe was straight up by the Purple Divine Dragon. There, it can’t be suppressed at all!

“Go to the seat!” The world whispered, the purple Divine Dragon purple light flashed, the explosion sounded, and the stars and the silver moon were all topped out by the Purple Divine Dragon, and the silver moon eyes burst into the air. Silver white rays of light slamming, angry wolf howling!

“weng!” “weng!” Silver Moon’s eyes are full of anger and ferocity, but more hesitant. It looks at Yun Bufan and then screams at the burning world, flying directly in the direction of Yun Bufan. Grab the past!

At the same time, a golden rays of light suddenly appeared in front of the burning world, a golden light flashed, a golden fist shadow emerged directly, appeared in front of the burning world, punched the punch into the chest of the world!

In the eyes of the burning world, the purple light flashed, coldly snorted, and the same fist punched over the golden fist. On the right hand of the burning world, the purple light continually flashed, and the burning whispered: “Hong Meng Shen Quan, Break for Me! Open!”

“peng!” “peng!” golden fist shadow and purple fist shadow collided in the air, golden shadow, after the shadow of the firm face, Chen will directly look at the burning, the golden fist above The golden rays of light have become even more awkward!

The minister whispered, and on the fist, the golden rays of light instantly rose, and at the same time, the body of the burning world, Hongqi Purple Qi is constantly emerging, Hongqi Purple Qi is pouring into the purple boxing, the purple fist is the same It is purple light skyrocketing!

The golden rays of light and the purple rays of light continued to confront each other. The face of Chen’s face slowly appeared a bit of painful color. The golden light flashed in the eyes of the minister, then screamed in a low voice, and a fist suddenly pushed toward the front fiercely!

“hong long long!” burst into a roaring explosion, and the explosion sounded. The body of the squad suddenly stepped forward toward the front fiercely, and the burning of the world was a step back, and then looked at the minister with some stunned!

“The power of horror!” The shock in the heart of the world was so shocking, watching the golden light flashing the minister, the heart secretly stunned!

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