"He's on your lower right!"

The voice of the purple star suddenly rang out in Qiu Yun's mind. Qiu Yun's eyes flashed, and there was no hesitation. The sickle of death shook, the sickle body hummed, and an evil soul shot out. Ye lingxu appeared in the lower right square.

Obviously, Qiu Yun's attack on ye lingxu did little harm, but it also affected him to some extent, revealing his body hidden in the void because of his speed.

Boom! Boom!

Ye lingxu stopped for a moment. This moment was very short, but it was enough for Xia Feng and Chu he, who had been following Qiu Yun because of his identity as a thug, to come. Their faces were cold without any temperature, and their hands were photographed at the same time.

The vast torrent of fighting spirit and soul wave swept out at the same time. The void trembled wildly and spread to the stagnant ye lingxu at a high speed.

Ye lingxu's face was plain. He glanced coldly at Qiu Yun, dodged his body and avoided the joint attack of the two. The black palm burst out a fierce black light, and his five fingers became claws and tore down.


The mountain shadow wrapped by the thunder torrent below is as fragile as tofu and torn in two.

Ye lingxu jumped into it and waved his black claw. He tore the wave of the golden dragon that collapsed under the repeated attacks of thunder torrent and mountain shadow. When he mentioned the bloody and fainting black Qi, the residual shadow flashed and quickly swept outside Yuntian college.

Now he violates the rule of Yuntian college that outsiders can't enter the college. He also dresses up as Tu Ling, the two students of Tongguan and Manlong. These crimes are really not small.

Once he and Kurosaki are caught, even if they have a strong background and are completely justified, Yuntian college has every reason to severely punish them, and even if the prime minister's office behind them is dissatisfied with this, they can't retaliate in the open.

Otherwise, it would not be impossible to bring down the prime minister's house by impeaching the enemies who had a gap with the prime minister's house in the Empire.

If they are not caught by Yuntian college, there is no real proof. When they return to the Empire, Yuntian college is even more unable to help them.

In their rear, it was impossible for Xia Feng to let go and catch up angrily, while Chu he hid near Qiu Yun under the guise of pursuing. As Qiu Yun's important hand, she could not stay away from Qiu Yun.

Standing on the stone platform, Qiu Yun looked at the three quickly turned into black spots in the distant sky. His eyes were cold. In order to deal with him, heiqi brought ye lingxu and other strong players to the college.

Fortunately, ye lingxu has been exposed. Otherwise, with his terrible cultivation, even with Chu he's protection, he will be able to protect him safely.

Qiu Yun looked around and didn't see Chu he. He knew she was hiding. His eyes turned and looked at heizaki's original place.

"Although he had not been able to kill him before, most of him became disabled when he waited for the offensive." Qiu Yun looked at the pool of blood on the ground with cold eyes. Suddenly, he moved and looked not far away. Two things came into his eyes.

Wind plume fan.

Array spirit disk.

"It should be that the Golden Dragon array that enveloped him was scattered on the ground after the explosion. Later, when the strong hand rescued him, he didn't have time to get it back because of a hurry." Qiu yunmingwu's face is ecstatic. He has made a lot of money now.

Qiu Yun walked forward in three steps and two steps to pick up the wind plume fan and the array spirit plate. The former is light and filled with weak wind flow, while the latter is heavy and filled with a little dragon power and soul fluctuation.


Qiu Yun waved the wind plume fan, and the strong cyan air swept out, straight into the distant sky, and the color remained unchanged.

"It's a powerful fourth-order magic weapon, but it's too light, and judging by its shape, it's obviously used by women." Qiu Yun weighed the wind plume fan and said with a faint smile.

The fragrant wind blew. Ji Yue came to Qiu Yun, looked at him up and down, sighed with relief, and said with a smile, "look at you, you are alive and kicking. Are you okay?"

"Not only is it all right, but also the harvest is not small." Qiu Yun smiled and raised the two treasures in his hand.

Ji Yue looked at her, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she was not without envy. This guy was also a little lucky. He got two treasures at once. Among them, the wind plume fan was still a fourth level divine soldier. In addition to the sickle of the God of death and the hidden dragon monument, he now has three fourth level divine soldiers.

"I don't want to use this wind feather fan. It's with you." Qiu Yun hands out the wind plume fan, which is obviously more suitable for Ji Yue.

Ji Yue looked at him in disbelief. She looked at his sincere smile. Her pretty face was slightly red and didn't refuse. She smiled and took over. Her head hung low, and her slender jade fingers rubbed the plain white wind plume fan. It looked quite commensurate.

Qiu Yun took back his eyes, looked at the array spirit plate, put it away and scanned it. Now the scene is in a mess, which is naturally ye lingxu's masterpiece.

"Dang Dang!" There was also a loud bell ringing in the distance, and figures swept into the sky and chased ye lingxu in the direction he left.

"It seems that the college already knows about ye lingxu, so the next thing is them." Qiu Yun smiles. Some people from college chase ye lingxu and heiqi. Naturally, he doesn't need to be busy.

"It turns out that the Tu Ling that brother Tong and I are dealing with is disguised by Ye lingxu. No wonder we will lose." Manlong and Tongguan walked with each other, looking at Qiu Yun a little depressed.

If ye lingxu didn't expose his identity before, then next, ye lingxu is bound to challenge Qiu Yun.

With ye lingxu's ability, even those who suppress their accomplishments in the seventh level will certainly be able to defeat Qiu Yun.

Unfortunately, ye lingxu's identity was exposed, and the war naturally could not be carried out. Qiu Yun was able to avoid falling under Ye lingxu's hands like them, and he also got two treasures. He was so lucky.

Qiu Yun joked and smiled. Ye lingxu disguised as Tu Ling. His combat effectiveness is naturally extremely terrible. If he controls his cultivation to level 7, it is estimated that even level 8 can fight.

However, although ye lingxu is ridiculously strong, Qiu Yun may not be afraid of him. His strength has not been shown in the previous battle with heiqi.

"Ji Yue, fight with me." A provocative female voice suddenly came. Qiu Yun looked back, but Qin Yao was walking towards Ji Yue.

Qiu Yun sighed helplessly. Qin Yao was really interested in fighting with Ji Yue at this time.

"She is interested in Wu Qianqiu. In the past, Ji Yue was a little close to Wu Qianqiu out of gratitude for Wu Qianqiu's life-saving kindness. Qin Yao regarded Ji Yue as a love enemy, and the relationship between them has always been bad..." Manlong's joking laughter came into Qiu Yun's mind.

Qiu Yun looked at him with some surprise. The pretty dragon looked honest. Unexpectedly, he was a gossip man. He turned his eyes, looked at Qin Yao from the line, and then looked at Ji Yue, who was helpless, and joked and smiled.

"Inexplicably, you always find me unlucky. Qiu Yun, go ahead." Ji Yue muttered dejectedly. Her little face was full of helplessness. She pulled Qiu Yun's clothes and looked at him for help.

She is not afraid of Qin Yao, but now she really doesn't want to fight Qin Yao, but if she refuses, the other party will find some excuses as before

Qiu Yun saw that she was really unwilling and pitiful. He reluctantly rubbed his forehead and said with a wry smile: "well, I'll go to her!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qiu Yun was suddenly stunned. It seemed that there was something wrong with his words?

Yu Guang looked at Ji Yue's eyes. Qiu Yun finally reacted. His old face was slightly hot and coughed. He hurried to Qin Yaoxing with big steps.

Qin Yaolian stopped, looked at the oncoming Qiu Yun, and wondered, "Qiu Yun, what are you?"

"Ji Yue, she's not feeling well, so if you insist on fighting, let me fight for her."

Qin Yao looked at him and Ji Yue, who seemed to have an uncomfortable face. She was silent for a moment, shook her head and said, "forget it."

She also saw Qiu Yun's strength. Even Manlong was inferior. Even if she did it, she mostly asked for trouble.

Qiu Yun saw that she didn't fight, smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she had less trouble.

In the following, no one challenged again. Seeing this, Qiu Yun stopped and greeted Ji Yue and Tong Guan to leave.

With their departure, the exchange meeting was completely over.

However, the heat of the scene did not drop. Many students looked at the fragmented stone platform and talked warmly about the previous exchange meeting.

"According to Qin Yao, the power that the Golden Dragon array can burst out is even stronger than the man dragon. However, Qiu Yun strongly defeated heiqi, who controls the Golden Dragon array, which shows that Qiu Yun's strength is even stronger than the man dragon."

"With Qiu Yun's current combat effectiveness, it is estimated that he can confront Wu Qianqiu head-on. It's really a demon. He has made such proud achievements since he entered the college."

"Damn heiqi, he let ye lingxu disguise himself as Tu Ling. As a result, he defeated the man dragon who helped us with millions of gold coins. The man dragon couldn't beat Qiu Yun, and the millions of gold coins we raised were wasted."

"Even if ye lingxu doesn't defeat Manlong, Manlong is not Qiu Yun's enemy..."

As soon as the man's voice came out, the scene fell into silence. All the senior class students on the scene were ugly and lost their temper for a time.

Compared with their gloom, the junior class students invited by Kurosaki were thunderous with joy, and their eyes were full of respect.

"I don't know what happened to ye lingxu and heiqi."

I don't know who squeaked at the scene. They immediately looked at the distant sky. Then many students were full of curiosity in their eyes and went to the layman of the college like a tide.

On the way back to the residential building, Qiu Yun, Ji Yue and Tong Guan walked along the deserted place and discussed the next plan.

Originally, they planned to attract Kurosaki outside Yuntian college after the exchange meeting and take the opportunity to erase it to eliminate future problems. However, the situation has changed and the previous plan can no longer be implemented.

"Now go back and wait for the news. If the college catches them, it's naturally best. If they can't catch them, they won't care for the time being."

After the three discussed for a moment, Qiu Yun said the next plan in a low voice. In this regard, Ji Yue and Tong Guan nodded, which is the only way for now.

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