On the square, there was a dead silence. Everyone held their breath and stared at the light curtain. The vibration filled their eyes.

In the light curtain, the torrent of fighting spirit like fire waves roared up, which undoubtedly means that there are heavy treasures in the Tiankeng, and judging from their form, they are obviously not ordinary heavy treasures.

This is undoubtedly ironic for them. Originally, they thought there would be no treasure. Now, let them know how wrong they were before.

The original jubilant atmosphere at the scene also became gloomy at this time. The vibration in people's eyes gradually dissipated and replaced by curiosity and envy.

"This treasure is very unusual." The famous elder sighed.

As soon as the people around them heard this, their curiosity gradually showed signs of being covered by envy. These guys in the black tower were lucky. At present, they had less time to rob Tiancai and Dibao, and there were heavy treasures.

In the black tower array.

At the moment, in the huge space in the array, the color of the sky has been illuminated to a fiery red, but the shining object is the roaring and improving torrent at the entrance of the pit that day.

The previous fighting torrent showed a fiery red color, but the current fighting torrent is like blood.

And when this blood like fighting torrent broke out, the powerful breath swept up, and the space was rippled. The stone platforms were shaken, and many students on the stone platforms flew up and were involved in the fighting torrent.

At that time, the muffled sound mixed with the wailing sound, which came down from the top of the black tower.

Those students were instantly impacted to the top of the array by the continuous fighting torrent, lying on their backs, trying to hold up their defense against the fighting torrent. They were shocked to find that they were washed back by the fighting torrent as soon as they urged their strength.

As a result, the torrent of fighting continued to wash away against them. Those powers were like heavy hammers. They couldn't bear it and screamed.

Some students couldn't bear to ask for help to the camel blue sky at the edge of the pit that day.

Camel Qingtian ignored it and his eyes were indifferent. He had stressed earlier that not everyone can enter here to rob Tiancai and Dibao. These guys are weak and don't listen to his advice. At present, their lives are hanging on the line. They are to blame themselves.

In the scream of the sky, Qiu Yun burst into thunder all over the first gradient, firmly attracted his body to the stone platform, and just now he didn't lift off the suddenly trembling stone platform.


Qiu Yun breathed softly. He heard a scream coming from the sky. His face tightened and looked at Ji Yue. He saw that Ji Yue's beautiful eyes flickered and fluctuated. He was stunned, smiled genially, and his smile was a little playful.

Seeing his smile, Ji Yue blushed, her eyes twinkled, and said contemptuously, "narcissist, I'm not looking at you. My eyes happen to pass by you."

As she spoke, her eyes dropped, and her eyes turned from Qiu Yun to the Tiankeng below, indicating that she was not looking at him just now, but passing by him.

"Can you find an excuse?" Qiu Yun grinned and looked unbelievable. A moment later, he smiled helplessly and shook his head. He looked at Manlong and Tongguan. He saw that they were all healthy. His eyes turned back. On the way, he happened to pass Wu Qianqiu. He saw the latter standing upright with a bright smile on his cheeks. He was shocked

It's too tight.

As soon as his sight dropped, Qiu Yun quickly looked at the entrance of Tiankeng. There, the bloody fighting torrent roared up. It was not so fast. When it rose, it was filled with powerful Qi, which made the stone platform tremble.

"There should be a treasure." Qiu Yun's face was ecstatic. Looking at the current situation, it was clear that it was a sign of the emergence of zhongchongbao described by Ji Yue.

Qiu Yun was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that when their treasure hunting time was about to arrive, the heavy treasure appeared.

"Time is not enough. Next, grab the treasure quickly." Qiu Yun turned his fighting spirit into red devil thunder, and condensed ten thunder hands on him, with the palms facing Tiankeng.

Looking at Tiankeng, Qiu Yun's eyes are firm. He is bound to win the next treasure.

Because it may be an opportunity for him to break through to the sixth level warrior.

Besides him, the students on the stone platform also noticed that the heavy treasure was about to be born. With hot eyes, they quickly mobilized their fighting spirit to form the strongest attack and were ready to rob the heavy treasure at any time.

On many gradients, in order to increase the probability of grabbing heavy treasures, students find powerful students to come to their own stone platform and work together.

Only in this way can they compete slightly with strong players such as Wu Qianqiu, and there is a possibility to win the treasure.

Of course, they also know that they can't directly grab the treasure from Wu Qianqiu and other strong players, but fortunately, after the emergence of the treasure, those strong players will fight to the death, and they will have an opportunity.

In such a large array, all the students quietly stared at the slowly rising torrent of fighting spirit in the Tiankeng, and only the increasingly harsh scream at the top of the array came down between heaven and earth.

As time passed, at a certain moment, the bloody fighting torrent rose out of the pit mouth and roared away towards the four stone platforms on the first gradient.

At this time, the torrent of fighting spirit surged abruptly, and then divided into two huge blood colored light groups, like two huge fireballs.

The blazing breath and extremely terrible temperature diffuse from the surface of the light mass, and the surrounding space boils.

Under the light mass, the fighting torrent of the previous fiery red color roared up, in which Tiancai and Dibao were sparsely distributed.

Most of those natural materials and earth treasures are more precious than before. For example, jinlingteng, a miraculous medicine looted by Qiu Yun and others, unexpectedly appears five at one time. In addition, there are some miraculous medicines more precious than jinlingteng.

However, all the students just glanced at the moment, and then drew back their eyes blankly and scanned the two huge blood colored light groups back and forth.

Compared with the two treasures in the blood group, the Tiancai and Dibao are nothing at all. Snatching also consumes power. There is no power left to snatch the two treasures.

At this moment, Qiu Yun also glanced at the two rising huge light groups below. He was a little surprised. The two light groups suddenly rose slowly under the fierce scouring of the fighting torrent, which seemed very unusual. What treasure is it?

Qiu Yun didn't think much or act rashly. Instead, he urged his soul and was ready to perceive the two light groups.

At present, the wolves are around. Rao is confident in his strength and has no confidence to win two light groups at the same time. In that case, he will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism and bear everyone's attack. It is obviously unwise.

Therefore, for today's plan, he needs to choose a more precious one from the two light groups, so the probability of grabbing it is much higher.

"Qiu Yun, as soon as you detect the two light groups with your perception, you will immediately be burned into nothingness by the terrible temperature on their surface. You and I will reveal the information of the two light groups to you."

Qiu Yungang wanted to act, and the voice of Purple Star resounded through his mind.

Qiu Yun Yilin looked at the two light groups and realized that the facts were indeed as described by the purple star, and that 50000 gold coins were really insignificant compared with the heavy treasure, so he decided to agree.

"Now I don't have any gold coins on me. I'll give you credit first. You can quickly tell me the information of the two light groups."

Qiu Yun machine gunned with the purple star, glanced at the people around him and found that they had not acted rashly for the time being. They just felt the two light groups and wanted to make the same idea as him.

"The treasure in the light group close to you is called Jiuyou Buddha seat, and the treasure in the light group far away from you is called Juling flower. Compared with the two, the former is more beneficial to your cultivation."

"But don't rush to do it. At the moment, they have just erupted from the underground magma world. The fighting spirit they carry has an extremely terrible temperature. It's difficult to charge for a short time. You wait for others to attack for a few interest, and they will take it after they cool down a little."

Purple star is concise and comprehensive, but it makes Qiu Yun's face shake.

Qiu Yun has heard of the two treasures mentioned by Zixing.

Among them, the Jiuyou Buddha seat is formed by the Jiuyou stone in the shape of lotus, which is burned by magma for thousands of years. It can condense the fighting spirit of heaven and earth, evolve into a mild and pure fighting spirit, and be directly absorbed by the cultivator, so as to greatly improve the entry of the cultivator.

It can be said that the effect of cultivating the spirit vine is far better than that of cultivating the spirit vine, because it has a special effect on cultivating the spirit vine.

If you sell it on the market, according to Qiu Yun's estimation, you should be able to sell at least one million gold coins, which is worth as much as level 4 magic soldiers.

As for Juling flower, it is similar to Jiuyou Buddha seat, which can also condense the fighting spirit between heaven and earth, but it is different from Jiuyou Buddha seat. Jiuyou Buddha seat is a Buddha seat like lotus, and practitioners need to sit on it to practice.

Ju Ling flower is different. It is said that it is composed of tiny flowers of snowflakes. Each of them can be condensed into fighting spirit. When it is used, it is surrounded by the practitioners, condensing and fighting the spirit and transmitting it to the practitioners.

It does not have the body quenching effect of Jiuyou Buddha seat, and the speed of condensing the fighting spirit between heaven and earth is not as fast as Jiuyou Buddha seat. It can attack and defend, and its power is comparable to the top level Four divine soldiers.

After listening to Zixing's story, Qiu Yun was silent for a moment and nodded. Zixing was right. Compared with julinghua, Jiuyou Buddha seat is more suitable for him

In this moment of his distraction, many students in the black tower array will feel the penetration of the two light groups. However, they are all burned into nothingness by the terrible high temperature on the surface of the light group, and they can't detect the situation inside the light group at all.

"Since you can't detect it, just grab it directly!"

On the second gradient, Manlong was rude and arrogant. Seeing that he could not perceive it, he grabbed his big hand without thinking. The black awn roared, and a dark chain wound around the light mass near Qiu Yun.

"Do it!"

Seeing him do it, the roar of all over the sky resounded. I saw that almost all the students on the stone platform had red eyes and scrambled to fight one after another. For a time, the fighting roared and shrieked, and the overwhelming offensive went to the detention of the two light groups. On the stone platform, Qiu Yun stopped communicating with Zixing, and his eyes moved. When he saw that in the black tower array, in addition to himself, Wu Qianqiu, Qin Yao and Ji Yue also chose to watch on the wall. He couldn't help laughing. These three guys were cunning.

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