Goo Goo!


Night fell on one of the three colleges.

On the Yuntian College of today's ruins and garbage dump, Qiu Yun gradually walked out of a highway rubble pile that avoided the enemy's sight and stared.

However, as he expected during the day, although these aristocratic family disciples have strong strength and high level, they also have common faults of masters.

That is, they are used to the life within their families, and they are not used to the dirty places they regard as mortals in the three empires.

During the day, they can keep patrolling and amuse their giant vultures.

But in the evening, this bleak cold night, the stench of corpses, the smelly ruins and the feeling of loneliness hit my heart one after another.

As a result, this group of aristocratic family disciples, who are used to a good life, can no longer insist, but return one by one to the only building in the college that has not collapsed, that is, the administrative building.

This building is the only one that keeps well. At this time, there are not many lights in it.

For one thing, this group of aristocratic family disciples are not used to ordinary people's electric lights, and they don't seem to know how to generate electricity, and they disdain to use electricity, which is a favorite thing for ordinary people.

Secondly, the number of them was small. I don't know why, the Oriental aristocratic family laid down the Empire and broke through Yuntian college, but only seven or eight disciples were left.

With such a few people, Qiu Yun was not frightened away, but had an unspeakable joy.

"It's not advisable to attack hard, but it's not impossible to outwit. But I can't easily reveal my identity. If the Oriental Green Finch knows, he must abandon other things and come to kill me. I may be able to escape calmly, but Ji Yue and others...... "

"Those friends and brothers who once tortured me by strong enemies dare to cut off their hands and feet. Wouldn't these even more inhuman aristocratic family disciples be the same?"

Hiding a hundred meters away, Qiu Yun looked at everything in front of him coldly. He not only found that these aristocratic family disciples were very conceited. He thought that no one dared to save people, so he didn't guard the dungeon most likely to hold Ji Yue and others.

What's more, I found that these disciples with high force had the same brain as those dandies in the Empire.

All the same brain damage.

All the same arrogance.

And this weakness is his advantage!

So, without waiting for their discovery or their reaction, they sent people to patrol the dungeon.

Qiu Yun flashed past without a sound.

Half an hour later, his strength increased greatly, and he seemed to have good luck. He really found familiar people in the dungeon where he had been once before.

It's Ji Yue.

Wu Qianqiu, Qin Yao, man long, Tong Guan and so on.

Only the real murderer of the anonymous society was not seen.

Neither Jiang Shoufu nor Gong Daoyi!

"Everybody, I'm here. Are you okay? There are more than seven or eight places for our disciples to quietly leave the world. "

In order to avoid the joy of reunion, make noise and provoke strong enemies.

After entering, Qiu Yun reminded the people in a low voice, and then lit all their dumb acupoints.

Then, seeing Ji Yue covered with scars and haggard, his tears were falling, and his heart was full of anger!

But Qiu Yun knew that this was not the time to lose his mind, so he resisted the impulse to kill and rescued these last friends.

The party stayed away from the ruins of the college and hid in a forest a few kilometers south.

Release the acupoints for them first.

Another common reunion cry.

It was also at this time that he learned from Wu Qianqiu and others that the whole Yuntian college had undergone great changes.

It's not just the unknown that leads to that conspiracy.

Because the unknown club itself was destroyed. The so-called real murderer disappeared and was suspected to be taken back by Dongfang Qinglong as an apprentice.

However, camel Qingtian was confirmed by Wu Qianqiu, who defeated No. 19 on the same day, and had already been assassinated.

The murderer is No. 19, that is, Emperor Yan!

As for thousands of other teachers, students and high-level officials, they either died of the butcher's knife of the unknown society, or were killed by the earthquake caused by four special * * such as thunder, thunder, ice and strong wind and thunder.

In other words, the ruins passed by Qiu Yun seem ordinary, but they actually bury thousands of lives!

Wu Qianqiu's words filled Qiu Yun with indignation.

"It's time to kill!"

"All should be killed!"

"All aristocratic families and all enemies should be killed!"

"It's unexpected that our Yuntian college has suffered such a heavy blow. It's no wonder that the whole empire can't hold on. Just because of a few * *, it leads to great disaster. If the aristocratic families do it themselves, isn't it... "

Countless anger almost drowned Qiu Yun.

But he held on and didn't let himself go overboard.

On the contrary, after holding back his tears, he saw that there were less than 30 acquaintances left, and everyone was wounded. His original skills were either abandoned or seriously degraded after being seriously injured.

Among them, Wu Qianqiu, who was still a major player in the martial arts realm, fell to level 6.

Others are even worse.

Seeing this, Qiu Yun immediately treated them one by one with his own skills without saying a word.

Although it can only cure internal injuries and can not help them recover their strength, his behavior almost moved everyone to kneel down and surrender.

After this mutual gratitude, it is also the most critical moment of choice.

Qiu Yun didn't force the people. In addition to Wu Qianqiu and Ji Yue, Qin Yao, man long and Tong Guan, they were directly willing to listen to his arrangement. He was already satisfied.

Others think differently.

Qiu Yun didn't say anything about the Ziqi of extreme Yang, but said that he was lucky to survive, which disappointed them. He saw that his martial arts had not broken through and could not fight with the Dongfang aristocratic family.

So the group was divided into several camps.

One third of them heard that there were still resistance forces in the imperial capital and planned to go there.

Another third of the people are rumored that Jiang's richest man is not dead. He is fighting in the largest city in the east of the imperial capital, that is, his hometown, and is willing to take refuge in the past.

The remaining third is divided into several factions.

Most people are afraid of death. They would rather work for the Oriental Green Finch like slaves in other settlements in exchange for subsistence than resist.

Wu Qianqiu and others were indignant about this.

But Qiu Yun understood and personally escorted these people on the road.

When he turned back, he saw not only Wu Qianqiu's several people firmly following him, but also the last three people who didn't go and chose to follow him.

Coincidentally, these three people are called Kuang Fei, Luxi army and Ma Liancheng. They once joined the senior class and bullied Qiu Yun.

But this time, the three chose him.

That's nothing.

What really surprised Qiu Yun's five people was that the three people saw that others had left one after another. They were not only willing to follow Qiu Yun, but also contributed a top secret good intelligence to him.

"Boss Qiu, we will follow you. We believe that only you can live with us."

"Let me tell you something else. Do you know the legend of returning to the sea? When the three of us were whipped the day before yesterday, we overheard it. It seems that the Dongfang aristocratic family cares about this. What treasure map should it be. If we can rob some and strengthen ourselves, we can... "

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