As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

This place can show the drawings of thunder cannon. It can be seen that there may be other valuable treasures hidden in it.

Before that, the two aristocratic families came and ran away with heavy losses. It can also be thought that this place is very unusual and dangerous.

But now, Qiu Yun and others did not encounter more powerful mechanisms except for lifting several bow, arrow and stone mechanisms. They were immediately suspicious.

So, when the people went in for tens of meters, but they didn't see the next big mechanism or tomb door, Qiu Yun had to make a noise and stop the people.

He must come up with a better plan before making plans.

"Second, you tell them to take a few minutes off."

"What's the matter? Do you find something wrong with this place? "

Hearing Qiu Yun's words, Jiang Shoufu, who was stopped by him, first had this doubt.

It turned out that Qiu Yun was not only aware of it. The mechanism here was too simple, not like there was no risk, but more like the strange tranquility before the storm.

However, it is no wonder that compared with Qiu Yun, Jiang's richest man used to be the richest man in the largest city in the east of the imperial capital. Naturally, he has seen a lot of scenes.

Qiu Yun smiled: "yes, this place is so ordinary that it doesn't look like a place to hide treasures."

He paused and spoke again.

"I always think we are not wrong. The two teams may not have us in deeper before. However, if you don't see the big organs for a long time, you'll always feel bad. "

"You want everyone to be vigilant. By the way, tell me the story of the ten thousand year old wasteland. Compared with the map in my hand, maybe we can figure out more clues. "

Qiu Yun, as the boss, was the first to discover the unusual here. Naturally, he would not hide it. Instead, he thought of talking to Jiang Shoufu at the first time.

As soon as they said this, many things could be discussed.

Therefore, without waiting for other questions, Jiang Shoufu took the initiative to cooperate with Qiu Yun. While letting Gong Daoyi and others rest on the spot and raise their vigilance, he came to Qiu Yun.

"It's not just a legend. It's a matter of great importance. It may scare everyone. I'll just tell you alone. "

Jiang Shoufu first asked Qiu Yun to nod his head and agree to keep it secret. Only then did he lower the volume and talk freely.

The more he heard, Qiu Yunyue was shocked by the story told by Jiang Shoufu.

It turns out that the whole thing is really not just a legend!

Although these are the memories of Jiang's richest man, he talked about the story of the ten thousand year wasteland that he had heard of.

But in the forbidden area of the library of Yuntian University, there are really several records of ancestors a hundred years ago.

It turned out that the three empires had been plagued by an earlier wave of disasters as early as a few months ago.

Those disasters are not ordinary earthquakes, floods, fires or locusts, but strange evil winds from thousands of years of wasteland.

This basically happens every hundred years or so.

Because the evil wind came very quickly, it left immediately after harming the marginal cities of the three empires, and did not give ordinary humans any chance to observe and track.

Therefore, the place of the ten thousand year old wasteland is gradually forgotten by future generations, thinking that it is just a legend and myth.

But in fact, its losses are no less than those of the six aristocratic families.

And this is just one of the many horrors of the ten thousand year wasteland.

In the narration of Jiang Shoufu, he not only talked about the records of several forbidden books, but also about the relevant records left by some survivors a hundred years ago, but also officially named the 10000 year old wasteland.

There are several reasons why it is called Wannian wasteland.

First, this place is so evil that it is difficult to find the real place.

Not to mention that in the past few decades, the Empire's martial arts have flourished, and eight rank martial arts have been concentrated for many times, but no one has come back alive.

That is to say, in the records of that year, it gathered the strong people in the local military environment at that time, which also came to a bad end.

Some just can't come back.

But some people come back, but the soul does not follow, and people are like walking corpses.

When asked, they said they had seen ghosts and monsters.

No more questions.

These lucky people who came back were not crazy immediately, so they talked about the punishment of heaven and the destruction of the world by evil wind, and then jumped out of a building and died miserably.

Second, it is because the history of the three empires has never recorded that in addition to the land they occupied together, there are special creatures other than human beings.

There is martial arts, which is needless to say. It has been inherited since ancient times.

No one can really become a God.

However, in the face of the evil wind that comes and goes freely, the most senior scholars of the three empires are stupid.

They can't judge whether it is a rumor in a remote place or a superstition of some people.

In a word, since it is a difficult problem that they can't solve, they push it to historical legends.

In this way, the "disaster" that originally appeared every hundred years and would invade the marginal cities and population of the Empire every time became more and more evil.

In the end, it was said that it was not a monster, but a fierce battle between major countries hundreds of years ago, which led to the death of countless people in vain and accumulated into thousands of years of wasteland.

This statement has been passed on from generation to generation, so that up to now, Jiang's richest man still thinks it's just a myth.

But they don't want to turn the myth into reality, and the reality seems to be right in front of them!

But is this ten thousand year wasteland really a strange treasure hiding place that can hit hundreds of martial elites and produce thunder gun drawings?

No one can answer this question easily.

Even Jiang's richest man hesitated to say that this is really the place.

After he said this, he could only look at Qiu Yun foolishly.

Obviously, he was once the richest man in a place and had seen many banned books. When he really faced this place with the extreme of evil door, he was also a little afraid!

Can only look for the answer of Qiu Yun, who is stronger than him.

"Boss Qiu, look at this..."

Hearing that the former senior students call themselves so, Qiu Yun doesn't understand anything in his heart. Qiang Rujiang's richest man also doesn't dare to go in easily.

But he can't announce the retreat.

Not to mention that the people outside are not in danger and do not need them to return.

This trip is not only for treasure hunting, but also to expand the whole team.

Now there is no harvest. Going back will not only hurt people's confidence, but also make the back lose more initiative in the face of the counterattack of the six aristocratic families.

In short, this road must go to the end.

But since Jiang's richest man is a little guilty, Qiu Yun, as the boss, can't force orders.

After thinking for a few seconds, he opened his eyes again and finally had a more secure plan.

"Second, leave it to me."

"Whether this place is the gathering place of evil monsters or, as you say, a ten thousand year wasteland, we can't run away without seeing the Lord. You stay and rest with everyone. I'll try it first. "

With these words, Qiu Yun didn't give Jiang's richest man a chance to repent. He threw himself into the darker, damp and cold channel ahead!

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