Hawking's fingers are becoming more and more flexible. After being soaked in acupuncture and liquid medicine these days, Hawking's muscle atrophy has been greatly alleviated. Now, after the meridians are opened, Hawking's fingers are activated. Looking at the more and more flexible fingers, Hawking's eyes were also excited. although

Although it was just a finger, Hawking saw hope.

"Mr. Hawking, your situation will get better and better. I look forward to the day when you really stand up. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hawking also had gratitude in his eyes. In his opinion, Qiu Yun is a real doctor. In order to cure one of his fingers, Qiu Yun was able to work for five or six hours.

"You have a rest first, and I will continue to treat you tomorrow..." Qiu Yun said with a smile on his face. Hawking quickly typed "thank you". Qiu Yun smiled and Hawking's situation was getting better and better. It won't take long to officially open up the meridians. As long as you get through the eight odd meridians, the other small meridians will be easy to get through. Now?

Hawking's body is like a blocked sewer. If a single gap appears, the gap will become larger and larger, and it will be easier and easier to dredge.

Qiu Yun left the villa by car and went directly to the construction site of Ziyun hospital. After such a long time of construction, more than half of Ziyun private hospital has been built. One of the luxury inpatient buildings has been basically completed, and even the interior decoration has been almost completed.

"Dr. Qiu..."

The workers on the construction site greeted Qiu Yun with a smile. These people are very grateful to Qiu Yun now. Here, the salary is high and the working hours are relatively short. Not only that, they eat well and live well, which is quite different from working in other places.

"Dr. Qiu"

A contractor came straight up.

"How is the building finished?"

Qiu Yun asked in a low voice.

"It's basically finished, so we're short of the final finishing work."

The contractor whispered.

"OK, I'll give you three days. After finishing all the finishing work, water and electricity must be unblocked. Three days later, I need this building to be officially put into use. "

Qiu Yun said seriously.

"OK, no problem. I'll organize people to finish the final work immediately and put the building into use in three days." The contractor said seriously that three days is a little urgent. But if you work overtime and send more people, three days should be OK. Looking at the building, Qiu Yun took a deep breath. The comprehensive inpatient building has a total of 18 floors. The interior decoration is relatively high-end. All wards are

It's like a luxury apartment. One hospital bed is planned in each room. There are 520 high-end wards in the whole building. There are twelve high-end inpatient buildings like Ziyun hospital. However, others have not been completed. Some main bodies have been built but not decorated, and some have not even been built. Now building one is

The only building that can be put into use. After inspecting biziyun hospital, Qiu Yun went to the pharmaceutical company and asked the pharmaceutical company to prepare some medicinal materials. Then he turned around and returned to the villa. But after returning to the villa, I found that the security guard of the villa had changed. The whole villa is surrounded by fully armed soldiers. Enter the interior, one

The bodyguards in black suits looked around carefully.

"Young master, the premier is coming."

Uncle Yun quickly whispered when he saw Qiu Yun coming back. Qiu Yun stared at this. Premier, this is the second head of the country. He has come to his own villa.

Qiu Yun quickly enters the villa and enters the room. Qiu Yun sees that the No. 2 chief is curiously looking at the calligraphy and painting in his room. Next to the No. 2 chief, there is an old man in Tang costume. Seeing the old man, Qiu Yun narrowed his eyes. The old man also looked at Qiu Yun.

Tianjie master, and he is a master in the later stage of Tianjie. Such an expert can count with one hand in the whole Wulin. Although Qiu Yun is a master of heaven level, if he faces this old man, he can't control the platoon.

"Hello, chief..."

Qiu Yun shouted and respectfully saluted. This action made the No. 2 chief laugh. Qiu Yun has a military rank. Now Qiu Yun's military ceremony shows Qiu Yun's relationship with this country.

"Ha ha, I finally saw a real person. You boy, the limelight is not small these days. "

The second Chief seemed very kind. Qiu Yun scratched his head with embarrassment when he heard the second Chief's words. Qiu Yun didn't dare to show anything in front of the No. 2 leader. His current achievement is much worse than that of the second head.

"Chief, you are joking. I'm just making a fuss. "

Qiu Yun couldn't help saying.

"If everyone can make a fuss like you, we don't have to worry about China. Well, sit down. This is your house. "

The second Chief smiled and said, Qiu Yun nodded and sat down directly.

"I'm here to see you, a little miracle doctor. At the same time, let me tell you that the development of traditional Chinese medicine is a major event beneficial to the country and the people. The state will not be vague on this. What do you think of such a thing now? "

The second Chief smiled and said“ Chief, although this is a crisis, I think it is also an opportunity. I think the state should establish stricter standards for traditional Chinese medicine. As the saying goes, forging iron needs its own hard work. The market of traditional Chinese medicine is just being excavated in China, as long as we have the ability in the future. Even those countries

Chinese medicine is not allowed to enter their country, and we don't have to be afraid. I suggest that some Chinese herbal medicines be included in the list of prohibited exports. "

Qiu Yun seriously said that these words stunned the second chief.

"No export?"

The second Chief asked in a low voice.

"Yes, no exports. Don't they have side effects of traditional Chinese medicine? Then we'll use it ourselves. They can't stop it. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"What kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

The second Chief couldn't help asking.

"Chief, nothing. It's just that traditional Chinese medicine can treat some incurable diseases that can't be treated by western medicine. "

Qiu Yun's words made the second Chief stare.


The second chief said excitedly. What does this mean? The second Chief knows very well. If Western medicine can't cure some incurable diseases, it's absolutely impossible for western medicine“ Well, at least uremia is no problem now. I have successfully cured a uremic patient with traditional Chinese medicine. Building 1 of our Ziyun hospital has been completed. Next, we will give free clinics to uremic patients in the name of the Chinese Medicine Association. Give them free treatment and let them

From the torture of uremia... "Qiu Yun said with a smile, and the second chief took a breath. If this thing is true, it will cause a sensation all over the world, but everyone knows it very well. Uremia, this is a problem all over the world. Now there is no other way but to change the kidney. There are many uremic patients who end up

All died because they didn't get a kidney.

Now traditional Chinese medicine can treat uremia. This list has been published. It is definitely a miracle in the history of medicine. At that time, just by virtue of this trump card, we can completely overturn those people.

"Well, that's great. This time, we should take a good breath. According to what I know, the United States, the European Union and other countries may issue new laws in the next few days. The law prohibits the use of traditional Chinese medicine, including some proprietary Chinese medicine, and also prohibits entry into those countries. "

The second Chief whispered.

"Then let them promulgate it. They promulgated laws and we also promulgated laws to directly include some Chinese herbal medicines in the list of prohibited exports. Then they don't even want to import. Let's slowly develop traditional Chinese medicine in China, and then let their patients beg to come to our country for treatment. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Qiu Yun's words made the second Chief laugh. In my mind, patients from various countries came to China to see a doctor by every means. At that time, it will definitely be very lively here.

"OK, let's take advantage of this time to establish a complete system of traditional Chinese medicine in China. If we build this system well, traditional Chinese medicine can develop well. "

The second Chief smiled and said to build a traditional Chinese medicine system. This system is very complex. The whole system must be strictly prohibited and of high standards. The planting of traditional Chinese medicine, various data indicators of traditional Chinese medicine, the boiling of traditional Chinese medicine, the storage of traditional Chinese medicine and so on all need a set of stricter standards.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine, so important standards must be strictly controlled. Form complete standards from planting to acquisition to inspection. Then there is the standard of traditional Chinese medicine, including the assessment of traditional Chinese medicine, the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine, the qualification certificate of traditional Chinese medicine and so on. The last is the construction of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, which are serious traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, rather than the so-called traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in China. A real hospital of traditional Chinese medicine should focus on traditional Chinese medicine. Check what can use advanced equipment, but the use of drugs should use traditional Chinese medicine, which is Zhenger 8

The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine equipment should form a complete set of system, and at the same time, there should be a strict supervision system. Only in this way can we ensure the perfect development of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Xiao Qiu, come on. The state should re formulate the standards of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. You get involved. You are a traditional Chinese medicine. With your participation, you can start from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. "

The second chief said with a smile. Qiu Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the words of head No. 2. This is a good thing. If you can participate in the formulation of standards, you can formulate standards according to your own ideas to the greatest extent. And this standard is naturally the most beneficial to yourself.

"Thank you, chief. I promise to finish the task." Qiu Yun said with a smile. Seeing Qiu Yun's appearance, the second Chief smiled. The interest disputes of traditional Chinese medicine in China are relatively few. Therefore, the resistance to re formulating TCM standards is much smaller. If we change to western medicine, the resistance will be great. Although traditional Chinese medicine has developed, compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is still small and pitiful. Many people don't see this at all.

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