A bowl of common jujube porridge made the old man smile. After so many years, I finally tasted the taste of food. These years, under the influence of Gu poison, the old man has no taste in any food except that he can taste a little in blood.

"Dad, there's something I want to tell you."

Yu Ziyang looked at Yu Shiyang and whispered.

"Go ahead."

Yu Shiyang smiled and said with love on his face. He was almost disappointed with his little son, but now Qiu Yun cured his illness, which has made earth shaking changes in Yu Shiyang's heart.

"I want to quit the Yu family. I want to exchange my shares for money."

Yu Ziyang whispered. Yu Ziyang's words made Yu Shiyang raise his head, and his face changed rapidly. Yu Ziyang stood there in silence, and Yu Shiyang was also silent.

Qiu Yun sat there with a smile on his face. Qiu Yun came up with this idea. Now Yu Ziyang says it, it depends on the old man's decision. After a long time, Yu Shiyang took a deep breath and looked up at Yu Ziyang.

"You can think about it. As soon as you go out, it's impossible for you to come in again."

Yu Shiyang whispered that it's good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. The Yu family is a big Mac. If the shares are placed here, they will generally appreciate. But if the shares are withdrawn, the money is not necessarily.

"I think so."

Yu Ziyang nodded. Yu Ziyang's words made the old man sigh. Then he looked at Qiu Yun, but Qiu Yun didn't care. The old man has guessed that Qiu Yun's bad idea must be behind it. Otherwise, with Yu Ziyang's personality, it is impossible to have such courage.

"Well, now that you have decided. Then do as you say. You have 6% of the group's shares, and I'll give you $10 billion. From then on, you have nothing to do with the rest of the family. "

Yu Shiyang whispered. Hearing Yu Shiyang's words, Yu Ziyang was relieved and a smile appeared on his face. The bet was right. With 6% of the shares and 10 billion US dollars, the old man gave himself a high price.

"I'm tired. Go back..."

Yu Shiyang stood up and turned to his room. Yu Ziyang looked at his father's back and took a deep breath. Finally, he left the hospital with Qiu Yun. After leaving the hospital, Yu Ziyang put a smile on his face.

"Boss, I succeeded. Ha ha, I feel like a bird flying out of the cage. I'm free."

Yu Ziyang looked at Qiu Yun and said excitedly that the depression of these years seemed to be swept away at this moment. That kind of mood Yu Ziyang has never had.

"Go, don't forget my money..."

Qiu Yunbai glanced at Yu Ziyang and left directly towards the sports car.

"Boss, I'd better drive. I'll come, Hei hei... "

Yu Ziyang hurried into the cab. He didn't dare to let Qiu Yun open. He could scare people to death.

"Boss, I'll give you your money in a few days. Don't worry, even if I give you five billion dollars, I still have five billion dollars, which is enough for me to spend my whole life... "

Yu Ziyang said with a smile. Although he was distressed, Yu Ziyang still kept his promise. In fact, Yu Ziyang only lost a billion dollars. You know, it would be nice if you could have $6 billion of your shares at the market price.

Now Qiu Yun is optimistic about his father's illness. His father is equivalent to giving himself 4% of the shares. More money is a figure, five billion dollars. As long as Yu Ziyang doesn't spend extravagantly, it's enough for him to spend his whole life.

"What are you going to do in the future? Be a black sheep? "

Qiu Yun looked at Yu Ziyang and asked with a smile.

"What can I do if I'm not a black sheep. I'm not expected to do business. My brothers and sisters must be unwilling. If I do business, I will certainly be sniped by them. I might as well put it in the bank honestly. "

Yu Ziyang whispered, looking very natural and unrestrained, but there was a trace of helplessness in his tone. Yu Ziyang can't do business at all. He can't do anything but play these years.

If they take the money to invest, their brothers and sisters will certainly find a way to kill themselves. But if they put the money in the bank, they have no way at all. Qiu Yun turned his smile and put on his face.

"Little Yoko, why don't we work together. I have some medicine formulas in my hand. Since the medicine business is so profitable. Shall we join the fun? "

Qiu Yun's words brightened Yu Ziyang's eyes. Qiu Yun's medical skills were too powerful. Qiu Yun said he had a formula, and Yu Ziyang didn't doubt it at all. Although he is not proficient in doing business, Yu Ziyang knows that medicine is a profiteering industry.

"Boss, can you do business?"

Yu Ziyang looked at Qiu Yun and couldn't help asking.

"I won't, but someone will. I'll take you to meet someone and get off... "

Qiu Yun's words made Yu Ziyang look sad. Finally, under Qiu Yun's stern eyes, he stopped and got off obediently.

The sports car began to soar again. Yu Ziyang leaned back on his seat, his eyes closed and prayed.

Qiu Yun drove back to his villa, looked at Tang Yueqi's villa and smiled with the light on.


With Yu Ziyang pale, Qiu Yun came to Tang Yueqi's villa and knocked on the door. Tang Yueqi saw from the cat's eye that Qiu Yun opened the door.

"President Tang..."

Seeing Tang Yueqi, Yu Ziyang was stunned.

"Yu Ziyang? How did you two get together? "

Tang Yueqi is also curious to see Yu Ziyang. Yu Ziyang is famous. He is a black sheep of the Yu family, but even if he is a black sheep, Yu Ziyang is definitely one of the few people who can't provoke in the Shanghai circle.

Tang Yueqi's Datang Group is also a big enterprise in China, with assets of tens of billions, but it is RMB. Yu Ziyang owns 6% of the shares of Daewoo Group and easily surpasses Daewoo Group in assets.

"Go in and say..."

Qiu Yun takes Yu Ziyang into the villa. Tang Yueqi nods and closes the door. However, both Yu Ziyang and Tang Yueqi looked curious.

"Xiaoyangzi, how's president Tang doing business?"

Qiu Yun looked at Yu Ziyang and heard Qiu Yun's words. Yu Ziyang's eyes lit up. At the moment, Yu Ziyang understood Qiu Yun's plan and joined Tang Yueqi. Tang Yueqi is a famous strong woman who controls Datang Group at a young age. These days, it has doubled the assets of Datang Group. Ordinary people can't do this ability.

Most importantly, Datang Group is also engaged in pharmaceutical business. However, Datang Group mainly focuses on Chinese patent medicine.

Qiu Yun gives the formula, Tang Yueqi gives her strength and her own funds. These three people are a perfect combination.

"Sister Tang, we have something to discuss with you. I have some good recipes in my hand. The boy has some spare money, but neither of us can do business. In this way, I give the formula, he pays, and you contribute. How about we become a new company? "

Qiu Yun's words stunned Tang Yueqi. She didn't expect that Qiu Yun came here in the evening for this matter.

"How much do you have?"

Tang Yueqi asked subconsciously. Qiu Yun a finger in the depths.

"One hundred million?"

Tang Yueqi has questions in her tone.

"No, more."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"One billion?"

Tang Yueqi stared. One billion yuan is a huge sum of money. If there is a good formula, one billion yuan can definitely make a company rise rapidly.

"Oh, bigger."

Qiu Yun's words completely stunned Tang Yueqi. Then he trembled out the figure of 10 billion.

"Yes, it's 10 billion, but it's dollars."

This is what Yu Ziyang said. Even if she is used to seeing the big audience, Tang Yueqi's heart beats. Ten billion dollars. At the current exchange rate, it's more than 60 billion yuan.

The efforts of several generations of Datang Group in their own family are only tens of billions of yuan. Qiu Yun and Yu Ziyang have a mouth of $10 billion, which is too big.

"Why do you have so much money?"

Tang Yueqi couldn't help asking. This is a big number. Even Yu Ziyang can't have so much money.

"It's easy to say. The boy is poisoned, the same as Minmin. And it is likely that it was done by the same person, not only him, but also his father. I cured him of his illness. By the way, the boy quit the Yu family, and the old man gave us $10 billion... "

Qiu Yun said it very easily, but Tang Yueqi was troubled. His face is becoming more and more dignified. Even the old men of the Yu family were poisoned by poison. It can be seen that the enemy's strength is far stronger than he thought.

"Sister Tang, retreat is advance. We can wait and see what the enemy wants to do. The target of the other party is Datang Group and Yu family, not one of you. "

Qiu Yun's words made Yu Ziyang and Tang nod. The enemy's careful planning is definitely not for one of them. Only Yu Jia and Datang Group will be their targets.

"OK, but don't blame me if you lose money. I can only do my best. "

Tang Yueqi finally nodded, and she was also moved. In Datang Group, Tang Yueqi's ability has not been fully displayed. After all, we still need to guard against the internal struggle of our uncles, and most of our energy is consumed in the internal struggle.

"OK, that's it."

Qiu Yun's words made the three people laugh, and then the three began to discuss. In the lobby group, Tang Yueqi also has 40% shares and assets of almost 6 billion. Tang Yueqi is going to withdraw the money and take shares in the new company. Yu Ziyang also left a little way for himself and invested $4 billion. Qiu Yun invested all his $5 billion here, so the assets of the whole company are still $10 billion.

The shares of the whole company were finally negotiated, but Qiu Yun occupied 60%. Because Qiu Yun has a formula in his hand, the remaining 40% is 20% for Yu Ziyang and Tang Yueqi. However, Yu Ziyang only has the right to pay dividends, which is what Yu Ziyang wants. He can't take care of the company. It's better to be a loser with peace of mind.

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