Late at night, at the military headquarters, No. 1 chief and military leaders gathered together to listen to the reports of the people below“ Chief, we are now ready. Our first step is to build a military port in the central area. The water depth here reaches 40 meters. We only need to dig the edge area and then use templates and coral reefs. After our deduction, we can build a large military port in three days. The area of this military port is very large. Even if we load the warships of the three fleets, there is no problem. Of course, this is just a framework without any facilities. After the construction of the port framework, we still need to build equipment quickly. These devices we can use small

The F-type freighter is transported from the current port. Once the port is built, those facilities will be installed immediately... "

The chief engineer smiled and said that with genetically modified stone coral, the construction of military port has become very fast. Build a huge template and inject stone corals into it to make them grow rapidly. As long as there is enough seawater, these stone corals can grow madly. The whole military port is a huge type C, covering an area of ten square kilometers. After construction, it is also a huge material distribution center. In addition to the military port, a civil port will be built here, but this civil port is at the southwest end, which is far away from here. This civil port can allow merchant ships to supply fresh water, oil, food and so on. It can also replenish nearby fishing boats. The whole civil area covers dozens of square kilometers. After the civil area is built, it will be greatly convenient for ships sailing here. If there is a big storm and rainy day

These ships can also enter the port to avoid storms.

"Within three days, our port framework will be built, and then we will spend four days building equipment and building a material distribution center. At this time, our fleet will continue to enter the port and load and unload the required materials... "The chief engineer began to describe the whole construction process in detail. The whole construction process will take about three months. The first month is particularly important. The main task of the first month is to build a general framework and fill up the whole island and reef. Military ports and airports are key construction projects. This month is also the most critical

In a month, once the construction starts, China will be under pressure from many countries. The United States will even send many aircraft carrier battle groups there to stir up the situation, and other countries in the South China Sea will take action.

The second month is the time for infrastructure construction, and all kinds of equipment will be transported to the island. The construction on the island will enter a peak period, including the construction of underground bases. This month, various buildings will rise from Yongshu island. After the second month, military construction was basically completed. In the third month, a large number of materials will be set up, and the Marines will also be stationed here. At the same time, civil construction will also begin. The construction of the whole island will be completed in a three-month construction cycle. Three months later,

A brand-new Yongshu island will appear in front of everyone. In addition to buildings, there will be various shade on it. The planned planting area will also be covered with earthwork. After the infrastructure construction is completed, it can be put into use. Once it is built here, Huaxia is equivalent to building an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the South China Sea, with an area of more than 100 square kilometers. This area can be very scary. More importantly, if Huaxia is willing, this area can also expand outward, just turn the coral of the cause

When the reef is thrown into the sea, the area can continue to expand at the growth rate of stone coral.

Let alone build an island, even if there is no problem in building a country out of thin air. However, this seems unnecessary. In that way, the construction will greatly damage the marine environment, and the investment is huge. Although Huaxia has money, the investment in island construction is too large. Huaxia's current strategy is to build Meiji reef step by step, one by one. These are for military purposes or dual-use. After the construction of Nansha, Zhongsha and Xisha military islands is completed and a huge island chain connection is formed, other

The islands and reefs were handed over to Ziyun group for construction. Use private investment to build large and small islands and reefs to form large and small islands. Build hotels, ports and cities on it. At that time, the whole South China Sea region will be completely in the hands of China. As for the islands and reefs occupied by foreign countries

At that time, we can settle one by one. At that time, it will not be international negotiations. Who dares to resist in terms of tough fists. In this world, it is who has a big fist and who has the ability. China is now the second largest economy, and its economic development rate is still very high. It may surpass the United States as the largest economy at some time. Military capabilities are also developing. I didn't have the ability before, but now it's different. this

This area hides huge resources, such as oil, natural gas, various mineral resources and fishery resources. For China, this is a treasure land. Gradually encroaching, there are more than 200 islands and reefs leaking out of the South China Sea, and there are more reefs. If these are built, the area is very terrible. When the construction is completed, the Maldives will be directly thrown aside. Although Maldives has more than 200 inhabited islands, it

It's too small. The total area of all islands and reefs is not as large as that of one in the South China Sea. After the construction of the South China Sea, Sansha city will become a bright pearl of China. At that time, what else to go to Southeast Asia for tourism and vacation? Just go to Sansha city directly. As long as Qiu Yun and they have good control

Prices, control those bad styles, here will become a paradise on earth. On January 12, the Chinese military suddenly announced a military exercise in the South China Sea. Code named "operation Dragon King", and the participating troops include more than 100 ships of China's three major naval fleets and hundreds of aircraft. Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier, also participated in such a large-scale exercise for the first time

。 The exercise area is Yongshu Island, and the exercise subjects have large-scale escort. The premise is that when China is attacked, a large number of materials need to be transported by sea, and warships escort warships. There are also air strikes against the enemy and warships, attacks between warships, and island landing operations


The exercise began on January 15. The exercise area is hundreds of nautical miles around Yongshu island. The whole sea area is designated as an exercise area, and ships of any country are prohibited from entering without permission.

After the news was released, many countries in the world were shocked. Especially those countries in Southeast Asia, this action drill is clearly aimed at them. After all, during this time, they danced very well, and some countries filed the so-called South China Sea arbitration.

No one expected that the Chinese new year was approaching, and there was such a big exercise in China. Yongshu island is a key construction island in China, with an airport on it. Now, many countries around the island have raised their vigilance.

The United States also jumped out, directly responsible for the Huaxia exercise to exacerbate the situation in the South China Sea, and announced that it would send two aircraft carrier battle groups to the South China Sea. At the same time, the United States also announced that it would conduct military exercises with the Philippines.

China's exercise plan suddenly made the situation in the South China Sea a little tense. Not only Chinese people are paying attention, but also foreign people are paying attention. No one can understand why Huaxia is conducting exercises at this time. Only a few senior managers know about this confidential plan this time. The following people only know that it is a drill plan. Even the officers and soldiers at the bottom don't know what's going on. As for the use of those materials, they are directly used in the name of private companies and in the name of many companies

Put the money in the boat.

On Yongshu Island, the officers and soldiers above are busy. A huge water pump has been installed. These water pumps are large-scale water pumps, and the water pumping speed is very fast. In the port area, some officers and soldiers are busy. What they have to do is very simple, that is to install templates. These templates are specially made large nets, each of which is very large. These nets are steel wire nets, which are stretched straight after being fixed. Each grid is one meter square. It can accommodate one meter square metal plates, and those metal plates can be stuck on the Internet

A sealed space is formed. Coral grows from bottom to top, so these grids cannot be sealed, otherwise the impact of underwater undercurrent is very large, which may break through the grid. The construction is carried out in stages and slowly. At the beginning, it was just to build an isolation area a few meters deep under the water to let the coral slowly rise

Growth, little by little from bottom to top.

The template of the huge port is very large, but it has already started to transport materials to the island a little bit, so the construction here is still entirely possible. In addition to the port, formwork in other places is also being built. Where is the steel wire mesh fixed, and special metal plates are laid on it. In addition to laying formwork, the airport area is more important. Before, Yongshu island was just a run, but now an airport will be built here. On the land that has been built, a plant has been built and the equipment has been transported. These equipment are the equipment for manufacturing special formwork. Stone coral, iron powder, special cement and special solution. After mixing and drying, they can soon form the best building materials. As soon as the construction starts, there will be a continuous stream of mixed liquid here, and then the airport will be watered as a whole. According to the plan, the airport of dozens of square kilometers can be completed in one night, And it can meet the requirements of aircraft take-off and landing. Such a large airport can meet the simultaneous take-off of dozens of fighters. After the airport is built, it has ten two-way take-off and landing runways, which can meet the take-off and landing of all aircraft, including large transport aircraft and bombers.

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