"That's what you said."

Qiu Yun's voice fell and his speed increased again. Dragon war is standing there, full of curiosity, 100 laps, 50 kilometers, is it possible? His soldiers can also complete a 50 kilometer rapid march, but that's definitely not the speed.

Qiu Yun doesn't care about this. True Qi runs in his body. Constantly relieve the fatigue of the body. Qiu Yun's true Qi is very special. When his body is tired, these true Qi is like a panacea. As long as he is moistened by true Qi, his body will regain its strength.

One hundred laps and fifty kilometers, which is simply impossible for others. But it was easy for Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun began to run wildly, like a sprint Mustang.

This speed made people around them stare, and many people swallowed saliva. So fast, and so many laps. This is a camel.

At the moment, Liu Bing and they had wide eyes. Even Tang Guoyu is like this, but longzhan's eyes are excited. He didn't expect to come here to deal with something and meet such a good seedling.

Forty laps, fifty laps, Liu Bing, they are numb. Long Zhan was very excited. Qiu Yun ran faster and faster, and the real Qi in his body was consumed quickly. Fifty kilometers, it's still a long way, not to mention at this speed.

When Qiu Yun was 80, he insisted on being empty. Looking at the runway, Qiu Yun took a deep breath. However, the speed is still unabated. Without the dependence of true Qi, Qiu Yun's recovery ability needs to be reduced a lot. However, Qiu Yun's physical quality is very strong.

Long Zhan stared at Qiu Yun, while the others were numb. Qiu Yun is like a camel in front of him. It's 80 circles, an hour and 20 minutes. It's a journey of 40 kilometers. It's about the same distance as a full marathon. But now the best result of the whole marathon also takes two hours and three minutes. It's hard to improve this score for a few seconds. But now Qiu Yun has improved for nearly 40 minutes.

The footsteps became heavier and heavier, but Qiu Yun bit his teeth. Without Qi, the body will consume quickly. After all, it's been running more than 40 kilometers in a row. With physical exertion, the speed also began to decline slowly. Seeing Qiu Yun's speed decline, long Zhan swallowed his saliva.

Finally began to fall, but now Qiu Yun has run 92 laps. The number of 100 laps is getting closer and closer. All the people who participated in the military training gathered around. Lin Xue looks at Qiu Yun and her face is complicated.

She didn't expect that the villain had such good physical strength. He had run 92 laps on the 500 meter standard playground. It's more than 40 kilometers away, and Li Ying has recovered. She looks pale as Qiu Yun is still running.

Gap, huge gap. He knew that he and Qiu Yun were not on the same level. If you run at a constant speed, you may finish a hundred laps. But it's absolutely impossible to run a hundred laps at this speed. Don't talk about yourself. Even a professional marathon runner can't finish it.

Three, two, one

When the last lap was finished, Qiu Yun slowly stopped. He felt that his whole body was disobedient and trembling. Long Zhan hurried forward when he saw it, but Qiu Yun stretched out his hand.

"Don't come here, I'll recover myself..."

Qiu Yun took a deep breath and finally sat down slowly cross legged. At the moment, physical strength has been squeezed clean, and there is no real Qi left. However, Qiu Yun doesn't care about this state.

When the skill moves, a trace of aura re enters the meridians. Genuine Qi runs, and the generated genuine Qi is directly absorbed by the tired body. The hot body seemed to pour into an ice spring. The feeling made Qiu Yun comfortable and almost moaned.

Seeing Qiu Yun sitting there, long Zhan stared. At the moment, Qiu Yun's breathing becomes very slow, but very deep. Each inhalation takes a long time. It takes 20 seconds to breathe. It only takes three breaths a minute.

But long Zhan found that with Qiu Yun's breath, the sweat on Qiu Yun's forehead slowly disappeared, and the whole body returned to calm.


Long Zhan couldn't help exclaiming. Qigong is very mysterious, but dragon war has seen it. Many people in the army can do hard Qigong. Qigong is a special way of breathing. The more advanced Qigong is, the more precious it is.

After only ten minutes of rest, Qiu Yun opened his eyes. The body has recovered calm, but the true Qi in the body has not fully recovered. The true Qi is consumed and can not be recovered in ten minutes.

"Little guy, are you interested in becoming a soldier?"

Seeing Qiu Yun open his eyes, long Zhan couldn't help asking. Good seedling, absolutely good seedling. It's a pity if you don't become a soldier.

"Not interested..."

Qiu Yun shakes his head. He doesn't hate being a soldier, but Qiu Yun prefers his current life.

"Don't rush to refuse. I tell you, the army is very fun. Tanks, helicopters, all kinds of guns, warships and submarines can play as they want..."

Dragon war said seductively.

"You promised me to finish a hundred laps and play as you want."

Qiu Yun looks at long Zhan and hears Qiu Yun's words. Long Zhan swallows his saliva.

"OK, I'll keep my word. Don't participate in military training. I'll take you to a fun place for a month. Make sure you like... "

Long Zhan's words brightened Qiu Yun's eyes. He really didn't like such military training.


Qiu Yun's words made longzhan laugh.

The next thing is much simpler. Long Zhan doesn't know what he said to the instructor. Then it was released here. Then Qiu Yun and long fought on a Dongfeng warrior and drove directly out of the military camp.

"Qiu Yun, how old are you this year?"

Long Zhan asked with a smile.


Qiu Yun sat quietly in the car, looking very calm.

"Practiced martial arts?"

Dragon war asked again.


Qiu Yun nodded. Long Zhan smiled and asked no more questions. The car ran into a mountain for more than an hour. In the mountains, where is a heavily guarded military camp built.

Compared with their own military training camp, this is the real military camp. With a high wall, there is a lookout not far away. The guards at the entrance are equipped with guns. The guards check their certificates before they release them.

Qiu Yun opened his eyes inside the camp. When he entered the camp, he saw two armed helicopters and all kinds of armed vehicles on the huge playground. The barracks were large, and fierce gunfire came from inside.

Cars continue to drive inside. Tanks, planes, armed vehicles and even all kinds of artillery can be seen here. These things brighten Qiu Yun's eyes. These things are new to Qiu Yun.

"Well, it's fun here."

Long Zhan looked at Qiu Yun, but his eyes twinkled with a strange light. He didn't know what he was thinking.


Qiu Yun nodded with expectation in his eyes.

"Come on, come with me to meet your friends. You will have a wonderful time in the coming month. "

Long Zhan smiled and took Qiu Yun directly to the equipment department. I found Qiu Yun a complete set of equipment. This equipment is much more handsome than military training equipment. Military training, real camouflage for training clothes, helmets, heavy backpacks.

After putting on the equipment, a heroic spirit came to my face. I have to say, this set of equipment is very handsome. In the end, long Zhan handed a sniper rifle to Qiu Yun. Seeing this sniper rifle, Qiu Yun's face immediately showed joy.

Black anti equipment sniper rifle. It's a big killer. This weapon can be used to attack helicopter armored vehicles. Its effective range can reach 8000 meters. If it is a powerful sniper, it can even accurately hit the opponent from 10000 meters away.

However, not everyone can use this thing. The weight of only more than 30 kilograms is not what ordinary people can use. Not to mention the powerful recoil and other technical indicators.

Qiu Yun said that he would be fascinated by any soldier, but he would not like this gun. Looking at Qiu Yun's happy eyes, long Zhan smiled. He already knew how to attract the little guy.

"Let's go and take you to try the gun..."

Long Zhan smiled and took Qiu Yun directly to the training ground. At the training ground, soldiers were training. Seeing these soldiers, Qiu Yun narrowed his eyes. Tough, every soldier exudes a tough smell. Everyone is like a sharp sword.

Seeing long Zhan coming with Qiu Yun, everyone looked curiously.

"Let me introduce you. Qiu Yun, a little guy who came here to play for a month. "

Long Zhan said with a smile. Everyone was stunned when he heard the words of long Zhan. Is this still his iron faced Yama dragon captain? It's like a different person. Usually this iron faced hell king is not like this. We all know what our own army is. The people who come to this army have nothing to do with it.

Now dragon war went out and brought back a little guy. His face was childish. It could be seen from his walking posture that the little guy had never been a soldier. The face protein is whiter than women. It's not normal for such people to come to their own army.

"Dragon team, what are you doing with a doll?"

A big soldier couldn't help asking, and the others laughed when they heard this.

"What? Look down on others? Camel, I ask you, what is your best result in the 50 kilometer rush? "

Captain long said to the big soldier who spoke.

"Report, five hours and 23 minutes..."

Cried the camel, with pride in his voice.

"Five hours and 23 minutes, well, good grades. But do you know what the boy's score of 50 kilometers without load is? "

Dragon war's words made everyone curious.

"I tell you, an hour and forty-two minutes."

The words of dragon war make everyone stare. It's 50 kilometers, an hour and 42 minutes. How can this be possible. Seeing everyone's expressions, long Zhan smiled.

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