After dressed up, the two people are the U.S. special forces. Qiu Yun and vulture have a lot of weapons and equipment. The vulture's whole body equipment adds up to more than 80 kilograms.

As for Qiu Yun, he is a pervert. The large backpack is full of weapons and equipment. I'm afraid it's 150 kilograms with all the equipment. The black cow swallowed his saliva and said two perverts in his heart.

After everything was done, the two men set out. But instead of driving, he went straight into the rain forest. They have to travel 150 kilometers through the rain forest to reach the scheduled location to meet Liu Yufei.

Watching the two men disappear, the black bull began to pack his things. Whether the stronghold is exposed or not, it can no longer be used by itself.

In the rain forest, Qiu Yun and vultures move forward quickly in the rain forest. The African rainforest is definitely the most dangerous existence. But for vultures and Qiu Yun, it's just like their own home. Qiu Yun is no stranger to the African rainforest. The old Taoist once took Qiu Yun to stay in the rain forest for a long time.

The vulture passed on his experience to Qiu Yun as he walked. There are some differences between fighting in the rainforest and fighting in the mountains. In the rainforest, the biggest threat is this cruel environment.

In the African rainforest, all kinds of animals and plants can kill people at any time. In addition to these, the rain forest is restless all year round. There are many mines or booby traps buried by people. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, the United States dispatched 200 special forces into the rainforest as early as two weeks ago. At the same time, the United States hired thousands of black water mercenaries, whose combat effectiveness is even stronger than that of special forces.

It's 150 kilometers. It's a long way. But Qiu Yun and vultures have to cross here. The two men were like ghosts, moving quickly towards the scheduled place. The speed of two people is very fast, and the endurance is very terrible.

Moving forward here is not squeezing, but training. Two people will rest for five minutes every hour. Then they moved on. Under such circumstances, the marching speed of the two men reached about 15 kilometers per hour.

"Xiaobai, what good thing did you get?"

Once again, the vulture sees Qiu Yun busy. Along the way, Qiu Yun collected some plants and caught some poisonous snakes and other things. Now, Qiu Yun crushed these plants and squeezed out the juice, which made the vultures interested.

"Hey, hey, give them something good."

Qiu Yun began to be busy and got two blowpipes with the things he collected. Then use a military knife to cut the branches of a plant into needles thinner than toothpicks. This kind of plant is very hard. After being processed by Qiu Yun, it becomes very sharp.

Then Qiu Yun carefully soaked these things in the prepared liquid medicine. After entering the liquid medicine, the color of these flying needles turns green.

"Head, be careful. This venom is quite overbearing. As long as it pierces the skin, people can lose their lives in ten seconds. This kind of poison, unless there is an antidote prepared by me, other antidotes are useless. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing this, the vulture swallowed his saliva. This poison is too overbearing. The most abnormal thing is that other antidotes have no effect. People in special forces usually have detoxification serum.

But these things have no effect on this poison. Ten seconds, the time is very fast. Qiu Yun began to make flying needles. His hands moved quickly. He made a flying needle in almost five seconds.

Soon hundreds of flying needles were made. Looking at the green flying needles, the vultures laughed. Blowpipe, the most primitive weapon, if equipped with this poison needle, is definitely a very powerful weapon.

In addition to flying needles, Qiu Yun also made some strange things. It took almost twelve hours to walk and stop all the way. Two people came to the predetermined position. Along the way, the two carefully avoided several waves of people.

Come to the predetermined position and see a valley in the distance. The valley was closed by the U.S. military, and the staff inside were busy wearing white protective clothing. There is a huge building in the central area of the valley. The building is made of special plastic, like a huge plastic shed.

The vulture and Qiu Yun looked at the distance. No matter they moved a little, they didn't dare to get too close. It's heavily guarded. Although it's night, it's still the most dangerous place.

At the moment, inside the laboratory in the greenhouse, Liu Yufei and his team are still busy. Everyone is wearing special protection fees, and in the central area, a huge meteorite is being slowly cut.

This meteorite is like a duck egg, with a diameter of tens of meters. But the density is very large. Such a large meteorite weighs thousands of tons. Most importantly, after detection, great energy fluctuations were found in meteorites.

If such a heavy thing falls here, even the United States can't transport it out. This is deep in the rain forest. There is no road. Even the most powerful helicopter can't carry this thing. What's more, the meteorite also emits strong radiation.

So the United States plans to cut the meteorite and carry it away bit by bit. The meteorite was slowly cut. In order to cut the meteorite, the United States brought the most advanced cutters. It took so long to cut the central area of the knife.

"What is this?"

When the central area was cut, a huge material appeared in the middle of the meteorite. The red material is like a gem, with a diameter of about ten centimeters and a length of only twenty centimeters. But this thing emits powerful energy, but at the moment of cutting, the surrounding radiation concentration increases hundreds of times.

Liu Yufei took this thing out carefully, and the faces around him were also excited. This thing contains powerful energy inside. If it can be studied, it can even change the world.

Carefully put this thing into a special metal box. This box is specially made and can completely isolate radiation. The material is the most advanced material of the U.S. military. It can't be destroyed even if it is placed in the nuclear bomb explosion area.

When the box is closed, the surrounding radiation concentration immediately decreases. Seeing the box, the American staff were excited. Liu Yufei looked at the time and suddenly smiled.


At this moment, a dull noise suddenly came. Then a strange shock wave dispersed. This shock wave made everyone feel confused, and then he went straight into a coma. And the whole base was suddenly dark.

But Liu Yufei was not in a coma. As soon as she picked up the box, she ran out. Outside, the vulture felt refreshed when he saw that it was suddenly dark. Then, as agreed, he took a special piece of metal directly in his hand.

Liu Yufei walked out of the laboratory and was in the field of vision of her special eyes. Find the vulture's location immediately. Then he ran directly towards the vulture.

At the moment, the situation here immediately attracted the attention of the US military around. Some soldiers quickly drilled out of the dense forest. When they saw the scene, the soldiers immediately realized what had happened. But now I don't know what happened. There was no fighting or any trace of fighting on the scene.

"It's sunny in June..."

Liu Yufei quickly came to the vulture and whispered.

"Whirling rain and snow..."

Hearing the vulture's words, Liu Yufei nodded.

"Let's go"

The vulture whispered, and then the three men went straight into the rain forest. They don't have much time. The US military will soon find out what's going on here. So now they must escape quickly and run as far as they can.

In the valley, American soldiers quickly entered the laboratory. When I entered the laboratory, I immediately found a scene. Liu Yufei is gone. Liu Yufei is the key nursing object and the top material expert.

When the alarm sounded, the US special forces immediately began to search. Liu Fei soon found their traces.


With the traces, the US Army immediately took action. Several helicopters patrolling in the distance also flew over quickly.

The situation here was quickly reported. Then the military immediately issued an order to find Liu Yufei at all costs. However, it also issued an order to hurt Liu Yufei's life as a last resort.

"Xiaobai, you take Liu Yufei first, and I'll cover you..."

Seeing the pursuers behind, the vulture whispered.

"No, boss, you take him. I'm behind the hall... "

Qiu Yun shook his head and whispered.

"Go away, this is an order. Take her away."

The vulture glared at Qiu Yun.

"Don't give me orders. I'm not your soldier. Boss, trust me, I'll be fine. Hurry up and take her away. I've prepared a lot of fun for these people. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile, with a sinister smile on his mouth. The vulture finally took a deep breath when he saw Qiu Yun's firm look.

"Well, boy, remember to come back alive, or I'll have to catch you back in hell."

Then the vulture dared not delay, and immediately took Liu Yufei into the rain forest. Liu Yufei looked at Qiu Yun and narrowed her eyes. She didn't know what to think again.

Looking at the pursuers behind, Qiu Yun twisted his neck. Take out a wooden whistle from your pocket, a weak whistle, a very special whistle, which can make a weak sound that human beings can't hear. But the snake can hear this sound. This whistle can attract the surrounding snakes. It can also control the snake through different frequencies, making the snake full of aggression.

People of the Gu clan are most proficient in this method. Qiu Yun also learned this move from a snake expert of the Gu clan. But not everyone can play a weak voice. Even if ordinary people can play, the weak sound can only reach hundreds of meters away. But Qiu Yun is different. Qiu Yun has real Qi. Adding real Qi when playing can expand the range of weak sound to tens of kilometers around.

Qiu Yun began to play a weak whistle, blowing a weak whistle in his mouth, but he was not idle in his hand. He directly chose a sniper position and looked at the close special forces in the distance. Qiu Yun's eyes were murderous. He directly locked the head of a special force and then pulled the trigger.


With a dull noise, the head of the special forces soldier who was the last kilometer away was directly smashed. The power of Barrett heavy sniper is too terrible. It's more terrible to kill.

"Three o'clock..."

A special forces soldier shouted, and the helicopter in the distance came directly this way. Qiu Yun quickly shifted direction with a sniper rifle after shooting.

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