
Zhang zetao was directly kicked out a few meters away by Qiu Yun.

"Qiu Yun, what are you doing?"

Lin Shengnan was stunned. She didn't expect Qiu Yun to look like this.

"Leave it alone"

Qiu Yun whispered and quickly walked to Zhang zetao. Before Zhang zetao could react from the pain, he felt that his neck was pinched. Qiu Yun grabbed Zhang zetao's neck with one hand and slowly raised Zhang zetao.

"Qiu Yun, what are you doing? Let him go, let him go. "

Seeing this scene, Lin Shengnan hurried over and tried to break Qiu Yun's hand, but Qiu Yun's hand was like steel and motionless. Zhang zetao grabbed Qiu Yun's arms with both hands and struggled with both legs. His face was red.

"I don't care who you are? I only tell you one word, stay away from my woman in the future. Remember, there are some people in this world you can't afford. "

Qiu Yun's whole body exudes cold killing intention. Zhang zetao feels that his whole body strength slowly disappears and dies. Zhang zetao seems to be unable to see death. At the moment, Zhang zetao is really afraid. The fear of death makes Zhang zetao feel afraid for the first time.


When Zhang zetao felt that he was dying, Qiu Yunsong opened his hand. Breathing fresh air again, Zhang zetao gasped for breath.

"Zetao, are you okay?"

Lin Shengnan hurriedly asked. After all, she and Zhang zetao grew up together. Although Zhang zetao pestered himself and made him feel a little impatient, Lin Shengnan still regarded Zhang zetao as his relatives.

"Qiu Yun, what are you doing?"

Lin Shengnan looked at Qiu Yun angrily.

"It's all right. It's just for fun. Well, don't be angry. Let's go back quickly. Honey, I'll take you upstairs... "

Before Lin Shengnan reacted, Qiu Yun picked Lin Shengnan up. Lin Shengnan just felt soft and lay directly in Qiu Yun's arms. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all.

"Let go of me..."

Lin Shengnan looked at Qiu Yun with anger on his face.

"Don't think..."

Qiu Yun smiled and walked quickly to the elevator with Lin Shengnan in his arms. Zhang zetao looked at their backs with resentment in his eyes.

"I won't let you go. No one else can get what I can't get."

Zhang zetao is a crazy person. Otherwise, I won't admit death reason and keep pestering Lin Shengnan. And such a person, a single crazy, will often have terrible consequences.

"You let me go"


"You bastard"

"How do you know?"

"You, let me go, or I'll shout?"

"Okay, you shout"

On the way upstairs, Lin Shengnan is completely fooled by Qiu Yun. Lying in Qiu Yun's arms, Lin Shengnan finally knows what a scoundrel is.

"What the hell do you want?"

Looking up at Qiu Yun, Lin Shengnan asked helplessly.

"What do you say? Let me come back in the middle of the night and let me be a shield for you. I have to charge some interest. "

Qiu Yun had a bad smile on his face. His aggressive eyes made Lin Shengnan feel soft again. Especially when he felt Qiu Yun's strong chest, Lin Shengnan suddenly hung a blush on his face.

"Aren't you afraid that Gu Yue and Liao Ying know?"

Lin Shengnan raised his head and looked at Qiu Yun with a trace of complexity in his eyes. In Qiu Yun's villa, there are not only Gu Yue and Liao Ying, but also Tang Yueqi and Tang min.

Everyone is a great beauty. Everyone seems to be ambiguous with Qiu Yun. Hearing Lin Shengnan's words, Qiu Yun smiled.

"How can a good man like me have only one woman? Don't use secular rules to restrain me. Those rules are only used to restrain ordinary people. People like me are invalid... "

Qiu Yun said overbearing and took the key directly from Lin Shengnan's clothes to open the door of Lin Shengnan's house. Qiu Yun entered the room without turning on the light. Darkness is nothing to Qiu Yun at all. Entering the dark room, Lin Shengnan suddenly felt a little nervous, but he was vaguely looking forward to it.


Lin Shengnan was thrown on the bed by Qiu Yun. Through the moonlight, the two looked at each other.

"If you don't go back. Those two beauties are in a hurry? "

Lin Shengnan lay in bed looking at Qiu Yun, with a trace of laziness and temptation in his voice. Qiu Yun did not answer Lin Shengnan, but sat by the bed, stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Shengnan's chin. Lin Shengnan didn't resist either. He looked up at Qiu Yun with a smile on his face.

"It's getting late. Rest early..."

Suddenly Qiu Yunsong stood up, said softly and turned away.


Seeing Qiu Yun turning away, Lin Shengnan suddenly sat up from the bed.

"What are you doing? Not willing? "

Qiu Yun turned his head and looked at Lin Shengnan and asked with a smile.

"Do you know Qigong?"

Lin Shengnan looks at Qiu Yun and hears Lin Shengnan's words. Where is Qiu Yun Leng.

"Why are you asking?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"Just tell me the answer."

Lin Shengnan looked at Qiu Yun with expectation. Looking at Lin Shengnan's eyes, Qiu Yun finally nodded. Seeing Qiu Yun nodding, Lin Shengnan's eyes lit up.

"Can you teach me?"

Lin Shengnan asked again. Hearing Lin Shengnan's words, Qiu Yunle got up. This Lin Shengnan is really different from others.

"Is it good?"

Qiu Yun's words made Lin Shengnan laugh. He directly came down from the bed to Qiu Yun and pushed Qiu Yun down on the bed. Then the whole man climbed into bed, rode on Qiu Yun with his legs, fell down and looked at Qiu Yun's face close at hand.

"What benefits do you want?"

Lin Shengnan said softly, and the atmosphere seemed incomparably ambiguous. Qiu Yun couldn't stand it. Xiao Qiu Yun immediately reacted. Lin Shengnan, who rode on Qiu Yun, immediately felt the change of Qiu Yun. Although he was wearing jeans, he could still feel the heat.

Feeling the change of Qiu Yun, Lin Shengnan narrowed his eyes and began to twist his waist. The whole person began to move like a horse. Qiu Yun's eyes widened, goblin, this damn goblin.

"Damn old Taoist..."

The sound of his own boy skill called Qiu Yun a hate in his heart. As a teenage virgin, I can stand the temptation. If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would break out in. Qiu Yun also wants to break out, but Qiu Yun doesn't dare to take risks.


Qiu Yun directly turned over and pressed Lin Shengnan below. Looking at Lin Shengnan's beautiful face, Qiu Yun took a deep breath.

"I can teach you Qigong. But I don't like the deal. Lin Shengnan, you remember. Although Qiu Yun is not a good person, I still have my own principles. I hope that my woman and I lie in bed because of feelings, not because of transactions. "

Qiu Yun said coldly, and then stood up directly. Lin Shengnan was lying in bed, but he was relieved. Qiu Yun is strong, but Lin Shengnan is not.

"Isn't that fun? Don't you guys like role playing? You think of yourself as the boss, and I'm your female employee. You're hiding the rules. "

Lin Shengnan raised his eyebrows.

"Don't play with fire, be careful to burn yourself. And don't pretend to be mature in front of me. A little girl, what do you pretend to be mature. Don't think you'll become an imperial sister after playing with your hands for a period of time. "

Qiu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Qiu Yun..."

Qiu Yun's words made Lin Shengnan suddenly sit up and stare at Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun smiled badly on his face. Lin Shengnan's physical condition is very clear to him, but he has seen Lin Shengnan ill. Qiu Yun knows whether he has experienced personnel or not.

"You can hold back just now. Aren't you a virgin? "

Lin Shengnan suddenly asked with a smile.

"How is that possible? I'm so good, how can I be a virgin? "

Lin Shengnan's words made Qiu Yun blow his hair.

"Ha ha, don't explain. Your reaction has betrayed you. Only virgins will explain, ha ha, can't you? Isn't that right? I saw you have great capital just now. What the hell is going on? By the way, it is also said in the novel that some people practice boy skills and can't break their bodies all their life. What you can't practice is boy's skill? "

Lin Shengnan looked at Qiu Yun and said with a smile. This sentence made Qiu Yun's face sad.

"Ha ha, I guessed right, boy skill, ha ha, I'm laughing to death, boy skill..."

Lin Shengnan lay in bed and smiled without scruples.

"Don't laugh. What's the matter with boy's skill? Who says you can't break your body if you use boy skills. When I break through another level, I can. What do you know? Don't laugh. I won't teach you to laugh again? "

Qiu Yun seems to have been caught.

"Ha ha, OK, I won't laugh, I won't laugh. Hei hei, you laughed at me just now. I said, "how can you hold back just now? I thought my charm has declined."

Lin Shengnan seemed to be a general who promised the war, with a happy face. Qiu Yun tilted his mouth and turned on the light directly.

"Reach out..."

Qiu Yun whispered that Qiu Yun must see what system Lin Shengnan is, so that he can choose the most suitable skill for Lin Shengnan to practice. There are many skills Qiu Yun. Each of these skills is invaluable. However, cultivating true Qi is not as easy as you think. Without guidance, you can't practice even if you are given the skill.

Now on earth, the aura is thin. It's too difficult to cultivate true Qi. Unless an expert guides the cultivator with his true Qi to find the sense of Qi, it is difficult to practice alone.

"Relax and do nothing."

Qiu Yun whispered. Lin Shengnan took a deep breath to relax himself. Qiu Yun inputs his true Qi into Lin Shengnan's body little by little. Qiu Yun's true Qi is very peaceful. True Qi enters Lin Shengnan's body and wanders around in Lin Shengnan's body.

"Fire spirit body?"

Qiu Yun stared with shock. Then he carefully understood Lin Shengnan's body and finally determined that Lin Shengnan's body was the fire spirit body. This Constitution made Qiu Yun take a deep breath. He didn't expect to encounter the rare constitution described in ancient books so soon.

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