At the gate of Fudan University, in the black SUV, Feng Mo's face was smiling. Beside Feng Mo, a cold faced young man sat there with a picture of Qiu Yun in his hand.

Chacan, a Muay Thai master, was born in a real Muay Thai family. The real Muay Thai is not the existence used for performance on TV. Chacan began to learn boxing at the age of two and began to play black boxing at the age of twelve. This kind of black boxing is life and death boxing. Now Chacan, at the age of 28, is already recognized as the evil star of Thai black boxing in the world. There are at least hundreds of fighting experts who died in his hands.

"Well, you go and remember not to kill people."

Feng Mo whispered, but his eyes looked cruel. Feng Mo's nickname is crazy. This nickname is not in vain. It's scary for this man to go crazy alone.

"I try to..."

Chacan said in unskilled Chinese, opened the door, got off and walked towards the school. Feng Mo also got out of the car and followed far behind, with an excited look on his face.

Qiu Yun comes out of the library. Seeing Qiu Yun coming out, Cha can stands up from a stone bench next to him. Qiu Yun stops and turns his eyes to Chacan. Lin Fei can feel the hostility from Chacan.

"Are you Qiu Yun?"

Chacan asked in a low voice.

"Who sent you?"

Qiu Yun asked in a low voice, without paying any attention to cha can.

"Promise me and I'll tell you."

Chacan looks at Qiu Yun with dignified eyes. Although Qiu Yun stood there, years of experience made Cha can feel a dangerous smell.


Qiu Yun's voice fell, and the whole person jumped at Cha can like an eagle. Chacan didn't retreat either, and directly punched out. Muay Thai, fierce Muay Thai. Qiu can smiles when he sees Taiquan. Once the posture changed, it also became the posture of Muay Thai.


The two men's fists hit hard. Chacan stepped back, but Qiu Yun didn't move. Chacan's face changed dramatically when he saw this scene.

"That's all..."

Qiu Yun smiled and punched again. The ferocity of Muay Thai was fully displayed by Qiu Yun. The whole person is like a beast, very fast, and his fist is like a storm. Chacan also shows no weakness. Growing up in the world of black boxing, Chacan has rich combat experience. Besides, for Muay Thai, Qiu Yun is really inferior to Chacan.

Qiu Yun didn't use other moves or qi. Just use Muay Thai, but even so, Qiu Yun's abnormal body gives full play to the essence of Muay Thai. Chacan gets more and more frightened, and his face becomes very ugly.

In the distance, Feng Mo was surprised to see this scene. He guessed that Qiu Yun could play, but he didn't expect Qiu Yun to play so well. Chacan, the Muay Thai champion, was beaten by Qiu Yun, and Qiu Yun also used Muay Thai.

Muay Thai fights are all boxing to meat. This kind of fight makes people around stare. They have seen this kind of fight there.


Chacan is punched out by Qiu Yun and looks at Chacan and Qiu Yun waving his hand. Chacan twisted his neck. A series of attacks just now made Chacan feel pain all over.

"Muay Thai, but so."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Really? Then I'll show you the real power of Muay Thai. "

Chacan took a deep breath, and a murderous breath burst out in his eyes. The whole leg came like a steel whip. Although the moves are somewhat similar to those just now, the facts are completely different.

When his legs collided, Qiu Yun took two steps back. Compared with before. Chacan's strength has increased several times. This promotion makes Lin Fei squint. Obviously, this promotion is Chacan's skill to change his power.

Ancient Muay Thai, this kind of boxing is Chacan's family boxing. Compared with the present Muay Thai, the ancient Muay Thai is more powerful and destructive. However, ancient Muay Thai consumes a lot of body. If you use this boxing for a long time, it will cause great damage to your body.

Chacan usually can't use this kind of fist technique before a crisis. After changing the fist technique, Cha can's fist technique becomes extremely fierce, but Qiu Yun keeps resisting, but his eyes are fixed on Cha can, and cha can's every move is watched by Qiu Yun.

Seeing that Chacan regained the upper hand, Feng Mo breathed a sigh of relief. I finally spent a lot of money to find such a master. For the sake of this master, he threw out his pocket money for a month.

"I see..."

Qiu Yun has a smile on his face. Through his observation of Cha can, Qiu Yun finally knows the secret of this fist technique. Qiu Yun's understanding of the human body has reached a terrible level. Under the influence of true Qi, Qiu Yun can capture the most subtle defense.

"It's my turn"

Qiu Yun roared and his fist technique changed.

"It's impossible?"

Chacan stared with horror on her face.

"Nothing is impossible."

Qiu Yun snorted coldly. His fist was like a storm. Its power was several times higher than before. Although the fist technique is still a little astringent, its power is not weak at all. What scares Chacan most is that Qiu Yun is making rapid progress.

This situation set off a storm in Chacan's heart. This terrible martial arts talent is too scary. Over the years, Chacan has met many talented experts, but he has never met such an expert. He just fought with himself for a while and learned his boxing.


Chacan whispers. Qiu Yun stops and looks up at Chacan.

"I lost..."

Chacan whispered.

"Admit defeat so soon?"

Where is Qiu Yunleng? He looks at Cha can curiously and doesn't understand.

"People who can learn my boxing so quickly can't only know Muay Thai."

Chacan looks at Qiu Yun. This sentence makes Qiu Yun shrug his shoulders helplessly. It seems that cha can is not a simple guy.

"Now you can always tell me who sent you?"

Qiu Yun looks at Chacan and asks in a low voice.

"Sorry, I can't say."

Chacan shook his head.

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

Qiu Yun's face was cold and his body was full of terrible murderous spirit. Feeling the murderous spirit, Chacan's face changed.

"Even if you kill me, I can't say it. Those who do our business have the rules of this business. "

Chacan said seriously. Looking at Chacan's expression, Qiu Yun suddenly smiled.

"Very interesting. Well, you go."

Qiu Yun waved his hand as if they were just playing.

"No, I want to stay. You have defeated me. From today on, you will be my master. "

Chacan said seriously.

"Isn't it? Muay Thai masters also have this rule. Isn't this rule unique to ninjas? "

Qiu Yun looked depressed.

"We Muay Thai, only respect the strong. You defeated me. From today on, you are my king. I am willing to be your most faithful servant. "

Chacan seriously said that as a member of the ancient Muay Thai family. Chacan is very sincere about faith. Besides, Qiu Yun was the first person Chacan really admired when he grew up. A person learns his boxing after watching it for a while. Such a talent is too rebellious.

At the same time, Chacan can also feel that Qiu Yun didn't do his best. Especially when Qiu Yun sent out a murderous spirit just now, the terrible murderous spirit made Cha can feel cold.

"Fun, good, you stay. But I can tell you, don't play tricks on me. Otherwise, I have a hundred ways to make your life worse than death, real life worse than death. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile and then left the library directly.

"Wang, where am I going?"

Chacan asks quickly.

"Find a place to stay first. I'll call you in the evening. By the way, tell the man when you get back. Don't let me know who he is, or I will kill him. "

Qiu Yun said softly and turned away. Looking at Qiu Yun's leaving figure, Cha can also takes a deep breath and leaves Fudan University. At the school gate, the black SUV was still parked there. Looking at the SUV, Chacan walks over.

"Chacan, your task has not been completed yet?"

Feng Mo has returned to the off-road vehicle and looks at Cha can and whispers.

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a lot of commission. That man, I'm not an opponent. You can ask for another expert. "

Chacan whispered, then turned and left.

"Young master, do you want to..."

The driver looked at Chacan's back as he left, and a trace of murderous spirit flashed in his eyes.

"It's not necessary. It's just a bug. But Qiu Yun surprised me. "

Feng Mo narrowed his eyes and was curious about Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun now has some fame in the circle. In particular, the claim that he cured the old man's disease of Yu family has not been confirmed, but Qiu Yun is the most suspicious person.

After all, now the body of Mr. Yu's family has slowly recovered. Before, Mr. Yu's family has delegated the affairs of the company. Now, the old man of the Yu family began to take back some power, and a series of things during this period marked the return of the old man.

During this time, things have been going on in the Yu family. The old man returned and Yu Ziyang withdrew from the Yu family with a high profile, but many people are greedy for tens of billions of dollars. Then Yu Ziyang and Tang Yueqi announced the establishment of a new company, among which there was the figure of Yu's father.

Finally, Tang Yueqi and Lu Bin withdrew their marriage. When Lu's family was ready to retaliate, the old man of the Yu family made a shocking move. He even recognized Tang Yueqi as his daughter. This action made Lu Jia mad.

A series of actions are dazzling. I don't know what's going on. Anyway, the circle of Shanghai stock market is in a mess these days. Qiu Yun seems to be a fuse. We already know that Yu Ziyang sent Qiu Yun a sports car. Someone investigated and found that Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi had a good relationship.

Everything makes Qiu Yun the focus of some people's attention. Unconsciously, Qiu Yun is like a catfish in the fish pond, which has stirred up the circle of Shanghai stock market. Even Qiu Yun is not aware of such things. After all, in Qiu Yun's view, he seems to have done nothing at all.

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