Qiu Yun stepped onto the podium and everyone looked at him. Exxon's eyes were even more disdainful. It's a little unrealistic for a student to prove to himself the magic of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Mr. Exxon, I wonder if you would like to personally experience the magic of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Qiu Yun looked at Exxon.

"Of course..."

Exxon nodded at Qiu Yun's words. Qiu Yun heard a strange smile in his eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Exxon said that traditional Chinese medicine is a lie? It is said that acupoints and meridians do not exist. Then I'll tell you the truth now. What you don't know doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. No one can use his ignorance to deny the existence of some facts. As early as thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered acupoints and meridians. Five to one century before the park, the famous Yellow Emperor's Canon of internal medicine was written. At that time, let alone western medicine, even if the western world should still be desolate. "

Qiu Yun's words made everyone laugh, but Exxon's face became more and more ugly.

"Meridians and acupoints are the cream of our traditional Chinese medicine. In our human body, there are 720 acupoints, including 402 medical acupoints and 108 harmful acupoints. The harmful acupoints are divided into living acupoints and dead acupoints. There are 72 living acupoints and 36 dead acupoints. These 108 acupoints must not be touched randomly. Because of these acupoints, they can be injured or killed. Of course, these acupoints can't be demonstrated here, but there are some interesting acupoints that can be demonstrated here. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile and came directly to Exxon.

"Mr. Exxon, can you believe that I can make you cry in the next second?"

Qiu Yun said with a smile, which stunned Exxon.

"How is that possible?"

Exxon shook his head. He was a big man. How could he cry. Seeing Exxon shaking his head, Qiu Yun smiled and quickly put his hand directly on Exxon's crying hole.

The next moment, Exxon and others stared, because Exxon's tears were dying. Exxon tried to control it as soon as possible, but it couldn't control it at all. This scene made everyone stare.

"This is the crying point. Its function is to control the human lacrimal gland..."

Qiu Yun smiled and said that Exxon was like a dead father and mother. His tears flowed and couldn't be controlled at all.

"In addition to crying acupoints, there are laughter acupoints..."

With that, Qiu Yun clicked Exxon's acupoint again.

"Haha, haha, haha..."

Exxon changed from crying to laughing, and couldn't control it at all. Finally, he directly covered his stomach and lay on the ground, laughing out of breath. This scene made everyone swallow their saliva.

"Qiu Yun, what are you doing? Hurry to solve Exxon's acupoint... "

Zeng Yifan said loudly. Qiu Yun looked at Exxon rolling on the ground, smiled and quickly untied the acupoints for Exxon. Exxon lay on the ground with a hoarse voice and a severe stomachache.

Although the stomach hurts, the physical torture is far less severe than the shock in the heart. Before Exxon never thought that traditional Chinese medicine had anything, but now some simple acupoints have completely set off a storm in Exxon's heart.

"This is just a small demonstration, Mr. Exxon. Do you want to experience something more magical?"

Qiu Yun looks at Exxon. Exxon looks at Qiu Yun and gets up slowly.

"Of course..."

Exxon looked at Qiu Yun. At the moment, he no longer dared to underestimate Qiu Yun. The shock brought to Exxon by this magical student was too strong. Qiu Yun smiled and took out the silver needle from his pocket. When he saw the silver needle, Exxon's eyes lit up. Acupuncture is the most magical thing in Chinese medicine. Exxon has also studied it, but he is confused.

"Mr. Exxon, if I'm not mistaken. You should have rheumatoid arthritis, right? "

Qiu Yun's words made Exxon stare.

"How do you know?"

Exxon was shocked. His disease was very hidden. Rheumatoid arthritis is the root of the disease left when I was young. Although it has been treated, it can only be alleviated.

"Traditional Chinese medicine stresses looking, smelling, listening and cutting. Although we just had a short contact, I have determined your disease. As the most famous doctor in the United States, you must have used many treatments. Today, dare you try traditional Chinese medicine. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Exxon looked at Qiu Yun and finally nodded.

In the public eye, Qiu Yun asked Exxon to sit in a chair, then rolled up his pants and exposed his knees. Exxon's arthritis is very serious. Even if it's not rainy, there will be some pain in it. It's even more painful in rainy days. Sometimes you have to take painkillers.

Qiu Yun picked up the silver needle and quickly pricked three silver needles on Exxon's knee. Exxon was a little frightened to see this scene. After the three silver needles were inserted, Qiu Yun smiled and quickly flicked his fingers on a silver needle.


A strange scene happened. The silver needle trembled quickly and made a low Weng Ming sound. Through the microphone, everyone can hear the sound. Qiu Yun played it twice again. The three silver needles began to tremble at the same time, and the low voice kept coming.

The three silver needles trembled strangely, which shocked Exxon. But then Exxon stared, because Exxon felt that his knee was a little hot, as if there was a fire inside.

"From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, rheumatoid arthritis is caused by moisture and cold toxin. If you want a radical cure, you must get rid of these things... "

Qiu Yun whispered. His fingers kept popping out, and the silver needle was still shaking. Exxon's knees became hotter. Not only that, Exxon's knees turned red quickly and looked like cooked pig feet.

It's hot. Exxon only feels the heat in his knees. The people below were stunned. They had seen such a magical scene there. Lin Xue also stared. At this moment, Qiu Yun's image in her heart collapsed. At the moment, Qiu Yun has a serious look on his face, which is fascinating.

True Qi, when Qiu Yun played the silver needle, a trace of true Qi entered Exxon through the silver needle. Otherwise, only relying on acupuncture and moxibustion can never achieve this effect. This is not to say that acupuncture and moxibustion can not be cured, but it is not as fast as Qiu Yun's real Qi. Qiu Yuncai used genuine Qi to completely control Exxon's government.

The treatment lasted more than half an hour, and Exxon's knee slowly changed from red to black and cyan. The internal cold poison and moisture were completely forced out by the real Qi. Qiu Yun pierced Exxon's knee with a silver needle, leaving cold poison and moisture mixed with blood.

When the knee fully recovered, Qiu Yun recycled the silver needle. Exxon's eyes were wide open and comfortable, as if his knees had suddenly become much younger and moved for a while, without the original pain.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. How is this possible? "

Exxon stared. He didn't expect acupuncture to be so magical.

"Nothing is impossible. Mr. Exxon, traditional Chinese medicine has existed for thousands of years, if not really powerful. It can't exist for so many years. However, compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is more profound, so few people know it. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm sorry. I apologize for what I said just now. The classmate is right. I found out at the moment that I am very ignorant. I had a deep misunderstanding of traditional Chinese medicine. Please accept my apology... "

Exxon stood up and bowed deeply to Qiu Yun and below. Although Exxon was arrogant just now, Exxon's character is still very good. Otherwise, it is impossible to become a recognized medical expert.

"I accept your apology, Mr. Exxon. You are a man worthy of admiration."

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and Exxon also smiled. The people below stared at Qiu Yun like monsters. The monster from NIMA has such powerful traditional Chinese medicine. And it can make Exxon apologize, and Zeng Yifan has been stunned.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm afraid we can't continue today's class. I'm sorry, but I have to thank you today. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to see such great medicine. I decided to stay in China and study this magical medicine. This classmate, would you like to be my teacher of traditional Chinese medicine? "

Exxon looked at Qiu Yun. This sentence stunned everyone. Including Qiu Yun, it happened so suddenly. It's frightening that a famous medical expert in a country should recognize a freshman as a teacher.

"Well, Mr. Akers, I only know a little about Chinese medicine. Well, I have something else to do. You talk, you talk. "

With that, Qiu Yun ran out directly.


Seeing Qiu Yun like this, Lin Xue couldn't help laughing. At the moment, Qiu Yun doesn't look like a rascal at all. Instead, he looks like a child.

"Wait, I'm sorry, everyone, I'm sorry, wait a minute..."

With that, Exxon also chased out. This scene stunned everyone. Then he was stunned.

"Cow force, Qiu Yun is too cow force."

"Isn't he a rich second generation? How could there be such a powerful medical skill? "

"Acupuncture looks so magical..."

"How handsome..."

Everyone talked, but Liao Han's face became very ugly. Damn bastard, let him shine again.

Lively, a lecture that should have been very official suddenly became different. Some people secretly recorded videos on their mobile phones.

"Chinese medicine genius suspends American medical experts"

"Fudan University lectures, American medical experts were hanged by Chinese Medicine Talents"

"Ignorant human beings, let you see what real traditional Chinese medicine is"

Soon, there were many videos with titles on the Internet. These videos spread rapidly after they were released, and Qiu Yun became famous all of a sudden.

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