From this subtle change, it can be seen that Qiu Yun is now interested in Tang Yueqi, has begun to worry that the other party will be sad because of some of his actions, and began to think from the other party's point of view.

Because he was worried about Tang Yueqi, after his brothers gradually dispersed, Qiu Yun came to Tang Yueqi's office alone and pushed the door in.

"Qiu Yun... Why are you here?" Tang Yueqi was working hard when Qiu Yun came in. When she heard the sound, she raised her head and felt quite surprised at his arrival.

"Nothing. I haven't seen a beautiful woman for several days. I miss her." Qiu Yun deliberately put on an indifferent appearance and didn't want his mind to be found by Tang Yueqi, an ancient and strange guy. Otherwise, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

"Oh... Yeah." Tang Yueqi replied faintly, and then she didn't mean to continue.

"Today, you know I'm back. Why don't you pick me up?" Qiu yundao, he means that Tang Yueqi has never appeared“ You didn't tell me, and Gu Haifeng, they are obviously more suitable than me, so I'm sorry to disturb you. " Tang Yueqi said that although she looked indifferent on her expression, careful observation of Qiu Yun could find that there were some slight differences in her tone

The trembling showed that her mood was not so relaxed on the surface.

"So you will..." Qiu Yun was a little surprised. He only said half of what he said. Suddenly he felt that this word was not suitable to describe women, so he shut up.

"What can I do?" Tang Yueqi stared straight at Qiu Yun to see what he would say.

"Nothing." Qiu Yun shook his head and went directly to Tang Yueqi's desk. The latter stood up at a loss. Qiu Yun directly hugged Tang Yueqi's small waist from his back.

"..." Tang Yueqi felt Qiu Yun's unique breath. She wanted to resist, but she felt overwhelmed because of surprise, so she had to let Qiu Yun hold her like this. As time went by, his heart became sweeter and sweeter.

"I didn't tell you this time. It's my fault." Qiu Yun whispered in Tang Yueqi's ear.

He knew he was totally unjustified this time because he was worried about the gossip of song Jianfeng and others and didn't tell Tang Yueqi his return date in advance, which made her think crooked.

"Later..." Tang Yueqi heard Qiu Yun's words, and her delicate body was obviously shocked. She murmured.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again." Qiu Yun said first, and he really thought so in his heart, because this experience not only made Tang Yueqi feel uncomfortable, but also made him panic.

Seeing Qiu Yun's positive attitude, Tang Yueqi's loss that had been accumulating before turned into joy in an instant. This gap excited her, struggled to turn around and kissed Qiu Yun gently on the cheek.

Then he blushed and hid his head in his arms. Qiu Yun didn't expect Tang Yueqi to come suddenly because of excitement. He felt the wet place on his cheek and an unprecedented feeling in his heart. At the moment of being kissed, he felt that his spine was shocked, his whole body was numb, and the Qi in his body was disordered. This is why

It means that he is very excited.

"How can there be such a feeling..." Qiu Yun murmured to himself. Looking at Tang Yueqi's shy appearance, he immediately held the beauty in his arms more tightly.

"Well, be careful to be seen." As soon as the blush on Tang Yueqi's face faded, she raised her head, looked at Qiu Yun in front of her and said affectionately.

"It's all right. What if you see it? I don't see who dares to talk. " Qiu Yun said that his tone was overbearing, and he finally found his previous feeling. Previously, he had been a little excluded because he was not sure about his feeling for Tang Yueqi.

I didn't expect that after this incident, he became more clear about his inner thoughts and feelings. Since they are happy, why care about other people's feelings and opinions.

And he finally began to remember that he was the boss of Ziyun. Why worry about the gossip of others.

"Hmm..." Tang Yueqi listened to her heart sweetly, so she didn't say any more. Let Qiu Yun hold herself like this, and the two of them stick together closely.

There were people passing by outside the office from time to time, and the two inside didn't have any intention to hide, so many people saw this scene, all surprised to grow up their mouths, and some couldn't believe it.

In their memory, Qiu Yun seems to have a faint interest in all beautiful women, but he has never been close. Of course, this refers to the distance from the heart.

At present, Qiu Yun's aboveboard bear is holding Tang Yueqi, and the latter is also very sweet snuggling. Needless to say, it is clear at a glance.

For a time, the company fried the pot. There was a lot of talk about Tang Yueqi's relationship with Qiu Yun, but he was very knowledgeable, had no positive discussion, and whispered behind his back.

"Miss Tang is beautiful and capable. She has both talent and appearance. It's normal to be matched with President Qiu." Most people express their praise and blessing to the couple. As for the rest, they are mostly admirers of Qiu Yun, constantly expressing their envy, jealousy and hatred.

Although it is said that everyone's discussion deliberately avoided Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi, Qiu Yun's ear power is too good. He has heard a lot of various comments, but he has learned to ignore them over time. Otherwise, if he really goes on like this, it is estimated that he will go crazy.

Since the emergence of the "office door", Qiu Yun has also acquiesced in the relationship between himself and Tang Yueqi. Not only that, they enter and leave the office and the company in pairs more and more times.

"Boss, you and..." Song Jianfeng obviously had something to say when he came over that day.

"Huh? What's the problem? " Qiu Yun raised his head and asked curiously. In fact, he also knew what song Jianfeng wanted to say, but he didn't want to hear about it. After all, it was a personal emotional problem. There was no need to be brought to the table for discussion.

After hearing Qiu Yun's words, song Jianfeng had to stop asking.

"How's Billy Lynn doing?" Qiu Yun changed the subject. When he first came back from India, he ordered them to go down and let them investigate the so-called European tycoon more. He really wanted to know what kind of person he was who wanted to kill himself so much.

"Billy Lynn, a local rich man in Europe, accumulated a lot of capital by selling drugs in the early years of the war. After the war, he began to encroach on the western medicine industry on a large scale. At present, he is the largest shareholder." Song Jianfeng said. During this time, he was ordered by Qiu Yun to conduct a detailed and thorough investigation on Billy Lynn. This investigation shocked him, because Billy Lynn's own wealth and international popularity have far exceeded their previous estimates

。“ It looks like a big fish. No wonder you want to kill me so much. " Qiu Yun murmured to himself. Previously, he just thought Billy Lynn was one of the beneficiaries of Western medicine. Unexpectedly, the other party's shares were second to none, which also interested him, because he was thinking that if this western medicine was the best

What kind of sensation will it cause if the owner of large shares dies suddenly.

"Boss, what's next? Do you want to do something?" Song Jianfeng asked tentatively.

"Of course, but I haven't worked out the specific plan yet. Let's wait." Qiu Yun said, joke, the other party is so desperate to kill himself. If he doesn't give the other party a little color to see, I'm afraid Billy Lynn will really think he's afraid and push an inch.

"Then I'll prepare my hands first!" Song Jianfeng said that as soon as he heard that there would be a task, he became excited and wished Qiu Yun could give orders now.

"Well, don't worry too much." Qiu yundao, after all, he hasn't even made a plan yet. Even if song Jianfeng has enough hands, it's useless.

After Song Jianfeng left, Qiu Yun received a call from India.

"Hello? Mr. Qiu Yun! " There was a loud voice on the phone. It seemed that the people who had called were very excited and happy.

"What's up?" Qiu Yun subconsciously put the telephone far away, otherwise he would really shock his ears“ I'm calling this time to congratulate Mr. Qiu. Ziyun drug has been deeply loved by the general public and its sales are increasing day by day after it entered our country these two days. " At the other end of the phone, it was the Indian senior who had a discussion with Qiu Yun last time. At this time, his attitude was very sincere and his tone was very clear

Also very respectful.

"I'd like to thank you for your congratulations, but don't forget that our people will buy Herbs in two days, but we must cooperate." Qiu Yun did not forget to remind the other party of the conditions they had negotiated.

"Of course, of course." At the other end of the phone came the voice of the other party's repeated promise.

After hanging up, Qiu Yun directly called the person in charge of Ziyun group in India and told the other party what drugs needed to enter raw materials from India. And the number is also very clear.

Ziyun's business is very clear in his mind, so he can know the dosage of those herbs without asking others. The amount he said can not only make India self-sufficient, but also leave some of it to share the pressure elsewhere.

After this matter was handled, Qiu Yun began to think about his nemesis Billy Lynn.

The other party is one of the few rich people in Europe. Needless to say, he will be accompanied by many bodyguards. If he wants to start, it is estimated that he will have some difficulties, and I haven't heard that he will often come out of Europe. Qiu Yun is not very familiar with that site, and even the local development of Ziyun group has only carried out preliminary work, because Western medicine and Western medicine have taken root in that place, and too many local people's interests are involved, so that even if they admit Ziyun medicine

Because of its advantages in efficacy and price, it will never be willing to promote and support it.

So after Song Jianfeng and Yue Yanfeng came back from there, the local situation has been delayed, and there has been no improvement up to now.

Therefore, if Qiu Yun wants to go to Europe now, he is not familiar with his life. Don't punish Billy Lynn. At that time, he probably doesn't need to be assassinated by the other party. There are countless methods directly“ It's really like a turtle, shrinking in its own shell, but you think the eagle can't eat you. It's ridiculous. " Qiu Yun couldn't think of a good method for a moment, so he was annoyed.

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