He knew that the man surnamed Guan should not be the enemy's attitude, but because he simply doubted his identity. However, he refused to listen to the explanation at that time, but he still let Qiu Yun remember it in his heart. Qiu Yun went to the cave. Since he learned that he would not be placed in the cave for unlimited time, he seemed to cherish these time. For example, now, although he was thinking about other things, he moved quickly under his feet in order to save time left outside


"Taoist priest Bo Yun went out to travel. What's important at this time point?" Qiu Yun began to think everywhere.

However, such things are unlikely to have results. He can only be curious. Moreover, he once guessed the strength of Taoist priest Bo Yun. His second senior brother Zhuo Kong is already in the realm of transforming the spirit. It must be that Taoist priest Bo Yun, as a senior teacher, should surpass the spirit.

"It's really difficult to break through the blockage of the eight meridians." When Qiu Yun meditated again, he couldn't help saying with some emotion, because Ren Du's two veins were very simple, with a single grain, and the two veins connected into a small week. As for the eight meridians, there are many branches.

Although Qiu Yun's true Qi has been somewhat strong, he can't collide too carelessly. It's easy to hurt the meridians.

Therefore, he can only use a relatively mild method to treat genuine Qi as water and those obstructions as salt, and strive to dissolve it a little bit. Until it was completely unblocked at last, he could use the true Qi to continuously circulate around the sky and further expand the width of the meridians.

According to common sense, because everyone's talent is different, the smoothness of meridians is also different, so it is also a ten quenched body, and everyone needs to expand meridians to different degrees.

The reason why the meridians are blocked too much is that the width of the meridians has reached the limit, so they will be stuck in a certain realm.

With the expansion of the meridians, there is also a great danger. Once the meridians are damaged, the aura will continue to flow out. At that time, it is not too much to get twice the result with half the effort.

"If all my nine veins are unblocked, doesn't it mean that I can surpass the existence of ten quenched bodies?" Qiu Yun muttered to himself that he knew that people with smooth nine veins in the world could be said to be rare. He looked forward to being different.

As time passed by, the blockage in Qiu Yun's meridians began to dissolve at the most marginal position. This is already a place with strong aura in the cave. If he was still in the firewood room, I'm afraid the speed would be much slower than now.

He also knew that this kind of thing would never come in a hurry. For example, in the previous life, Qiu Yun spent several years to unblock the eight meridians of the strange meridians, but since he was young. Although he has come to this strange world now, it can not change the situation of meridians. Fortunately, Qiu Yun absolutely has a firm and persistent confidence. As long as he doesn't encounter uncontrollable situations, he will stick to it until he is blocked from nine veins

The situation of jiumai Jutong.

Recently, he has spent most of his time changing meridians. As for leading Reiki quenching body, he will only do so in the remaining time.

Because he knows very well that as long as his meridians are unblocked more and more, it will not matter to quench his body in the future.

Therefore, Qiu Yun knows very clearly which is more important or less important. Fortunately, according to Zhuo Kong, if Taoist priest Bo Yun goes to travel, he will not be in the temple for a short time, and no one will disturb Qiu Yun's practice during this time.

So every day, Qiu Yun spends his time in meditation, meditation, standing on a stake and so on. With his persistent persistence, the blocked meridians have also been greatly improved. One third of the heart meridians have been opened, and the other meridians have also been greatly improved.

If this goes on, in more than a month, my heart pulse will be unblocked and my liver pulse will be unblocked for a period of time. Now my strength of 2300 kg should be about 4000 kg. Qiu Yun thought in his heart, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He was still very satisfied with the cultivation progress.

However, thinking about the disciple surnamed Guan who stopped him, he couldn't help frowning, because there was an obvious insurmountable gap between him and the other party.

In the past few days, Qiu Yun has been practicing hard, so he doesn't know much about the outside world, but at this time, among the formal disciples, a message has exploded.

It is said that Cangsong Taoist temple will soon participate in the competition for the top ten Taoist temples in the whole Lingshan area.

The so-called Lingshan area refers to the area where Cangsong Taoist temple is located. Within a thousand miles, there are no less than 100 Taoist temples, large and small, built around a Lingshan mountain, and there will be a competition for the top ten Taoist temples every five years.

A month later, it is the deep winter season, and it is time for the competition to be held. Three days later, Qiu Yuncai came out of the cave. He took a look at the beautiful weather outside and wanted to go outside. But he was worried that he might encounter the situation last time. If he came in again, if he was stopped outside gukou, it would be terrible

It's funny. I'm sure I can't go there to save my former martial brother Zhuo. Thinking of him, he hurried to zhuokong's residence. He wanted to ask how to effectively prove to others that he is the leader of thin cloud

Disciple“ It's very simple. Shifu, the old man has gone wandering. Just take my token directly. When you get to gukou, show the token directly, and no one will come to stop you. " After hearing Qiu Yun's concerns, zhuokong smiled and took out his own token

Come out and put it directly in Qiu Yun's hand.

The latter wanted to refuse, and suddenly thought that the token really didn't have any effect in terms of the time when Zhuo Kong was in the valley, because his face had become a pass.

"I'll take it, younger martial brother." After Qiu Yun realized this truth, he no longer pinched. He directly grabbed the token, thanked zhuokong, and walked happily out of the valley.

Qiu Yun was a little frightened when he came to gukou. Because he was worried that he would meet the young man surnamed Guan again. In that case, I'm afraid the two people who had a holiday would not live in peace.

Fortunately, after he got close, he found that it was another person, so he relaxed. And because he went out from the valley, the guard didn't ask Qiu Yun much at all.

But it can also be clearly felt that Qiu Yun's age also makes this person very curious. Among the internal disciples, Qiu Yun is definitely the most immature one.

Qiu Yun came out of the valley without danger. His mood was much easier, because although the inner disciples didn't know the situation, the formal disciples knew very well Qiu Yun's position now.

At the beginning, many people saw the confrontation between Qiu Yun, the eldest elder and the second elder, and the fact that one was promoted directly from waste wood to an inner disciple was too explosive, so it spread all over the formal disciples in a short time.

"It's not enough for a month. This is the most prosperous time of Cangsong Taoist temple recently. I believe we will be able to successfully rush into the top ten Taoist temples." Someone is talking to his companions.

"Yes, the quinquennial event is coming!" This time Qiu Yun came out, but not many people showed flattery and flattery to him. Of course, Qiu Yun wished this group of people wouldn't come up. That would make him feel very bored.

However, the reason is worth thinking about, and on the way, he heard someone discussing the top ten Taoist temples more than once.

"What is the quinquennial event? What are you talking about? " Qiu Yun couldn't help his inner curiosity. He grabbed a formal disciple and asked.

"Elder martial brother Qiu... Don't you know?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it." Qiu Yun said that he couldn't wait to know, because he felt that this matter would have something to do with him, and it might be helpful to the improvement of his strength.

"Elder martial brother Qiu doesn't know something. It's like this..." the disciple looked a little strange. It seemed that he didn't know it. It was very strange.

"I see. That means that in a month, we will go to the meeting near Lingshan?" Qiu Yun reconfirmed.

"Elder martial brother Qiu, it's not a month, only 26 days." The disciple retorted directly.

We can see that they have been counting the days seriously, and we can also feel the impact of the upcoming conference on everyone“ I see. " Qiu Yun nodded and said. Then he ignored the two people and went directly outside the Taoist temple. Although he had been an inner disciple for several days, he didn't make any friends after all. He had a good relationship with Zhuo Kong, but the latter was busy practicing and didn't have much time to go

Communication, so he felt very bored.

If he wants to solve this problem, he can only go out to the Chaifang to find Taoist Baihe. Otherwise, he is really worried that it will affect his practice for a long time.

"Master, I'm here again." When Qiu Yun opened the door, he said in a loud voice. He knew that Taoist Baihe must be busy at this time.

However, when he entered the yard, he didn't see the scene he was used to in his usual eyes.

"Master?" Qiu Yun was surprised and still shouted loudly. He thought Taoist Baihe was in a corner.

However, no matter how loud his voice is, he still can't get any response. Qiu Yun's heart is a little flustered. Obviously, some bad things have happened here. He stopped shouting and began to find the whereabouts of Taoist Baihe in every corner.

"Master! What's the matter with you? " In the corner next to the bed in the room, Qiu Yun saw Taoist Baihe lying on the ground. His eyes were closed, and the blood from the corners of his mouth was flowing out. He was dying“ Master, don't scare me! What the hell is going on! " Qiu Yun was a little flustered for a moment. He couldn't figure out what was going on now. Although he had experience in previous lives, he had never been in this situation. It was like this situation happened to such close relatives. It was really scratching his heart

It's disturbing“ Really angry! Yes, just use genuine Qi! " Qiu Yun tried to move Taoist Baihe to the center of the house without disturbing him. Then he made a decision in the shortest time. He must use real Qi to save his master's life.

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