"Disciple, why do you look at me with such eyes..." Taoist Baihe opened his eyes and saw Qiu Yun opposite for the first time. He was staring at himself with a strange look.

"Nothing. I just feel that you are learning too fast, master." Qiu Yun said that he had emphasized with Taoist Baihe before that too much is better than less. He was afraid that he would try the heart formula so hard.

However, after Taoist Baihe did this, not only did he not look depressed in spirit, but he was better than before.

"That's necessary. Your master, I used to say that he is also a genius of Cangsong Taoist temple." After hearing Qiu Yun's words, Taoist Baihe suddenly changed his old state and said the way with a shining look.

Because at the moment he woke up, Taoist Baihe clearly felt that the meridians in his body were better than before. It was this dangerous change that made him seem to regain his self-confidence.

"Well, master, you're powerful. I'm willing to bow down." Seeing his master's sunny and positive attitude, Qiu Yun immediately felt in a good mood. He flattered Taoist Baihe and laughed at the latter.

"Master, it's time for us to start. Today, the Wanda Hua master and apprentice haven't found it. Maybe they haven't responded yet. We'd better find a hiding place for you as soon as possible." Qiu Yun said.

After listening to this, the white crane stopped staying. He directly took his luggage and set out. His heart knew more about the horror of his enemy than Qiu Yun. Now, with the help of Qiu Yun, he has found a way to restore meridians, and the whole person is full of vitality.

Great changes have taken place in his work style and his attitude towards the future.

"I wish I could see you return to your old look earlier." Qiu Yun looked at Taoist Baihe who had gone out first. He was muttering to himself in a low voice. Speaking of the former Taoist Baihe, he is also quite famous among the hundred and ten Taoist temples near Lingshan.

At that time, Qiu Yun was still young and could only vaguely remember a few things, but even these fragments were enough to make him feel the demeanor of Taoist Baihe.

Cangsong Taoist temple, of course, attached great importance to his genius. Unfortunately, it was the patriarch's respect for him that caused some people's jealousy, and then a carefully planned trap was used on Taoist Baihe.

The plan was so perfect that even if everyone understood Taoist Baihe very well, they had to bow their heads in front of a series of hard evidence.

Finally, Taoist Baihe, who had just reached middle age, was judged as a traitor by those old monsters. Not only that, he also cut off his meridians and made him a useless man.

It's impossible to say that Baihe Taoist doesn't hate in people's hearts. However, since he became a loser, no one in Cangsong Taoist temple was interested in him anymore. He even hung him aside and ignored his life and death.

The patriarch has also been seriously ill and his power is getting weaker and weaker. Fortunately, with the strong protection of two elders, Taoist Baihe and Qiu Yun, who are despised by the public, can survive in the weak wood house.

Along the way, Qiu Yun thought of many chores, but he always followed Taoist Baihe behind him.

The latter had a specific target location in mind, so they hardly took any detours along the way and kept away from the Cangsong Taoist temple.

At the same time, the elder and Wanda could not sit still.

"Dahua, the disciple you photographed hasn't come back yet. Most of them have encountered an accident." The elder sat on the master's chair, his white beard stretched disorderly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was as gloomy as water.

"Master, what do you think?" Wanda Hua asked cautiously. He had guessed in his heart that the disciple was obedient. If there was any news, he would report to him at the first time. Now a whole day has passed, and it is impossible to do it anyway.

"Now I can only go down the mountain to look for it. The white crane's life is really big... "When the elder said this, his voice was extremely cold, which made Wanda Hua tremble all over after listening to it.

He was very aware of his master's style of behavior. When he was told to kill the white crane, he was doomed that he would never give up this thing, but he was screwed up by himself.

Not only did he not let the white crane die, but he even took a registered disciple. The death of the registered disciple will inevitably bring them some trouble.

Officially, because he felt that he was not doing well, Wanda Hua was very worried at this time. He was afraid that the master would be punished, and he would suffer.

"You don't have to panic. I won't care about these things with you for the time being. Wait until the white crane is dead." It seemed that he felt Wanda's embarrassment and panic. The elder glanced at him and said in a faint tone.

"Yes, I know!" Wanda Hua's mind was seen through. He quickly lowered his head deeply, and then hurried out.

The elder has orders to ask him to go down the mountain to find it. Of course, Wanda Hua dare not refuse.

Qiu Yun and them knew that Wanda Hua's people would come after them in the near future, so they didn't dare to stop and continue running after a day's rest. The farther away they are from Cangsong Taoist temple, the less likely they are to be found.

"Master, if you are tired, have a rest." Qiu Yun quickly caught up with Taoist Baihe in front. Although the night wind was cool at night, Qiu Yun could still see that Taoist Baihe's Taoist clothes had been soaked with sweat“ I'm fine. I'm still a long way from the village I want to go. Go more today. Maybe I can get there in another day. " Taoist Baihe said it was all right. He walked very hard. He could see that he wanted to settle down as soon as possible. Only in this way could he follow what Qiu Yun told him

Internal mental skill to use Qi to improve meridians step by step.

"Wait a minute!" Qiu Yun couldn't bear to watch Taoist Baihe exhausted, so he took a breath of Qi into Taoist Baihe's body, which shocked the latter's spirit and only felt that he had a lot of strength.

"This is..."

"This is true Qi." Qiu Yun nodded and directly confirmed the speculation in Taoist Baihe's heart.

In this world, although they can use Reiki to quench the body, this Reiki can only be used by their own masters, not for others. Therefore, Taoist Baihe clearly felt the magical energy from Qiu Yun's palm.

Guess at the first time.

"It's amazing." Taoist Baihe murmured to himself. At this time, he was more confident that Qiu Yun's heart piercing formula could help him recover from meridians damage.

After accepting Qiu Yun's true Qi, the white crane strengthened his spirit again, and the steps under his feet began to get up involuntarily.

Qiu Yun has been following closely and never lagged behind. He thought, it's better to hurry up. At least it's less likely for the enemy behind to catch up.

As usual yesterday, they found a very humble inn before dawn, and then went in to have a rest.

Along the way, they tried their best to avoid being caught up. They not only kept walking the path, but also stayed in remote places.

"Master, disciple, I still want to advise you. Going too far is better than going too far." Before resting, Qiu Yun saw that Baihe Taoist had just sat on the bed and began to meditate. She couldn't help persuading him.

In the last life, Qiu Yun practiced this internal mental skill since childhood. Therefore, he is very clear about a series of problems that may be encountered in the process of cultivation. At this time, after teaching Taoist Baihe, of course, he will try his best to tell each other and let him avoid them.

After all, Baihe is a middle-aged man. Practicing this internal mental skill is not dominant. If there are some problems due to the method, I'm afraid it will have a great impact.

"I see. I know." Taoist Baihe motioned Qiu Yun to rest assured that after last night's precipitation, he gradually calmed down and understood that just looking at the madness of time might not have much effect.

The reason why he was fine on the first day should be because he practiced this skill for the first time. If it took a long time, it would be like what Qiu Yun said. Too much is better than too much.

Qiu Yun made sure that Taoist Baihe wouldn't have any problems after giving an explanation. Only then did he rest assured. From his experience, the cultivation of internal skills has long been not limited to meditation. Sitting, lying and walking can be used for internal breathing.

The two masters and disciples rested quietly. When they were hungry, they took some food from the inn. Of course, Qiu Yun carefully checked these food to make sure they didn't eat until they were free.

It was dark again. Taoist Baihe was awakened by Qiu Yun from meditation. He could see that some divine lights had appeared in his eyes. He has begun to extricate himself from that ill state.

Of course, his rapid recovery is also due to his deep foundation. As a famous genius around Lingshan, Taoist Baihe was abandoned, with high strength, channel width and tenacity.

Although it has been damaged for five years, there is still a lot of vitality in it.

"Go! We'll be there tonight. " Not only did his body improve, but also the tone of Taoist Baihe's voice changed. Unconsciously, he had given birth to that kind of self-confidence again.

"Well, master, let's go." Qiu Yun nodded, and then took the two people's things. Liu went outside the Inn and settled the account with the boss. They began to walk in the boundless night again.

After two nights, they traveled about 300 miles, and most of the journey was completed on the second night. Looking at the situation, I'm afraid their journey on the third night will be the sum of the previous two nights.

The distance of 600 Li may not be far compared with Wanda, but if you want to draw a circle at this distance, the area contained in it is too broad.

Taoist Baihe also has a reason to choose this distance. Generally speaking, what a Taoist temple is familiar with is the range of 600 miles around. As for the outside, it rarely enters. Generally speaking, it can be said that it is not its own territory.

In this way, if Wanda China wants to search here, they have to consider the involvement of other Taoist temples.

Wanda Hua and others are definitely not openly looking for Qiu Yun and white crane in Cangsong Taoist temple, so it is doomed that they will never come 600 miles to find them. At this time, Wan Dahua was already crazy. He felt that his head was too big. Because of the master's instructions, he dared not ask others to help, so he had to find the whereabouts of Qiu Yun and them himself. It was supposed that there was a seriously injured white crane. However, they wouldn't go far.

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