
In the living room of Tang Yueqi's villa, Qiu Yun and Tang Min stared at the huge TV with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"Kill, ha ha, you lost again, yeah..."

Tang Min suddenly jumped up, but Qiu Yun was annoyed and depressed on his face.

"Come again..."

Qiu Yun said unconvinced that the two were fighting iron fists. But from the beginning to now, Qiu Yun hasn't won once. This makes Qiu Yun very depressed. Tang Yueqi came down from upstairs in her bathrobe. Looking at the two people, she couldn't help laughing.

After a morning's rest, Tang Yueqi has almost recovered. Although the body is still a little weak, it's all right. In Tang Yueqi's eyes, Qiu Yun is like a child. Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi also have a lot of understanding.

A child just came out of the mountain. His medical skills are ancestral. But also Kung Fu, this is a boy who looks very simple, very simple for many things. But if you're so naive to think this guy is simple, you're wrong. Tang Yueqi found that Qiu Yun was a fox in sheep's clothing.

To suppress the Gu poison in Tang Min's body, we need some precious medicinal materials. Tang Yueqi is going to do it herself. Now Tang Yueqi can't believe anyone. There can't be a mistake in her sister's illness.

"Hahaha, you lost again. Twenty, twenty already... "

Tang Min raised her hand to announce her victory.

"Don't play this anymore, let's exchange it for others..."

Qiu Yun said sadly. Tang Min despised him severely. Qiu Yunbai blinked and pretended not to see it. Seeing two people like this, Tang Yueqi suddenly felt that there was a feeling of home here.

"It's OK to change others, but you have to cash the bet first..."

Tang Min pouted.

"Play a little longer, just a little longer."

Qiu Yun looked at Tang Min pitifully, but Tang Min shook her head, then stretched out two fingers and shook them in front of Qiu Yun. This expression made Qiu Yun helplessly lower his head.

"Just cash it. Let's fight another 300 rounds when we come back."

Qiu Yun snorted and stood up.

"What are you two doing?"

Tang Yueqi looked at the two people and asked curiously.

"Secret, this is our secret. We'll be back soon. "

Tang Min said quickly, and then took Qiu Yun out of the villa.

"Hey, you two don't run too far."

Tang Yueqi shouted.

"Sister, it's all right. Don't worry if I'm here."

Qiu Yun turned and said that Tang Yueqi was relieved when she heard Qiu Yun's words.

"Little girl, wait for me."

In front of his villa, Qiu Yun quickly got into the villa. He came out with a suitcase in his hand.

Two people walked out of the villa and took a taxi directly. Tang Min said a local driver drove directly.

Half an hour later, Qiu Yun and Tang Min appeared at the door of a shopping mall.

"Hurry up..."

Tang Min took Qiu Yun and quickly walked inside. Soon they came to the door of a shop. This is a doll shop. There are all kinds of dolls in it.

"I want this..."

Tang Min pointed to a huge doll in the cupboard. The doll was a huge bear, more than four meters high, and looked very domineering.


Qiu Yun nodded and walked directly into the store.

"Hello, sir..."

A waiter came up at once.

"I want twenty such Dolls..."

Qiu Yun pointed directly at the doll in the cupboard and shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir. That's our exhibit. It's not for sale."

The waitress smiled and said. Hearing the waitress's words, Qiu Yun looked at Tang Min, but Tang Min pouted and looked at Qiu Yun pitifully.

Seeing Tang Min like this, Qiu Yun directly opened his suitcase. Stacks of hundred dollar bills are neatly arranged. There are a million dollars in this suitcase.

The visual impact of one million cash is very large. Seeing the money, several waiters swallowed. Several customers who bought dolls in the store also took a deep breath.

This mall is not a high-end mall. The most expensive doll in the shop is only two or three thousand yuan.

"Sell or not?"

Qiu Yun opened the suitcase and turned to look at the waitress. In fact, there is no spectrum in his heart. The reason for this is that Qiu Yun thinks of an old saying that money can make ghosts grind.

"Just a moment, sir. I'll call."

The waitress completely lost her attention and hurried away to make a phone call. Just a few minutes after the call, a middle-aged man ran over from the outside.

"Sir, do you want to buy a doll?"

The middle-aged man ran to the store and looked at Qiu Yun panting.

"Yes, I want twenty dolls like this. How much is it?"

Qiu Yun said expressionless. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, the boss jumped in his heart, especially when he saw the box of money.

"Sir, there are not many such dolls on the market. If you want, I need to adjust it for you from the outside... "

The middle-aged man said.

"I don't want to know why. I just want to know if I can buy it."

Qiu Yun interrupted the middle-aged man.

"Yes, ten thousand one. I'll send twenty in an hour..."

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth and said. After hearing the middle-aged man's words, Qiu Yun didn't say a word. He directly took 200000 out of it and put it on the counter.

"I'll get it in an hour..."

Qiu Yun left with his suitcase, but he was very happy. Money can make the devil push the mill. It's really good. Qiu Yun really saw the benefits of money. Qiu Yun and Tang Min leave, leaving some silly people. Looking at the back of two people, those people can only sigh that the rich are really capricious.

"We'll come and get it later. Go and see if there's anything interesting. "

Qiu Yun took Tang Min and strolled around the mall. Tang Min is like a little witch out of the cage. When she sees the fun, she opens her mouth and asks for it. She's not polite at all. Qiu Yun has no idea of money. In Qiu Yun's eyes, this one million yuan is just the medical fee for a doctor. If it doesn't exist, it can be earned at any time.

Carrying a suitcase of cash to buy things made Qiu Yun a local tyrant. The people around are jealous but dare not say. They can only curse the upstart in the dark.

Qiu Yun also bought something for himself. Mainly clothes and daily necessities.

A few hours later, a spectacular scene appeared at the gate of the mall. Twenty pickup trucks parked there. Each pickup has a huge doll on it. The extra space is filled with all kinds of toys.

"Let's go..."

Tang Min and Qiu Yun sat on the first pickup truck and shouted. Twenty two split and left the mall. I don't know how many eyes i attracted along the way.

After entering the villa area, the team also attracted many people's curiosity. The team stopped in front of Tang Yueqi's villa and the people on the car began to unload.

Tang Yueqi heard a knock and opened the door. Seeing the situation outside the door, Tang Yueqi was stunned.

"What's going on?"

Tang Yueqi was confused.

"What the bad guy lost to me..."

Tang Min's words almost knocked Tang Yueqi down. Looking at the huge motorcade and those huge dolls, Tang Yueqi couldn't cry or laugh.

"You, put the doll in the room..."

Tang Min happily directed the delivery personnel to send the doll to the house. This room is lively. Although the living room is very big, it is limited. Each of these dolls is four or five meters high. Twenty such dolls directly turn the whole floor into a doll world. There are also a lot of toys. The whole floor has become a toy world. Even walking has to be crowded.

"Tang Min......"

Tang Yueqi pinches her waist and stares at Tang Min, but Tang Min hides behind Qiu Yun and looks at Tang Yueqi pitifully.

"Sister Qi, you can't blame the little girl. I lost. I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. "

Qiu Yun said quickly.

"Yes, I'm willing to admit defeat."

Tang Min quickly nodded and Tang Yueqi rushed up angrily. However, the little girl was like a flexible monkey shuttling back and forth in the doll skirt. Tang Yueqi, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was her opponent. Finally, she could only sit there panting.

"Qiu Yun, how much did these things cost. Sister, here you are... "

Finally, Tang Yueqi can only look at Qiu Yun and say.

"Sister, if you do. I really left. "

Qiu Yun whispered. Looking at Qiu Yun's look, Tang Yueqi sighed.

"Well, I won't mention it. Tang Min, wait for me and see how I deal with you. Don't think I can't help it if you find a backer. "

Tang Yueqi glared at Tang min. Tang Min broke her eyes with both hands and spit out her tongue, looking very proud.

"Big bad guy, do you still play?"

Tang Min looked at Qiu Yun with provocation in her eyes.

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

Qiu Yun said angrily. The two people crowded on the sofa and began to fight. Tang Yueqi looked at the dolls in a room with a helpless face. Tang Min was originally a little witch. Now she has found a backer, which will be more difficult to manage in the future.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

A yellow McLaren P1 entered the villa area and finally stopped in front of Tang Yueqi's villa. When the door opened, Lu Bin came down and picked up a bunch of roses from the co pilot with a proud look on his face. The successful engagement with Tang Yueqi is Lu Bin's proudest thing during this period of time. It has also become Lu Bin's capital to show off. Tang Yueqi is recognized as the first beauty in Shanghai stock market. I don't know how many people are greedy behind. Let alone Tang Yueqi is still in power of Datang Group. In the current situation of the Tang family, marrying Tang Yueqi is tantamount to taking the Datang Group. This is a large group worth 10 billion.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Lu Bin knocked at the door.

"Tang Min, open the door..."

Tang Yueqi shouted upstairs.

"Big villain, open the door..."

Tang Min arranged the matter directly to Qiu Yun.

"Don't cheat secretly..."

Qiu Yun glanced at Tang Min and ran quickly to the door without even wearing shoes. Qiu Yun opened the door and saw Lu Bin stunned.

"Who are you looking for?"

Qiu Yun stared at Lu Bin and whispered.

"Who are you?"

Lu Bin was even more depressed when he saw where Qiu Yunleng was, especially when he saw that Qiu Yun was still barefoot.

"I asked who you were looking for?"

Qiu Yun asked impatiently. This made Lu Bin a little angry.

"I asked who you are?"

Lu Bin stared at Qiu Yun and asked with an ugly face.

"I'm sick."

Then Qiu Yun closed the door directly and strode to the sofa. Lu Bin outside the door looked at the suddenly closed door and was stunned.

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