"Oh, God, how can it be?"

Exxon couldn't help exclaiming, and this voice made Wang Zhongyue and Wang Ziheng feel refreshed immediately.

"Dr. Exxon? What's the matter? "

Wang Zhongyue couldn't help asking. It's his own disease. It's related to his life. Who doesn't care. This is cancer. For death, the more rich people fear death.

"Incredible, incredible. It's amazing that cancer cells are 4% less than in the morning. Qiu, it's amazing. Immediately, immediately give Mr. Wang another examination. "

Afraid of making a mistake, Exxon checked again, and the results were the same. When Exxon announced the results, Wang Zhongyue and his son were shocked, and Yu Ziyang stared. This is cancer. It's not another disease. It's cancer.

"Brother Yun, thank you. Thank you so much..."

Wang Ziheng said excitedly.

"I am a doctor, which is my responsibility. Mr. Wang, I suggest you stop chemotherapy. Your health is very bad now. What you have to do now is to restore your immune ability. At the same time, I will block your meridians and control the spread of cancer cells... "

Qiu Yun said with a smile that he already had a treatment plan in his heart. This scheme is to form a huge encirclement outside Wang Zhongyue with his true Qi, establish an isolation zone, and block the meridians. In this way, the nutritional source of cancer cells will be greatly reduced. At the same time, due to the role of the isolation zone of true Qi, it is more difficult for cancer cells to spread outward.

Compress the cancer cells into a range and slowly shrink the surrounding circle. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine is used to recuperate Wang Zhongyue's body and increase his immune ability. Wang Zhongyue has stomach cancer. These days, Wang Zhongyue eats less and less, and his body even needs to lose nutrient solution, which is very bad for his body. Now what Qiu Yun has to do is to recuperate his body with traditional Chinese medicine.

Compared with nutrient solution, traditional Chinese medicine can be adjusted slowly bit by bit according to the situation of the body. This is unmatched by western medicine, not to mention that Wang Zhongyue has money and can buy some expensive traditional Chinese medicine, which plays a greater role in Wang Zhongyue's physical recovery.

"OK, Dr. Qiu, I'll listen to you."

Wang Zhongyue nodded, and Exxon temporarily agreed to the plan. However, Exxon said that if the situation changes, it must immediately follow its own plan.

"I'll have a rest and get another needle later. There are also these medicinal materials, which are delivered as quickly as possible, and cooking equipment. "

Qiu Yun wrote down the needed herbs to Wang Ziheng. Prince Heng nodded and immediately called to arrange it. Qiu Yun went directly into a nearby lounge and began to recover his Qi. It's not easy to treat cancer with Qi. If it weren't for Qiu Yun's strange Qi, it wouldn't be complete at all. At the same time, this thing consumes too much. You should know that you are a sky level master. There are several sky level masters in the world. I wish I could count them with both hands.

So this method can treat cancer for the time being. However, it cannot be popularized on a large scale. The reason why Wang Zhongyue's disease can have such results is entirely because Qiu Yun himself is too rebellious.

Qiu Yun carefully recalled the treatment process while recovering his true Qi. Cancer treatment is mainly aimed at cancer cells. Only killing cancer cells on a large scale can cure the disease. However, cancer cells are ever-changing, and the internal structure of cancer cells is complex. It is impossible to develop specific drugs in a short time.

However, Qiu Yun also saw some hope. Now he has broken through the sky. Zhenqi is more powerful, and you can better explore the structure of cancer cells. As long as we find a breakthrough, it is not impossible to overcome cancer.

You know, all diseases are not absolutely incurable. The reason why it is a terminal disease is that no treatment has been found. Qiu Yun recovers Qi quickly. After breaking through the sky level, Qi recovers very quickly.

An hour later, Qiu Yun came out of the lounge. Then he gave Wang Zhongyue another needle, but this time it was not to kill cancer cells. Instead, they establish an encirclement circle, surround cancer cells with their own Qi, and establish an isolation layer. Then he temporarily blocked the surrounding meridians. There were so many meridians that Qiu Yun could only temporarily block them with genuine Qi.

After everything was done, Qiu Yun began to kill cancer cells again. This time, about 3% of the cancer cells were killed. At the end of the day, a full 7% of the cancer cells were killed. However, cancer cells are also spreading. If such spread is eliminated, the daily treatment effect is only about 5%.

But even so, it's shocking enough. According to this rhythm, Qiu Yun can cure Wang Zhongyue's gastric cancer in only 20 days. Twenty days, treat a cancer patient and cure it. This ability can shock the whole world.

This is Qiu Yun's slow treatment. If Qiu Yun keeps killing with real Qi all day, it is estimated that he can kill all cancer cells in a day or two. However, that would be amazing, and the speed of treatment would not be very good for Wang Zhongyue's health. Every disease could not be too fast.

While Qiu Yun was resting, the medicinal materials had been sent. The Wang family is a big force, a phone call, and the whole group dispatched. There are many large traditional Chinese medicine houses in Shanghai stock market.

However, some medicinal materials have not been sent yet, but they are more precious. I can't use it in the early stage. Looking at these herbs, Qiu Yun began to make medicine for Wang Zhongyue in another room.

After more than an hour, a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine was boiled, and the amount of traditional Chinese medicine was not too large. After all, Wang Zhongyue had gastric cancer and it was difficult to eat.

"This is today's medicine. Drink half now and half again at 3 p.m. Just heat it up a little before drinking. It's OK to eat light jujube or rice porridge... "

Qiu Yun explained this carefully, and Exxon also recorded it carefully. After everything was done, Qiu Yun said goodbye to Wang Zhongyue.

"Qiu, wait a minute."

Exxon came out.

"Mr. Exxon, can I help you?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"Qiu, are you interested in going to America? I promise you will have the best treatment when you go. We have the most advanced laboratory and the most powerful doctor... "

Exxon looked at Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun was so powerful. Exxon couldn't help but want to invite Qiu Yun to the United States.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Exxon. I can't go to America. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. This answer made Exxon a little frustrated.

"Well, Qiu, one more thing. I really want to learn Chinese medicine from you. Do you want to be my teacher? "

Exxon said seriously.

"Mr. Exxon, I'm glad you're willing to study traditional Chinese medicine. But I'm afraid it's inconvenient to be a teacher. You are an American, and learning traditional Chinese medicine can't be learned in one or two days. I began to study Chinese medicine at the age of three, and now I'm just learning fur. The root of traditional Chinese medicine is in China. I don't think you will stay in China all your life. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. What Qiu Yun said stunned Exxon. Qiu Yun is right. Traditional Chinese medicine is too complicated, and its root lies in China, because only here can there be a large number of traditional Chinese medicine, and some traditional Chinese medicine even needs to be picked by doctors themselves.

"Exxon, if nothing happens. I'll go first. I'll give you a needle in your other knee tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your stay in China... "

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and then left the hospital with Yu Ziyang. Back in the car, Qiu Yun smiled. Exxon has now taken the bait. As a doctor, especially a research doctor, Exxon can't control his mood after seeing the power of traditional Chinese medicine.

As long as you add another fire, I believe Exxon will be fooled to China. Now the construction on Changxing Island has begun. With the support of huge funds, the construction speed is very fast. The construction period given by Tang Yueqi to the engineering team is one year. After one year, the construction of the hospital must be completed.

The design of the whole hospital is the most famous design team in the world. The whole hospital is like a garden, full of Oriental style and beautiful internal environment. Entering here is like entering a fairyland on earth.

Of course, the investment is also very large. The first batch of projects of the whole hospital covers an area of 500 mu, and the whole construction investment reaches 5 billion yuan. This is the first batch of projects. After that, the hospital will become larger and larger, and the investment will become larger and larger.

Money, Qiu Yun is also short of money. Although the company has tens of billions of dollars. But it needs too much investment, not to mention pharmaceutical companies and traditional Chinese medicine bases.

The traditional Chinese medicine base covering an area of 2000 mu is only the beginning. This base adopts the most advanced intelligent greenhouse. The medicinal materials grown in this environment can ensure the best quality. At the same time, it adopts organic planting without spraying pesticides, which also ensures the quality of medicinal materials.

The 2000 mu planting base is only in the early stage, and this scale is too small. The planting scale of traditional Chinese medicine in China is not too large. After all, traditional Chinese medicine can't be compared with western medicine even in China.

But this is only temporary, let alone after the beauty salon products come out. The scale needed is very terrible. At that time, this scale will definitely not be enough.

Qiu Yun doesn't want the supply of raw materials to be controlled by others. After all, there are too many fishy things in it. Traditional Chinese medicine is different from western medicine. Western medicine is synthesized by production lines and has little requirements for raw materials. But traditional Chinese medicine is different. If someone makes trouble from raw materials, he may destroy his hard built reputation. Qiu Yun will never allow this to happen.

"Planting base, it seems that we must find a place to grow traditional Chinese medicine on a large scale."

Qiu Yun took a deep breath. He must expand the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine, especially several traditional Chinese medicine for clinical use, which must be given priority. Otherwise, the supply will be in short supply at that time, which will seriously affect the profits of the company.

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