On the expressway, Qiu Yun drove his car to Shanghai stock market at a fast speed. At the moment, in the car, Lin Xue and her parents were completely shocked by the luxury in the car. Where is this car? It's a moving villa. Top luxury seats, top entertainment facilities, abnormal safety configuration, sitting in the car, you can't even hear a sound outside.

Not only that, the car's life-saving equipment is stronger than professional ambulances, small oxygen generators, small cardiac pacemakers and so on. The things in the carriage completely shocked the three people.

"Xiaoxue, how rich is Xiaoqiu?"

Lin's mother couldn't help sighing that the car was too luxurious. Everything is a top luxury. The night view TV behind the car is comparable to the cinema. Sitting there watching a movie is like entering a top cinema.

"I don't know how much money he has. But I know he has two cars, each of which is more than 50 million. "

Lin Xue said softly. This sentence completely stunned Lin's father and mother. Then they took a deep breath. One car exceeded 50 million, and two at once. One hundred million. It's just the value of two cars. It's too abnormal. Now they know why Qiu Yun dared to carry three million yuan in cash. People don't care at all.

And this sentence also worried Lin Fu. He was worried about his daughter. Rich children, which one is not a playboy. Lin Fei is afraid that Qiu Yun is playing Lin Xue on a whim. In that case, his daughter may be ruined all her life.

But he also knows his woman's character. His daughter is more stubborn than himself. What she doesn't want to say is useless.

"Lao Lin, don't think so much. The most important thing now is to cure your disease. As for Xueer, everyone has his own life. You can't force it. Let it be. "

Lin's mother sighed. Now they can only accept it.

"Dad, mom, don't worry. I'm not a child. Besides, Qiu Yun is not what you think. He is a doctor or a very powerful traditional Chinese medicine. "

Lin Xue said with a smile.

"Traditional Chinese medicine?"

Lin Fu stared and Lin Xue nodded. Then he told his parents about Qiu Yun's miraculous traditional Chinese medicine in class. They were stunned by these things.

As time passed, the three people didn't feel that time passed quickly in the chat. After only three hours, Qiu Yun came to Shanghai hospital again. Before coming, Qiu Yun had called Wang Ziheng and asked Wang Ziheng to prepare a special nursing room for him.

This may be difficult for others, but it is very simple for Prince Heng. A special care ward was soon prepared. Although it was not comparable to Wang Zhongyue's, it was also a top-level ward. The ward is like a luxury apartment, with a kitchen, a bathroom and a secondary bedroom in addition to the master bedroom.

Such a ward needs thousands of yuan a day according to the price. However, Prince Heng will not let Qiu Yun take the money. After going through the admission formalities, Lin Fu lived in a luxurious ward. Looking at this luxurious ward, Lin Xue and they finally know what is the life of the rich. This luxurious ward is more luxurious than the hotel.

"Uncle, your illness doesn't have to change your kidney. It can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine. Today, I'll give you a needle to see the effect. At the same time, I also told them to look for a suitable kidney source just in case. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Well, thank you, Xiao Qiu..."

Lin Fu whispered.

"You're welcome. I'm a doctor. It's my responsibility to save the dead and heal the wounded."

Qiu Yun smiled and asked Lin Fu to take off his coat and lie there. Qiu Yun took out the gold needle, and this time Qiu Yun did not show anyone else, it was the washing marrow in the Taiyi God needle.

Uremia is a complex symptom. It also has a lot to do with blood. Uremic patients sneak attacks every day, that is, to change blood. The biggest effect of marrow washing is to exchange blood and clean up the toxins in the blood. As for the effect, only after acupuncture.

The needling method is more complicated, but it is not difficult for Qiu Yun. After the needling technique is performed, Qiu Yun's Qi enters Lin Fu's body with the golden needle. True Qi poured into Lin Fu's body. Lin Fu felt suddenly warm, and then the whole person was light. This feeling hasn't been for a long time.

True Qi enters the body and begins to wash bone marrow and blood, and some viruses in the blood are directly killed. Not only that, the whole blood seems to take on a new look. Many pathogens are killed on a large scale, but their immune ability is greatly increased. This effect is much better than dialysis.

True Qi is consumed continuously, but the consumption degree is not too terrible. After all, there are not too many viruses in Lin Fu's blood. More than ten minutes later, Qiu Yun pulled out the golden needle, but Lin Fu felt a lot more relaxed. This feeling seemed to recover before he was ill.

After acupuncture, Qiu Yun directly asked Exxon's team to help Lin Fu do a new examination, and the examination results surprised them. You know, when I was just admitted to the hospital, I had the most detailed examination. And now re check, found that the situation is much better, better than just finished dialysis.

Exxon looked at Qiu Yun. He knew that it was Qiu Yun's magical acupuncture. Zhenqi's acupuncture is like a kitten scratching Exxon's heart. It's really uncomfortable. At the moment, Exxon has been moved, especially after Prince Heng told Exxon that Qiu Yun was going to build a private hospital these two days.

"Well, the effect is good. From today on, the western medicine can be stopped. Only take traditional Chinese medicine. "

Qiu Yun whispered that with his own acupuncture and moxibustion, Lin Fu's uremia doesn't need to be in such a hurry. It can be adjusted slowly with traditional Chinese medicine. Under the important conditioning, let Lin Fu's kidney recover slowly again. This time, Qiu Yun doesn't intend to use genuine Qi.

Although Zhenqi is very powerful, Qiu Yun doesn't want every patient to use Zhenqi. After all, there are few people with true Qi. If you want to promote traditional Chinese medicine on a large scale, you must focus on medicine. Lin Fu's uremia is also a verification of Qiu Yun.

Seeing Qiu Yun prescribe traditional Chinese medicine, Exxon was even more shocked. Is it really OK to treat uremia with traditional Chinese medicine? You know, even in the United States, the best way to treat uremia is kidney transplantation. Now, Qiu Yun even uses traditional Chinese medicine. The speed of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is relatively slow. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is mainly nourishing.

"Lin Xue, take this card. There are more places to spend money here, and your father's body also needs nutrition. "

Outside the ward, Qiu Yun directly handed a card to Lin Xue.

"No, I can't have it..."

Lin Xue shook her head.

"Take it. I don't want you to shed another tear for money."

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, Lin Xue raised her head.

"Why are you so kind to me?"

Lin Xue whispered.

"I'd love to..."

Qiu Yun smiled badly.

"I've arranged here. I'll call if I have something to do."

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and then turned away smartly. Looking at the back of Qiu Yun leaving, Lin Xue flashed confusion in her eyes. Qiu Yun is an asshole, but it is this asshole who helps himself in his most difficult time.

"I will repay you..."

Lin Xue whispered to herself and tightly shook the card in the handshake. Driving away from the hospital, it's very late outside. Even Qiu Yun is a little tired today. I drove back and forth for more than 1000 kilometers. Help transfer to another hospital and give Lin Fu acupuncture at the same time.

When the phone rang, Qiu Yun looked at the number and smiled.


"Where is it? Do you have time? "

Tang Yueqi's voice sounded.


Qiu Yun smiled.

"Then come to the beauty salon."

Tang Yueqi said with a smile that Qiu Yun hung up the phone. Drive straight to the beauty salon. At night, the beauty salon is very busy. Seeing Qiu Yunlai, Tang Yueqi came over excitedly.

"What are you calling me to do so late?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"You come with me..."

Tang Yueqi whispered and took Qiu Yun into the beauty salon. Two people entered a room, and in one room sat a woman, a man with a mask and sunglasses. In summer, this woman is wrapped tightly, but judging from her figure, this woman should have a good figure.

"Qiu Yun, can you treat burns?"

Tang Yueqi asked in a low voice. Hearing Tang Yueqi's culture, Qiu Yun looked directly at the woman. The woman also looked at Qiu Yun. From the exposed gap, Qiu Yun saw some burn marks.

"It depends on the specific situation..."

Qiu Yun whispered. Tang Yueqi nodded and looked at the woman. The woman looked at Tang Yueqi, and finally slowly took off her sunglasses and mask, revealing a terrible face. The whole face is like a devil. There are terrible scars on it. It looks like it has been a long time. Seeing this face, Qiu Yun knew that the woman must have a face that would bring disaster to the country and the people before she was burned.

Qiu Yun stepped forward and looked at the scar carefully. Then he asked the woman to hold out her hand and the woman took off her gloves. His hands are also ferocious and terrible. Qiu Yun seriously feels the pulse for the woman with a dignified face.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Qiu Yunsong open the woman's hand, Tang Yueqi asked quickly.

"Very serious burns, and it has been a year. But it can still be cured, just a little trouble... "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Can it really be cured?"

The woman opened her mouth, and the voice was like a crisp lark, which was not at the same level as the face.

"Of course, but I'm curious about your identity. Can you satisfy my curiosity? "

Qiu Yun asked curiously. 90% of the woman's body was severely burned. The degree of burn was terrible. Tang Yueqi and Qiu Yun know that this woman will never easily make trouble for herself.

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