"Uncle, how are you feeling today?"

Entering Lin Cuishan's ward, Qiu Yun asked with a smile.

"Here comes Xiao Qiu. I feel much more comfortable today than yesterday. "

Lin Cuishan smiled and said that Qiu Yun's acupuncture yesterday made Lin Cuishan feel much more comfortable. Even ate a lot more. Although the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is slow, Qiu Yun's acupuncture effect is very good.

Qiu Yun smiled, explored the situation of Lin Cuishan, and looked at today's examination results. The increase of virus content in blood is not fast. This is a good situation.

"I'll give you another needle..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and Lin Cuishan nodded. Once again, Qiu Yun has a lot more than yesterday, and consumes a lot less real Qi than yesterday. Qiu Yun's acupuncture is much better than dialysis.

After the needle injection, Qiu Yun was still sweating. At this moment, a small hand with a towel appeared.

"Don't move, I'll wipe your sweat..."

Lin Xue said softly, with tenderness in her voice. Qiu Yun was stunned by this scene. It was the first time he saw Lin Xue like this. But then Qiu Yun smiled and didn't stop Lin Xue's action.

Lin Xue looked at Qiu Yun's eyes and lowered her head with a trace of shyness on her face. Lin's mother saw the appearance of the two people and smiled on her face.

"Today's medicine is taken on time. Now the situation is very stable. Don't worry too much... "

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and Lin Xue nodded. Now his father's situation is really stable. There is nothing else except taking medicine on time every day. There is a mother here to pay for it. Everything is all right. As for the usual expenses, there is no need to worry at all. Qiu Yun directly explained that the meals in Lin Cuishan are special nutritional meals, and someone will deliver meals regularly and regularly every day. Lin's mother also has kitchenware in her dining room. Lin Xue bought a lot of kitchenware yesterday.

As for the card Qiu Yun gave himself, Lin Xue has also checked it. There's a million in it. This money laundering is enough for all expenses, so Lin Xue is going to class today.

"Qiu Yun, can I ask you a question?"

In the car, looking at Qiu yunlinxue driving, she suddenly said.

"What's the problem?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"What's the relationship between you and Gu Yue Liao Ying?"

Lin Xue lowered her head and secretly glanced at Qiu Yun. Hearing this question, Qiu Yun turned his head and looked at Lin Xue.

"Well, I don't mean anything else. I'm just curious."

Lin Xue said quickly. This lovely look made Qiu Yun laugh.

"What do you think of our relationship?"

Qiu Yun asked with a smile.

"I don't know..."

Lin Xue shook her head and didn't say what she thought.

"You must think they are my women, don't you? Actually, it's not as complicated as you think. We're just friends. I saved their lives. It's that simple. "

Qiu Yun smiled and said that Qiu Yun's words stunned Lin Xue, and then he was secretly happy. Lin Xue didn't ask any more, but bowed her head and didn't speak.

When the sports car enters the school, Lin Xue and Qiu Yun get out of the car. Seeing the two of them, countless people looked jealous and another school flower was abducted, which made them unhappy one by one, but they didn't dare to compare. After all, they can't compare with Qiu Yun. Whether it's money or looks or body, they can't compare, especially ability. Qiu Yun can make Exxon willingly recognize teachers. They have this ability.

"Guess what they think?"

Qiu Yun looked at the eyes of the people around him and asked jokingly.

"I don't know. I went to the classroom first..."

Lin Xue looked at the eyes of the people around her and couldn't help lowering her head and quickly walked towards the classroom. Seeing this scene, Qiu Yun shook his head helplessly and walked towards the classroom humming a minor.

"What are you going to do?"

On the distant building, Feng Mo looked at Yu Fan and asked in a low voice, with hatred in his eyes. The last time sealing ink provoked Qiu Yun just to get ahead of Yu fan. Finally, he was almost killed and lost a lot of money. Yu Fan looked at Qiu Yun and narrowed his eyes with a trace of ruthlessness on his face.

"Let's go..."

Yu Fan whispered. Looking at Yu fan like this, Feng Mo lowered his head and sighed, and went directly to the classroom.

At the moment, Tian lengying's villa, Lu Bin and his father came here. After a night's recovery, Tian lengying's injury was temporarily stabilized. But it is still very serious. If you want to recover from the injury, you don't want to recover in a few months.

"Tian Lao, what's going on?"

Lu Fu asked in a low voice.

"There is a hidden master around that boy. I was attacked by him... "

Tian lengying whispered. Hearing Tian lengying's words, Lu Fu flashed a trace of dignity in his eyes.

"I'll report this to the organization."

Lu Fu whispered, and Tian lengying nodded. Now he has to go back to the organization and find a way to get more things. There's no way. Tian lengying doesn't dare to take her life to wool. The golden silkworm heart eating pill is not fun. Tian lengying hasn't lived enough.

"Dad, what should we do?"

Leaving the villa, Lu Bin couldn't help asking.

"And other organizational arrangements, as well as increasing the buying of insiders of the down group."

Lu Fu whispered, and Lu Bin nodded. But I was very curious. I didn't know what the mysterious organization was looking for. Thinking of Tang's group, Lu Bin thought of Tang Yueqi again. Thinking of this, Lu Bin immediately felt hot.

Directly driving the sports car, Lu Bin entered the luxury apartment again. The girl who was kept in captivity was watching TV in the room. Seeing Lu Bin's arrival, Lu Bin walked over with a smile.

Seeing the girl, Lu Bin narrowed his eyes, sat directly on the bed and pressed the girl down. The girl squatted down, and the familiar man untied Lu Bin's pants and began to be busy.

Just after less than half a minute, Lu Bin's face became ugly. I don't feel it, because I don't feel it at all. Looking down at the girl busy, but Lu Bin didn't feel anything. As if he had lost consciousness.

Ugly, very ugly face. Lu Bin pushed the girl away and held his little brother in his hand. There was no feeling, as if it didn't exist. I pinched it hard, but I still didn't feel it at all, not even pain.

"What's the matter with you?"

The girl looked at Lu Bin and asked quickly.

"Get out..."

Lu Bin roared and directly picked up his pants and left the luxury apartment. Quickly downstairs, Lu Bin returned to his car and his face became very ugly.


Lu Bin's body trembled violently. He couldn't feel his little brother at all. This feeling is too strange and terrible. Lu Bin started the car and drove quickly towards the Shanghai Stock Exchange hospital. The car ran wildly in the street. Lu Bin didn't even care about running a few red lights.

Like crazy, Lu Bin came directly to Shanghai Stock Exchange hospital. Directly made a phone call, and a middle-aged man appeared next to Lu Bin in a few minutes.

"Bin Shao..."

The middle-aged man saw Lu Bin flattering and said.

"Stop talking nonsense and call me the most professional male doctor in your hospital. You must keep this secret from me, or you will know the consequences. "

Lu Bin said coldly. Hearing Lu Bin's words, the middle-aged man trembled, then nodded and turned away.

A few minutes later, one of the best male doctors in Shanghai and Lu Bin appeared in an examination room. When Lu Bin explained his situation, the andrologist was stunned.

"No feeling at all?"

The male doctor couldn't help asking, and Lu Bin nodded. Hearing this, the andrologist had a serious expression on his face. He used many methods continuously, but he couldn't make Lu Bin feel. Finally, he took Lu Bin for a lot of examinations.

Tossing around all morning, the final result made Lu Bin angry. Nerve necrosis, that's the result. And this result lies in the treatment plan is resection to avoid lesions.

"Get out..."

Lu Bin roared, with an angry breath in his eyes. As a man, the most important thing is broken, which is worse than killing him. Lu Bin's situation is more serious than impotence and premature ejaculation. After all, impotence and premature ejaculation have feelings, but now his situation doesn't even feel at all.

Lu Bin seems to be possessed and wanders around the major hospitals in Shanghai. Shanghai Stock Exchange is the so-called economic center of China, and the medical level is among the top in the country. But Lu Bin ran almost all the hospitals, and the results were similar.

"Impossible, impossible..."

In Lu Bin's villa, Lu Bin shook his head and the whole person was like crazy. Then he stood up and opened his drawer. When he saw a bag of medicine in the drawer, he tore open a bag and ate it.

Half an hour later, there was still no response. Lu Bin didn't believe in evil. He ate a bag again and didn't eat it for another half an hour.

Two packs, three packs


I don't know how many bags I ate. Lu Bin felt convulsion and fell directly.

"Master bin, what's the matter with you?"

The movement inside startled the servants outside and saw Lu Bin foaming at the mouth lying there. The servant called quickly, and then Lu Bin was pulled away by an ambulance. After a series of rescue, Lu Bin was finally rescued, but the whole person seemed to be dying.

Lu Bin lay there, staring at the ceiling. In front of the hospital bed, Wu Yuezhi looked at her son and couldn't help crying.

Lu Weimin stood there and looked at Lu Bin with a dignified face. In the morning, his son was fine, but now he looks like a man without a ghost. How can Lu Weimin not be angry.

"Bin'er, what's going on?"

Lu Weimin asked in a low voice. Wu Yuezhi also looked at her son. Lu Bin turned his head and looked at his parents with a self mocking smile on his face.

"Dad, mom, you can't have grandchildren..."

Lu Bin's voice took a trace of despair. Hearing this sentence, Lu Weimin and Wu Yuezhi both stared with shock on their faces.

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