There is no room for you in this world. In that case, I will guard the Ziyun group safely and not let it die. You continue to pursue your great dream. "

Although, for Tang Yueqi's refusal, Qiu Yun's heart is extremely uncomfortable. He feels that the whole world has collapsed in his heart.

However, Qiu Yun is also a cultivator after all. For cultivators, there are more important things to do at any time. Even if the world is going to be destroyed, they can't put down their cultivation.

Therefore, after returning to the dormitory, Qiu Yun took out the previous jade pendant and continued to study.

Qiu Yun is very satisfied with this jade pendant.

Although Qiu Yun got into trouble with two unknown forces, the five poisons cult and the Sherlock gate, because of this jade pendant, he only studied it for one day and developed such an invincible skill as the powerful Vajra palm, which also made Qiu Yun feel that the return was very valuable.

After all, if the jade pendant is not powerful, those practitioners who practice several times more powerful than themselves will not flock to it.

Monk Mingkong and Xie Xiu Xiaotian even gave their lives because of this jade pendant.

All these also made Qiu Yun believe that this jade pendant is a jade pendant that can produce miracles. As long as you follow the guidance of this jade pendant and become stronger, it will not be a problem to surpass the whole world, even the whole universe.

In fact, Qiu Yun didn't want to accept the invitation of the female disciple of xueluomen and call out this jade pendant.

However, Qiu Yun, who has experienced a ordeal, has already become more mature.

Even if what the woman in blue said is true, so what?

If Qiu Yun accepts the invitation of the woman in blue and hands over the jade pendant, he will only be a little disciple in a sect at most.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Who knows what kind of neglect will be received after becoming a little disciple of Sherman?

The world of cultivators is based on their strength. With their first-class strength in Qi practice, even if they are meritorious to the sect, they will not have any good care. They may just work hard for a lifetime.

Of course, this is only a better result.

Because Qiu Yun once opened this jade pendant with Xuanyin iron, he has learned a lot about the information in it, and has also learned the magic skill of powerful Vajra palm.

If you hand over the jade pendant and are found by those sheromans, you have seen their town gate treasure. I'm afraid you will lock yourself up for decades if you don't kill yourself.

Therefore, Qiu Yun was so decisive that he left the jade pendant for himself.

After all, the world of cultivators is that people don't do it for themselves, and heaven punishes the earth.

Only their own strength is the real righteousness.

However, Qiu Yun still has many questions about this jade pendant?

It's the people of sheramen who have got this jade pendant for so long, but why haven't they opened this jade pendant and learned the powerful Vajra palm inside.

But the jade pendant can be opened as soon as it reaches your hand?

Is it true that he was born a man chosen by God and had super and ordinary luck, so he can open that God like jade pendant?

Qiu Yun just thought for two seconds and didn't imagine it.

This fairy tale, if it's OK to cheat children, has no effect on Qiu Yun, who has experienced so many practices.

"It seems that I can open this jade pendant because of my unlocking method. This jade pendant must have something to do with the old Taoist priest. It seems that I should find an opportunity to go back to the school and visit the master. "

Qiu Yun thought and soon thought of an explanation.

He felt that this jade pendant should have some connection with what he had learned, so he would be so relaxed when he unlocked the lock of the jade pendant with the unlocking method taught by the old Taoist.

It's like opening a lock with the right key. How can it not be opened?

Qiu Yun knew that now he could only know about the Qi practice realm, so he opened the Qi practice realm page in the jade pendant.

"Alchemy furnace?"

What's this?

While checking the introduction of the practice Qi realm, Qiu Yun's eyes suddenly locked a piece of information from the endless news.

Alchemy is a very familiar thing for Qiu Yun.

When he followed the old Taoist priest before, what Qiu Yun learned was related to medical skills, and he talked most about alchemy.

However, although the old Taoist and Qiu Yun talked a lot about alchemy, the old Taoist didn't say what kind of regulations there would be in the alchemy furnace.

"The alchemy furnace is divided into four levels: mortal, spirit, God and immortal. Each grade bears different flame intensity. Every level alchemy furnace can withstand the fire of practicing Qi and building foundation, and can practice every level alchemy. "

As before, Qiu Yuncai only saw the introduction of the universal alchemy furnace, but there was no detailed introduction to the later news of the spirit level, God level and immortal level alchemy furnace.

"This jade pendant is really strange. I want to see it, but it doesn't show it to me. It's really strange."

Qiu Yun silently make complaints about it, and then continue to study the information of all levels of alchemy furnace.

"If you use the universal alchemy furnace to refine medicine, you can raise the realm of ordinary pills to the realm of universal pills. The effect is different from that of ordinary pills."

What is the effect of fan level pill?

Even if Qiu Yun put the jade pendant on, he read all the introductions about the fan level alchemy furnace, but he still couldn't understand how much the promotion effect of fan level pill was.

After taking a closer look at the model of the universal alchemy furnace in the jade pendant, Qiu Yun found that the alchemy furnace introduced on the jade pendant was actually the same as the one he had seen in the temple on the mountain.

"Oh, do you want to go back and have a good chat with the old Taoist and move the alchemy furnace on the mountain?"

Qiu Yun said to himself.

"However, if you want to move such a large alchemy furnace, it should take a lot of effort."

While thinking about the volume of the alchemy furnace, Qiu Yun stretched out his hand and compared the size of the alchemy furnace on the mountain. He found that with his current strength, he could move the alchemy furnace.

But if you really want to move the alchemy furnace to Ziyun group, such a big thing will certainly cause no small fluctuations.

In addition, Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi had a quarrel just now. If Qiu Yun moved such a strange thing again, Tang Yueqi would scold him again.

So Qiu Yun gave up the idea of moving the alchemy furnace.

However, in Qiu Yun's heart, he wanted to know what the level pill was.

This is really a very difficult choice.

Qiu Yun couldn't help thinking.

Forget it, I'd better go back to the school. Even if it's not to carry the alchemy stove at home, you should go back and ask the old Taoist about the jade pendant.

After all, the unlocking method of the jade pendant was taught by the old Taoist. He must know the details of the jade pendant.

Then, after you go back, you should use the old Taoist's Alchemy stove to see what the ordinary pill looks like.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yun remembered that when the old Taoist taught him to refine pills, the pills refined by the old Taoist were always better than Qiu Yun's.

In the past, Qiu Yun thought that the old Taoist priest was a master and must be better than himself in refining pills, so the refined pills were better than his own.

But now Qiu Yun knows that he is no longer calm after he has something about the medicine tripod.

It turned out that the pill made by the old Taoist priest was better than mine because he used an alchemy furnace.

This is really an old fox. He only taught me alchemy, but he didn't tell me about the alchemy furnace. Instead, he kept his hand.

However, Qiu Yun regretted that the old Taoist had left a hand in teaching himself, but it was not incomprehensible.

After all, the principle of teaching disciples to starve to death can work in any world.

Moreover, Qiu Yun can obviously feel that both the previous vigorous Vajra palm and the current alchemy furnace level seem to involve a star avenue.

If you take this road, you may leave the world and embark on the universe in the future.

I'm afraid the master's idea was to let me enjoy myself in the real world. Don't take the immortal road that looks very beautiful but actually is very cruel.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yun's memory of the old Taoist priest is even deeper.

It is also because Tang Yueqi's refusal attitude makes Qiu Yun feel uncomfortable.

Although Qiu Yun is already a cultivator, some of his mind is still the same as ordinary people, especially when he is rejected by the people he cares about most. Qiu Yun's heart is also like a child who gets 100 points but doesn't get the due praise from his parents.

At this time, Qiu Yun's heart also wanted to go back to the old Taoist priest, escape and relax for a few days.

If you can't take care of Tang Wanqi, you can go back here.

Although Qiu Yun's heart is like an arrow, he still has to think things over.

Although Qiu Yun's heart is very uncomfortable because of Tang Yueqi's refusal, Tang Yueqi and Tang are like two people's safety, which is really a very difficult thing, so Qiu Yun has to tangle.

Forget it, they just left for a few days. Nothing should happen to them.

In Qiu Yun's heart, although he thought so, the movement in his hand did not stop, but picked up the cinnabar pen and yellow paper. He skillfully used the cinnabar pen to draw a symbol on the yellow paper.

A few minutes later, Qiu Yun has drawn two peace symbols. This peace talisman is a spell drawn by Qiu Yun with his true Qi. If Tang Yueqi and Tang Wanru wear it on their bodies, if something happens, the true Qi on the spell will be triggered. Then Qiu Yun can know her even if she is thousands of miles away through the guidance of true Qi

To find out their whereabouts.

In this way, although it still can't prevent everything, at least it's much more reassuring.

After drawing two spells, Qiu Yun immediately set off and found Tang Wanru.

"These two spells in your hand are so interesting. Did you draw them yourself?" As soon as he saw Qiu Yun, Tang Wanru's eyes stared at the boss, especially after seeing the spell on Qiu Yun's hand, he was even more surprised.

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