Otherwise, there will be some trouble.

The battle of cultivators is not something that ordinary people can participate in.

Just like the western medicine group's encirclement and suppression of Qiu Yundi, the laser guns have been used.

If it is a higher-level cultivator fighting, I'm afraid nuclear bombs and atomic bombs will also be moved out directly.

Of course, fighting at this level will certainly not happen on earth. At least the Milky Way stars can accommodate such a fierce battle.

If Qiu Yun brought explosives at this time, there is no doubt that he will blow up the whole western medicine group.

"The soul gathering array is turned on."

While Qiu Yun was deep in the corridor, carrying his hands and thinking about life, the horn of the western medicine group building began to ring again.

But this time the horn sounded different from the last few times.

This time, there were bursts of ghost screams on the horn. It was like making a horror film.

Hearing the screams on the horn, Qiu Yun suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

Needless to say, this must be the magic trick used by the western medicine group.

Generally speaking, the spells that practitioners fear most are those that specifically attack the soul.

These sorcery are different from other sorcery. Their casting track is very deep and almost invisible, but their power can not be underestimated.

Especially for the spell of soul attack, if you don't pay attention to it a little, I'm afraid the result will be direct panic.

The Lu Xiaotian he met in the Lu family seemed to be an evil cultivation. Then he used the means of soul attack.

But now in the western medicine group, such a magic trick has also been encountered. It seems that there should be some more connections between the western medicine group and the five poisons cult.

After a brief review of the this complex relationship, Qiu Yun did not continue to delve into it.

What if the western medicine group colludes with other forces?

The big deal is that after destroying the western medicine group, we can solve other forces such as the five poisons cult and Sherman together.

"Jie Jie, are you curious? Why should we keep some practitioners to operate laser cannons as cannon fodder to be killed by you. Do you think we're doing meaningless death? Then you are very wrong. "

While Qiu Yun was thinking in silence, the horn of the western medicine group building sounded again.

Hearing the sound of the horn, Qiu Yun had an impulse to jump up and smash the horn.

However, Qiu Yun is still a calm cultivator after all, so he didn't do such an impulsive thing.

If you really dismantle the horn, it seems that there is no other benefit except to drop a clean ear.

Since Qiu Yun entered the western medicine group, he has displayed the coordinates and information.

However, Qiu Yun knows nothing about the information of Western medicine group. Every step Qiu Yun takes, he must cast his divine sense to determine the information. Now there is a loudspeaker, constantly sending out all kinds of information for Qiu Yun. It's too late for Qiu Yun to be happy?

Although this horn is a little annoying, and listening to the tone of the horn, it seems to have been holding a disdainful attitude towards yourself.

Now Qiuyun wants to know who is in the horn and keeps saying such ugly information. If Qiu Yun finds the man with such an ugly voice, Qiu Yun will not let him die so happy.

Qiu Yun carefully released his divine sense, then ruled out the interference of horn sound, and searched for the enemy everywhere in the corridor“ Jie Jie, even if you release your divine consciousness to detect, it's useless. You can't find me now, but my love knows all about you. I tell you, you're in our soul gathering array now. The souls of the practitioners you killed just now don't exist

Some dissipate, but are still distributed in the corridor. Now I open the soul gathering array to collect these residual souls wandering in heaven and earth. If you have nothing to do, please feel it well. It's the feeling of ghosts biting your heart. However, because you killed people, even if you were killed by these ten thousand ghosts, it would be cause and effect, and you deserve it

Just. "

The horn in the corridor sounded for a long time, and Qiu Yun's divine sense was always leak free, paying attention to the movement around him.

But to Qiu Yun's surprise, there seemed to be no ghost near the corridor except the ghost sound on the horn.

"The people of the western medicine group are too stupid. They are such a big group. They still play this trick. It's really wonderful sometimes."

Qiu Yun sighed coldly with his hands on his back.

At this time, Qiu Yun suddenly felt cold. I didn't expect that the circle of cultivators is so declining, and there is such a group of cultivators who play tricks and empty guns every day.

"Since you have only a little ability, don't blame me for being rude next. After all, the rules of practitioners are like this. The strong are respected. Only those who are really strong can enjoy victory, instead of shouting empty slogans like you. "

With that, Qiu Yun's footsteps couldn't help walking faster“ Impossible, impossible. There will be no problem with this soul gathering array. You must have done something. Good. I didn't expect that your excellency still has this ability. It's really our miscalculation, which makes you live for so many minutes. But it doesn't matter. The next move, you must be

There is no doubt of death. "

After almost two minutes, there was still no movement in the corridor. The man's voice in the horn was obviously worried and said angrily.


Qiu Yun still carries his hands and advances at the original speed.

Qiu Yun won't care what means the western medicine group will have.

Even if there are many means, as long as they haven't fallen down, the one who is going to die is the western medicine group.

In fact, the soul gathering array just now has no effect. Qiu Yun probably thought of some reasons.

That's because when I kill people, I use Taiji soul driving mantra instead of powerful Vajra palm.

Tai Chi soul dispelling mantra, as its name suggests, is a spell for the soul.

Although Tai Chi soul driving mantra, unlike those evil cultivation skills, directly frightens people, it contains the power of reincarnation, which can beat the detached soul into reincarnation and then disappear into the real world.

Reincarnation is a very mysterious place both in the real world and in the world of practitioners. No one knows where the specific location of reincarnation is.

But for Qiu Yun, who has experienced a reincarnation, he also vaguely feels that there is really a way in the world to go to the place of reincarnation, and that way has a lot to do with the Tai Chi soul driving mantra taught by the old Taoist.

If it weren't for the Tai Chi soul driving mantra, he wouldn't have left but returned.

However, Qiu Yun just thought about these things. I'm afraid there is still a long way to go if he wants to truly understand the power of reincarnation and be free in the universe.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yun's footsteps could not help walking faster, and soon came to the end of the corridor. When Qiu Yun came to the end of the corridor, the two white robed people inside the western medicine group building could not sit still at this time. Among them, the short white robed people are more stable, so their performance is also relatively calm. They just stand blankly, look at the screen and think constantly

Just test life.

But the tall man in white can't stand his emotions. A chicken walks around the room. When he comes to the short man in white, he is a little impatient“ Hey, I said, can you sit down? You stop itching and walk around. How can I study math problems. Originally, I almost had to prove the xiajiba conjecture, which has never been proved in human history. But you're walking around here now, and I don't know how to prove it

Where is it? "

Then the short man in white threw his pen on the table.

"What time has it been? You are still proving your xiajiba conjecture. Is there a western medicine group in your heart?"

Seeing the short white robed man's mood, I was a little excited. I had thrown away the pen in my hand. The tall white robed man was not in a good mood, and it became worse after this one.

"What do you mean I don't have a western medicine group in my heart? You know something. Do you know Master shajiba, who is a base builder and the only one who studies the avenue of mathematics and practices to the base builder.

Now I'm working so hard to study the mathematical manuscripts left by master Xia Jiba, isn't it to gain the power of master Xia Jiba, better lead the western medicine group and contribute to the western medicine group? " Because the mood of the tall white robed man was very bad, the tall white robed man couldn't help talking to the short white robed man. He spoke a little louder and directly annoyed the short white robed man. The short white robed man stood on tiptoe and faced the tall white robed man at that time

The robed man roared.

While the tall white robed man and the short white robed man were arguing, Qiu Yun had come to the end of the corridor of the western medicine group.

At the end of the corridor was a locked door.

However, Qiu Yun is a cultivator after all. The night sky can't embarrass him about this door.

Qiu Yun gathered Qi in his palm and punched through the door with a direct palm.

The room was so dark that I couldn't see anything.

Not only that, the room seems to have been used with some array. Even the divine consciousness has been cut off.

When he found that his divine sense was cut off, Qiu Yun subconsciously withdrew to the door.

After all, for a cultivator, divine consciousness is his second pair of eyes. Now Qiu Yun can't see not only his real eyes, but also his cultivated eyes. If he goes on like this, he will only be slaughtered.

Of course, people like Qiu Yun, who has been practicing for so many years, can't stop his killing heart even if he is blind.

Therefore, when Qiu Yun retreated, he gathered his true Qi in his own hands and prepared to face the traps and sneak attacks that may occur next.

After stepping back five steps in a row, Qiu Yun finally came to the door.

Originally, when Qiu Yun stepped back to the door, he wanted to directly exit the door and go back to the corridor before making plans. However, the sudden burst of strong energy behind him shattered his idea.

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