After the opening of Ziyun health club, it did not cause much vibration in Shanghai stock market. After all, it's just a health club. Compared with so many things happening in Shanghai stock market every day, Ziyun health club is only a small point. But this point detonated the whole upper circle a few days later.

"How is that possible? It's incredible? "

After ten consecutive trials, the effect of the product here began to show initially. Fu Jingjing looked at herself with shock on her face. In ten days, Fu Jingjing lost ten pounds. She didn't go on a diet, exercise, or feel any discomfort. So she lost ten pounds.

For Fu Jingjing, although it is not obvious to lose ten kilograms, it has changed a lot. The biggest change is not the figure, but the skin. For ten days, the mask and the detoxification and nourishing Dan have changed the skin of Fu Jingjing.

Looking at my photos now and looking at my photos ten days ago is earth shaking. It's also a photo after removing makeup. Now I'm not only thinner, but also whiter.

"Sister Fu, are you satisfied?"

The technician asked with a smile. Of course, she has seen the power of the company's products. Fu Jingjing weighs 186 kg. According to Fu Jingjing's figure, losing weight is a very painful thing. Fu Jingjing tried before, but failed in the end. No way, Fu Jingjing can't stand that crime.

Now, you can lose weight without suffering. Although diet pills are not cheap, this money is nothing for Fu Jingjing, a rich woman with tens of billions in her hands. I spent more money on finding a little white face outside.

Although Fu Jingjing has a lot of money, she has a low self-esteem in her heart. Every woman cares about her looks very much. What makes Fu Jingjing feel inferior is her looks.

"Satisfied, very satisfied. ODA, please give me a detailed introduction to your products and see what I can use. "

Fu Jingjing said excitedly.

"OK, sister Fu, we have given a more reasonable scheme according to your situation. First of all, the shaping pill must be used consistently. Our shaping pill uses pure traditional Chinese medicine and basically has no side effects. As long as you follow the taking plan designed by us, I believe you can reach a perfect state in three months. Your complexion is a little dark and a little old. Therefore, detoxification, nourishing facial mask and mask are best used. If you can, the whole body beauty can also be carried out. After the body shaping is completed, we can make the next plan according to the situation... "

The technician directly starts to design the scheme for Fu Jingjing and tells Fu Jingjing the price list. For the rich with billions in their hands, spending some money is nothing at all. Without hesitation, Fu Jingjing directly recharged 10 million and became an ordinary member.

Ordinary members only have the full power of consumption and have no right to recommend membership. It seems that ten million is more, but ten million is nothing in the club. To know that a full body beauty needs more than 30000. If you have a body beauty every day, with a mask, take the detoxification, nourishing Dan and shaping Dan, so it needs at least fifty thousand.

"By the way, what is this jade dew pill?"

Fu Jingjing asked curiously. Yulu pill was close to 200 thousand bottles. It was very expensive.

"Sister Fu, the most important function of Yulu pill is for our women. It can shrink our muscles and make our women like virgins..."

The technician smiled and said the role of Yulu pill. Hearing the introduction, Fu Jingjing also stared. There is this kind of traditional Chinese medicine. This is a fatal temptation for women. You know, the older a woman is, the looser she is and the less attractive she is to men.

In this world, not only do men care about their ability in bed, but women care more. Men are afraid to play, women can't, and women are afraid that no one wants to play at all. Now the appearance of Yulu pill is even better than surgery.

"Try a bottle first..."

Fu Jingjing didn't hesitate. Although it's a little expensive, there's nothing for Fu Jingjing.

Fu Jingjing is just an example, and others are similar. The most obvious effect is the shaping pill. The weight loss effect is particularly prominent. There are several rich people with big stomachs. After ten days of use, their stomachs are significantly reduced. The previous clothes are even a little loose.

The effect is the best proof that the invited people are not ordinary people. Even those who are not very rich will become ordinary membership cards. There are also many people who directly rush 100 million to become gold cards.

One day, the trial installation ended. In just one day, 362 people became ordinary members and 33 became gold card members. On this day alone, the pre deposit of the whole beauty club reached 7 billion. At the end of one day, there were 7 billion pre deposits, which shocked countless people.

7 billion. Many rich people here have struggled all their lives and have no 7 billion in their hands. Now, Ziyun club has an advance payment of 7 billion in just one day. And we also carefully calculated an account. Even the most economical people who come here for beauty treatment need to spend about 20000 a day, and those with a little money spend hundreds of thousands. On average, even if everyone is 30000, it is 900000 or 10 million a month, which is basically just a year's expenditure.

Even if the current 400 people are counted, four billion are recorded every year. And the cost is not 500 million. The other 3.5 billion is net profit. A club, with its current number of customers, has made a profit of 3.5 billion a year, which is terrible.

But as we all know, it is impossible to have only these people in Ziyun health club. In China, there are too many people who can consume millions a year. With a little expansion of the whole customer club, it is easy to make tens of billions of profits every year.

If the club expands abroad, it will be even more exaggerated. This kind of thing steals money faster than the money printer. And for the rich. What you see is not the health club, but the emergence of a terrible giant.

Tang Yueqi looked at today's income with a smile on her face. The 7 billion pre deposit made Tang Yueqi see the strength of the beauty club. At the same time, it also makes Tang Yueqi's heart bigger.

Expansion, now Tang Yueqi immediately thought of expansion. The first thing to expand is the four mega cities and those first tier cities. A city doesn't need many, just one store. And the investment is not too large. Only 500 million yuan has been invested in a store in Shanghai stock market. In other cities, it doesn't take so much to control and arrange. Even if there are 500 million, the money received today is enough to expand 14 stores.

Rob money, rob the rich, and let them pay willingly. This kind of business basically has no skills. Build a club. When the effect comes out, you will automatically pay for it. Of course, this club will definitely make people jealous, but while they are jealous, they also need to consider whether they have the ability to eat this cake.

Apart from others, only the members in the club are a terrorist circle. Not to mention Tang Yueqi's family and a mysterious Qiu Yun. Other than Qiu Yun's terrible medical skills, ordinary people don't want to offend him.

"Qiu Yun, I'm going to expand my branches in four major cities first. Subsequently, it expanded its branches to first tier cities and some more developed second and third tier cities. In this way, we can collect funds in the shortest time. "

Tang Yueqi whispered that now Ziyun group needs a lot of money. Besides, just planting bases requires terrorist funds, which requires hundreds of billions of investment. In addition to the planting base, Changxing island also needs a lot of capital investment. If you want to invest in Changxing Island according to the original plan, you can't do it with tens of billions. To complete the construction of Changxing Island, it needs at least hundreds of billions or even trillions.

"Well, it can be expanded, but it still takes the high-end route."

Qiu Yun whispered that Ziyun health club is taking the high-end route for the time being. Because this can ensure the maximization of profits. Although there are more people at the low end, such a high price is not suitable for the low-end route for the time being.

First tap the potential of the high-end route, and then consider reducing the grade. At the same time, Tang Yueqi's vision is not only in China, but also in other countries. Especially those countries with relatively developed economies. For example, South Korea, Japan, the United States, the European Union, these countries, there are more tycoons.

Earning money from the poor is not a real skill. Earning money from the rich is a real skill. Now, these things launched by Qiu Yun are to let those people pay willingly.

At that time, the magic of traditional Chinese medicine will spread in the upper society. When traditional Chinese medicine spread, traditional Chinese medicine was expanded. As for the imitation of these traditional Chinese medicines by others, it is impossible. You should know that Qiu Yun added some things that had no effect on the efficacy when refining these pills, but the addition of these things made the pills many, many times more complicated. If you want to copy it, it is basically impossible.

Even after many years, they imitated pills, but at that time, maybe the pills on Qiu Yun's side had long been low-end. The whole traditional Chinese medicine market may have been monopolized by Qiu Yun. Besides, these pills are only a small part of Qiu Yun's pills.

Ziyun health club is just the beginning of the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine. Qiu Yun believes that traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine will be expanded on a large scale in the future. At that time, people all over the world will see the magic of traditional Chinese medicine. The development of traditional Chinese medicine has a great impact on the whole of China. This impact is much more precious than hundreds of billions and trillions of Chinese medicine. The economy driven by the whole traditional Chinese medicine industry is also very terrible. Qiu Yun believes that this kind of thing will soon attract the attention of the state.

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