A five-star hotel in Shanghai stock market was fully contracted by Qiu Yun today. From the morning, people came into the hotel with invitations. There are young people in their twenties and thirties and old people in their fifties and sixties, but everyone has expectations on their faces.

Traditional Chinese medicine, they have only one identity. That's traditional Chinese medicine, genuine traditional Chinese medicine. These people were dug up by Tang Yueqi in the whole of China. They all have a unified characteristic. They are not famous and don't make much money, but they have real talent and learning.

In order to dig them over, Tang Yueqi's team tried every means. All kinds of lobbying and all kinds of treatment, which dug them up. And there are 500 people in this group. Everyone has good medical skills, at least good foundation, and these people are exactly what Qiu Yun needs.

Compared with the successful traditional Chinese medicine, these people are better controlled and better taught. Traditional Chinese medicine, a very important reason hindering the development of traditional Chinese medicine is to cherish themselves. Many traditional Chinese medicine take the prescriptions in their hands as the most precious treasure. Except their own heirs, others don't teach them at all.

This is completely different from western medicine, and Western medicine also has confidentiality. But they use patents to protect their interests. After the patent period, others can use these drugs. Since ancient times, self preservation has only led to the decline of the whole industry. In the era without western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine galloped in China, but western medicine has only a hundred years of history, but now it dominates the whole world. It is an invisible battle, and traditional Chinese medicine has been defeated in a mess.

Now, Qiu Yun wants to start a battle again. It was an extremely difficult battle. It was not Qiu Yun's own battle, but the battle of hundreds of millions of traditional Chinese medicine. Qiu Yun, no matter how powerful, can't save thousands of people. Only a growing team can accomplish this mission.

Qiu Yun's medical skills are powerful, but Qiu Yun knows that his medical skills are not the most powerful. Besides, only the old Taoist is more terrible than his own medical skills. There are also some powerful traditional Chinese medicine. They are also very strong. However, they have a characteristic that they rarely see doctors for ordinary people, even if they do.

With their medical skills, they won't see it unless it's that person. Like Qiu Yun, Qiu Yun seldom sees a doctor for ordinary people. This is the pride hidden in their bones. After all, a person's energy is limited. How many people can Qiu Yun treat even if he is a doctor for a lifetime.

Entering the five-star hotel, these people are full of curiosity in their glasses. These people were basically little doctors before, and most of them had never lived in such a high-end hotel. Inside the hotel, the reception staff of Ziyun group sent you to their rooms according to the invitation letter, and then took them into the conference room.

The huge conference room is not crowded at all, even if 500 people sit there. Everyone entered the meeting room and greeted each other.

"Welcome everyone. I'm Tang Yueqi, the person in charge of Ziyun group. On behalf of Ziyun group, I welcome you..."

After everyone arrived, Tang Yueqi stepped onto the rostrum and said with a smile.

"You are all traditional Chinese medicine carefully selected from all over the country. And the place where you will work in the future is our Ziyun hospital. The whole Ziyun hospital covers an area of 3000 mu. Please see... "

On the huge screen, the designed renderings appeared in front of everyone. Everyone stared at the effect picture. Beautiful, it's so beautiful. The whole hospital implies the five elements and eight trigrams of China. The whole hospital is a huge five elements and eight trigrams array. The architectural style of the whole hospital is also an ancient garden style. The small bridges and flowing water inside are simply a fairyland on earth.

"This is where you will work in the future. Our Ziyun hospital will focus on traditional Chinese medicine and supplemented by western medicine in the future. The total investment of the whole hospital is expected to reach 100 billion yuan. After completion, Ziyun hospital will become the largest hospital in Asia and the most high-end hospital. "

Tang Yueqi said with a smile. Hearing this, everyone swallowed their saliva, but then some people frowned. Will such a high-end hospital recognize them? They know their own level.

"President Tang, we know our strength. We may not be able to afford such a high-end hospital."

An old Chinese doctor whispered, and the others nodded. As a doctor, there is no room for any falsehood. If you can treat it, you can treat it. If you can't treat it, you can't treat it, because it involves human life, not anything else.

"We have already considered this question. Therefore, we will set up a Chinese medicine trade union and invite you to join the Chinese medicine trade union for study. We will hire the most powerful traditional Chinese medicine as a professor. At present, our group has prepared tens of billions of funds to buy traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and practice new medicine all over the world, and these things will be compiled into a book and open to everyone. The goal of our TCM trade union is to carry forward TCM. Traditional Chinese medicine is not a matter for us alone, nor for a group, but for our whole traditional Chinese Medicine... "

Tang Yueqi's words made everyone stare. The traditional Chinese medicine trade union spent tens of billions of money to buy prescriptions and medical experience. These things are their own eating profession for traditional Chinese medicine. If we really collect a large number of them for everyone to learn, our medical skills will improve rapidly, let alone invite powerful traditional Chinese medicine professors.

"This is only our first step. We are currently planning our university of traditional Chinese medicine. We will build the world's largest and most professional university of traditional Chinese medicine on Changxing Island to carry forward our traditional Chinese Medicine..."

Tang Yueqi is full of pride. If she has money, she has confidence. Now Ziyun health club can continuously bring terrorist funds to Ziyun group. Tang Yueqi also saw the speed of making money from traditional Chinese medicine. The really powerful traditional Chinese medicine can make money quickly. It can be seen from several products in Ziyun club.

There are also many proprietary Chinese medicines on the market, and the more famous ones, such as Liuwei Dihuang Pill concentrated pill, can make a group earn a lot of profits every year. If we concentrate a large number of traditional Chinese medicine and integrate everyone's strengths, we will study more things.

Traditional Chinese medicine depends on nutrition, so it has an advantage in many diseases. Such as rheumatism, cervical spondylosis, kidney deficiency and so on. The effect of Western Medicine on these diseases is far from that of traditional Chinese medicine. Although western medicine takes effect quickly, it has great side effects and doesn't follow. But traditional Chinese medicine is different. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the harmony of the five elements and uses the body's self-healing ability to eliminate pain, rather than taking shortcuts through surgery.

Chinese medicine trade union, another plan of Qiu Yun. Through this trade union, we will concentrate more traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen traditional Chinese medicine, and also tell some doctors' code of conduct through the trade union. Doctors are benevolent, but in today's society, some doctors have lost their benevolence and only have money left.

The situation of excessive medical treatment has been terminally ill in China, and countless people hate it, but there is no way. As ordinary people, they don't understand these things at all, so they can only bite their teeth and admit. Qiu Yun doesn't want these customs to appear in traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is different from western medicine. The use of traditional Chinese medicine can't be fooled. And it's not that you can replace the medicine at will. At the same time, Qiu Yun has medicinal materials, and the treatment is not linked to their performance, so they don't need to use that at all.

After Tang Yueqi, the vice president of the Chinese Medicine Association, let everyone discuss the spirit of Tang Yueqi. These vice presidents are well-known traditional Chinese medicine and have a great reputation in the circle of traditional Chinese medicine. Now they are willing to be their professors for free, which is a pie in the sky for these traditional Chinese medicine.

Ziyun group also gives them very good welfare treatment, with rooms and cars, an annual salary of at least 200000, and a performance commission. This performance is not profit performance, but according to the number of patients treated, the condition of patients, and the service attitude in medical treatment.

According to this calculation, even if you get millions a year, there is no problem. As long as you have the ability, as long as your medical skills are strong enough, you can earn more money. Not only can you make more money, but also you will get more respect and effort.

At the same time, all kinds of insurance are available, and all kinds of insurance companies will buy them. This kind of thing makes everyone swallow their saliva. At the same time, if they can develop some more owned traditional Chinese medicine, they will get rich rewards and even get a commission on the profits of drugs.

In this realistic society, the best way is to give money. For Chinese people who like stability, they like it very much by giving them a stable home.

Tang Yueqi took out the treaty. This is an employment contract, a ten-year work contract. As long as they sign the contract, they can get a house immediately, and their families will be taken over and properly resettled.

Ten years, this is a long-term employment contract. But there is no way. For a traditional Chinese medicine, ten years is not long. They need to learn a lot in ten years. A lifetime of traditional Chinese medicine and a huge knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine can't be learned in ten or twenty years. Even if Qiu Yun is so powerful, he can't guarantee to be proficient in everything.

Compared with western medicine, everything in traditional Chinese medicine can be used as medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine stresses the way of nature. All things can generate and overcome each other. For example, the most poisonous poison can poison people, but it can also cure good people's diseases. Every traditional Chinese medicine can't cover everything. It's never too old to learn. It's the most suitable for traditional Chinese medicine. For these ordinary people, mastering what they are best at can achieve greater achievements. There are specialties in the art industry, and so are traditional Chinese medicine.

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