On the first day, Qiu Yun was not idle. All day long, a full 62 people were diagnosed by Qiu Yun. Besides Lu Bin's shares, other people's medical fees add up to 300 million.

The average medical fee for each person has reached five million, which is very frightening. And this income capacity is also very terrible. That's a point, and it's a net profit. If Qiu Yun dares to sit here for a year, it will be 300 million every day, and he will be a 100 billion millionaire in a year.

However, this is obviously unlikely. After all, the number of such high-end customers is limited. Even if the whole Shanghai stock market, there are not many such high-end customers. Qiu Yun doesn't have so much energy to sit here every day.

Sitting once a week is the limit. And next week, there won't be so many people coming. After all, some people still need to come and prescribe medicine for follow-up. But even so, Qiu Yun's speed of making money is terrible. If you add Lu Bin's shares today, the speed of making money will be even more terrible.

"It's too fast to make money."

Tang Yueqi looked at today's bill and couldn't help sighing.

"No, why am I sitting here. If the rich don't make money in vain, they will rob the rich and help the poor. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, by the way, why don't we set up a charity foundation. Help those in need. "

Tang Yueqi looks at Qiu Yun. Tang Yueqi's heart is still very kind. Otherwise, I won't be able to help those autistic people.


Qiu Yun nodded and did not object to charity. Because Qiu Yun also has a good heart, the old Taoist often teaches himself to do good, so as to create merit.

"Where do we start?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help but ask, there are too many people in need of help in this world. You can't give money blindly. Such charity has no meaning at all.

"I have an idea. Let's start with health care and education. In some places, education and medical resources are seriously insufficient. We can build charity schools to let those children go to school free of charge. At the same time, we can set up our own charity clinic in the school to treat children and people around us free of charge... "

Tang Yueqi said what she thought. Qiu Yun nodded when he heard Tang Yueqi's thoughts. This idea is very good. The problems of health care and education are particularly serious in some poor areas. Many children don't go to school at a young age, and medical care can't keep up.

"OK, let's start from these two aspects. Our school allows children to eat and live free of charge, even school uniforms. Then build our charity clinics in schools and some villages. At the same time, we recruit our charity doctor team, and people from the TCM trade union can also join it, which can not only make them famous, but also let them quickly accumulate experience. "

Qiu Yun whispered.

"Well, by the way, we can establish a unified telemedicine system in our clinic. In case of emergency, we can help them remotely through the remote system..."

Tang Yueqi said with a smile. This idea brightened Qiu Yun's eyes. Their own planting base is intelligent. The application of cloud system makes the planting base very powerful. And this kind of system, improved, can also be used in the medical system. This system can not only telemedicine, but also distance education.

"Our school can also carry out distance education. Invite some excellent teachers to give lectures... "

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and Tang Yueqi laughed. The two men began to discuss the charity foundation.

Charity needs money, and the charity discussed by Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi needs continuous investment. Not only money, but also people. We need teachers and doctors. Not everyone is willing to be a teacher or a doctor in those places.

In order to make this charity system operate perfectly, we must have reasonable planning, and invest a lot of money every year. At the same time, we also need to conduct on-the-spot investigation. We must not blindly do charity and waste money in vain.

Qiu Yun wants to be the best. Charity school. He doesn't want to build only charity primary school. Qiu Yun is going to get a complete set of system, covering from kindergarten to high school, so that those children can receive education free of charge.

Although China is now said to be compulsory education, it still costs to go to school. Besides, the cost of living is a large expense. In addition, school teachers often let students buy learning materials and various tutorial classes. The proportion of tuition fees exempted is too small after one year.

I don't know. I'm scared. Even Tang Yueqi was shocked by the amount. If it is built according to Qiu Yun's specifications, the investment in a primary school will reach tens of millions. Investment in a middle school soared directly to hundreds of millions. This price is very expensive.

After the construction, the annual expenditure is very large. If you convert it to everyone. Each child needs to spend about 80 yuan a day. It costs 2400 yuan a month, and almost 30000 yuan a year.

One child needs 30000 a year, and 10000 children need 300 million. One hundred thousand is three billion, and one million is three billion. This is the annual expenditure, not a one-time payment. After such an account, Tang Yueqi took a deep breath.

However, this amount did not scare Qiu Yun and Tang Yueqi. Especially Qiu Yun, who thinks that money is spent. Doing charity makes more sense.

"Who will do it?"

Qiu Yun frowned, and Tang Yueqi couldn't get away. Just going to the Shanghai stock market is busy enough. The charity foundation will be even busier when it gets busy.

"I have a candidate..."

Tang Yueqi said with a smile.


Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"Su Mo......"

Tang Yueqi said with a smile. Qiu Yun was stunned when he heard Tang Yueqi's words.

"Is she willing to do it?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help asking. Su Mo is a big star. After the treatment, she estimated that it's time to go back to the entertainment circle.

"I'm sure I will. Su Mo is a very kind person. And after this incident, she also looked down on a lot of things. Besides, charity can also help Su Mo increase her popularity again. Kill many birds with one stone. "

Tang Yueqi said with a smile that Su Mo is absolutely suitable for doing this. Su Mo's responsibility for the foundation can also make the foundation more popular. Tang Yueqi didn't intend to do it alone. There are still many loving people in this world. As long as the foundation is open and transparent and trusted by the people, a large number of donations will enter the foundation.

But in the early stage, Tang Yueqi didn't intend to let ordinary people pay. Others in the province said that Ziyun group made money through the foundation. The early investment needs to be taken out by Ziyun group. After the construction is completed, the donation will be opened.

"OK, I'll go back and ask her."

Qiu Yun nodded. After half a month of treatment, Su Mo's injury recovered well. Qiu Yun recovered more than half of the damaged meridians in his body. According to this rhythm, Su Mo will fully recover his appearance in another half a month, and will be more beautiful than before.

Driving his luxury sports car, Qiu Yun returned to his villa. As soon as I came to the door, I heard the sound of piano in the room. Qiu Yun laughed at the sound of the piano. Now Su Mo practices the piano every day when he is idle. Now Su Mo's life is very monotonous. He is bored at home every day. He either reads books, listens to songs or practices the piano. Everything is very indifferent.

He opened the door and went in. Su Mo smiled when he saw Qiu Yun coming back. Now the scar on Su Mo's body has turned light black and looks more terrible, but Su Mo's mood is much better. During this period, Su Mo's body has become better after Qiu Yun's conditioning.

"Come back, I stewed pig's hand. Have a taste..."

Su Mo said softly, and Qiu Yun nodded. Su Mo's cooking is very good. Qiu Yun has experienced it. In particular, the stewed pig's hand in Su Mo is delicious in the world.

"By the way, Su Mo, there's one thing I want to ask you."

Eating, Qiu Yun raised his head and said.

"What's up?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

"Well, I set up a charitable foundation. But there is no one at the helm. I want to ask if you are interested. "

Qiu Yun's words stunned Su Mo, and then he laughed.

"Do you think I can?"

Su Mo asked.


Qiu Yun just nodded and didn't say much.


Su Mo said softly, but his tone was very firm. Hearing Su Mo's words, Qiu Yun smiled. One year after the accident, Su Mo became very indifferent and didn't care about anything. As if he had become a Puritan.

Qiu Yun continued to eat, and Su Mo returned to the piano to play again. After eating, Qiu Yun called Su Mo directly into the room.

"Su Mo, do you know the true Qi?"

Qiu Yun asked with a smile.

"You know? Something in martial arts novels. "

Su Mo nodded.

"I tell you, this thing really exists."

Qiu Yun's words made Su Mo stare. The true Qi really exists. It's amazing. Even the indifferent Su Mo was extremely shocked.

"I'm going to teach you a set of skills and then help you generate Qi. You'll be able to protect yourself when you go out. It can also ensure your health. "

Qiu Yun seriously said that after half a month of contact, Su Mo has won Qiu Yun's trust. Now there is a charitable foundation. Qiu Yun is going to teach Su mo the skill. Genuine Qi can increase Su Mo's strength. A beautiful woman is very dangerous when she goes out. The most important thing is that Qiu Yun's enemy is not an ordinary enemy. The enemy wants to attack the people around him. Ordinary people can't resist it at all.

Qiu Yun began to explain the skills and some basic things to Su mo. Su Mo studied them carefully. Then Qiu Yun helped Su Mo to guide Qi. After feeling the existence of Qi, Su Mo determined that it was true. Then she began to practice excitedly. In Su Mo's heart, she also had a nvxia dream. Riding a horse in the Jianghu was her dream.

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