A party didn't leave until late at night. Through this party, Qiu Shao's fame has been played out. Now the whole circle knows Qiu Yun. Many people will respectfully shout Qiu Shao after seeing Qiu Yun. Now I'm really convinced that it's impossible for ordinary people to invite such a big local tyrant as abuti.

The most shocking thing is that albuti really gave his luxury cruise ship to Qiu Yun. Such a gesture has to make people sigh about Qiu Yun's ability. This cruise ship is not only a matter of money, but also shows the relationship between abuti and Qiu Yun. We all know what Abel stands for behind him. It is the Saudi royal family, the big local tyrant in the Middle East, and the object of flattery all over the world.

The party made many people re-examine Qiu Yun. At the same time, everyone was also thinking about whether there was a way to seek cooperation. After all, we only care about interests. If we can seek cooperation and share common interests, Qiu Yun will have greater influence.

At night, in the rooms of the luxury manor. Lin Shengnan burst out infinite enthusiasm, which made Qiu Yun feel unprecedented enthusiasm. Lin Shengnan's performance also made Qiu Yun feel that it was worth spending more money.

After some passion, Lin Shengnan lies in Qiu Yun's arms and is tired of being with Qiu Yun. Today, Lin Shengnan vented the grievances he had been repressing over the years.

"Qiu Yun, what if my grandmother really doesn't want to give you money?"

Lin Shengnan whispered.

"What else can I do? Of course, bring your brother to China for treatment. I can't watch your brother die. "

Qiu Yun looked at Lin Shengnan and said with a smile.

"It's almost the same. I don't care about my grandmother and my parents, but my brother is innocent. He should not know me and grandpa. "

Lin Shengnan whispered, hoping that his grandmother and parents would agree. Lin Shengnan doesn't care about money. Although Lin Shengnan has resentment in his heart, she still hopes that her grandmother and parents can estimate their family affection, not money, in this matter.

"Don't worry, I'll do it for you."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

Early the next morning, the two got up one after another. Outside the villa, Lin Shengnan couldn't help taking a deep breath because of the fresh air. The green area in the villa is more than 90%. There are green shade everywhere, and the air is naturally very good.

In the whole Shanghai stock market, I'm afraid I can't find a second place with a good environment here. The pollution in Shanghai stock market is also very serious, especially in Dongtian, there will often be smog. This is the price of economic development. More and more cities in China are invaded by smog.

"I haven't breathed such fresh air for a long time."

Lin Shengnan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it will be better here in the future. You move in. Anyway, it's big enough. I'll arrange someone to build a special practice room here, where you can train. "

Qiu Yun whispered. Lin Shengnan looked at Qiu Yun and nodded at last. Now that his relationship with Qiu Yun has been made public, Lin Shengnan naturally regards Qiu Yun as his own man. Although there are many women around Qiu Yun, those women just have a good relationship with Qiu Yun. There is only one genuine girlfriend.

"Young master, Miss Tang has something sent."

Uncle Yun came to Qiu Yun and whispered. Uncle Yun, the housekeeper of the house, took care of the house before. After Yu Shiyang left, Qiu Yun didn't change. Instead, they left all those people, and their treatment was better than before.

Such a big house can't be managed by ordinary people. There's too much to do in the middle. Qiu Yun has no energy to manage. So give it directly to Uncle Yun, who takes care of it very well. At the same time, he regarded Qiu Yun as his young master.

When you receive a favor, you must learn to be grateful. Uncle Yun looks more than 40 years old, but he is almost 60 years old. After receiving the house, Qiu Yun took good care of himself. Uncle Yun had a serious stomach disease and must be kept with medicine. But now Qiu Yun has treated him with genuine Qi. In just a few days, most of his illness has been cured. According to Qiu Yun, you can recover after drinking traditional Chinese medicine for another half a month.

Seeing Qiu Yun's medical skills, uncle Yun was completely convinced of Qiu Yun. It's also a great honor for uncle Yun to have such a powerful young master. You know, uncle Yun is equivalent to a big housekeeper. If Qiu Yun was the emperor in the ancient imperial palace, uncle Yun would be the head of the eunuch.


Qiu Yun said with a smile and went directly to a pickup truck not far away. Seeing Qiu Yun coming, a bodyguard directly opened the truck and opened the carriage, revealing what was inside. Emerald. Pieces of jade. The fineness is very good. People's Jadeites are divided into blocks. Qiu Yun here is divided into cars.

The people who see Jadeites are very eye-catching. These are just cut jadeite stones. Tang Yueqi spent a billion dollars to get so many Jadeites in the future.

"Qiu Yun, why do you want so many Jadeites?"

Even Lin Shengnan couldn't help asking.

"You'll know later..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile and asked someone to take these jadeite raw stones to the warehouse. When he arrived at the warehouse, Qiu yunfen told others not to disturb him, and then closed the warehouse.

Although we are curious about what Qiu Yun wants to do, we dare not ask more questions. Inside the warehouse, Qiu Yun smiled when he saw these jadeite stones.

Jade Butterfly, what Qiu Yun has to do now is to refine the Jade Butterfly of Juling array. Before, Qiu Yun planned to build a soul gathering array on Changxing Island, but the whole Changxing Island was too big and consumed too much emerald. Now with the villa, Qiu Yun immediately changed his mind.

First, set up a spirit gathering array in the whole villa. The scope of the spirit gathering array can be large or small. The villa covers an area of hundreds of mu, and it is just possible to arrange a small spirit gathering array. These Jadeites are the raw materials for refining jade butterflies.

Pick up a piece of jadeite stone and Qiu Yun takes a deep breath. To refine Jade Butterfly, the first thing is to purify the jade, remove the internal impurities, and then inlay the array with genuine Qi. It's not easy to remove the impurities in the original jadeite stone. People who don't know the method can't do it even if you are a congenital expert.

Fortunately, the refining method of Juling array has this method. Qiu Yun narrowed his eyes, converted the real Qi into fire real Qi, and then began to input the real Qi into the jadeite raw stone.

After the Qi input, the whole jadeite raw stone actually emits a trace of green light, as if the interior was ignited. Then the whole jadeite stone began to soften slowly, and the last drop of turbid liquid continued to drip. Impurity, this is the impurity inside the jade. The less chores, the higher the value. Jadeite without any impurities almost doesn't exist in this world.

But now, in Qiu Yun's hand, a jadeite stone without any impurities slowly appears. With the continuous expulsion of impurities, the whole jade has become transparent. The green inside has also become very uniform. Not only that, those green forms strange patterns, like water waves. Look carefully, those water waves seem to be flowing, very strange.

With the continuous expulsion of impurities, jadeite is also decreasing. When the impurities are removed, the whole jadeite original stone is reduced by two-thirds to the remaining one-third, but this jadeite original stone is green like an emerald. Even if it is not carved, the pattern on it looks particularly beautiful.

Although the size has shrunk, if the original jadeite stone is auctioned, I simply don't know how many times it will rise. Looking at this jadeite, Qiu Yun smiled, put down the jadeite and continued to refine the next jadeite.

Jadeite is refined one by one, but even if Qiu Yun is a heaven level master, the real Qi consumption is also very large. From the morning, Qiu Yun was busy until the evening.

Looking at the jadeite stone in the warehouse, Qiu Yun smiled. After all the jadeite raw stones have been refined, the next step is to refine the Jade Butterfly. Refining Jade Butterfly is really important. Qiu Yun has no experience, so he must explore carefully.

Qiu Yun took a piece of jade stone, took a deep breath and began to refine the Jade Butterfly. With the input of Qi, the jadeite stone begins to soften, and finally slowly forms a circle. Qiu Yun carefully controlled Qi and began to carve a little bit according to the guidance of refining method.

Carving array requires very precise control of real Qi. Fortunately, Qiu Yun usually has very precise control of real Qi. If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to achieve this accuracy at all.

Even so, it took Qiu Yun two hours to refine a jade dish. After the last carving was finished, Qiu Yun was paralyzed. His huge Qi was just enough, but Qiu Yun smiled at the Jade Butterfly in his hand. There are strange patterns on the round jade butterfly, but most importantly, Qiu Yun feels that the Jade Butterfly is absorbing the aura around him.

The so-called gathering spirit is to absorb the surrounding Reiki, and then lock the Reiki in a range. Now, a jade butterfly has shown some effects. After the Jade Butterfly was refined, the aura in the room increased a little. This is also a jade butterfly. If 108 jade butterflies are used together, the effect will be better and stronger.

However, looking at the Jade Butterfly, Qiu Yun knew that his task was still very heavy. It takes two hours to refine a jade butterfly. It takes about an hour to restore true Qi. In this way, even if I don't rest or eat a day, I can refine up to eight jade butterflies.

108, at least half a month. However, Qiu Yun is not in a hurry for so many days. Anyway, refining Jade Butterfly slowly is also a kind of cultivation. Refining only one Jade Butterfly makes Qiu Yun feel that he has improved a lot in his control of true Qi, which is really cost-effective for Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun seems to have found a new cultivation method and fall into the process of refining Jade Butterfly again.

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