For several days, Qiu Yun was soaking in the library. Qiu Yun's medical skill is traditional Chinese medicine, and now exposure to western medicine is equivalent to opening another fan. Western medicine is another system, which is completely different from traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine makes Qiu Yun interested. Besides, Qiu Yun's notice also says that his major is biopharmaceutical, which has a lot to do with western medicine.

Tang Yueqi is not idle these days. She secretly sends someone to find the medicine Qiu Yun needs. For Tang Yueqi, Tang Min's disease is the most important.

Lu Bin's villa. Lu Bin looks at the information in his hand and his face is gloomy. These data are all the data he sent to investigate these days, but the data is pitiful.

In addition to letting Lu Bin know that Qiu Yun and song culture have a good relationship, there is no other valuable information. There was no investigation into where Qiu Yun came from and what the forces behind him were. These information makes Lu Bin look ugly. Lu Bin is not a reckless person, especially now Lu Bin's position does not allow him to act impulsively.

"Fudan University..."

Seeing the final information, Lu Bin showed a strange smile on his face, raised his head and narrowed his eyes. He already had a lot of ideas in his heart. The best way in the world is to kill with a knife. The shame Qiu Yun brought to himself has to be found. What's more, Lu Bin's intuition tells himself that this man definitely has a good relationship with Tang Yueqi.

From the attitude of Tang Yueqi and Tang Min, we can see that this is absolutely not allowed. Never make any mistakes in your plan, and any factors that may lead to plan mistakes must be nipped in the bud.

Takata shooting club, a handsome guy in his twenties is crazy playing with guns. It can be seen from his face that he is in a bad mood. Song culture stood quietly beside him, not in a hurry.

"Mr. Song, you really shouldn't come to me."

After playing for a while, the young man put down his gun and looked at song culture with a trace of loneliness on his face. Yu Ziyang is the black sheep of the Yu family and the youngest son of the Yu family. In the Yu family, Yu Ziyang is a very special existence, and the old man of the Yu family was also a romantic species when he was young. Yu Ziyang was born to the old man of the Yu family and the young nanny of the family. When Yu Ziyang was born, he was 56 years old.

Yu Ziyang has four brothers and two sisters. The youngest sister is twelve years older than Yu Ziyang. The eldest brother Yu Zihao is 38 years older than Yu Ziyang. Such an age, coupled with the identity of his mother, you can see how Yu Ziyang lived in the Yu family without guessing.

Especially in recent years, the old man's health is getting worse and worse. The control of Daewoo Group slowly fell into the hands of Yu Ziyang's brothers and sisters. They have been operating in Daewoo Group for so many years. Yu Ziyang, a second-generation descendant younger than the third generation of the Yu family, can't master anything at all. He has nothing to do except to get some dividends from his family every year.

"Brother Yu, I know something about your Yu family. I have a chance here. I don't know if brother Yu is willing to try. "

Song culture whispered that Yu Ziyang was stunned by the words of song culture and looked at song culture curiously. Song culture came to Yu Ziyang and whispered a few words.

"What you said is true?"

After hearing the words of song culture, Yu Ziyang took a deep breath with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Brother Yu, is it good for me to deceive you? To tell you the truth, I also looked for some of your brothers and sisters. I have given enough sincerity, but they have no interest in me. That's why I came to you... "

Song culture whispered that compared with the Big Mac of the Yu family, song culture is a little small. Although song culture has given enough sincerity, several people of the Yu family are not sad because they have partners similar to song culture.

Originally, song culture had some heart death, but after meeting Qiu Yun, song culture's heart became alive again. After thinking about it, song culture felt that Yu Ziyang was the most suitable partner. The Yu family still loves Yu Ziyang very much. If yu Ziyang can restore his body, Yu Ziyang's position in the Yu family will definitely rise.

"I want to see this miracle doctor."

Yu Ziyang whispered with expectation in his eyes. Today, Yu Ziyang is also slowly becoming mature. However, despite this, Daewoo Group has been operated by several half brothers and sisters like Tietong, and it can't get any benefits at all.

The old man is still alive. If the old man dies, his situation will be more dangerous. Over the years, Yu Ziyang has been struggling in the Yu family. Now the news brought by the song culture is undoubtedly a hope. For their father, their brothers and sisters are actually eager for their father's death. They think that only when the old man is dead can they completely master Daewoo Group.

But none of them dare to mess around. Everyone still competes to pretend to be a filial son in front of the old man. Because the old man holds the largest share of Daewoo Group, no one knows who the old man will give the share in the end.

Song culture and Yu Ziyang left the shooting club. Half an hour later, song culture came to the villa. In the villa, Qiu Yun was bathing the Tibetan mastiff with Tang Min in the yard. He looked curious when he saw the song culture.

"Doctor Qiu, my friend wants you to see his father. What do you think? "

Song culture came to Qiu Yun and whispered that he didn't dare to put on airs in front of Qiu Yun. The words of song culture make Yu Ziyang stunned. He didn't expect that the miracle doctor mentioned by song culture was so young.

The words of song culture brightened Qiu Yun's eyes, looked up at Yu Ziyang, and finally smiled.

"Is he rich?"

Qiu Yun asked song culture in a low voice.


Song Wenhua nodded.

"How many?"

Qiu Yun's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"His annual allowance is more than my annual company profit..."

This sentence made Qiu Yun smile. For the rich, Qiu Yun likes to see a doctor for the rich. Not because of anything else, just because Qiu Yun is short of money again. He owes even the toys lost to Tang Min first.

"Come here..."

Qiu Yun waved to Yu Ziyang. Yu Ziyang was stunned by Qiu Yun's actions and subconsciously walked to Qiu Yun's side. Qiu Yun grabbed Yu Ziyang's wrist, which startled Yu Ziyang. However, Yu Ziyang did not resist. Instead, he wanted to see what happened to the miracle doctor respected by the song culture?

"Do you want to see a doctor or save your life?"

After a while, Qiu Yun looked up at Yu Ziyang. This sentence stunned Yu Ziyang and song culture.

"What do you mean?"

Yu Ziyang doesn't understand Qiu Yun's words. Qiu Yun looks at Yu Ziyang and releases his hand.

"It's easy to cure your angina. If you only see a doctor, ten million. But I'm afraid that even if you can cure your disease, you won't live long. "

Qiu Yun's voice was very quiet, especially the last sentence was heard only by Qiu Yun and Yu Ziyang. This sentence made Yu Ziyang angry.

"What do you mean?"

Yu Ziyang said angrily. If Qiu Yun hadn't seen that he had angina pectoris, Yu Ziyang would have shaken his arm and left.

"Your angina is not a disease, it's a poison, a very special poison."

Qiu Yun's words made Yu Ziyang's face change dramatically. He had this kind of angina pectoris since he was a child. He had seen many doctors and couldn't help it. Now Qiu Yun says it's poison. If so, there must be a huge conspiracy behind it.

"How much is it if I want to save my life?"

Yu Ziyang looked at Qiu Yun and asked tentatively.

"Take half of your life and give me half of your property."

Qiu Yun's words made Yu Ziyang's face very ugly. Yu Ziyang had seen greedy people and had never seen such greedy people. If you open your mouth, you want half your property.

"Aren't you afraid of dead flowers?"

Yu Ziyang stared at Qiu Yun with a gloomy face. Hearing Yu Ziyang's words, Qiu Yun showed a smile on his face.

"You can try. If I can save your life, I can kill you. Don't rush to refuse. I see a doctor first and then collect money. "

Qiu Yun's eyes were calm, but they made Yu Ziyang step back. The calm eyes just now are too terrible. The calm is a kind of indifference, an extreme indifference. As if everything in the whole world had nothing to do with it, that indifference made Yu Ziyang feel creepy.

"Well, I'll see how my life is in danger. It makes sense if you don't give me half of the property. "

Yu Ziyang took a deep breath and squinted at Qiu Yun. Yu Ziyang's words made Qiu Yun laugh, turned and squatted down to bathe the Tibetan mastiff with Tang min.

"I'm not free now. Come in the evening."

Qiu Yun said softly, which made Yu Ziyang's eyes a little angry. However, song culture has caught up with Yu Ziyang. Qiu Yun's ability song culture knows that the more capable people are, the greater their temper will be. If they really annoy him and don't treat Yu Ziyang and his father, their plan will fail.

"Well, doctor Qiu, let's come back in the evening. I'm disturbing you."

Song Culture said with a smile and hurriedly pulled Yu Ziyang away. Although Yu Ziyang was angry, he finally restrained himself and left with song culture.

"General manager song, the miracle doctor you introduced has a good temper."

Back in the car, Yu Ziyang said coldly.

"Brother Yu, only those who really have the ability are qualified to lose their temper. To tell you the truth, my body had some difficulties before. For this disease, I have traveled all over the world over the years without any way. And that little guy only had acupuncture once, and I was cured. Do you know what my fee for this disease is? That villa is mine. It has just been renovated, and I owe him a car. "

Song culture whispered, hearing the words of song culture, where is Yu Ziyang Leng. Of course, Yu Ziyang knows the value of that villa, which is worth hundreds of millions.

"Brother Yu, it's hard to say. As far as his ability is concerned, it's easy to make money. None of us can guarantee that there will be no disaster. If you are ill, you can use more money. I really offended him. In the end, we can only be unlucky. "

The words of song culture made Yu Ziyang completely curious about Qiu Yun and looked forward to meeting at night.

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