The spirit gathering array is arranged, and the whole villa is covered by the spirit gathering array. The surrounding aura poured into the villa, and the huge villa seemed to be turned on natural air conditioning. It's a little cold outside this season. But in the villa, the temperature rises a little.

People in the villa can feel this change, and the air seems to be much fresher all at once. The air can even smell the fragrance of green trees. I took a deep breath and felt warm all over.

The cultivators feel these changes more. They clearly felt the true Qi flowing in their bodies, and the aura around them suddenly increased dozens of times. This makes the cultivation of true Qi faster.

Seeing this change, Qiu Yun smiled. The villa is now full of aura. Living in such an environment, people's body will become better and better. It is moistened by aura all year round. Even if you don't exercise, your body will be much better than ordinary people. And the animals and plants here will grow much better than outside.

This is just the beginning. Over time, the villa will change even more. A spirit gathering array can increase the price of the villa many times. With this terrible aura, even if it is 100 billion, it is estimated that someone will buy it. But Qiu Yun didn't plan to sell it. After all, this is his future home.

"It seems that you have to refine more jade butterflies in the future. This is great... "

Qiu Yun couldn't help thinking that jade butterfly can not only increase his cultivation speed, but also have such an effect. In the future, I will regard it as a means of cultivation.

"Qiu Yun, what did you do?"

Liao Ying stared at Qiu Yun.

"Hey, hey, just a little trick. I set up an array. Come on, there are some gadgets here. Each person can choose one... "

Qiu Yun took out the pendant in his hand. Seeing these pendants, all women were attracted. Beautiful, so beautiful. They have never seen such a beautiful jade.

Without any hesitation, the girls took one of their favorite. Lin Shengtian also took one without hesitation, but Qiu Yun still had several.

Qiu Yun doesn't care much about these things. If he wants to, he can get them out at any time.

"Qiu Yun, did you make this?"

Tang Yueqi asked in a low voice, and Qiu Yun nodded.

"Do you want as much as you want?"

Tang Yueqi asked again.

"Of course, as long as there is jade. What shape you want, what shape you want, and how much you want. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Great, so we can auction these things directly. This time you go to the Middle East. There are many local tyrants there. You can definitely make them bleed if you get something they like... "

Tang Yueqi smiled and said that now Tang Yueqi is short of funds. Especially the working capital, and the jadeite in Qiu Yun's hand is definitely a sharp weapon to rob money. Any pendant can sell for tens of millions without any problem.

"This is a good way. I have an idea..."

Qiu Yun's eyes lit up, and then told Tang Yueqi his way. Tang Yueqi stared with excitement on her face.

"Can you really do it?"

Tang Yueqi whispered.


Qiu Yun nodded.

"OK, I'll arrange someone to prepare what you need immediately."

Tang Yueqi nodded. But he was very excited. If Qiu Yun got these things out, he would definitely take away a lot of money from those local tyrants. And there are a lot of them. If they are sold, they can rob more money. With this money, I have a lot of money on my side.

Thinking of this trip to the Middle East, Qiu Yun looked serious. This trip to the Middle East must not make any mistakes. The selected accompanying doctors must also have real ability. Only in this way can they succeed. Meanwhile, the branch construction of Ziyun club in Saudi Arabia also needs high-end atmosphere.

Qiu Yun narrowed his eyes and had some plans in mind. Qiu Yun officially began to take action, and China's foreign ministry also received an invitation from Saudi Arabia. When I saw the invitation, the whole foreign ministry was shocked.

The Saudi royal family invited Chinese doctors from the Chinese Medicine Association to Saudi Arabia for medical exchange, which shocked the foreign ministry. They are very strange to the Chinese Medicine Association. Then they immediately investigated the Chinese Medicine Association. When they saw the information of the Chinese Medicine Association, the Ministry of foreign affairs was stunned.

The Chinese Medicine Association is a non-governmental organization. It has only been established for one or two months. And the number of registered people is only five or six hundred. In addition to several vice presidents, the president turned out to be a young man of only 18 years old.

"What the hell is going on?"

The people in the foreign ministry were also stunned. I don't understand why Saudi Arabia invited people from the Chinese Medicine Association. Looking at the invitation letter, it is the highest level invitation letter in Saudi Arabia. It is signed and issued by the Saudi royal family. Generally, such an invitation letter is only signed and issued by the leaders of other countries.

Now a non-governmental organization has just been established for less than two months. He won such an honor.

The invitation letter was sent up. Some senior leaders of the Ministry of foreign affairs immediately understood what was going on when they saw Qiu Yun's name. During this time, Qiu Yun has become a topic of discussion in the circle. The new owner of Mengtian villa, the real boss of Ziyun club.

This identity alone is enough to shock many people. Besides, Qiu Yun's strong medical skills are also very abnormal. You know, even cancer can be treated well. Such medicine is naturally abnormal.

Now Qiu Yun's fame has spread all over the upper circles. In Yanjing, everyone is still discussing it. Many big guys are even talking about asking Qiu Yun to check them.

The news that Qiu Yun is in charge of Ziyun club is naturally known to everyone. The terrible medical fees also make many people depressed. This guy is a typical person who recognizes money but not people. No matter how old you are, you must honestly abide by the rules when you come here. If you don't obey the rules, I won't show you.

So now even if Qiu Yun is in charge, he goes to treatment with some symbols. There are very few real politicians. One is that they are sensitive and dare not mess around. Second, if they want Qiu Yun to treat themselves for free, they have to pay some price.

But when they see the invitation, they dare not publicize too much. They are also afraid of being a tiger head and a snake tail. The Ministry of foreign affairs just sent the invitation to the Chinese Medicine Association.

The headquarters of the Chinese Medicine Association has been built. On Changxing Island, the architectural style is completely Oriental design, just like a huge quadrangle. The headquarters of the Chinese Medicine Association covers an area of 50 mu.

Qiu Yun entered the Chinese Medicine Association. Within the Chinese Medicine Association, those Chinese doctors began to learn as if they were possessed. These materials have been sorted out in detail and are too precious for them.

They can't buy all kinds of medical experience and experience before. Now Qiu Yun bought it with a large amount of money. Qiu Yun wrote a lot of materials at the same time.

People gather firewood and the flame is high. These traditional Chinese medicine gather together. Everyone has a unique place. Exchange experience with each other, and several vice presidents are old traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who have been practicing medicine for a lifetime, and their experience is even richer.

Led by several of them, the strength of these people has improved very fast. These vice presidents have also made great progress. At first, they only came to be vice president because of Qiu Yun.

Because Qiu Yun taught them more. Qiu Yun directly showed them his medical experience and some medical skills over the years. Without reservation, these people were very experienced at the beginning.

However, Qiu Yun told them that traditional Chinese medicine is the of the whole world. Traditional Chinese medicine should not have private possession. If their medical skills are as powerful as Qiu Yun, Qiu Yun likes them more.

If they were not too old, Qiu Yun would even let them learn Zhenqi. So their medical skills are even better. During this time, after they learned these things, their medical skills improved rapidly one by one.


Seeing Qiu Yun coming in, those people looked directly at Qiu Yun with heartfelt respect on their faces. Because Qiu Yun changed their lives, not only had no worries about food and clothing, but also made their medical skills progress faster.

"Well, everyone is used to it here these days."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Of course I'm used to it..."

These doctors said with a smile that they had a very rich life during this period and could learn a lot of new things every day.

"That's good, but you may not be free next."

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, everyone was stunned and didn't know what he meant.

"I'll take you to the free clinic. The next days will be hard, but I hope you can stick to it. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, everyone's eyes lit up. Qiu Yun took them to a free clinic.

"Well, let's go back and get ready. This afternoon, we'll start. This free clinic will last for one month. "

Qiu Yun said seriously. Qiu Yun was going to Saudi Arabia soon. But now Qiu Yun decided to put off the time. Now that I am building momentum, I will build up the reputation of the Chinese Medicine Association in China.

In this way, more people can learn about traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, the association of traditional Chinese medicine will go to Saudi Arabia and start a fire again. The action in Saudi Arabia will promote traditional Chinese medicine to the whole world.

A month's free clinic is also a learning time. Qiu Yunhui will follow the whole process, and there are several vice presidents. After those people are diagnosed, Qiu Yun and vice president will diagnose again and explain the situation to them one by one. This learning method will be the most effective, especially Qiu Yun's explanation, which will benefit them a lot.

After Qiu Yun's explanation, everyone went to prepare. A motorcade also came to the Chinese Medicine Association. The huge luxury fleet looks particularly eye-catching. There are more than 30 luxury buses, each worth millions. Each bus is specially customized, and the interior is full of luxury soft bedrooms. Such luxury soft bedrooms can ensure that everyone can get the best rest here.

In addition to the bus, there are several professional medical testing vehicles. The equipment in these vehicles can even do some precision surgery here without any problem. There are several special cooking cars behind, which are specially responsible for cooking for these people.

Professional rescue vehicles, professional off-road vehicles, luxury buses, medical testing vehicles, traditional Chinese medicine processing vehicles, large trucks, and the whole fleet of vehicles add up to hundreds, which looks spectacular.

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