At the temporary office of Bashu Ziyun charity foundation, the following people received a call from Liu Wei. Then he reported the situation to Su mo.

After listening to the report, Su Mo's eyes lit up. That's a good idea. These mountain people depend on the mountains. There are many common things they think can sell at a good price outside.

However, what they lack is that they have no sales channels. If they are well organized, they are likely to turn this thing into an industry. These things can be profitable, and the profits are used to maintain the operation expenses of the team at ordinary times, and the rest is invested in the infrastructure construction of these mountain villages.

Only in this way can they really get rid of poverty and become rich. Thinking of this, Su Mo rubbed his head. It's really a complicated thing. There are too many things involved and too many things to pay attention to. But for Su Mo, it is also a big challenge.

Su Mo has never done these things before. She just sings and acts. Other things are done by agents and companies. Now, everything needs Su Mo to control. So many things also make su Mo continue to learn and become stronger.

The number of charitable funds on Zhongshan online has increased crazily, exceeding tens of billions in just one day. This huge number makes countless people jealous, especially those in poor areas. They can't wait to jump up and bite one by one. Over the years, charitable funds have always been a piece of fat for Huaxia. Most of the money has been misappropriated by local governments, but few people really get into the hands of the people.

Obviously, they don't have the money this time. All run through Ziyun charity foundation, they don't want to get any benefits at all.

Some people know the background behind Ziyun charitable foundation. In this world, who dares to move Qiu Yun's money. Qiu Yun is desperate for money. Whoever moves his money is looking for death. Now it's too late for these people to curry favor with Qiu Yun.

Su Mo rubbed his head and the funds raised by Su Mo decided to put the money into infrastructure construction. For example, to build roads for those mountain villages, the road traffic is convenient. With convenient traffic, the villagers are also convenient.

At the same time, it is also convenient for them to transport things from the mountains. For example, some places with beautiful environment can engage in tourism, breeding, farmhouse entertainment, theme Inn and so on.

Su Mo picked up his pen and began to check the village. These villages are assisted by The funds raised from are directly invested in these villages to build roads, help them transform the power network, tap water, network, etc.

With a road, electricity, tap water and optical fiber network, it will be much easier for this existence to develop.

Thinking of this road, Su Mo felt very full of fighting spirit. Now there are huge funds raised by Zhongshan. These things can be invested quickly. However, Su Mo also knows that these things must be open and transparent. To this end, Su Mo asked his men to form his own engineering team. Use your own engineering team and purchase raw materials to save costs to the greatest extent. At the same time, your own engineering team can ensure quality.

Put an end to waste, put an end to bean curd residue project, and be open and transparent. This is the real charity. Only in this way can more kind-hearted people rest assured.

The free clinic of traditional Chinese medicine has set off a vigorous charity action, and many poor areas in China have also been exposed. This action has also attracted the attention of the state. After all, the state must respond to this matter, otherwise the people will take action. It makes no sense for the state not to act.

At the moment, the most humiliated is the Huaxia Red Cross Society. A Zhongshan network can raise tens of billions of funds, but few people in the Red Cross Society donate. This shows how bad the reputation of the Chinese Red Cross is now.

There are many charitable organizations in China, but the charitable activities in China are somewhat chaotic. I have been doing charity for so many years, but I haven't seen any real change. Because most of these charities are face projects or one hammer deals. For example, you donate a primary school or something. But they didn't consider the teacher and the follow-up work.

Ziyun charitable foundation is taking action, but the most eye-catching is the free clinic of traditional Chinese medicine. Those doctors diagnose during the day and rest in the car at night. It's like taking the bus home.

In addition to diagnosis, these doctors also summarize their own medical experience every day. In the process of medical practice, they have gained a lot of experience and their medical skills are improving rapidly.

Taking them out for free clinic is to let them improve their medical skills. They can only apply what they have learned, and their diagnostic experience is uploaded to the cloud and summarized.

At the same time, the records of those patients are also stored, and everyone has established a personal health record.

"After this free clinic, you will go to each village for treatment. The time is tentatively set as one year. When new members are recruited, they will rotate... "

On the bus, Qiu Yun chatted with everyone and whispered. Everyone nodded at Qiu Yun's words. Visiting these poor areas and giving free treatment to patients in these poor areas is also a follow-up charity action.

The money is provided by Ziyun charitable foundation, but the wages of these people are still provided by Ziyun hospital. In other words, although they sit in poor mountain villages, their income does not decrease.

These doctors not only know traditional Chinese medicine, but also western medicine. After all, at this time, some diseases still need western medicine. However, it is mainly traditional Chinese medicine, and this can also let more people know the power of traditional Chinese medicine.

Sitting in the car, Qiu Yun smiled. In fact, the biggest harvest of free clinic is the whole traditional Chinese medicine industry. Chinese medicine was too low-key before. It's true that many people bring traditional Chinese medicine and liars together. After all, some people who sell Dali pills and shit plasters are called old Chinese medicine, and many people are deceived by the so-called health products. In particular, some hospitals of Putian department have deceived many people.

Now this free clinic has made the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine ring in China. The Chinese Medicine Association has also received the attention of the whole Chinese medicine industry. During this period, many Chinese medicine practitioners have applied to join the Chinese Medicine Association. However, Qiu Yun did not blindly absorb these traditional Chinese medicine. Now is not the time. When we come back from the Middle East, it is time for the Chinese Medicine Association to take action. At that time, the members of the Chinese Medicine Association are not only an identity, but also a certification of strength.

This certification is related to the personal interests of traditional Chinese medicine. Certified traditional Chinese medicine, if you open your own clinic, your business may be very good. At the same time, the guild will also provide some special drugs and traditional Chinese medicine within the guild, and can also learn from its own cloud system.

Every traditional Chinese medicine is a point, they will radiate more people. Only when more and more people use traditional Chinese medicine will the influence of traditional Chinese medicine become greater and greater. The development of the whole industry is the best for traditional Chinese medicine.

In the live room, Qiu Yun's No. 1 live room has risen to 50 million people, and Qiu Yun's video of seeing a doctor is wildly circulated on the Internet. Some people are surprised and some people doubt it. After all, Qiu Yun's performance is too abnormal. Two hands feel the pulse at the same time, terrible acupuncture, powerful medical skills, and every patient is seriously ill, and these patients seem to have no problems in his hands.

Qiu Yun suddenly became a new generation of Internet Celebrities, stronger than those Internet Celebrities. And in the studio, you can't give gifts. But Betta thought of other ways, that is to get through with Zhongshan. You can log in to the account of Zhongshan directly on the betta website and make donations directly when watching the live broadcast.

For several days, the free clinic became more and more lively. Many TV reporters followed them. In addition to the TV reporters, there are many volunteer teams following them. The huge team is getting bigger and bigger, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger.

The bus is moving forward. It has begun to rain on the highway and the temperature outside is falling rapidly. After all, it's early December, and many places are already very cold.

"President, President..."

The sudden sound woke Qiu Yun up.

"What's the matter?"

Qiu Yun asked quickly.

"President, a major accident occurred two kilometers ahead..."

A staff member whispered that Qiu Yun hurriedly looked out. At the moment, the team had stopped. It was raining harder and harder outside. It was night again.

"Immediately inform the people behind and ask them to intercept the vehicles behind. Come on, tell our people to get off and go to the rescue... "

Qiu Yun said loudly. He asked someone to open the door directly. He didn't even have a raincoat and went out directly.

"Quickly, inform the blood collection vehicle to collect blood immediately. A large amount of plasma must be needed in front. And let everyone stand up... "

A middle-aged man also commanded quickly, and the news of a major accident on the highway has been reported. So many TV stations. At the same time, the police have also got the news, closed the intersection and told them that the ambulance has come. However, due to too many rear end vehicles and this time, it will take some time for the ambulance to come.

Qiu Yun ran all the way. Seeing the tragic situation ahead, he looked serious. A series of rear end accidents controlled and platoon of hundreds of cars, including several buses.

"Come on, start the rescue immediately..."

Qiu Yun shouted, and everyone in the team rushed over. The rain outside is getting crazy. Qiu Yun doesn't even wear a raincoat. It's no use wearing a raincoat in such a heavy rain.

"Doctor, save the child, save the child..."

One of the injured shouted. Qiu Yun came directly and watched the child get stuck in the car. The doors were crushed. Seeing this scene, Qiu Yun directly grabbed the door and grabbed it with force. The solid door was directly dragged off by Qiu Yun. This scene made everyone stare.

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