Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 218 Do you know him?

This person is really out of control, he actually gave the order to kill Bai Shui and wanted to occupy Aqi.

But he didn't know that his words offended Bai Shui's Ni Lin.

Dragons have inverse scales, which can kill you if you touch them.

"Since you want to kill me, then please go die first!"

Seeing a group of people rushing towards him with fierce faces, a bloodthirsty smile curled up at the corner of Bai Shui's mouth.

Then, there was only a roar of wind and thunder on the spot, and all the strong men fell to the ground, with a blood hole on their foreheads.

Then, Bai Shui appeared and shook off the blood on his hands.


Seeing that Bai Shui had dealt with so many people in an instant, the man couldn't help but gasped, and couldn't help but step back.

The surrounding crowd couldn't help being startled, with shock in their eyes.

"Are you okay!"

But Bai Shui walked up to the old man, gently helped him up, and asked softly.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

The old man's face was full of gratitude, but Bai Shui felt a pain in his heart when he saw the skinny palm like a chicken's claw.

Who made these people suffer so much.

"Who the hell are you!" The man pointed at Bai Shui and asked loudly.

"You don't care who I am, but since you dare to mess with your mind, don't blame me!"

Bai Shui came in front of this man, grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up, and threw him on the wall behind him.


A huge human-shaped trace exploded on the wall, and this person was deeply embedded in it.

Everyone felt that the ground was trembling, and they looked at Bai Shui with horror in their eyes.

Who would have thought that Bai Shui didn't look very strong, but he had such a strong force.

"What's going on, what are you doing here, why don't you get out of here, have you paid all the expenses?"

"Since you are so free, then triple the fee tomorrow!"

At this moment, a very arrogant tone was heard, and a trace of fear flashed across the faces of the crowd, and they automatically moved out of the way.

And because of his words, all the people suddenly showed a dejected look, dejected.

But no one dared to protest, and they all endured resignedly.

"Yo, there's a little girl here, haha, very good, take it back for me, sir, I'm going to take it back to tune/teach myself tonight!"

As soon as that person appeared, the entire restaurant area fell silent.

His military rank is Colonel/Colonel, a very ordinary Colonel/Colonel, not a Colonel/Colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

He was followed by a group of fifty people, all standing with guns, and they didn't look very easy to mess with.

"Hey, who the hell, hurry up and catch him, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Any act of destroying public facilities on the island and beating others at will must be punished by the official!"

The colonel looked at Baishuidao proudly, as if he regarded himself as the master of the island, and did not allow anyone to resist his will.

But he was right.

He is the colonel/colonel of the naval branch in charge of the island, and the entire island is under his jurisdiction.

Here, he is the Emperor of Earth, covering the sky with one hand.

"Oh, is it so?"

Bai Shui turned around and looked at the Colonel/Colonel with a half-smile smile on his face.

But those who are familiar with him know that this is a sign of Baishui's anger.

Having been offended against Ni Lin twice, he has reached the brink of eruption.

But after all, he is no longer the Baishui before.

If it was before, I am afraid that he would have rushed out to beat this person up now.

"Do you know him?" Bai Shui asked the old man with his right hand spread flat in front of him.

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