Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 227 Is this guy a monster?

"call out!"

Bai Shui's wings spread out behind his back, and the flapping fan extended in front of him, forming a shield, and then he was knocked into the air.

"Oh, finally hit him!"

Seeing this, the crew couldn't help cheering, with happy smiles on their faces.

"It's not that easy, he is no ordinary enemy!"

But Ace knew Baishui's strength very well, and it was absolutely impossible to be defeated by such a blow.

But this is a good opportunity, and of course he will pursue the victory.

"Cross fire!"

Ace crossed his hands, and flames burst out, burning blazingly, and then, a cross star-like flame flew out, directly hitting the white water in the sky.


Baishui was hit directly, and a big explosion occurred in the air.


Ace's crew shouted happily, as if Baishui had been defeated by Ace.

"Should be injured now... right!"

Ace couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to see something terrible, his eyes widened like lanterns.

Bai Shui, withstood two blows from him, and was unscathed! ! !

He originally thought that this kind of attack should be able to hurt Baishui a little bit, but he didn't expect that Baishui was so powerful that nothing happened after being hit twice.

"As expected of a big pirate with a reward of 400 million, it's really scary!"

Bai Shui pretended to have an expression of the rest of his life after a catastrophe, and stood still in the air.

"Okay, then it's time for my performance!"

"Flying particles of light!"

Bai Shui said in a low voice, the left pistol appeared, the energy gathered, and a large fist-sized light wave flew out, making Ace who faced this move widen his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yang Yan!"

Ace roared, spreading his hands and a flame stretched out, covering the entire ship under the protection of the flame.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

However, the final effect was not as good as Ace thought.

After these fist-sized light clusters passed through the flames, they bombarded the ship with great force. Under Ace's unwilling gaze, they destroyed the ship at a very high speed.


Ace screamed in pain, but there was nothing he could do.

"call out!"

The white water in the sky suddenly disappeared, and then appeared next to Ace. Ace's pupils shrank, but he had no time to react.


Ace was kicked out by Bai Shui, and he vomited blood and returned. Like a cannonball, he pierced through the air at a high speed and set off a strong wind, and hit a small island not far away.

"As for you, let me let you go!"

Bai Shui glanced at Aqi's three crew members lightly, and then swept away, and the whole person seemed to move, and arrived on the small island.

"How did you hit me, my body is natural!"

Ace stood up, wiped the blood off his face, looked at Bai Shui in shock and asked.

"Hehe, you will understand later!"

Hearing Ace's words, Bai Shui chuckled, and then stomped heavily, like a phantom, leaping towards him, whipping his legs to shine light, and went straight to Ace's chest.


With the experience just now, Ace didn't dare to use elementalization to avoid Baishui's attack, and reached out to block it.


Ace's body couldn't help trembling, his face flushed instantly, and he couldn't help but retreat a few steps away.

"What a powerful force!"

Ace only felt that his whole arm was numb, and the hand just now was completely unable to move.

"Light Particle Cannon!"

But Baishui didn't give Ace a chance to breathe. He raised his hand and fired a cannon, roaring through the air.

"Da Yan Jie Yan Emperor!"

Ace's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and without even thinking about it, it was the strongest move to deal with it.

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