Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 237 Betting with Baishui

"One minute? You underestimate the boss, don't you think it's thirty seconds at most!"

"Thirty seconds? No, no, twenty-five seconds!"

"Where it takes twenty-five seconds, I see, it only takes fifteen seconds!"

A group of people were discussing happily, but no one was optimistic about Baishui.

They never thought, why can't this sentence be said in reverse?

How long will it take Whitewater to defeat Sokos?

It's not that they don't think so, but because he doesn't feel that Baishui is Sokos' opponent at all.

The strength gap between the two is too great.

"Haha, did you hear that? Everyone thinks you can't beat me, but you have no chance to quit!"

"But I'm kinder, so that's good. The loser kneels down and kowtows five times to the winner."

"Then yell three times that I was wrong, I dare not, and then give that dress to the winner, how about it!"

Sokus had a good plan, and he wanted to make Bai Shui look bad.

"This is too insulting, why don't you change it!"

Hearing this, Bai Shui frowned and questioned, trying to revise this rule.

"Why, I'm afraid, that's okay, I'm wrong to call three times now, today's matter can be canceled like this!"

Sokus thought that Baishui proposed to modify the rules because he was afraid, and immediately refused.

But how did he know that Bai Shui was just worried that he would go back on his word.

"Well, if you are only like this, then I have no choice but to promise you!"

"No problem, everything is up to you, as long as you are happy!"

Bai Shui readily agreed, there is no problem.

In his eyes, Sokus is the scum of this war, which makes him unable to even raise the slightest emotion.

"Both, get ready, let's start!"

Following the referee's order, the two moved at the same time.


I saw Sokus' hands and arms instantly covered with a layer of black gas, armed with a domineering look.

It's normal for him to do this.

"It's armed and domineering, a unique skill that is said to only be known to pirates from the new world!"

"Hey, I'd like to see, how do you take this move!" Sokus grinned, and with a jerk, he disillusioned, and there was a burst of wind.

"Oh, it's the Navy's sixth style of shaving. It appears. The boss's unique high-speed combat method, and only the boss in the entire navy knows it!" The crowd onlookers praised.

"Haha, look at him, he was completely stunned there, he was so frightened!"

Everyone cast their eyes on Baishui again, only to see him standing still, like a piece of wood, completely unaware of Sokus appearing from behind him.

"Admit defeat!"

Sokus appeared behind Bai Shui with a whoosh, punching through the air, just when he thought the punch would hit Bai Shui.

Bai Shui actually stretched out his hand and grabbed his fist, yes, it was a very casual feeling.

But he had a feeling of being clamped by iron tongs, no matter how hard he tried, his fist couldn't move the slightest.

"How can it be!"

Sokus turned pale with fright, since he was a child, no one of his generation has ever been able to do this.

But before he came back to his senses, a handsome fist began to enlarge in his eyes. The speed of this fist was obviously very slow, but he just couldn't dodge it.

"How is it possible? I'm not the one who loses in this way!" Sokus yelled in horror in his heart.


But no matter how unwilling he was, he was blown away by Bai Shui's punch, his sternum was shattered, he vomited blood, and fell heavily on the ground.

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